Oracle database: Group tables in folders, like Postgres Schemas? - database

is there a way to group tables into Postgres's schema like structure? We have a Postgresql server we want to move to Oracle DB. We use a lot of schemas to categorize tables. Anything Similar in oracle? Oracle has Schemas but there is a one to one relation between schema and a user. Schema == User.
Is there another stack-exchange that might be more appropriate for this question?

You will need to create the same amount of schemas in Oracle as you did in PostgreSQL. The fact that each schema is also associated with a user should not bother you.
You don't have to log-in with all those users if that's what you are wondering.
Just create one "application" user, and grant the necessary privileges on the tables you create in the various schemas to that application user.
If you used PostgreSQL's search path feature to avoid fully qualified table names, then you'll need to create synonyms (owned by the "applicatoin" user) that point to the tables in the various schemas.


Database Schema Name for General Database Tables

When designing databases, I have been following the conventions of the Microsoft AdventureWorks sample database. They use schemas to logically separate groups of tables, e.g. Person, Production or Sales. It makes a lot of sense from a security point of view as well as from an organizational pov.
However, I have some tables that are used in multiple schemas. For example, a Country table that contains all countries. It wouldn't make sense to assign a sepecific schema to it, e.g. Person.Country or Production.Country as it is used in tables of different schemas.
Therefore, which schema do I assign it to?
you can use the "dbo" schema, its the default schema for sql-server and many others.

Regarding the purpose of database schema

I read a write up about database schema.
A SQL Server schema is a container of objects. For example you may have a large enterprise application and then is a good practice to use different schemas for different purposes (e.g. put HR related tables into HR schema, accounting related tables into Accounting schema and so on). A schema can be owned by any user, and the ownership is transferable.
They said: use different schemas for different purposes (e.g. put HR related tables into HR schema, accounting related tables into Accounting schema and so on)
Do they mean create new database for HR and again new database for accounting?
Because when we create a database then a single schema is created so we cannot create multiple schema in single SQL Server database as far I know.
So please tell me how is it possible to create different schemas for different purposes in a single database? Thanks
Purpose of Schema
Schemas in sql server were introduced in sql server 2005, The main purpose was to eliminate User's ownership of objects in sql server. or you can say to separate users from objects in sql server.
Prior to Sql server 2005 objects in sql server (Tables, views, Store proceders etc) were owned by users. Typically the user who created it.
And that user had to give permissions to other users to use that particular object.
Imagine a scenario where 12 developers are working in a company and all developers are creating sql objects left, right centre. Now all the developers had to give permissions to other 11 developers if they had to work objects created by that one developer. quite a bit of mess isnt it??
Since sql server 2005 came with Schema. All the objects were Owned by a Schema Not a User. if you havent created any custom schema it will be under default Schema dbo.
Now anyone who has permission to dbo schema has permission to any object under dbo schema.
Why it is a good idea to create different schemas for different departments in your case. It may be because HR people doesnt need to know anything about Finance stuff. so you can create a HR schema and give HR people permission only on HR schema. and vice versa with finance people. That will restrict their access to only objects related to their departments.
And we can create multiple Schemas in one database if you have ever worked with Adventureworks database, it has Schemas like 'Production', 'Sales' etc etc.
Read here to learn more about schemas in sql server.
No they mean create a schema. Create schema works within a database. There are all sorts of uses for it, I tend to think of it as either namespacing or a more natural way of partitioning a smallish database and keeping role based access, where you can think of schema as a user group.
Unfortunately, there are two meanings to the word "schema" in the database world.
One means the overall design of the database tables. "Show me your database schema", for example. This would be the collection of "create table" commands, or and ERD diagram.
The other is a synonym for "namespace", which the article in question is referring to. You can store tables, functions etc in different namespaces to ease cognitive load or use for security grouping.

How can I divide up my database into different areas for different kinds of information storage in SQL Server?

My database has been created with table names looking like this for the user information:
DROP TABLE [dbo].[webpages_Membership];
DROP TABLE [dbo].[webpages_OAuthMembership];
DROP TABLE [dbo].[webpages_Roles];
DROP TABLE [dbo].[webpages_UsersInRoles];
Is this somewhat of a standard when it comes to table naming conventions? If I now want
to make some new tables would it be reasonable to also name them things like
or do DBAs normally assign tables used to hold different things to different users when they want to group table types?
I would just like to find out how people normally group tables in an application. Am I
right to assume they are all under one owner in this case dbo or do people leave the
table names alone and have them stored in different owner accounts?
Yes, the best way is to use schemas to divide logically grouped tables. Good example of this is Adventure works database you can download from CodePlex. They have several schemas for different parts of the company such as Person, Production, Purcahsing, Sales and other. See more details on how MS designed this DB.
Have a look at schemas:
create schema webpages authorization dbo;
create table webpages.Membership (...
create table webpages.OAuthMembership (...
create schema admin authorization dbo;
create table admin.application (...
It used to be that before SQL Server 2005, you needed to create a database user in order to create a schema. However, since then, you can create schemas for organizational purposes. Schemas cannot contain schemas, so it's a single level. Schemas can contain any database object, i.e. tables, stored procedures, etc..
Schemas need to have an owner, hence the authorization bit above. Specifying dbo here will make it the same as if you had created it in the dbo schema.

Difference between SQL Server and Oracle 'User'

Are there any differences between a user in SQL Server and one in Oracle? If so, what are they?
In Oracle, the users and the schema are one thing. You can create two different tables with the same name, belonging to different users.
In SQL Server, schema and user are separate things. The users are only used to log in and define permissions.
See this question for more information: What is the difference between an Oracle and Microsoft schema?
Oracle schemas are like My Documents folders in the Windows OS. A user can grant permissions to other users to see things in their schema but an Oracle schema is essentially a user's workspace.
MS SQL Server's schemas are namespaces. While you can have Accounting and Marketing schemas, they are not tightly-coupled to individual users. Objects in an Accounting schema contain accounting information and objects in the Marketing schema have marketing information.
Oracle schemas are tightly-coupled to users and MS SQL Server schemas are primarily for classification.

schema in sql server 2008

what is the difference between creating ordinary tables using 'dbo' and creating tables using schemas.How this schema works & supports the tables
A schema is just a container for DB objects - tables, views etc. It allows you to structure a very large database solution you might have. As a sample, have a look at the newer AdventureWorks sample databases - they have a number of schemata included, like "HumanResources" and so forth.
A schema can be a security boundary, e.g. you can give or deny certain users access to a schema as a whole. A schema can also be used to keep tables with the same name apart, e.g. you could create a "user schema" for each user of your application, and have a "Settings" table in each of them, holding that user's settings, e.g. "Bob.Settings", "Mary.Settings" etc.
In my experience, schemata are not used very often in SQL Server. It's a way to organize your database objects into containers, but unless you have a huge amount of database objects, it's probably something you won't really use much.
dbo is a schema.
See if this helps.
Schema seems to be a way of categorizing objects (tables/stored procs/views etc).
Think of it as a bucket to organize related objects based on functionality.
I am not sure, how logged in SQL user is tied to a specific schema though.
