Sqlite select query - returning default rows? - database

I have a table Emp like this for example.
eName | eId
Anusha 1
Sunny 2
Say i am looking for an entry whose id is 3.I want to write a query which finds the row and displays it.But if it doesnt find it it is expected to display a default row (temp,999)
select case
when (total != 0) then (select eName from Emp where eId = 3)
when (total == 0) then "temp"
end as eName,
when (total != 0) then (select eId from Emp where eId = 3)
when (total == 0) then 999
end as eId
from Emp,(select count(*) as total from Emp where eId = 3);
Using this query that i wrote it gives me two rows as a result.
temp 999
temp 999
I assume it is because of
(select count(*) as total from Emp where eId = 3) this query in the from list of the query.
I tried using the distinct clause and it gives me just a single row. But i am a little doubtful if i am messing the query and only trying to probably employ a hack to do it.Please suggest if there is a better way to do this or if i am wrong.

I'll get to how to do this right, but first let me give you a long answer to maybe help you with your understanding of SQL. What's happening to use is this:
Your select clause does not affect the number of records you get. So to understand what's happenning, let's simpify the query a little. Let's change it to,
select * from emp, (select count(*) as total from emp where eid=3)
I'm not sure what you think the comma after "emp" does here, but SQL see this as an old-style join on two tables: emp and the temporary table created by the select count(*), etc. There is no WHERE clause, so this is a cross join, but the second table only has one record anyway, so that part doesn't matter. But the fact that there is no WHERE clause means that you will get every record in emp, joined to the count. So the output of this query is:
ename eid count(*)
Anusha 1 0
Sunny 2 0
If you had 100 records, you would get 100 results.
Frankly there is no really clean way to do what you want in SQL. It's the sort of thing that's cleaner to do in code: do a plain "select ... where eid=3", and if you get no records, fill in the default at run-time.
But assuming that you need to do it in SQL for some reason, I think the simplest way would be:
select eid, ename from emp where eid=3
select 999 as eid, 'temp' as ename
where not exists (select 1 from emp where eid=3)
In some versions of SQL you need to give a dummy table name on the second select, like Oracle requires you to say "from dual".


T-SQL Selecting TOP 1 In A Query With Aggregates/Groups

I'm still fairly new to SQL. This is a stripped down version of the query I'm trying to run. This query is suppose to find those customers with more than 3 cases and display either the top 1 case or all cases but still show the overall count of cases per customer in each row in addition to all the case numbers.
The TOP 1 subquery approach didn't work but is there another way to get the results I need? Hope that makes sense.
Here's the code:
SELECT t1.StoreID, t1.CustomerID, t2.LastName, t2.FirstName
,COUNT(t1.CaseNo) AS CasesCount
,(SELECT TOP 1 t1.CaseNo)
FROM MainDatabase t1
INNER JOIN CustomerDatabase t2
ON t1.StoreID = t2.StoreID
WHERE t1.SubmittedDate >= '01/01/2017' AND t1.SubmittedDate <= '05/31/2017'
GROUP BY t1.StoreID, t1.CustomerID, t2.LastName, t2.FirstName
HAVING COUNT (t1.CaseNo) >= 3
ORDER BY t1.StoreID, t1.PatronID
I would like it to look something like this, either one row with just the most recent case and detail or several rows showing all details of each case in addition to the store id, customer id, last name, first name, and case count.
Data Example
For these I usually like to make a temp table of aggregates:
CustomerlD int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
case_count int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
case_max int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
(CustomerlD, case_count, case_max)
SELECT CustomerlD, COUNT(tl.CaseNo), MAX(tl.CaseNo)
FROM MainDatabase
GROUP BY CustomerlD;
Then you can join this "tmp" table back to any other table you want to display the number of cases on, or the max case number on. And you can limit it to customers that have more than 3 cases with WHERE case_count > 3

SQL Join one-to-many tables, selecting only most recent entries

This is my first post - so I apologise if it's in the wrong seciton!
I'm joining two tables with a one-to-many relationship using their respective ID numbers: but I only want to return the most recent record for the joined table and I'm not entirely sure where to even start!
My original code for returning everything is shown below:
SELECT table_DATES.[date-ID], *
FROM table_CORE LEFT JOIN table_DATES ON [table_CORE].[core-ID] = table_DATES.[date-ID]
WHERE table_CORE.[core-ID] Like '*'
ORDER BY [table_CORE].[core-ID], [table_DATES].[iteration];
This returns a group of records: showing every matching ID between table_CORE and table_DATES:
table_CORE date-ID iteration
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 2 1
2 2 2
3 3 1
4 4 1
But I need to return only the date with the maximum value in the "iteration" field as shown below
table_CORE date-ID iteration Additional data
1 1 3 MoreInfo
2 2 2 MoreInfo
3 3 1 MoreInfo
4 4 1 MoreInfo
I really don't even know where to start - obviously it's going to be a JOIN query of some sort - but I'm not sure how to get the subquery to return only the highest iteration for each item in table 2's ID field?
Hope that makes sense - I'll reword if it comes to it!
I'm wondering how to integrate that when I'm needing all the fields from table 1 (table_CORE in this case) and all the fields from table2 (table_DATES) joined as well?
Both tables have additional fields that will need to be merged.
I'm pretty sure I can just add the fields into the "SELECT" and "GROUP BY" clauses, but there are around 40 fields altogether (and typing all of them will be tedious!)
Try using the MAX aggregate function like this with a GROUP BY clause.
ON [table_CORE].[core-ID] = table_DATES.[date-ID]
table_CORE.[core-ID] Like '*' --LIKE '%something%' ??
Your example field names don't match your sample query so I'm guessing a little bit.
Just to make sure that I have everything you’re asking for right, I am going to restate some of your question and then answer it.
Your source tables look like this:
And your outputs are like this:
In order to make that happen all you need to do is use a subquery (or a CTE) as a “cross-reference” table. (I used temp tables to recreate your data example and _ in place of the - in your column names).
--Loading the example data
create table #table_core
core_id int not null
create table #table_dates
date_id int not null
, iteration int not null
, additional_data varchar(25) null
insert into #table_core values (1), (2), (3), (4)
insert into #table_dates values (1,1, 'More Info 1'),(1,2, 'More Info 2'),(1,3, 'More Info 3'),(2,1, 'More Info 4'),(2,2, 'More Info 5'),(3,1, 'More Info 6'),(4,1, 'More Info 7')
--select query needed for desired output (using a CTE)
; with iter_max as
select td.date_id
, max(td.iteration) as iteration_max
from #table_dates as td
group by td.date_id
select tc.*
, td.*
from #table_core as tc
left join iter_max as im on tc.core_id = im.date_id
inner join #table_dates as td on im.date_id = td.date_id
and im.iteration_max = td.iteration
select *
SELECT table_DATES.[date-ID], *
, row_number() over (partition by table_CORE date-ID order by iteration desc) as rn
ON [table_CORE].[core-ID] = table_DATES.[date-ID]
WHERE table_CORE.[core-ID] Like '*'
) tt
where tt.rn = 1
ORDER BY [core-ID]

Getting Random Number for each row

I have a table with some names in a row. For each row I want to generate a random name. I wrote the following query to:
BEGIN transaction t1
Create table TestingName
(NameID int,
FirstName varchar(100),
LastName varchar(100)
SELECT 0,'SpongeBob','SquarePants'
SELECT 1, 'Bugs', 'Bunny'
SELECT 2, 'Homer', 'Simpson'
SELECT 3, 'Mickey', 'Mouse'
SELECT 4, 'Fred', 'Flintstone'
SELECT FirstName from TestingName
ROLLBACK Transaction t1
The problem is the "ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 5" portion of this query sometime returns more than 1 row and sometimes returns 0 rows. I must be missing something but I can't see it.
If I change the query to
DECLARE #n int
set #n= ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 5
SELECT FirstName from TestingName
WHERE NameID = #n
Then everything works and I get a random number per row.
If you take the query above and paste it into SQL management studio and run the first query a bunch of times you will see what I am attempting to describe.
The final update query will look like
Update TableWithABunchOfNames
set [FName] = (SELECT FirstName from TestingName
This does not work because sometimes I get more than 1 row and sometimes I get no rows.
What am I missing?
The problem is that you are getting a different random value for each row. That is the problem. This query is probably doing a full table scan. The where clause is executed for each row -- and a different random number is generated.
So, you might get a sequence of random numbers where none of the ids match. Or a sequence where more than one matches. On average, you'll have one match, but you don't want "on average", you want a guarantee.
This is when you want rand(), which produces only one random number per query:
SELECT FirstName
from TestingName
WHERE NameID = floor(rand() * 5);
This should get you one value.
Why not use top 1?
Select top 1 firstName
From testingName
Order by newId()
This worked for me:
,CAST(5 * (CAST(CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(4) as int) / 4294967295.0 + 0.5) AS int) AS rr
, CTE.FName
, dbo.TestingName.FirstName AS RandomName
LEFT JOIN dbo.TestingName ON dbo.TestingName.NameID = CTE.rr
SET FName = RandomName
This solution depends on how smart optimizer is.
For example, if I use INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN (which is the correct choice for this query), optimizer would move calculation of random numbers outside the join loop and end result would be not what we expect.
I created a table TestingName with 5 rows as in the question and a table TableWithABunchOfNames with 100 rows.
Here is the execution plan with LEFT JOIN. You can see the Compute scalar that calculates random numbers is done before the join loop. You can see that 100 rows were updated:
Here is the execution plan with INNER JOIN. You can see the Compute scalar that calculates random numbers is done after the join loop and with extra filter. This query may update not all rows in TableWithABunchOfNames and some rows in TableWithABunchOfNames may be updated several times. You can see that Filter left 102 rows and Stream aggregate left only 69 rows. It means that only 69 rows were eventually updated and also there were multiple matches for some rows (102 - 69 = 33).
To guarantee that the result is what you expect you should generate random number for each row in TableWithABunchOfNames and explicitly remember the result, i.e. materialize the CTE shown above. Then use this temporary result to join with the table TestingName.
You can add a column to TableWithABunchOfNames to store generated random numbers or save CTE to a temp table or table variable.

SQL Case statements, making sub selections on a condition?

I've come across a scenario where I need to return a complex set of calculated values at a crossover point from "legacy" to current.
To cut a long story short I have something like this ...
with someofit as
select id, col1, col2, col3 from table1
select someofit.*,
case when id < #lastLegacyId then
(select ... from table2 where something = id) as 'bla'
,(select ... from table2 where something = id) as 'foo'
,(select ... from table2 where something = id) as 'bar'
(select ... from table3 where something = id) as 'bla'
,(select ... from table3 where something = id) as 'foo'
,(select ... from table3 where something = id) as 'bar'
from someofit
No here lies the problem ...
I don't want to be constantly doing that case check for each sub selection but at the same time when that condition applies I need all of the selections within the relevant case block.
Is there a smarter way to do this?
if I was in a proper OO language I would use something like this ...
var common = GetCommonSuff()
foreach (object item in common)
if(item.id <= lastLegacyId)
I did initially try doing 2 complete selections with a union all but this doesn't work very well due to efficiency / number of rows to be evaluated.
The sub selections are looking for total row counts where some condition is met other than the id match on either table 2 or 3 but those tables may have millions of rows in them.
The cte is used for 2 reasons ...
firstly it pulls only the rows from table 1 i am interested in so straight away im only doing a fraction of the sub selections in each case.
secondly its returning the common stuff in a single lookup on table 1
Any ideas?
EDIT 1 :
Some context to the situation ...
I have a table called "imports" (table 1 above) this represents an import job where we take data from a file (csv or similar) and pull the records in to the db.
I then have a table called "steps" this represents the processing / cleaning rules we go through and each record contains a sproc name and a bunch of other stuff about the rule.
There is then a join table that represents the rule for a particular import "ImportSteps" (table 2 above - for current data), this contains a "rowsaffected" column and the import id
so for the current jobs my sql is quite simple ...
select 123 456
from imports
join importsteps
for the older legacy stuff however I have to look through table 3 ... table 3 is the holding table, it contains every record ever imported, each row has an import id and each row contains key values.
on the new data rowsaffected on table 2 for import id x where step id is y will return my value.
on the legacy data i have to count the rows in holding where col z = something
i need data on about 20 imports and this data is bound to a "datagrid" on my mvc web app (if that makes any difference)
the cte i use determines through some parameters the "current 20 im interested in" those params represent start and end record (ordered by import id).
My biggest issue is that holding table ... it's massive .. individual jobs have been known to contain 500k + records on their own and this table holds years of imported rows so i need my lookups on that table to be as fast as possible and as few as possible.
The actual solution (suedo code only) ...
-- declare and populate the subset to reduce reads on the big holding table
declare table #holding ( ... )
insert into #holding
select .. from holding
... common stuff from inner select in "from" below
... bunch of ...
case when id < #legacy then (select getNewValue(id, stepid))
else (select x from #holding where id = ID and ... ) end as 'bla'
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by importid desc) as 'RowNum'
, ...
) as I
-- this bit handles the paging
where RowNum >= #StartIndex
and RowNum < #EndIndex
i'm still confident i can clean it up more but my original query that looked something like bills solution was about 45 seconds in execution time, this is about 7
I take it the subqueries must return a single scalar value, correct? This point is important because it is what ensures the LEFT JOINs will not multiply the result.
;with someofit as
select id, col1, col2, col3 from table1
select someofit.*,
bla = coalesce(t2.col1, t3.col1),
foo = coalesce(t2.col2, t3.col2),
bar = coalesce(t2.bar, t3.bar)
from someofit
left join table2 t2 on t2.something=someofit.id and somefit.id < #lastLegacyId
left join table3 t3 on t3.something=someofit.id and somefit.id >= #lastLegacyId
Beware that I have used id >= #lastLegacyId as the complement of the condition, by assuming that id is not nullable. If it is, you need an IsNull there, i.e. somefit.id >= isnull(#lastLegacyId,somefit.id).
Your edit to the question doesn't change the fact that this is an almost literal translation of the O-O syntax.
foreach (object item in common) --> "from someofit"
if(item.id <= lastLegacyId) --> the precondition to the t2 join
AppendLegacyValuesTo(item); --> putting t2.x as first argument of coalesce
else --> sql would normally join to both tables
--> hence we need an explicit complement
--> condition as an "else" clause
AppendCurrentValuesTo(item); --> putting t3.x as 2nd argument
--> tbh, the order doesn't matter since t2/t3
--> are mutually exclusive
function AppendCurrentValuesTo --> the correlation between t2/t3 to someofit.id
Now, if you have actually tried this and it doesn't solve your problem, I'd like to know where it broke.
Assuming you know that there are no conflicting ID's between the two tables, you can do something like this (DB2 syntax, because that's what I know, but it should be similar):
with combined_tables as (
select ... as id, ... as bla, ...as bar, ... as foo from table 2
union all
select ... as id, ... as bla, ...as bar, ... as foo from table 3
select someofit.*, combined_ids.bla, combined_ids.foo, combined_ids.bar
from someofit
join combined_tables on someofit.id = combined_tables.id
If you had cases like overlapping ids, you could handle that within the combined_tables() section

Need help understanding an SQL query

I have a table in SQL, Employee_Details, having three columns, Name, Age and Salary. I came across this query to select the highest salary from the table which goes like this.
FROM Employee_Details e
WHERE 0 = (
FROM Employee_Details
WHERE Salary > e.Salary
I have no idea about what the '0' signifies. Could anyone please give me an idea.
It's just a condition that says that the count from the Employee_Details table in the inner SELECT query must be 0 (no one can have a higher salary than the Employee selected in the outer SELECT)
The approach to do it this way seems a bit odd to me..... I would probably have used something like this:
SELECT (columns)
FROM dbo.Employee_Details e
WHERE e.Salary = (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM dbo.Employee_Details)
which should produce the same result - only it seems a lot clearer to me what you're trying to achieve.
Get all from table Employee_details where count of salary is 0
Your query could be written as SELECT TOP 1 WITH TIES * FROM Employee_Details e ORDER BY Salary DESC (in T-SQL dialect). Condition in original query checks if the number of distinct values of Salary greater than Salary value in e is zero (i.e. there are no rows with greater Salary).
