Which DBMS is suitable for my needs? - database

I'm working on a project aimed to analyze biometric data collected from various terminals. The process is not very performance critical. Rather it's I/O bounded. Amount of data is very huge. (hundreds of millions records per table). Unfortunately database is relational. And there are 20 foreign keys. Changing values of referenced keys is very common during completion of job. So there will be lots of UPDATE and SET NULL s during collecting data.
Currently, semantics of database is designed. All programs are almost completed, and also a MySQL prototype for database is created. It works fine with sample (small-scale) data.
I do a search to find a suitable DBMS for the project. Googling around "DBMS comparisons" ,... didn't help. People say antithesis things. Some say MySQL will perform faster inserts and updates, some say Oracle9 is better...
I can't find any reliable, benchmark-based comparison between DBMS. I use MySQL in everyday projects, but this one looks more critical.
What we need:
License and cost of DBMS is not important, but of course an open source (GPL or LGPL) is preferred (since whole project is will be published under LGPL).
Very fast inserts, very fast updates, a lot of foreign keys is needed.
DBMS should response to 0 - 100 connections at a time.
Terminals are connected to server by a local network (LAN).
What I'm actually looking for, is a benchmark of various DBMS's. It may contain charts, separated comparisons of different operations (insert, update, delete) in various situations (on a relation with referenced fields, or normal table)...

For this sort of answer, I would recommend PostgreSQL, Informix, or Oracle. PostgreSQL is open source (BSDL, GPL compatible, as everyone agrees). The reasons have to do with some aspects of data modelling that may be extremely helpful in your case. In general you have two important questions:
1) How far can I tune my db for what I am doing? How far can I scale it?
2) How can I model my data?
On the first, Oracle and PostgreSQL are more complex but more flexible. That flexibility may come in handy. On the second, the flexibility may save you a lot of effort later. Moreover it opens up new doors regarding optimization which are not possible in a straight relational model. First I would recommend looking at this: http://db.cs.berkeley.edu/papers/Informix/www.informix.com/informix/corpinfo/zines/whitpprs/illuswp/wave.htm as it will give you some background as to what I am thinking. Additionally, if you look at what Stonebraker is talking about you will see that straight benchmarks are really an apples to oranges comparison here.
The idea of going with an ORDBMS means a few important things:
You can model data functionally dependent on your data. For example you can have a function in Java or Python which manipulates your data and returns a result. You can index the output of those functions, trading insert for select performance if you need to, or not, trading between insert and select performance.
Less data being stored means faster inserts.
An ability to extend your data with custom types and functions, providing higher performance access to your data.
PostgreSQL 9.2 will support up to approx 14000 writes per sec on sufficient hardware, which is nothing to sneeze at. Of course this depends on the width of the write, hardware performance on the server, etc. PostgreSQL is used by Affilias to manage the .org and .info top-level domains (web-scale!) and also by Skype's infrastructure (still, even after Microsoft bought them).
Finally as a part of your information pipeline, if you are processing huge amounts of data and need to do some preprocessing before sending to PostgreSQL, you might look at array-native db's (for a NoSQL approach common in scientific work) or VoltDB (for an in-memory store for high-throughput processing). Despite the fact that they are extremely different systems, VoltDB and Postgres were actually started by the same individual.
Finally regarding benchmark charts, the major db vendors more or less ban publication of such in their license agreements so you won't find them.


Double index within a noSQL database

I am working on creating a database to store three things. Let's say Experiment, Measure, metadata. The metadata is composed of a set of variable number and type of attributes, thus making the choice of a NoSQL attractive.
I need two simple queries over the database:
1) Give me the metadata of all the experiments with a given value of Measure.
2) Give me the metadata of all the measures for a Experiment.
And my main requirements are:
1) Tons of data. Each Experiment can come with millions of possible measures (and of course the metadata), and I expect tenths of thousands of Experiments.
2) Concurrency. I would like to have fast concurrent read/write because at any given point in time I may be running 10-20 experiments, and they will want to write millions of measures at the same time.
I've tried MongoDB, but it is slow due to the write locks. I would like to have something faster. Additionally, it does not handle well one of my queries, as I basically need two indexes here. I am considering as an alternative Titan, just because it seems natural to think of experiments an measures as nodes, and connect them with edges. Hypertable seems another possibility if I can find a way of doing both queries fast.
There are so many noSQL databases out there that I may be missing the right one for my needs. Suggestions?
Have you looked into NewSQL databases that could fit your needs? I suggest that you take a closer look at Starcounter that is true ACID, no locks on the writes and supports indexing on basic properties as well as combined indexes.
I think a transactional database that is object oriented and memory centric would suit your demands. You can then have different Experiments and Measures that derives the same class and you can select to query each type as well as query the ineherited types separately.
If you do not have more than TB of data you do not need a big data database that you have looked into so far. They are really good at what they do, but I think you should look into the other spectrum of NoSQL databases. When using an in-memory (all writes secured on persistent storage media of course) database that is object oriented you get about 4 times compressions compared to relational databases, so the TB of data would often be enaugh.
It is really hard to find your way around in the jungle of databases today, so I understand the difficulty of finding something that fits your requirements. In your case - my 5 cents on a transactional NoSQL database that is true ACID and with SQL query support!

What's the attraction of schemaless database systems?

I've been hearing a lot of talk about schema-less (often distributed) database systems like MongoDB, CouchDB, SimpleDB, etc...
While I can understand they might be valuable for some purposes, in most of my applications I'm trying to persist objects that have a specific number of fields of a specific type, and I just automatically think in the relational model. I'm always thinking in terms of rows with unique integer ids, null/not null fields, SQL datatypes, and select queries to find sets.
While I'm attracted to the distributed nature and easy JSON/RESTful interfaces of these new systems, I don't understand how loosely typed key/value hashes will help me with my development. Why would a loose typed, schema-less system be good for keeping clean data sets? How can I for example, find all items with dates between x and y when they might not have dates? Is there any concept of a join?
I understand many systems have their own differences and strengths, but I'm wondering at the difference in paradigm. I suppose this is an open-ended question, but perhaps the community's answers and ways they have personally seen the advantages of these systems will help enlighten me and others about when I would want to make use of these (admittedly more hip) systems instead of the traditional RDBMS.
I'll just call out one or two common reasons (I'm sure people will be writing essay answers)
With highly distributed systems, any given data set may be spread across multiple servers. When that happens, the relational constraints which the DB engine can guarantee are greatly reduced. Some of your referential integrity will need to be handled in application code. When doing so, you will quickly discover several pain points:
your logic is spread across multiple layers (app and db)
your logic is spread across multiple languages (SQL and your app language of choice)
The outcome is that the logic is less encapsulated, less portable, and MUCH more expensive to change. Many devs find themselves writing more logic in app code and less in the database. Taken to the extreme, the database schema becomes irrelevant.
Schema management—especially on systems where downtime is not an option—is difficult. reducing the schema complexity reduces that difficulty.
ACID doesn't work very well for distributed systems (BASE, CAP, etc). The SQL language (and the entire relational model to a certain extent) is optimized for a transactional ACID world. So some of the SQL language features and best practices are useless while others are actually harmful. Some developers feel uncomfortable about "against the grain" and prefer to drop SQL entirely in favor of a language which was designed from the ground up for their requirements.
Cost: most RDBMS systems aren't free. The leaders in scaling (Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server) are all commercial products. When dealing with large ("web scale") systems, database licensing costs can meet or exceed the hardware costs! The costs are high enough to change the normal build/buy considerations drastically towards building a custom solution on top of an OSS offering (all the significant NOSQL offerings are OSS)
The primary concern should be what do you need to do with your data. If you have a huge data set and are finding a traditional RDBMS to be a bottleneck then you may want to experiment with a schemaless or a a NOSQL solution.
Most environments that I am aware of using NOSQL solutions also use an RDBMS solution in some form or fashion. RDBMS based solutions are the norm where data integrity is extremely important and you need ACID transactions. However if your system is not highly transaction based but you need to scale up or scale out real quick, a NOSQL solution may be desirable.
Schemaless is great for two reasons:
Brain optimising intuitiveness of document storage
Resolves Sparse-Matrix and Entity-Attribute-Value storage problems.
I've used both SQL and No-SQL for production applications in Ruby on Rails. I'm not a database expert and I have to confess to googling ACID and similar terms as they're not familiar to me.
"Ah ha! Another know-nothing trend follower jumping on the latest bandwagon" you may say. But, actually, I'm really pleased with my decision to use MongoDB on our most recent 2 year old app and here's why...
The flip-side of brain-optimising intuitiveness was my experience with the Magento e-commerce system. I don't want to bash it because it served me well at the time but it really hit the processor hard trying to calculate the attributes for each product. The underlying reason was the Entity-Attribute-Value store of product data. Cache or be damned was the solution.
The major advantage to me is the optimisation in the only place that really matters - your own brain. So many technologies are critiqued on their efficiency in memory, processors, hardware and yet having a DB that's extremely intuitive to understand brings its own merits. We've found it quick to add features to our code because the database simply looks a lot like the real world we're modelling. When I've asked e-commerce clients to present me with their product list they will naturally tend to use Excel (think table store). The first columns are easy:
Product Name
Product Type (
Then it gets harder and covered in notes, colour coding and links to other tables (yep.. relationships)
Colour (Only some products)
Size (X Large, Large, Small) - only for products 8'9'10, golf clubs use a different scale
Colour 2. The cat collars have two colour choices.
Fixing type (Male, Female)
So it ends in a terrible mess of Excel tables that make no sense to me and not much sense to the people who work with the products day in and day out. We throw our arms in the air and decide to go through the catalogue and then it hits me! Wouldn't it be great if you could store the data as it appears in the catalogue!? Just collections of records on each product that just lists the attribute of that product. You can then pick out common attributes to index for retrieval at a later date. Of course, that's a document store.
In summary, document stores are great when you have a sparse matrix problem or objects that mutate their attributes over time. Having lived in a No-SQL world for 2 years, I can't think of a real world application that doesn't have those features because the world itself looks like a document store.
I've only played with MongoDB but one thing that really interested me was how you could nest documents. In MongoDB a document is basically like a record. This is really nice because traditionally, in a RDBMS, if you needed to pull a "Person" record and get the associated address, employer info, etc. you'd frequently have to go to multiple tables, join them up, make multiple database calls. In a NoSQL solution like MongoDB, you can just nest the associated records (documents) and not have to mess with foreign keys, joining, multiple database calls. Everything associated with that one record is pulled.
This is especially handy when dealing with objects. You can in many cases just store an object as a series of nested documents.
NoSQL databases are not schemaless; the schema is embedded in the data. They are properly called semistructured. In some KV data stores, however, the schema may even be embedded in code. The advantage of the semi-structured approach is two fold: flexibility in which columns are part of a row (one row could have 5 columns and another have 5 different columns, and flexibility in the characteristics of the columns (e.g., variable lengths)
Normally the attraction is that of snake oil - most people favourising them have no clue about the relational theorem and speak SQL on a level making professionals puke. No idea what ACID conditions are, ehy they are important etc.
Not saying they do not have valid uses.... just saying that mostly the attraction is people not knowing what they should know and making stupid conclusions. Again, not everyone is like that, but most developers favouring them are - not good in their understanding what a database system acutally is responsible for.

When NOT to use Cassandra? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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There has been a lot of talk related to Cassandra lately.
Twitter, Digg, Facebook, etc all use it.
When does it make sense to:
use Cassandra,
not use Cassandra, and
use a RDMS instead of Cassandra.
There is nothing like a silver bullet, everything is built to solve specific problems and has its own pros and cons. It is up to you, what problem statement you have and what is the best fitting solution for that problem.
I will try to answer your questions one by one in the same order you asked them. Since Cassandra is based on the NoSQL family of databases, it's important you understand why use a NoSQL database before I answer your questions.
Why use NoSQL
In the case of RDBMS, making a choice is quite easy because all the databases like MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL in this category offer almost the same kind of solutions oriented toward ACID properties. When it comes to NoSQL, the decision becomes difficult because every NoSQL database offers different solutions and you have to understand which one is best suited for your app/system requirements. For example, MongoDB is fit for use cases where your system demands a schema-less document store. HBase might be fit for search engines, analyzing log data, or any place where scanning huge, two-dimensional join-less tables is a requirement. Redis is built to provide In-Memory search for varieties of data structures like trees, queues, linked lists, etc and can be a good fit for making real-time leaderboards, pub-sub kind of system. Similarly there are other databases in this category (Including Cassandra) which are fit for different problem statements. Now lets move to the original questions, and answer them one by one.
When to use Cassandra
Being a part of the NoSQL family, Cassandra offers a solution for problems where one of your requirements is to have a very heavy write system and you want to have a quite responsive reporting system on top of that stored data. Consider the use case of Web analytics where log data is stored for each request and you want to built an analytical platform around it to count hits per hour, by browser, by IP, etc in a real time manner. You can refer to this blog post to understand more about the use cases where Cassandra fits in.
When to Use a RDMS instead of Cassandra
Cassandra is based on a NoSQL database and does not provide ACID and relational data properties. If you have a strong requirement for ACID properties (for example Financial data), Cassandra would not be a fit in that case. Obviously, you can make a workaround for that, however you will end up writing lots of application code to simulate ACID properties and will lose on time to market badly. Also managing that kind of system with Cassandra would be complex and tedious for you.
When not to use Cassandra
I don't think it needs to be answered if the above explanation makes sense.
When evaluating distributed data systems, you have to consider the CAP theorem - you can pick two of the following: consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
Cassandra is an available, partition-tolerant system that supports eventual consistency. For more information see this blog post I wrote: Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems.
Cassandra is the answer to a particular problem: What do you do when you have so much data that it does not fit on one server ? How do you store all your data on many servers and do not break your bank account and not make your developers insane ? Facebook gets 4 Terabyte of new compressed data EVERY DAY. And this number most likely will grow more than twice within a year.
If you do not have this much data or if you have millions to pay for Enterprise Oracle/DB2 cluster installation and specialists required to set it up and maintain it, then you are fine with SQL database.
However Facebook no longer uses cassandra and now uses MySQL almost exclusively moving the partitioning up in the application stack for faster performance and better control.
The general idea of NoSQL is that you should use whichever data store is the best fit for your application. If you have a table of financial data, use SQL. If you have objects that would require complex/slow queries to map to a relational schema, use an object or key/value store.
Of course just about any real world problem you run into is somewhere in between those two extremes and neither solution will be perfect. You need to consider the capabilities of each store and the consequences of using one over the other, which will be very much specific to the problem you are trying to solve.
Besides the answers given above about when to use and when not to use Cassandra, if you do decide to use Cassandra you may want to consider not using Cassandra itself, but one of the its many cousins out there.
Some answers above already pointed to various "NoSQL" systems which share many properties with Cassandra, with some small or large differences, and may be better than Cassandra itself for your specific needs.
Additionally, recently (several years after this question was originally asked), a Cassandra clone called Scylla (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scylla_(database)) was released. Scylla is an open-source re-implementation of Cassandra in C++, which claims to have significantly higher throughput and lower latencies than the original Java Cassandra, while being mostly compatible with it (in features, APIs, and file formats). So if you're already considering Cassandra, you may want to consider Scylla as well.
I will focus here on some of the important aspects which can help you to decide if you really need Cassandra. The list is not exhaustive, just some of the points which I have at top of my mind-
Don't consider Cassandra as the first choice when you have a strict requirement on the relationship (across your dataset).
Cassandra by default is AP system (of CAP). But, it supports tunable consistency which means it can be configured to support as CP as well. So don't ignore it just because you read somewhere that it's AP and you are looking for CP systems. Cassandra is more accurately termed “tuneably consistent,” which means it allows you to easily decide the level of consistency you require, in balance with the level of availability.
Don't use Cassandra if your scale is not much or if you can deal with a non-distributed DB.
Think harder if your team thinks that all your problems will be solved if you use distributed DBs like Cassandra. To start with these DBs is very simple as it comes with many defaults but optimizing and mastering it for solving a specific problem would require a good (if not a lot) amount of engineering effort.
Cassandra is column-oriented but at the same time each row also has a unique key. So, it might be helpful to think of it as an indexed, row-oriented store. You can even use it as a document store.
Cassandra doesn't force you to define the fields beforehand. So, if you are in a startup mode or your features are evolving (as in agile) - Cassandra embraces it. So better, first think about queries and then think about data to answer them.
Cassandra is optimized for really high throughput on writes. If your use case is read-heavy (like cache) then Cassandra might not be an ideal choice.
Right. It makes sense to use Cassandra when you have a huge amount of data, a huge number of queries but very little variety of queries. Cassandra basically works by partitioning and replicating. If all your queries will be based on the same partition key, Cassandra is your best bet. If you get a query on an attribute that is not the partition key, Cassandra allows you to replicate the whole data with a new partition key. So now you have 2 replicas of the same data with 2 different partition keys.
Which brings me to your next question. When not to use Cassandra. As I mentioned, Cassandra scales by replicating the complete database for every new partitioning key. But you can't keep making new copies again and again. So when you have a high variety in queries i.e. each query has a different column in the where clause, Cassandra is not a good option.
Now for the third question. The whole point of using RDBMS is when you want the ACID properties. If you are building something like a payment service and want each transaction to be isolated, each transaction to either complete or not happen at all, changes to be persistent despite system failure, and the money to be consistent across bank accounts before and after the transaction completes, an RDBMS is the only option that will help you achieve this.
This article actually explains the whole thing, especially when to use Cassandra or not (as opposed to some other NoSQL option) part of the question -> Choosing the best Database. Do check it out.
EDIT: To answer the question in the comments by proximab, when we think of banking systems we immidiately think "ACID is the best solution". But even banking systems are made up of several subsystems that might not even be dealing with any transaction related data like account holder's personal information, account statements, credit card details, credit histories, etc.
All of this information needs to be stored in some database or the another. Now if you store the account related information like account balance, that is something that needs to be consistent at all times. For example, if you try to send money from account A to account B, then the money that disappears from account A should instantaneousy show up in account B, and it cannot be present in both accounts at the same time. This system cannot be inconsistant at any point. This is where ACID is of utmost importance.
On the other hand if you are saving credit card details or credit histories, that should not get into the wrong hands, then you need something that allows access only to authorised users. That I believe is supported by Cassandra. That said, data like credit history and credit card transactions, I think that is an ever increasing data. Also there is only so much yo can query on this data i.e. it has a very finite number of queries. These two conditions make Cassandra a perfect solution.
Talking with someone in the midst of deploying Cassandra, it doesn't handle the many-to-many well. They are doing a hack job to do their initial testing. I spoke with a Cassandra consultant about this and he said he wouldn't recommend it if you had this problem set.
You should ask your self the following questions:
(Volume, Velocity) Will you be writing and reading TONS of information , so much information that no one computer could handle the writes.
(Global) Will you need this writing and reading capability around the world so that the writes in one part of the world are accessible in another part of the world?
(Reliability) Do you need this database to be up and running all the time and never go down regardless of which Cloud, which country, whether it's VM , Container, or Bare metal?
(Scale-ability) Do you need this database to be able to continue to grow easily and scale linearly
(Consistency) Do you need TUNABLE consistency where some writes can happen asynchronously where as others need to be certified?
(Skill) Are you willing to do what it takes to learn this technology and the data modeling that goes with creating a globally distributed database that can be fast for everyone, everywhere?
If for any of these questions you thought "maybe" or "no," you should use something else. If you had "hell yes" as an answer to all of them, then you should use Cassandra.
Use RDBMS when you can do everything on one box. It's probably easier than most and anyone can work with it.
Heavy single query vs. gazillion light query load is another point to consider, in addition to other answers here. It's inherently harder to automatically optimize a single query in a NoSql-style DB. I've used MongoDB and ran into performance issues when trying to calculate a complex query. I haven't used Cassandra but I expect it to have the same issue.
On the other hand, if your load is expected to be that of very many small queries, and you want to be able to easily scale out, you could take advantage of eventual consistency that is offered by most NoSql DBs. Note that eventual consistency is not really a feature of a non-relational data model, but it is much easier to implement and to set up in a NoSql-based system.
For a single, very heavy query, any modern RDBMS engine can do a decent job parallelizing parts of the query and take advantage of as much CPU and memory you throw at it (on a single machine). NoSql databases don't have enough information about the structure of the data to be able to make assumptions that will allow truly intelligent parallelization of a big query. They do allow you to easily scale out more servers (or cores) but once the query hits a complexity level you are basically forced to split it apart manually to parts that the NoSql engine knows how to deal with intelligently.
In my experience with MongoDB, in the end because of the complexity of the query there wasn't much Mongo could do to optimize it and run parts of it on multiple data. Mongo parallelizes multiple queries but isn't so good at optimizing a single one.
Let's read some real world cases:
In this article: http://planetcassandra.org/blog/post/agentis-energy-stores-over-15-billion-records-of-time-series-usage-data-in-apache-cassandra
They elaborated the reason why they didn't choose MySql is because db synchronization is too slow.
(Also due to 2-phrase commit, FK, PK)
Cassandra is based on Amazon Dynamo paper
High availability
Backup performs well
Read and Write is better than HBase, (BigTable clone in java).
wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Cassandra
Their Conclusion is:
We looked at HBase, Dynamo, Mongo and Cassandra.
Cassandra was simply the best storage solution for the majority of our data.
As of 2018,
I would recommend using ScyllaDB to replace classic cassandra, if you need back support.
Postgres kv plugin is also quick than cassandra. How ever won't have multi-instance scalability.
another situation that makes the choice easier is when you want to use aggregate function like sum, min, max, etcetera and complex queries (like in the financial system mentioned above) then a relational database is probably more convenient then a nosql database since both are not possible on a nosql databse unless you use really a lot of Inverted indexes. When you do use nosql you would have to do the aggregate functions in code or store them seperatly in its own columnfamily but this makes it all quite complex and reduces the performance that you gained by using nosql.
Cassandra is a good choice if:
You don't require the ACID properties from your DB.
There would be massive and huge number of writes on the DB.
There is a requirement to integrate with Big Data, Hadoop, Hive and Spark.
There is a need of real time data analytics and report generations.
There is a requirement of impressive fault tolerant mechanism.
There is a requirement of homogenous system.
There is a requirement of lots of customisation for tuning.
If you need a fully consistent database with SQL semantics, Cassandra is NOT the solution for you. Cassandra supports key-value lookups. It does not support SQL queries. Data in Cassandra is "eventually consistent". Concurrent lookups of data may be inconsistent, but eventually lookups are consistent.
If you need strict semantics and need support for SQL queries, choose another solution such as MySQL, PostGres, or combine use of Cassandra with Solr.
Apache cassandra is a distributed database for managing large amounts of structured data across many commodity servers, while providing highly available service and no single point of failure.
The archichecture is purely based on the cap theorem, which is availability , and partition tolerance, and interestingly eventual consistently.
Dont Use it, if your not storing volumes of data across racks of clusters,
Dont use if you are not storing Time series data,
Dont Use if you not patitioning your servers,
Dont use if you require strong Consistency.
Mongodb has very powerful aggregate functions and an expressive aggregate framework. It has many of the features developers are accustomed to using from the relational database world. It's document data/storage structure allows for more complex data models than Cassandra, for example.
All this comes with trade-offs of course. So when you select your database (NoSQL, NewSQL, or RDBMS) look at what problem you are trying to solve and at your scalability needs. No one database does it all.
According to DataStax, Cassandra is not the best use case when there is a need for
1- High end hardware devices.
2- ACID compliant with no roll back (bank transaction)
It does not support complete transaction management across the
Secondary Index not supported.
Have to rely on Elastic search /Solr for Secondary index and the custom sync component has to be written.
Not ACID compliant system.
Query support is limited.

Oracle recommendations for high volume writes and low volume read

Is there some general guidelines online on how to tweak oracle for doing a high number of inserts and low number of reads?
All the answers below are pretty good recommendations. I have to clarify the following things. I am using 10g and this is an absolute requirement that we use Oracle. I am also more interested in oracle instance parameters for tuning (perhaps some different locking policies).
Let me assume you want to do an excessive high number of inserts, so that you simply want to just ignore all other kinds of operations just to get those inserts to complete, without problems.
First, have you completely ruled out other types of databases? There are systems like industry databases that cope very well with massive amounts of inserts, typically used to receive and store data from equipment that is measuring something in a factory environment. Oracle is a relational database, it might not be the right type of software for your needs.
Having said that, let's assume you can, or will, or should, use Oracle. The very first thing you need to do is to consider all the various types of data you need to make this assumption about. If they're all about the same kind of data, you need 1 table, and it need to be lean and mean regarding inserts.
The optimal way do that is to do the following:
do not add any indexes on this table at all, if you need a primary key, that's the only index you want
if you need to do reads against this table, consider having a shadow table with indexes that you do reads, lookups, and aggregates against. If this doesn't have to be up-to-the-millisecond updated, consider a periodic batch job to update it with data from the master table. This will disturb the master table with read-locks as little as possible
Make sure your server has fast disks. Transactional write operations will typically involve the disk at some point, so make sure that's a small bottleneck as you can get.
If your application is gathering data from many incoming sources, consider adding a layer in front of the database that will keep the number of concurrent connections and thus transactions to that table to a minimum. If you get a high number of write-locks on the same page for an oracle database, ultimately your performance will suffer.
If you can split up the data, consider splitting it in such a way that it is stored on different physical disks. That way, disk I/O problems won't be cross-data-type, and only affect one type of data.
In the other end of the spectrum you have a denormalized table with lots of indexes optimized for a balance between lookups and updates, and you need to find some middle-way that will get you the performance you want.
In terms of database design put as few constraints, indexes and triggers on the table(s) you're inserting into as possible as these will all slow down the insert.
The lack of indexes will obviously hurt your SELECT performance, but it doesn't sound like this is your primary concern.
What sort of application are we talking about? What version of Oracle?
If you are designing a data warehouse load process, for example, you would generally want to do direct-path inserts into staging table(s), then build any necessary indexes, then do a partition exhange to load the data into the partitioned destination table. This doesn't work as well, of course, if you are doing single-row inserts.
Depending on the Oracle version and the type of application, you may also want to enable compression on the table. Inserts are generally cheap from a CPU standpoint, so there is probably plenty of CPU available to do the compression which can substantially decrease the amount of I/O required, which is generally going to be your bottleneck.
I'm going to suggest that you take your question to Tom Kyte's site, http://asktom.oracle.com. You can generally find an answer there. Otherwise, try Oracle's forums.
Also try looking up any of Tom Kyte's books. Suggest checking the library or your local bookstore to find the right one, to ensure that the book contains the right topics for you. Also, his blog has links to his books and some articles/discussions on each book.
I did a quick google, site:oracle.com tuning write, and found this
OracleAS TopLink Writing Optimization Features. I realize that you might not be using TopLink but it may have some good tips. Keywords you'll want to try using: tuning, performance, insert(s), improve. Also through in the technology you are using like java/c++/etc.
Other tips you can try:
using stored procedures or using them in more efficient ways.
tweaking your server's hardware. Faster hard drives or a specific RAID array, possibly more cpu's.
Ask Tom thread - some nice comments here, also links to Fowler's site
You will probably have to start running some performance analytics on your queries/implementations to find the sweet spot for each one. I wish I had an easy answer for you. Good Luck!
A couple of suggestions for you to look into further:-
direct path load
block compression

Pro's of databases like BigTable, SimpleDB

New school datastore paradigms like Google BigTable and Amazon SimpleDB are specifically designed for scalability, among other things. Basically, disallowing joins and denormalization are the ways this is being accomplished.
In this topic, however, the consensus seems to be that joins on large tables don't necessarilly have to be too expensive and denormalization is "overrated" to some extent
Why, then, do these aforementioned systems disallow joins and force everything together in a single table to achieve scalability? Is it the sheer volumes of data that needs to be stored in these systems (many terabytes)?
Do the general rules for databases simply not apply to these scales?
Is it because these database types are tailored specifically towards storing many similar objects?
Or am I missing some bigger picture?
Distributed databases aren't quite as naive as Orion implies; there has been quite a bit of work done on optimizing fully relational queries over distributed datasets. You may want to look at what companies like Teradata, Netezza, Greenplum, Vertica, AsterData, etc are doing. (Oracle got in the game, finally, as well, with their recent announcement; Microsoft bought their solition in the name of the company that used to be called DataAllegro).
That being said, when the data scales up into terabytes, these issues become very non-trivial. If you don't need the strict transactionality and consistency guarantees you can get from RDBMs, it is often far easier to denormalize and not do joins. Especially if you don't need to cross-reference much. Especially if you are not doing ad-hoc analysis, but require programmatic access with arbitrary transformations.
Denormalization is overrated. Just because that's what happens when you are dealing with a 100 Tera, doesn't mean this fact should be used by every developer who never bothered to learn about databases and has trouble querying a million or two rows due to poor schema planning and query optimization.
But if you are in the 100 Tera range, by all means...
Oh, the other reason these technologies are getting the buzz -- folks are discovering that some things never belonged in the database in the first place, and are realizing that they aren't dealing with relations in their particular fields, but with basic key-value pairs. For things that shouldn't have been in a DB, it's entirely possible that the Map-Reduce framework, or some persistent, eventually-consistent storage system, is just the thing.
On a less global scale, I highly recommend BerkeleyDB for those sorts of problems.
I'm not too familiar with them (I've only read the same blog/news/examples as everyone else) but my take on it is that they chose to sacrifice a lot of the normal relational DB features in the name of scalability - I'll try explain.
Imagine you have 200 rows in your data-table.
In google's datacenter, 50 of these rows are stored on server A, 50 on B, and 100 on server C. Additionally server D contains redundant copies of data from server A and B, and server E contains redundant copies of data on server C.
(In real life I have no idea how many servers would be used, but it's set up to deal with many millions of rows, so I imagine quite a few).
To "select * where name = 'orion'", the infrastructure can fire that query to all the servers, and aggregate the results that come back. This allows them to scale pretty much linearly across as many servers as they like (FYI this is pretty much what mapreduce is)
This however means you need some tradeoffs.
If you needed to do a relational join on some data, where it was spread across say 5 servers, each of those servers would need to pull data from eachother for each row. Try do that when you have 2 million rows spread across 10 servers.
This leads to tradeoff #1 - No joins.
Also, depending on network latency, server load, etc, some of your data may get saved instantly, but some may take a second or 2. Again, when you have dozens of servers, this gets longer and longer, and the normal approach of 'everyone just waits until the slowest guy has finished' no longer becomes acceptable.
This leads to tradeoff #2 - Your data may not always be immediately visible after it's written.
I'm not sure what other tradeoffs there are, but off the top of my head those are the main 2.
So what I'm getting is that the whole "denormalize, no joins" philosophy exists, not because joins themselves don't scale in large systems, but because they're practically impossible to implement in distributed databases.
This seems pretty reasonable when you're storing largely invariant data of a single type (Like Google does). Am I on the right track here?
If you are talking about data that is virtually read-only, the rules change. Denormalisation is hardest in situations where data changes because the work required is increased and there are more problems with locking. If the data barely changes then denormalisation is not so much of a problem.
Novaday You need to find more interoperational environment for databases. More frequently You don't need only an relational DBs, like MySQL or MS SQL but also Big Data farms as Hadoop or non-relational DBs like MongoDB. In some cases all those DBs will be used in one solution so their performance must be as equal as possible in macro scale. It means, that You will not be able to use let say Azure SQL as relational DB and one VM with 2 cores and 3GB of RAM for MongoDB. You must scale-up Your solution and use DB as a Service when it is possible (if it is not possible, then build Your own cluster in a cloud).
