I am building an app with Sencha Command, I have followed all the steps and everything has worked fine until I enter the command sencha app build production. I am getting the following errors
[ERROR] CreateProcessW: The system cannot find the file specified.
[ERROR] Failed loading your application from: 'http://localhost/am/index.html'. Try setting the absolute URL to your application for the 'url' item inside 'app.json'
I am using the most up to date sencha touch sdk tools and sencha touch 2 sdk.
I do not know why these errors exist and I have tried every solution I could think of to fix them.
I have browsed through most of the sencha forums and other sites looking for an answer but to no avail.
Does anyone know why I would be getting these errors and or a solution to fix the errors?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you try to do what the error recommend: "Try setting the absolute URL to your application for the 'url' item inside 'app.json'" ?
hi so im trying to upload page made in react to github at start i ran into problem of it showing me only README file but i managed to solve that by following deployment guide on react website and that help well kind of, now i ran into other problem which is that github is just showing me blank page i don't understand why is it like this cuz i changed file and it shouldn't be empty and here is git repository for non- npm build version of page and also here is git repo for the build version of page that is just blank, am i running in this problem cuz i used npm build wrong way? how do i fix it? thanks in advance
I had the same problem and I found easier to use Netlify to upload websites.
I think if you are using only an html file you can just set the github pages with root and it shouldn't reuqire to use build run, I think the build command it is for projects done with frameworks/more complext. Try to do like that maybe it will work.
I have created an UI using ReactJS and embedded the electron into that. I can run my React UI as a Desktop App using electron.
Now, I am facing an issue creating builder using electron-packager.
Below is the error: rcedit.exe failed with exit code 1. Fatal error: Unable to commit changes
However, I can see the created package in the "Temp" folder under "electron-package" folder still it throws the above error. Also, I have tried running executable from the Temp folder, it opens desktop app (still there are few errors but they are related to code - I am not worry about this errors).
ElectronJS - https://www.electronjs.org/
It would be great if someone help me on this.
Thanks in advance.
By degrading Electron version from latest to v10.1.6, it got resolved.
We are getting an error trying to add a wix-stylable plugin in Gatsby using the webpack custom config.
We tried following stylable guide but we can't seem to make this work. We tried to integrate the plugin in different ways but we still end up getting the same errors.
There's an issue open on github in which is possible to see the screenshots relate to our problem.
Thank you all
To solve this issue, you can now download the a gasby stylable plugin at the following link. https://github.com/superhawk610/gatsby-plugin-stylable
I am getting this issue during a build on my project. I am trying to modify the typescript and angular files in Hawtio API.
It gives the error message as Error Code : EPERM.
Using --force and other similar commands, goves successful build but doesnt give required output.
Below is the screenshot of the prompt.
It does not specify any errors but the build fails everytime.
Can anyone suggest what should be the approach to rectify it?
PhantomJs on windows machine usually causes this issue. Issue log related to the same.
I am working on EXTJS6 Application. This application is created and run using sencha cmd. While I work locally, i run the application using sencha cmd without any issues.
I generated the production build and it worked fine I tested it using sencha cmd server but however, while I deployed the production build to the Tomcat/Webapps folder, it throws, resource not found error while hitting the index.html
While hitting below URL
/MyApp/index.html >>
I get this error >>
NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://servername.net:36443/MyApp/.js?_dc=20160711183504"
I am not sure if I need to make any changes in the app.json or other config files before moving to other servers like Tomcat. Did any one face similar issue?
When you get this error message (missing file with ".js" filename) it's because you're missing a require for a desired class. You need to make sure that any class you use is included in the "requires" list in the calling class.