Need help understanding an SQL query - sql-server

I have a table in SQL, Employee_Details, having three columns, Name, Age and Salary. I came across this query to select the highest salary from the table which goes like this.
FROM Employee_Details e
WHERE 0 = (
FROM Employee_Details
WHERE Salary > e.Salary
I have no idea about what the '0' signifies. Could anyone please give me an idea.

It's just a condition that says that the count from the Employee_Details table in the inner SELECT query must be 0 (no one can have a higher salary than the Employee selected in the outer SELECT)
The approach to do it this way seems a bit odd to me..... I would probably have used something like this:
SELECT (columns)
FROM dbo.Employee_Details e
WHERE e.Salary = (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM dbo.Employee_Details)
which should produce the same result - only it seems a lot clearer to me what you're trying to achieve.

Get all from table Employee_details where count of salary is 0

Your query could be written as SELECT TOP 1 WITH TIES * FROM Employee_Details e ORDER BY Salary DESC (in T-SQL dialect). Condition in original query checks if the number of distinct values of Salary greater than Salary value in e is zero (i.e. there are no rows with greater Salary).


How to filter IDs based on dates?

I have the following table:
1 02-09-2010
2 03-08-2011
1 08-01-2011
3 04-03-2010
I am looking for IDs who had at least one date before 05-01-2010 AND at least one date after 05-02-2010
I tried the following:
WHERE tb1.DATES < '05-01-2010' AND tb1.DATES > '05-02-2010'
I don't think it's correct because I wasn't getting the right IDs when I did that and there's something wrong with that logic.
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong here?
The SQL command SELECT * FROM tb1 WHERE tb1.DATES < '05-01-2010' AND tb1.DATES > '05-02-2010' is asking "find all the rows where the 'dates' field is before 1 May and after 2 May" which - when put in English - is obviously none of them.
Instead, the command should be asking "find all the IDs which have a record that is before 1 May, and another record after 2 May" - creating the need to look at multiple records for each ID.
As #Martheen suggested, you could do this with two (sub)queries e.g.,
FROM mytable tb1
WHERE tb1.[dates] < '20100501'
) AS A
FROM mytable tb1
WHERE tb1.[dates] > '20100502'
) AS B
or using INTERSECT
FROM mytable tb1
WHERE tb1.[dates] < '20100501'
FROM mytable mt2
WHERE mt2.[dates] > '20100502';
The use of DISTINCT in the above is so that you only get one row per ID, no matter how many rows they have before/after the relevant dates.
You could also do it via GROUP BY and HAVING - which in this particular case is easy as if any dates are before 1 May, then their earliest date must be before 1 May (and correspondingly for their max data and 2 May) e.g.,
FROM mytable mt1
HAVING MIN(mt1.[dates]) < '20100501' AND MAX(mt1.[dates]) > '20100502';
Here is a db<>fiddle with all 3 of these; all provide the same answer (one row, with ID = 1).
Finally, you should use an unambiguous format for your dates. My preferred one of these is 'yyyyMMdd' with no dashes/slashes/etc (as these make them ambiguous).
Different countries/servers/etc will convert the dates you have there differently e.g., SQL Server UTC string comparison not working
This is one solution to use between to specify range.
SELECT * from Table_name where
From_date BETWEEN '2013-01-03'AND '2013-01-09'
Other solution is to what you mentioned but see that the logic is correct
SELECT * from Table_name where
From_date > '2010-01-05'AND From_date <'2010-02-05'

SQL Server : Join If Between

I have 2 tables:
Query1: contains 3 columns, Due_Date, Received_Date, Diff
where Diff is the difference in the two dates in days
QueryHol with 2 columns, Date, Count
This has a list of dates and the count is set to 1 for everything. All these dates represent public holidays.
I want to be able to get the sum of QueryHol["Count"] if QueryHol["Date"] is between Query1["Due_Date"] and Query1["Received_Date"]
Result Wanted: a column joined onto Query1 to state how many public holidays fell into the date range so they can be subtracted from the Query1["Diff"] column to give a reflection of working days.
Because the 01-01-19 is a bank holiday i would want to minus that from the Diff to end up with results like below
Let me know if you require any more info.
Here's an option:
SELECT query1.due_date
, query1.received_date
, query1.diff
, queryhol.count
, COALESCE(query1.diff - queryhol.count, query1.diff) as DiffCount
FROM Query1
FROM QueryHol
WHERE QueryHol.Date <= Query1.Received_Date
AND QueryHol.Date >= Query1.Due_Date
) AS queryhol
You may need to play around with the join condition - as it is assumes that the Received_Date is always later than the Due_Date which there is not enough data to know all of the use cases.
If I understand your problem, I think this is a possible solution:
select due_date,
(select sum(table2.count)
from table2
where table2.due_date between table1.due_date and table1.due_date) sum_holi,
table1.diff - (select sum(table2.count)
from table2
where between table1.due_date and table2.due_date) diff_holi
from table1
where [...] --here your conditions over table1.

Count all max number value in difference tables sql

I got an error when I tried to solve this problem. First I need to count all values of 2 tables then I need in where condition get all max values.
My code:
Select *
select Operator.OperatoriausPavadinimas,
select count(*)
from Plan
where Plan.operatoriausID= Operator.operatoriausID
) as NumberOFPlans
from Operator
where a.NumberOFPlans= Max(a.NumberOFPlans)
I get this error
Msg 147, Level 15, State 1, Line 19
An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.
I don't know how to solve this.
I need get this
Update 1
Plan table contains of values and
Operator table contains of values.
Are you looking for... an aggregate query that joins both tables and returns the record that has the maximum count?
I suspect that this might phrase as follows:
SELECT TOP(1) o.OperatoriausPavadinimas, COUNT(*)
FROM Operatorius o
INNER JOIN Planas p ON p.operatoriausID = o.operatoriausID
GROUP BY o.OperatoriausPavadinimas
If you want to allow ties, you can use TOP(1) WITH TIES.
You can use top with ties. Your query is a bit hard to follow, but I think you want:
select top (1) with ties o.OperatoriausPavadinimas, count(*)
from plan p join
operator o
on p.operatoriausID = o.operatoriausID
group by o.OperatoriausPavadinimas
order by count(*) desc;

Sqlite select query - returning default rows?

I have a table Emp like this for example.
eName | eId
Anusha 1
Sunny 2
Say i am looking for an entry whose id is 3.I want to write a query which finds the row and displays it.But if it doesnt find it it is expected to display a default row (temp,999)
select case
when (total != 0) then (select eName from Emp where eId = 3)
when (total == 0) then "temp"
end as eName,
when (total != 0) then (select eId from Emp where eId = 3)
when (total == 0) then 999
end as eId
from Emp,(select count(*) as total from Emp where eId = 3);
Using this query that i wrote it gives me two rows as a result.
temp 999
temp 999
I assume it is because of
(select count(*) as total from Emp where eId = 3) this query in the from list of the query.
I tried using the distinct clause and it gives me just a single row. But i am a little doubtful if i am messing the query and only trying to probably employ a hack to do it.Please suggest if there is a better way to do this or if i am wrong.
I'll get to how to do this right, but first let me give you a long answer to maybe help you with your understanding of SQL. What's happening to use is this:
Your select clause does not affect the number of records you get. So to understand what's happenning, let's simpify the query a little. Let's change it to,
select * from emp, (select count(*) as total from emp where eid=3)
I'm not sure what you think the comma after "emp" does here, but SQL see this as an old-style join on two tables: emp and the temporary table created by the select count(*), etc. There is no WHERE clause, so this is a cross join, but the second table only has one record anyway, so that part doesn't matter. But the fact that there is no WHERE clause means that you will get every record in emp, joined to the count. So the output of this query is:
ename eid count(*)
Anusha 1 0
Sunny 2 0
If you had 100 records, you would get 100 results.
Frankly there is no really clean way to do what you want in SQL. It's the sort of thing that's cleaner to do in code: do a plain "select ... where eid=3", and if you get no records, fill in the default at run-time.
But assuming that you need to do it in SQL for some reason, I think the simplest way would be:
select eid, ename from emp where eid=3
select 999 as eid, 'temp' as ename
where not exists (select 1 from emp where eid=3)
In some versions of SQL you need to give a dummy table name on the second select, like Oracle requires you to say "from dual".

Can somebody explain how the following SQL query to get the 'n' highest salary works

FROM employee A
WHERE 3=(select count(*) +1
from employee B
where B.salary > A.salary)
This gets the 3rd highest salary; can somebody explain the logic behind this query and how it works.
In words, this query would be "Select the employee who has two other people with a greater salary." So, the result is the employee with the third highest salary.
Note that this query can fail if there are two or more people with the exact same salary.
This will only work with Distinct Salaries:
For every employee count the number of rows where salary is greater then employee salary. If the count is 2 + 1, return the employee
Therefore it will return the 3rd emplyee.
I would do this with SELECT TOP 1 FROM (SELECT TOP 3 * FROM Employee ORDER BY Salary DESC) a ORDER BY SALARY ASC
This is what is known as a correlated subquery. You can think of it as looping over all the records in the outer query and for each one it evaluates the query in the where clause. (This happens because the query in the where clause references the alias "A" of the outer query)
So for each employee in gets the count of the number of employees with a higher salary.
You could probably implement this logic faster in SQL 2005 & 2008 by using the ROW_NUMBER function.
WITH SalaryOrder AS
FROM employee
FROM SalaryOrder
WHERE SalaryRank = 3
Just to illustrate this with an example, say the salary are as below; repeated the data for the B,
EmpA EmpB
5000 5000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
In the first parse, A.Salary is 5000, so all the Count of salary from B which exceeds 5000 is 0. Add one and its 1. Now this will be the highest salary.
In your example, A.Salary is 2000, so all the count of salary from B which exceeds 2000 will be 2, add one and it will be 3. Join 3=3 and A.Salary with value 2000 will get selected.
