Integrating webpack and wix-stylable using custom webpack config - reactjs

We are getting an error trying to add a wix-stylable plugin in Gatsby using the webpack custom config.
We tried following stylable guide but we can't seem to make this work. We tried to integrate the plugin in different ways but we still end up getting the same errors.
There's an issue open on github in which is possible to see the screenshots relate to our problem.
Thank you all

To solve this issue, you can now download the a gasby stylable plugin at the following link.


How to remove React Auth in Laravel 6.0 in CMD?

Sorry, I've tried to search on the answer for the command on CLI to remove the react auth that I downloaded.
I also tried looking in the documentation on "Laravel 6.0.", then look for similar keywords on searching such as reset, remove, react yet, seems there is no relative solution, or probably my fault to not find the right solution.
Can someone help me solve this problem?
Thank you.
From the 5.8 Laravel documentation:
Removing The Frontend Scaffolding
If you would like to remove the frontend scaffolding from your
application, you may use the preset Artisan command. This command,
when combined with the none option, will remove the Bootstrap and Vue
scaffolding from your application, leaving only a blank SASS file and
a few common JavaScript utility libraries:
php artisan preset none
So try with laravel 6.x:
php artisan ui none

how Improve Build Error Reporting on ReactJs?

I just created a react app using
npm create-react-app my-app
I like this error reporting in chrome and on CLI.
Is there a way so i can configure or setup such error reporting in my existing React application ?
because when i setup react app by following a number of tutorials i do not see this nice output. thanks. You can see the images below for instance.
After exploring the repository i found create-react-app using
react-error-overlay module.
See this link if somebody wants to setup in your existing react application.
I guess...
you typo wrong.
error previous line <dvs remove this.

Test React on Chrome browser

How can I see what I´m building on my Chrome browser?
I know how to see PHP through local server, see HTML website through normal ways and with Gulp but can´t seem to understand this.
I would suggest you look into create-react-app, it comes handy with a few things that are already prebuilt
Here's a tutorial on it:
You can load the build from your project on 'create-react-app' into your PHP project.

Google Material Design different theme per module

I'm trying out Google's Material Design stuff, and there's something I'm having a problem with that you guys might be able to help.
I want to have a different theme per "major" module in my app.
I tryed using
In the config of each module, but I'm getting that theme is undefined. The only methods available are setDefaultTheme and alwaysWatchTheme
I'm using the latest stable release as I just installed via
bower install angular-material --save
Can you guys spot what I'm doing wrong?
So I posted an issue on github and found my problem (the documentation online is for the master branch not the stable branch
But I'm still trying to figure out how I can assign different themes to different modules
Looking further down the strand of the issue you posted to github, I noticed the suggestion to update your version of angular-material in bower.json.
"angular-material": "0.7.0-rc1-master-84842ff"
This worked for me and now I'm able to define my own theme just like was specified in the docs.

sencha app build production error?

I am building an app with Sencha Command, I have followed all the steps and everything has worked fine until I enter the command sencha app build production. I am getting the following errors
[ERROR] CreateProcessW: The system cannot find the file specified.
[ERROR] Failed loading your application from: 'http://localhost/am/index.html'. Try setting the absolute URL to your application for the 'url' item inside 'app.json'
I am using the most up to date sencha touch sdk tools and sencha touch 2 sdk.
I do not know why these errors exist and I have tried every solution I could think of to fix them.
I have browsed through most of the sencha forums and other sites looking for an answer but to no avail.
Does anyone know why I would be getting these errors and or a solution to fix the errors?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you try to do what the error recommend: "Try setting the absolute URL to your application for the 'url' item inside 'app.json'" ?
