MVVM pattern violation: MediaElement.Play() - wpf

I understand that ViewModel shouldn't have any knowledge of View, but how can I call MediaElement.Play() method from ViewModel, other than having a reference to View (or directly to MediaElement) in ViewModel?
Other (linked) question: how can I manage View's controls visibility from ViewModel without violating MVVM pattern?

1) Do not call Play() from the view model. Raise an event in the view model instead (for instance PlayRequested) and listen to this event in the view:
view model:
public event EventHandler PlayRequested;
if (this.PlayRequested != null)
this.PlayRequested(this, EventArgs.Empty);
ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
this.DataContext = vm;
vm.PlayRequested += (sender, e) =>
2) You can expose in the view model a public boolean property, and bind the Visibility property of your controls to this property. As Visibility is of type Visibility and not bool, you'll have to use a converter.
You can find a basic implementation of such a converter here.
This related question might help you too.

For all the late-comers,
There are many ways to achieve the same result and it really depends on how you would like to implement yours, as long as your code is not difficult to maintain, I do believe it's ok to break the MVVM pattern under certain cases.
But having said that, I also believe there is always way to do this within the pattern, and the following is one of them just in case if anyone would like to know what other alternatives are available.
The Tasks:
we don't want to have direct reference from the ViewModel to any UI elements, i.e. the the MediaElement and the View itself.
we want to use Command to do the magic here
The Solution:
In short, we are going to introduce an interface between the View and the ViewModel to break the dependecy, and the View will be implementing the interface and be responsible for the direct controlling of the MediaElement while leaving the ViewModel talking only to the interface, which can be swapped with other implementation for testing purposes if needed, and here comes the long version:
Introduce an interface called IMediaService as below:
public interface IMediaService
void Play();
void Pause();
void Stop();
void Rewind();
void FastForward();
Implement the IMediaService in the View:
public partial class DemoView : UserControl, IMediaService
public DemoView()
void IMediaService.FastForward()
this.MediaPlayer.Position += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
void IMediaService.Pause()
void IMediaService.Play()
void IMediaService.Rewind()
this.MediaPlayer.Position -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
void IMediaService.Stop()
we then do few things in the DemoView.XAML:
Give the MediaElement a name so the code behind can access it like above:
<MediaElement Source="{Binding CurrentMedia}" x:Name="MediaPlayer"/>
Give the view a name so we can pass it as a parameter, and
import the interactivity namespace for later use (some default namespaces are omitted for simplicity reason):
<UserControl x:Class="Test.DemoView"
Hookup the Loaded event through Trigger to pass the view itself to the view model through a Command
<ia:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">
<ia:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding LoadedCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=MediaService}"></ia:InvokeCommandAction>
last but not least, we need to hookup the media controls through Commands:
<Button Command="{Binding PlayCommand}" Content="Play"></Button>
<Button Command="{Binding PauseCommand}" Content="Pause"></Button>
<Button Command="{Binding StopCommand}" Content="Stop"></Button>
<Button Command="{Binding RewindCommand}" Content="Rewind"></Button>
<Button Command="{Binding FastForwardCommand}" Content="FastForward"></Button>
We now can catch everything in the ViewModel (I'm using prism's DelegateCommand here):
public class AboutUsViewModel : SkinTalkViewModelBase, IConfirmNavigationRequest
public IMediaService {get; private set;}
private DelegateCommand<IMediaService> loadedCommand;
public DelegateCommand<IMediaService> LoadedCommand
if (this.loadedCommand == null)
this.loadedCommand = new DelegateCommand<IMediaService>((mediaService) =>
this.MediaService = mediaService;
return loadedCommand;
private DelegateCommand playCommand;
public DelegateCommand PlayCommand
if (this.playCommand == null)
this.playCommand = new DelegateCommand(() =>
return playCommand;
. // other commands are not listed, but you get the idea
Side note: I use Prism's Auto Wiring feature to link up the View and ViewModel. So at the View's code behind file there is no DataContext assignment code, and I prefer to keep it that way, and hence I chose to use purely Commands to achieve this result.

I use media element to play sounds in UI whenever an event occurs in the application. The view model handling this, was created with a Source property of type Uri (with notify property changed, but you already know you need that to notify UI).
All you have to do whenever source changes (and this is up to you), is to set the source property to null (this is why Source property should be Uri and not string, MediaElement will naturally throw exception, NotSupportedException I think), then set it to whatever URI you want.
Probably, the most important aspect of this tip is that you have to set MediaElement's property LoadedBehaviour to Play in XAML of your view. Hopefully no code behind is needed for what you want to achieve.
The trick is extremely simple so I won't post a complete example. The view model's play function should look like this:
private void PlaySomething(string fileUri)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileUri))
// HACK for MediaElement: to force it to play a new source, set source to null then put the real source URI.
this.Source = null;
this.Source = new Uri(fileUri);
Here is the Source property, nothing special about it:
#region Source property
/// <summary>
/// Stores Source value.
/// </summary>
private Uri _Source = null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets file URI to play.
/// </summary>
public Uri Source
get { return this._Source; }
private set
if (this._Source != value)
this._Source = value;
#endregion Source property
As for Visibility, and stuff like this, you can use converters (e.g. from bool to visibility, which you can find on CodePlex for WPF, SL, WP7,8) and bind your control's property to that of the view model's (e.g. IsVisible). This way, you control parts of you view's aspect. Or you can just have Visibility property typed System.Windows.Visibility on your view model (I don't see any pattern breach here). Really, it's not that uncommon.
Good luck,
P.S. I have to mention that .NET 4.5 is the version where I tested this, but I think it should work on other versions as well.


Click on CheckBox Binding

I have Car.xaml:
<CheckBox Name="carA" IsChecked="{Binding CarACheck, Mode=TwoWay, FallbackValue=true}" />
Then in Car.xaml.cs:
public Car()
DataContext = this;
public bool CarACheck
get => carA.IsChecked;
set => carA.IsChecked = value;
When I run it and click on CheckBox, the app crashes with the error below:
set => carA.IsChecked = value;
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Cause of Error
The reason is that your setter is called over and over.
The CheckBox is clicked.
The IsChecked property of the CheckBox is set.
The binding sets value on the bound property CarACheck.
The setter of CarACheck sets the IsChecked property of the CheckBox.
Go to 3.
In the long run this causes the stack to overflow and the application crashes.
An MVVM Solution
It seems that you are trying to build a view that displays data about cars. What I see from your sample is that you mix your data and most likely business logic with the user interface code. You should not do that, because it harms code quality and maintainability in the long run. A better and sustainable approach is to separate your view from data and business logic. This is what the MVVM pattern is about.
In your sample code, we have a view, which we would call CarView. This is where the CheckBox is defined along with the rest of the user interface to represent a car. The data is exposed to the view through a separate view model type called CarViewModel. This view model contains properties that are bound from the view.
When using simple properties, regardless of having a backing field or not, the bindings are not able to determine changes to properties from the view model side. This is why you have to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, which provides an event for this purpose. The event is raised, whenever a property is changed. Usually this is in done in the setter.
public class CarViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private bool _carACheck;
public bool CarACheck
get => _carACheck;
if (_carACheck == value)
_carACheck = value;
// ...other code, maybe even setting CarACheck.
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
In the view, simply assign an instance of this view model to the DataContext in XAML or code-behind, e.g.:
public Car()
// ...other code.
DataContext = new CarViewModel();
In your view, you do not need a name for the CheckBox, as there is no explicit reference to it. The Mode=TwoWay declaration can be removed, too, because the IsChecked property binds two-way by default.
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding CarACheck, FallbackValue=true}"/>
Remarks about your original code: I hope that you can see the benefits of the MVVM pattern. Of course, after reviewing this solution, you could simply add a backing field and INotifyPropertyChanged to your current code to make it work, too, but the lesson to learn here is that this separation is valuable and worth investing although it might seem more verbose. See also:
Data binding overview (WPF .NET)
How to: Implement Property Change Notification

UI Binding Validation in MVVM

I'm working on converting some code to a more proper MVVM implementation using DataTemplates and am having problems with certain kinds of UI validation.
I've got no problems with validation in the View Models -- IDataErrorInfo is implemented and everything is fine. What I've got a problem with is UI binding errors where they might put letters in a TextBox bound to an int.
Previously, I used :
System.Windows.Controls.Validation.AddErrorHandler(userControl, handler)
... and kept a count of errors added and removed to know whether all the form's data was OK.
But now that I'm doing MVVM I don't have access to the userControl to set up this handler. So I don't really have a hook to get this started.
Is there some sort of global DataTemplateApplied event handler available where I could do something like:
void OnDataTemplateApplied(object data, Control template)
if (data is MyViewModelBase)
Validation.AddErrorHandler(template, handler);
Alternatively, maybe I can call AddErrorHandler once in the bootstrapper for the outer Shell window, and then each time the event is fired somehow figure out which ViewModel is powering that particular control?
I know some people like making all VM fields strings and doing lots of type conversion in the VM -- that's not going to be realistic for our system for a variety of reasons.
You might be interested in this answer:
The main idea is exactly what you said (subscribe to the error handler). As I understand, the problem is you don't have access to the control from the ViewModel, but it isn't hard to solve
In a project I'm working, I exposed two methods from my ViewModel: AddUIError and RemoveUIError. I create an event handler in my View and there I cast the DataContext to the type of my ViewModel and call AddUIError or RemoveUIError depending on what happened.
I am using DataTemplates to associate a View with a ViewModel, so when the template is applied, the DataContext is automatically set to the ViewModel. If you want, you can store your ViewModel in a private field (in the View) and update the reference each time the DataContext changed (there is a DataContextChanged event)
If this will be done in multiple ViewModels, you can put both methods (AddUIError and RemoveUIError) in a class like ViewModelBase and move the ValidationError event handling to a Behavior and use it in each view.
More info about the behavior part:
The Behavior class is part of the Expression Blend SDK, so you will need it if you want to follow this way.
Behaviors are useful to attach some common functionality to many components without creating derived classes, for example.
First, we need to define the AddUIError and RemoveUIError in a class named ViewModelBase (which is, of course, the base class for all other ViewModels):
class ViewModelBase {
public void AddUIError(...) {/* Details ommitted */ }
public void RemoveUIError(...) {/* Details ommitted */ }
Then, create a Behavior by subclassing Behavior. We use FrameworkElement as the template argument so this behavior can be attached to any FrameworkElement (or derived class) instance:
class NotifyDataErrorsBehavior : Behavior<FrameworkElement>
// Called when the the Behavior is attached
protected override void OnAttached()
// Initialize the handler for the Validation Error Event
_handler = new RoutedEventHandler(OnValidationRaised);
// Add the handler to the event from the element which is attaching this behavior
AssociatedObject.AddHandler(System.Windows.Controls.Validation.ErrorEvent, _handler);
protected override void OnDetaching()
// Remove the event handler from the associated object
AssociatedObject.RemoveHandler(System.Windows.Controls.Validation.ErrorEvent, _handler);
private RoutedEventHandler _handler = null;
private void OnValidationRaised(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var args = (System.Windows.Controls.ValidationErrorEventArgs)e;
ViewModelBase viewModel = AssociatedObject.DataContext as ViewModelBase;
if (viewModel != null)
// You can add only Exception validation errors if you want..
if (args.Action == ValidationErrorEventAction.Added)
else if (args.Action == ValidationErrorEventAction.Removed)
throw new NotSupportedException("ValidationErrorEventAction has changed");
And finally just use it in XAML:
1. Add a reference to the namespace where NotifyDataErrorsBehavior is located, and also a reference to System.Windows.Interactivity namespace (from Expression Blend SDK):
2. Add the behavior (at the same level as the content of your UserControl:

Updating a dependency property based on changes in the view model

I'm having some problems with data binding in WPF. Here's the scenario: I have made a user control which simulates a Dial Pad (i.e., an array of 12 buttons with the digits from '0' to '9' plus the '#' and 'Clear' keys). The control lives inside a class library and it's been implemented following the MVVM pattern, mainly because I need the components in the class library to be easily unit tested.
The view model for the control is quite simple, it basically updates a public "DialedNumber" string (which is internally connected to the model) every time the user presses a dial pad key button. The binding is working correctly and, by using the debugger, I can confirm that the "DialedNumber" variable inside the viewmodel is getting updated as I press button in the dial pad.
This DialPad control is used by a separate XAML file (Panel.xaml), which laids out several controls that belong to my custom class library.
Now, I'd like to add a TextBlock inside my Panel file in order to display the "DialedNumber" string held inside the DialPad. This is the code snippet in Panel.xaml:
<PanelControls:DialPad x:Name="MyDialPad" DialedNumber="55325"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=MyDialPad, Path=DialedNumber}" />
The result I'm getting is that the textblock displays the correct number on start (i.e., "55325"), but its content doesn't get updated as I press the dial pad keys (even though the DialPad's viewmodel gets updated as I press new keys, as I've checked with the debugger).
Here's the code behind for the DialPad view:
public partial class DialPad : UserControl
public DialPad()
DataContext = new DialPadViewModel();
public void DialedNumberChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public DialPadViewModel DialPadViewModel
get { return DataContext as DialPadViewModel; }
public string DialedNumber
var dialPadViewModel = Resources["DialPadVM"] as DialPadViewModel;
return (dialPadViewModel != null) ? dialPadViewModel.DialedNumber : "";
var dialPadViewModel = Resources["DialPadVM"] as DialPadViewModel;
if (dialPadViewModel != null)
dialPadViewModel.DialedNumber = value;
Here's the DialPad view model:
public class DialPadViewModel : ObservableObject
public DialPadViewModel()
_dialPadModel = new DialPadModel();
#region Fields
private readonly DialPadModel _dialPadModel;
private ICommand _dialPadKeyPressed;
#region Public Properties/Command
public DialPadModel DialPadModel
get { return _dialPadModel; }
public ICommand DialPadKeyPressedCommand
if (_dialPadKeyPressed == null)
_dialPadKeyPressed = new RelayCommand(DialPadKeyPressedCmd);
return _dialPadKeyPressed;
public string DialedNumber
get { return _dialPadModel.DialedNumber; }
_dialPadModel.DialedNumber = value;
#region Private Helpers
private void DialPadKeyPressedCmd(object parameter)
string keyPressedString = parameter.ToString();
if (keyPressedString.Length > 0)
if (char.IsDigit(keyPressedString[0]))
DialedNumber += keyPressedString[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
else if (keyPressedString == "C" || keyPressedString == "Clr" || keyPressedString == "Clear")
DialedNumber = "";
Let me restate my problem: the textblock in Panel.xaml displays the correct number (55325) on start, but its value never gets updated as I press the DialPadButtons. I've placed a breakpoint inside DialPadKeyPressedCmd and I can confirm that the method gets executed everytime I press a key in the dial pad.
DependencyProperties are meant to point to some other property to get their value. So you can either point it to your DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber, or you can point it to some other string when the UserControl is used (either a binding or a hardcoded value like "551"), but you can't do both.
In your case, when someone binds to the DialedNumber dependency property, they are replacing the current value (the binding to DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber) with a new value.
Depending on how your code looks and what you want to do, there are a few ways around it.
First, you could insist that people who want to use your control also use your ViewModel, and don't make DialedNumber a public dependency property.
So instead of being allowed to create a custom class with a property of SomeOtherDialedNumber and binding
<DialPad DialedNumber="{Binding SomeOtherDialedNumber}">
they are forced to use the DialPadViewModel in their code anytime they want to use the DialPad control. For this to work, you would need to remove the this.DataContext = new DialPadViewModel in your code-behind the UserControl since the user will be providing the DialPadViewModel to your UserControl, and you can use an implicit DataTemplate to tell WPF to always draw DialPadViewModel with your DialPad UserControl.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DialPadViewModel}">
<local:DialPad />
The other alternative I can think of is to synchronize your DependencyProperty with your ViewModel property with some PropertyChange notifications.
You would need to update DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber anytime the DialedNumber dependency property changes (You may need to use DependencyPropertyDescriptor.AddValueChanged for property change notification), and you would also have to write something to update the source of the DialedNumber dependency property anytime DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber changes.
Personally, if my UserControl has a ViewModel then I use the first option. If not, I get rid of the ViewModel entirely and build the logic for my UserControl in the code-behind, without a ViewModel.
The reason for this is that WPF works with two layers: a UI layer and a data layer. The DataContext is the data layer, and a ViewModel is typically part of the data layer. By setting the data layer (DataContext) explicitly in the UserControl's constructor, you are combining your data layer with your UI layer, which goes against one of the biggest reasons for using MVVM: separation of concerns. A UserControl should really just be a pretty shell only, and you should be able to place it on top of any data layer you want.
If you place your DialPad in your View, you can create a DialPadViewModel-Property (public+global) in your ViewViewModel:
public DialPadViewModel DialPadViewModel = new DialPadViewModel();
Now set the DataContext-Binding of your View to the ViewViewModel and bind the DialPads DataContext also to it, like
<local:DialPad DataContext="{Binding}"/>
Now you can bind to the properties in your DialPadViewModel:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber}"/>
Thats how you can Access your DialPadViewModel from your View and your DialPad.
Now try changing your DialedNumber Property in your DialPad.xaml.cs like this:
public string DialedNumber
return DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber;
DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber = value;
EDIT 2: I found the Problem:
In your DialPad.xaml all your Commands were bound to the DialPadViewModel from the resources, while the TextBloc was bound to the DialPads DataContext, which is another instance of the DialPadViewModel.
So everytime you hit a DialPad-Button you changed the value of the DialedNumber from the resources' DPVM-instance not the DialedNumber from the DataContext's DPVM-instance.
It sounds like you can add a TextBox to your view and bind it's Text property to your view-model's DialedNumber property.
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=DialedNumber}"></TextBox>
Your view-model property can look something like this:
private string _dialedNumber;
public string DialedNumber
get { return _dialedNumber; }
if (value == _dialedNumber)
_dialedNumber= value;
_yourModel.DialedNumber= _dialedNumber;
Let me know if I misunderstood your question.

Binding a ContentControl to a deep path in WPF

The application I'm currently writing is using MVVM with the ViewModel-first pattern. I have XAML similar to the following:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding FooViewModel.BarViewModel.View, Mode=OneWay}"/>
Every VM is a DependencyObject. Every property is a DependencyProperty. Depending upon the state of the application, the value of the BarViewModel property of the FooViewModel can change, thus changing the value of the View property. Unfortunately when this happens, the new view is not displayed, and the old one remains.
This is extremely frustrating. I thought that if any part of a path expression changed, the binding would update, but that doesn't appear to be the case. When I've used shallower path expressions, such as FooViewModel.View and I've changed the value of the FooViewModel property, that has updated the ContentControl to which it's bound, but not in this case.
If your solution is that I abandon ViewModel-first, that is not an option, though I appreciate your advice. I must get this working as is.
This is a question about data binding, and not about MVVM or how to implement it. You can safely ignore the MVVM aspects of this if it helps you to think about the problem, or if you have a different idea about how MVVM should be implemented. This is a large, existing project in which the MVVM design pattern cannot be changed. (It is far too late for that.)
So, with that said, the correct question to be answering is the following:
Given a binding path expression in which every element is a DependencyProperty and the final property is a view bound to a ContentControl, why does a change in a property in the middle of the path not cause the binding to update?
Although I would expect this to work, there are several problems with your approach.
Firstly, your view models should not use DependencyObject or DependencyProperty, this ties them in to WPF. They should instead implement INotifyPropertyChanged. This makes your view models reusable in other presentation technologies such as Silverlight.
Secondly, your view models shouldn't have references to your views, so you shouldn't require a View property on your view models.
I would seriously consider using an MVVM framework for view composition - Caliburn.Micro, for example, makes view model first development extremely straightforward, and already provides a view model base class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and a mechanism for building view compositions with conventions.
I.e. you can have a conductor view model which has an ActiveItem property, and you simply place a ContentControl on your view with the same name as the property:
<ContentControl x:Name="ActiveItem" />
You can use the ActivateItem() method to change the current active item.
Caliburn.Micro also has a host of other features, such as being able to place a Button control with x:Name="Save" on your view, and your Save method on your view model will automatically be invoked when the button is clicked.
Every VM is a DependencyObject. Every property is a
why? a viewmodel should be a simple class with INotifyPropertyChanged and the Properties should be simple properties.
and if you want your different viewmodel be rendered in a different way - you should use DataTemplate.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModelA}>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModelB}>
<ContentControl Content="{Binding MyActualVM}"/>
EDIT: btw you always bind to the last Property: FooViewModel.BarViewModel.View --> so the INotifyPropertyChanged (if raised) just work for the .View
EDIT2: another approach could be to get the BindingExpression of your content control and call.
System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression expr = //get it from your contentcontrol
EDIT3: and a simple mvvm way - just use INotifyPropertyChanged
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
this.MyFooVM = new FooVM();
this.MyFooVM.MyBarVM = new BarVM(){View = "erster"};
this.DataContext = this;
public FooVM MyFooVM { get; set; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.MyFooVM.MyBarVM = new BarVM(){View = "zweiter"};
public class INPC : INotifyPropertyChanged
#region Implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropChanged(string property)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if(handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
public class FooVM:INPC
private BarVM _myBarVm;
public BarVM MyBarVM
get { return _myBarVm; }
set { _myBarVm = value;OnPropChanged("MyBarVM"); }
public class BarVM : INPC
private string _view;
public string View
get { return _view; }
set { _view = value;OnPropChanged("View"); }

how to bind the click event of a button and the selecteditemchanged of a listbox to a viewmodel in mvvm in Silverlight

i'm just starting with the mvvm model in Silverlight.
In step 1 i got a listbox bound to my viewmodel, but now i want to propagate a click in a button and a selecteditemchanged of the listbox back to the viewmodel.
I guess i have to bind the click event of the button and the selecteditemchanged of the listbox to 2 methods in my viewmodel somehow?
For the selecteditemchanged of the listbox i think there must also be a 'return call' possible when the viewmodel tries to set the selecteditem to another value?
i come from a (mvc) background, but can't figure out how to do it in silverlight.
Roboblob provides excellent step-by-step solution for Silverlight 4. It strictly follows MVVM paradigm.
I would not bind or tie the VM in any way directly to the events of controls within the View. Instead, have a separate event that is raised by the View in response to the button click.
[disclaimer: this code is all done straight from my head, not copy & pasted from VS - treat it as an example!!]
So in pseudo code, the View will look like this:
private void MyView_Loaded(...)
MyButton.Click += new EventHandler(MyButton_Click);
private void MyButton_Click(...)
//Raise my event:
private void OnUserPressedGo()
if (UserPressedTheGoButton != null)
this.UserPressedTheGoButton(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public EventHandler UserPressedTheGoButton;
and the VM would have a line like this:
MyView.UserPressedTheGoButton += new EventHandler(myHandler);
this may seem a little long-winded, why not do it a bit more directly? The main reason for this is you do not want to tie your VM too tightly (if at all) to the contents of the View, otherwise it becomes difficult to change the View. Having one UI agnostic event like this means the button can change at any time without affecting the VM - you could change it from a button to a hyperlink or that kool kat designer you hire may change it to something totally weird and funky, it doesn't matter.
Now, let's talk about the SelectedItemChanged event of the listbox. Chances are you want to intercept an event for this so that you can modify the data bound to another control in the View. If this is a correct assumption, then read on - if i'm wrong then stop reading and reuse the example from above :)
The odds are that you may be able to get away with not needing a handler for that event. If you bind the SelectedItem of the listbox to a property in the VM:
<ListBox ItemSource={Binding SomeList} SelectedItem={Binding MyListSelectedItem} />
and then in the MyListSelectedItem property of the VM:
public object MyListSelectedItem
get { return _myListSelectedItem; }
bool changed = _myListSelectedItem != value;
if (changed)
_myListSelectedItem = value;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.NotifyPropertyChanged != null)
this.NotifyPropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
To get that NotifyPropertyChanged event, just implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface on your VM (which you should have done already). That is the basic stuff out of the way... what you then follow this up with is a NotifyPropertyChanged event handler on the VM itself:
private void ViewModel_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.PropertyName)
case "MyListSelectedItem":
//at this point i know the value of MyListSelectedItem has changed, so
//i can now retrieve its value and use it to modify a secondary
//piece of data:
MySecondaryList = AllAvailableItemsForSecondaryList.Select(p => p.Id == MyListSelectedItem.Id);
All you need now is for MySecondaryList to also notify that its value has changed:
public List<someObject> MySecondaryList
get { return _mySecondaryList; }
bool changed = .......;
if (changed)
... etc ...
and anything bound to it will automatically be updated. Once again, it may seem that this is the long way to do things, but it means you have avoided having any handlers for UI events from the View, you have kept the abstraction between the View and the ViewModel.
I hope this has made some sense to you. With my code, i try to have the ViewModel knowing absolutely zero about the View, and the View only knowing the bare minimum about the ViewModel (the View recieves the ViewModel as an interface, so it can only know what the interface has specified).
Regarding binding the button click event I can recommend Laurent Bugnion's MVVM Light Toolkit ( as a way of dealing with this, I'll provide a little example, but Laurent's documentation is most likely a better way of understanding his framework.
Reference a couple of assemblies in your xaml page
add a blend behaviour to the button
<Button Content="Press Me">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<command:EventToCommand Command="{Binding ViewModelEventName}"/>
and create the event within your viewmodel which will be called when the button is clicked
public RelayCommand ViewModelEventName { get; protected set; }
public PageViewModel()
ViewModelEventName = new RelayCommand(
() => DoWork()
This supports passing parameters, checking whether execution is allowed etc also.
Although I haven't used it myself, I think the Prism framework also allows you to do something similar.
