.net Capture real time GPS data - wpf

I am wanting to build a car dashboard equivalent in C# WPF and I have everything running well with dummy data. I can find very little information on streaming live data from a GPS. Does anyone have experience with something like this and can you point me in the right direction.

Please follow these links to parse GPS data which you are getting from your GPS Device.


How would I add live video streaming code to the graphite dashboard?

I am running an apache2 graphite host from an Orange Pi One, having written a service to translate and send data from sensors on the GPIO to the carbon line receiver. My project is to incorporate all the I/O from the device into a dashboard.
There are loads of graphite dashboards, but I can't find one that has a simple video stream applet/plugin.
I have searched graphite-web github and can easily adapt dashboard.html, but I am not sure whether the entire file is a placeholder, and whether any additions would render properly after all the javascript has run and rendered the page. It would seem I might need to reverse engineer the javascript, which seems quite an effort for the simple task I want.
If I can figure out the video stream code for the CSI camera, then I can adapt it to modify the dashboard with all the other data I want to display.
So, I am really looking for some guidance on getting started with dashboard code modification?
You can use the text panel to add HTML content to the dashboard.

Touching two phones together to send data

I'm trying to develop an application like Bump to receive data from another device by touching them together. I could not find any tutorial on Google about this. Can somebody help me make an idea about how this works? What programming language should I use, how can I do it by using Bluetooth or/and Wifi, etc? I only need some info. I don't know where to start. Thank you!
If you want to create something like bump for iPhone, you could code it in Objective-C or swift. (Based on preference) For android you would code it in Java. To make this bump you need to create a trigger that detects a shake gesture on the device to trigger additional code. The additional code will take the location and the time of both devices in the bump and save it into a database. You need to check the location and the timestamp and compare those values. If is the same location and at the same time you know those are the two devices in the bump. After you know the devices involved you can send whatever information between those devices. Hope this helped.

WP7 - compass pointer

Sorry for the really general question, but I don't have a clue where to start. There's a component I want to develop for a WP7 application which is a an arrow that points in the direction (preferable X, Y, Z planes) of an address from where the user is currently located.
So for example, if you're lost in the woods and you have the address (long/latitude) of your house, it will always point you home.
Anyone know of any way to get started with this or samples or.....?
Thx in advance!
With the release of Mango you can now use the Compass class.
There is also the Raw Sensor Data Sample and How to: Get Data from the Compass Sensor for Windows Phone.
Unfortunately as of January 2011, Microsoft has not yet exposed the compass functionality with a public API. You'll have to wait till a later release for that.
If you are interested in the Latitude and Longitude, the GeoCoordinateWatcher is the place to start.
You can write so many miles East/West/North/South on the app page ( not worth much) if required.
You can even show a dynamic bing map with an indication of current location and destination using pins. But can't show the directions/orientation of the device w.r.t. actual direction.
You can get current GPS location and home GPS location. check the location service API http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff431803.aspx
Cant you use the GeoCoordinate.Course to get direction you are going?

client wants a "disaster" weather tracker on website.. possible?

Hey guys, I have a client who wants their front site to have a tracker on disaster weather like hurricanes when they occur. Essentially they want a way to manage this without getting a developer to do it everytime a new storm develops.
I know there are plenty of ways to get a weather updates on website when you have a set location.. thats easy. Its different when you dont know the storms in advance! Location would be different every time.
Does anyone have any idea on how to do this?
I would probably monitor an RSS feed.
TWC has some nice RSS feeds setup that look like they will facilitate your needs: http://www.weather.com/weather/rss/subscription/
The National Hurricane Center also has RSS feeds: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutrss.shtml

How do I plot the points (data) from the database to the OpensStreetMap?

I wonder how the mapping thing works in the OpenStreetMap. I'm building an app that uses my own database(which I will build using OSM dumps using Osmosis; same as in the OpenStreetMap website). I have really no idea how it works. Thanks in advance! :D
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Develop is your friend for these kind of answers. They explain (depening on the page) pretty detailed how things work.
I don't know how Osmosis does things since we are working with osm2pgsql but I assume they are almost similar: It basically looks for certain tags (since everything is "tagged" by the OSM community) and stores it in the database. So if you have a supermarket POI "some_supermarket" that has a tag "supermarket" an entry in the database will reflect these infos and the coordinates. Streets, buildings and so on are only coordinates that get connected when rendering or processing it.
If you ask for the rendering of the tiles/geo-images, there are renderes available that do these tasks. The wiki from above will give you lots of answers, just search for "renderer". They just retrieve the information (depenging on zoom level and your setting) from the database for a certain bounding box and interpret the data from the database e.g. the know that a street is connected and needs to be colored in grey.
