Using drupal I just want one time checkout functionality to be integrated. I have see Commerce 2CheckOut module which integrate 2checkout gateway. Is it possible to get steps to integrate/configyre this module in our website?
I recently fixed a bunch of things in this module and opened an issue to get the changes added. If you still need them, the step by step instructions and the fixed module can be found at this URL
I am building a customer portal and Iam thinking of future expansion of features and modules. Is there a way how to achieve this in React?
I remember using Joomla and similar CRMs before where you go to modules inside your site admin, download module you wanted and then it was accesible.
I would like to have separated repos for each plugin and install them via gui ratehr than actual code.
Is tehre a way to do it?
Thanks for any ideas
I would like to develop a Salesforce Commerce Cloud Cartridge.
My JS code needs to load before all other JS Code.
What are my possibilities to achieve that? is it even possible to determine when your plugin loads?
I read about the cartridge stack load order,
Base -> Plugin -> LINK -> Custom (default).
I cannot seem to understand, is it possible to develop a Plugin or LINK cartridge? what does it require of me?
In SFCC the cartridge path and the cartridge itself has no influence on the JS code that is delivered to the client. It only defines what files take precedence during code generation on the server-side.
If you want to make sure you plugin code runs first on the client side you would have to either write a wrapper that makes all other scripts wait or add your JS code as dependency to other scripts. I doubt however that you can provide this functionality simply through your cartridge. I think whoever uses the cartridge has to take care of that manually.
I am interested to know if anyone has been able to successfully use Angular CLI in a Squarespace site.
I have been searching for answers to this problem but can't find a solution. I know that you can add custom scripts to a Squarespace site and/or add scripts via CDN but Angular CLI apps are usually deployed using a different method.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
NOTE: I know that this is not a best practice and devs should deploy their Angular CLI app via AWS or with a similar platform.
I'm surprised no one has answered this. Yes, there's no reason why you couldn't use AngularJS or any other Javascript library with Squarespace. You'll need a 'Business' level account, however, and you'll want to check out the developer portal here:
Squarespace provides you with a Git repository and a CLI that you can download via NPM that will let you run a local squarespace server and develop your site from scratch or with a base template.
You can check out their docs on 3rd party avascript (e.g. Angular) here:
Since your question is specifically about using the CLI, I would just note whatever your final 'production' bundle looks like and include that in your git repository, so that you can reference it in your main html page.
I am new in MEANJS and someone suggest me to go with MEANJS for kickstart app. I have started working on it and trying to make an architecture for my app but i am confused in 1 thing that what will be the architecture if i need to work in cross modules.
What I want is that I have 2 CRUD modules Articles and Needs now I want to show my Needs list and Articles list on my dashboard (core module home page). Please help me and how can i communicate between different modules. App is medium size.
Waiting for suggestions..
I think your best way of doing this is by using the REST api's of each module. In core/client/services add new services for retrieving the data from /api/articles and /api/needs (use the same services as in articles/client/services/articles.client.service.js).
Call the services in core/client/controllers/home.client.controller.js to get the data and display it in core/client/views/home.client.view.html.
Hope this helps a bit. Im also quite new to MeanJS.
I'm trying to host my first website. I've made it using angularjs, bootstrap and yeoman as a generator. However when I tried to upload it, I realized that the full size of everything in my folder (including the generated stuff by yeoman) was nearly 100mb.
What files do I actually need to host? Node is nearly 60mb and grunt isn't much smaller. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming you have a web server like nginx or apache already on that server, you just need to upload the dist folder that is created when you run grunt build.
You don't need all that generator and node stuff just to host a simple test project.
What you actually need is a single HTML file, called index.html. Include Angular and bootstrap (you can omit this, too, if you can go without fancy styles) and create a file app.js which will hold your application logic. shows this in a neat way on their landing page, just scroll down to 'The basics'
As static angularjs application will contain mainly HTML, CSS and JS files you can host your project on simple apache webserver. (Apache -
If you are making a dynamic angularjs application you will have webservices returning you JSON data. If you implement the restful webservices in Java (using Jersey) you can deploy you entire angularjs application with java webserivce implementation to tomcat web server. (Tomcat -
Hope this helps!
Decided to answer this old question because its one of the few that show on google when searched.
You do not need to use Grunt anymore, I do not know if this was needed at the time of this question.
instead just do
ng build my-app
this would have saved me some hours.
link to current doc