Google App Engine storing as list vs JSON - database

I have a model called User, and a user has a property relatedUsers, which, in its general format, is an array of integers. Now, there will be times when I want to check if a certain number exists in a User's relatedUsers array. I see two ways of doing this:
Use a standard Python list with indexed values (or maybe not) and just run an IN query and see if that number is in there.
Having the key to that User, get back the value for property relatedUsers, which is an array in JSON string format. Decode the string, and check if the number is in there.
Which one is more efficient? Would number 1 cost more reads than option 2? And would number 1 writes cost more than number 2, since indexing each value costs a write. What if I don't index -- which solution would be better then?

Here's your costs vs capability, option wise:
Putting the values in an indexed list will be far more expensive. You will incur the cost of one write for each value in the list, which can explode depending on how many friends your users have. It's possible for this cost explosion to be worse if you have certain kinds of composite indexes. The good side is that you get to run queries on this information: you can get query for a list of users who are friends with a particular user, for example.
No extra index or write costs here. The problem is that you lose querying functionality.
If you know that you're only going to be doing checks only on the current user's list of friends, by all means go with option 2. Otherwise you might have to look at your design a little more carefully.


Choosing the right model for storing and querying data?

I am working on my first GAE project using java and the datastore. And this is my first try with noSQL database. Like a lot of people i have problems understanding the right model to use. So far I've figured out two models and I need help to choose the right one.
All the data is represented in two classes User.class and Word.class.
User: couple of string with user data (username, email.....)
Word: two strings
Which is better :
Search in 10 000 000 entities for the 100 i need. For instance every entity Word have a string property owner and i query (owner = ‘John’).
In User.class i add property List<Word> and method getWords() that returns the list of words. So i query in 1000 users for the one i need and then call method like getWords() that returns List<Word> with that 100 i need.
Which one uses less resources ? Or am i going the wrong way with this ?
The answer is to use appstats and you can find out:
To keep your application fast, you need to know:
Is your application making unnecessay RPC calls? Should it be caching
data instead of making repeated RPC calls to get the same data? Will
your application perform better if multiple requests are executed in
parallel rather than serially?
Run some tests, try it both ways and see what appstats says.
But I'd say that your option 2) is better simply because you don't need to search millions of entities. But who knows for sure? The trouble is that "resources" are a dozen different things in app engine - CPU, datastore reads, datastore writes etc etc etc.
For your User class, set a unique ID for each user (such as a username or email address). For the Word class, set the parent of each Word class as a specific User.
So, if you wanted to look up words from a specific user, you would do an ancestor query for all words belonging to that specific user.
By setting an ID for each user, you can get that user by ID as opposed to doing an additional query.
More info on ancestor queries:
More info on IDs:
It really depends on the queries you're using. I assume that you want to find all the words given a certain owner.
Most likely, 2 would be cheaper, since you'll need to fetch the user entity instead of running a query.
2 will be a bit more work on your part, since you'll need to manually keep the list synchronized with the instances of Word
Off the top of my head I can think of 2 problems with #2, which may or may not apply to you:
A. If you want to find all the owners given a certain word, you'll need to keep that list of words indexed. This affects your costs. If you mostly find words by owner, and rarely find owners by words, it'll still make sense to do it this way. However, if your search pattern flips around and you're searching for owners by words a lot, this may be the wrong design. As you see, you need to design the models based on the queries you will be using.
B. Entities are limited to 1MB, and there's a limit on the number of indexed properties (5000 I think?). Those two will limit the number of words you can store in your list. Make sure that you won't need more than that limit of words per user. Method 1 allows you unlimted words per user.

List of keys or separate model?

I'm building an app with users and their activities. Now I'm thinking of the best way of setting up the datastore models. Which one is fastest/preferred, and why?
class User(db.Model):
activities = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
class Activity(db.Model):
activities = db.get(user.activities)
class User(db.Model):
class Activity(db.Model):
owner = db.ReferenceProperty(reference_class=User)
activities = Activity.filter('owner =', user)
If a given activity can only have a single owner, definitely use a ReferenceProperty.
It's what ReferencePropertys are designed for
It'll automatically set up back-references for you, which can be handy since it gives you a bi-directional link (unlike the ListProperty which is a uni-directional link)
It enforces that the thing being linked to is the proper type/class
It enforces that only a single user is linked to a given activity
It lets you automatically fetch the linked objects without having to write an explicit query, if you so desire
I'm guessing the difference is going to be marginal and will likely depend more on your application than some concrete difference in read/write times based on your models.
I would say use the first option if you're going to use info from every activity a user has done each time you fetch a user. In other words, if almost everything a user does on your application coincides with a large subset of their activities, then it makes sense to always have the activities available.
Use option B if you don't need the activities all of the time. This will result in a separate request on the data store whenever you need to use the activity, but it will also make the requests smaller. Making an extra request likely adds more overhead than making bigger requests.
All of that being said, I would be surprised if you had a noticeable difference between these two approaches. The area where you're going to get much more noticeable performance improvements is by using memcache.
I don't know about the performance difference, I suspect it'll be similar. When it comes to perf, things are hard to control with the GAE datastore. If all your queries happen to hit the same tablet (bigtable server), that could limit your perf more than the query itself.
The big difference is that A would be cheaper than B. Since you have a list of activities you want, you don't need to write an index for every activity object you write. If activities are written a lot, your savings add up.
Since you have the activity key, you also have the ability to do a highly-consistent get() rather than an eventually consistent filter()
On the flip side, you won't be able to do backwards references, like look up an owner given an activity. Your ListProperty can also cause you to hit your maximum entity size - there will eventually be a hard limit on the number of activities per user. If you went with B, you can have a huge number of activities per user.
Edit: I forgot, you can have backwards reference if you index your ListProperty, but then that way, writing your User object would get expensive, and the limit on the number of indexed properties would limit the size of your list. So even though it's possible, B is still preferable if you need backwards references.
A will be a good deal faster because it is working purely with keys. Looking up objects with just keys goes straight to the data node in BigTable, whereas B requires a lookup on the indices first which is slower (and costs will go up with the number of Activity entities).
If you never need to test for ownership, you can modify A to not index the key list. This is definitely the cheapest and most efficient route. However, as I understand it, if you later need to index them app engine cannot retroactively update indices on the key list. So only disable the index if you're certain you'll never need it.
How about C: setting Activity's parent to user key? So that you can fetch user's activities with a Activity.query(ancestor=user.key).
That way you don't need additional keys/properties + good way to group your entities for HR datastore.

Determining the Similarity Between Items in a Database

We have a database with hundreds of millions of records of log data. We're attempting to 'group' this log data as being likely to be of the same nature as other entries in the log database. For instance:
Record X may contain a log entry like:
Change Transaction ABC123 Assigned To Server US91
And Record Y may contain a log entry like:
Change Transaction XYZ789 Assigned To Server GB47
To us humans those two log entries are easily recognizable as being likely related in some way. Now, there may be 10 million rows between Record X and Record Y. And there may be thousands of other entries that are similar to X and Y, and some that are totally different but that have other records they are similar to.
What I'm trying to determine is the best way to group the similar items together and say that with XX% certainty Record X and Record Y are probably of the same nature. Or perhaps a better way of saying it would be that the system would look at Record Y and say based on your content you're most like Record X as apposed to all other records.
I've seen some mentions of Natural Language Processing and other ways to find similarity between strings (like just brute-forcing some Levenshtein calculations) - however for us we have these two additional challenges:
The content is machine generated - not human generated
As opposed to a search engine approach where we determine results for a given query - we're trying to classify a giant repository and group them by how alike they are to one another.
Thanks for your input!
Interesting problem. Obviously, there's a scale issue here because you don't really want to start comparing each record to every other record in the DB. I believe I'd look at growing a list of "known types" and scoring records against the types in that list to see if each record has a match in that list.
The "scoring" part will hopefully draw some good answers here -- your ability to score against known types is key to getting this to work well, and I have a feeling you're in a better position than we are to get that right. Some sort of soundex match, maybe? Or if you can figure out how to "discover" which parts of new records change, you could define your known types as regex expressions.
At that point, for each record, you can hopefully determine that you've got a match (with high confidence) or a match (with lower confidence) or very likely no match at all. In this last case, it's likely that you've found a new "type" that should be added to your "known types" list. If you keep track of the score for each record you matched, you could also go back for low-scoring matches and see if a better match showed up later in your processing.
I would suggest indexing your data using a text search engine like Lucene to split your log entries into terms. As your data is machine generated use also word bigrams and tigrams, even higher order n-grams. A bigram is just a sequence of consecutive words, in your example you would have the following bigrams:
Change_Transaction, Transaction_XYZ789, XYZ789_Assigned, Assigned_To, To_Server, Server_GB47
For each log prepare queries in a similar way, the search engine may give you the most similar results. You may need to tweek the similarity function a bit to obtain best results but I believe this is a good start.
Two main strategies come to my mind here:
the ad-hoc one. Use an information retrieval approach. Build an index for the log entries, eventually using a specialized tokenizer/parser, by feeding them into a regular text search engine. I've heard people do this with Xapian and Lucene. Then you can "search" for a new log record and the text search engine will (hopefully) return some related log entries to compare it with. Usually the "information retrieval" approach is however only interested in finding the 10 most similar results.
the clustering approach. You will usually need to turn the data into numerical vectors (that may however be sparse) e.g. as TF-IDF. Then you can apply a clustering algorithm to find groups of closely related lines (such as the example you gave above), and investigate their nature. You might need to tweak this a little, so it doesn't e.g. cluster on the server ID.
Both strategies have their ups and downs. The first one is quite fast, however it will always just return you some similar existing log lines, without much quantities on how common this line is. It's mostly useful for human inspection.
The second strategy is more computationally intensive, and depending on your parameters could fail completely (so maybe test it on a subset first), but could also give more useful results by actually building large groups of log entries that are very closely related.
It sounds like you could take the lucene approach mentioned above, then use that as a source for input vectors into the machine learning library Mahout ( Once there you can train a classifier, or just use one of their clustering algorithms.
If your DBMS has it, take a look at SOUNDEX().

Suggestions for a database with good support for set operations

I'm looking for a database with good support for set operations (more specifically: unions).
What I want is something that can store sets of short strings and calculate the union of such sets. For example, I want to add A, B, and C to a set, then D, and A to another and then get the cardinality of the union of those sets (4), but scaled up a million times or so.
The values are 12 character strings and the set sizes range from single elements to millions.
I have experimented with Redis, and it's fantastic in every respect except that for the amount of data I have it's tricky with something that is memory-based. I've tried using the VM feature, but that makes it use even more memory, it something more geared towards large values and I have small values (so say the helpful people on the Redis mailing list). The jury is still out, though, I might get it to work.
I've also sketched on implementing it on top of a relational database, which would probably work, but what I'm asking for is something that I wouldn't have to hack to work. Redis would be a good answer, but as I mentioned above, I've tried it.
My current, Redis-based, implementation works more or less like this: I parse log files and for each line I extract an API key, a user ID, and the values of a number of properties like site domain, time of day, etc. I then formulate a keys that looks somewhat like this (each line results in many keys, one for each property):
the key points to a set, and to this set I add the user ID. When I've parsed all the log files I want to know the total number of unique user IDs for a property over all time and so I ask Redis for the cardinality of the union of all keys that match
Is there a database, besides Redis, that has good support for this use case?
it sounds like you need something like boost::disjoint_set which is a datastructure specifically optimized for taking unions or intersections of large sets.

Should I denormalize properties to reduce the number of indexes required by App Engine?

One of my queries can take a lot of different filters and sort orders depending on user input. This generates a huge index.yaml file of 50+ indexes.
I'm thinking of denormalizing many of my boolean and multi-choice (string) properties into a single string list property. This way, I will reduce the number of query combinations because most queries will simply add a filter to the string list property, and my index count should decrease dramatically.
It will surely increase my storage size, but this isn't really an issue as I won't have that much data.
Does this sound like a good idea or are there any other drawbacks with this approach?
As always, this depends on how you want to query your entities. For most of the sorts of queries you could execute against a list of properties like this, App Engine will already include an automatically built index, which you don't have to specify in app.yaml. Likewise, most queries that you'd want to execute that require a composite index, you couldn't do with a list property, or would require an 'exploding' index on that list property.
If you tell us more about the sort of queries you typically run on this object, we can give you more specific advice.
Denormalizing your data to cut back on the number of indices sounds like it a good tradeoff. Reducing the number of indices you need will have fewer indices to update (though your one index will have more updates); it is unclear how this will affect performance on GAE. Size will of course be larger if you leave the original fields in place (since you're copying data into the string list property), but this might not be too significant unless your entity was quite large already.
This is complicated a little bit since the index on the list will contain one entry for each element in the list on each entity (rather than just one entry per entity). This will certainly impact space, and query performance. Also, be wary of creating an index which contains multiple list properties or you could run into a problem with exploding indices (multiple list properties => one index entry for each combination of values from each list).
Try experimenting and see how it works in practice for you (use AppStats!).
"It will surely increase my storage size, but this isn't really an issue as I won't have that much data."
If this is true then you have no reason to denormalize.
