Where are things like zval defined? - c

I'm trying to develop a PHP extension using Eclipse and CDT, but the extension code is reported as full of syntax errors and warnings. I managed to get rid of part of them by telling CDT to look for the PHP include directory and the main directory from the PHP source code, which resolved all the includes, but there are still a lot of problems.
Specifically, where do I find the definition for zval, SUCCESS, FAILURE, STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES, zend_module_entry, zend_function_entry and zend_parse_parameters? How do I get CDT to not mark <module name>, <module name>_functions and return_value as an unresolvable symbols?
Is there a better way to develop a PHP extension using an IDE?

For where to find:
typedef struct _zval_struct zval; : ./Zend/zend.h
struct _zval_struct { : ./Zend/zend.h
SUCCESS : ./Zend/zend.h
FAILURE : ./Zend/zend.h
STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES : ./Zend/zend_modules.h
typedef struct _zend_module_entry zend_module_entry; : ./Zend/zend_modules.h
struct _zend_module_entry { : : ./Zend/zend_modules.h
typedef struct _zend_function_entry {
} zend_function_entry; : ./Zend/zend_API.h
zend_parse_parameters( : ./Zend/zend_API.c
If you want to look at PHP source code like that i suggest you use i.e. Vim in combination with cscope. Then all you have to do is have the marker on i.e. zval, enter two keys and it jumps to the definition.
From a quick google it looks like Eclipse also has some cscope support or the like. Search workspace? It would require you to load the PHP source in to workspace tho I guess.
When it comes to CDT I have no idea. Never used it.
Had a look at it out of curiosity and need to get to know CDT.
Created a standard C project.
Right click project
Paths and Symbols
Source location; added PHP directory.
Right click project
Rebuild (Big source so takes a while)
Now I can say i.e. zend_parse_param CtrlSpace and get auto completion. Or zend_parse_parameters( CtrlSpace.
Or select Search -> C/C++... and select i.e. "Definitions", text "zval" -> search and get definitions.
Or type zva CtrlSpace and get zval etc.
You can also right click PHP source in Project Explorer and select i.e. Exclude from build etc.


How to predefine header file path in a project

I am trying to use the following method to include a project header file:
#include FILE_PATH
Where FILE_PATH is defined as the file to be included.
The project compiles without errors if FILE_PATH is include as:
#define FILE_PATH "hal/micro/config.h"
#include FILE_PATH
But if FILE_PATH is pre-defined as a compiler define option inside the project options, then building the project returns the following error:
Error #13: Expected a file name
The development software being used is Code Composer Studio version 6.
What am I missing here to pre-define the header file path in a project?
Additional Details:
I am in the process of converting a working project from the IAR embedded workbench IDE to Code Composer Studio. The Pre-define NAME (--define, -D) shown in the picture below are mostly identical to how they were in the IAR project.
The pre-define name boxed in red is currently the cause of the error, but this could occur with any of the other defines with file pathnames.
I have tried the suggestion of using the #ifdef statement to at least verify that PLATFORM_HEADER is actually defined and it does seem to be defined. I also checked for typos and there doesn't appear to be any noticeable typos.
The key reason for wanting to go with the pre-defined macro approach is to avoid individually making changes to numerous files affected by this error.
I still have not yet tried a command line compile, since I need to reference the manual on how to do so, but I will try as soon as I figure it out.
#StenSoft wrote:
The IDE does not correctly escape the parameters. You should escape the quotes. You can also try placing PLATFORM_HEADER somewhere in the code and see what the compiler would tell you it sees.

Make Eclipse CDT pre-include a header file, to avoid error: "Symbol <symbol> could not be resolved"

Is there a way to make the Eclipse editor presume that a specific C header file has already been included, without having to #include it explicitly?
For example, how can we achieve:
#include "common_type_defs.h"
#include "special_type_defs.h" // Don't want to have to mention this header file
common_type var1;
special_type var2;
by writing only:
#include "common_type_def.h"
common_type var1;
special_type var2; // Eclipse editor: "Symbol 'special_type' could not be resolved"
without getting the Eclipse editor annotation error: "Symbol 'special_type' could not be resolved".
The reason is, the project uses a custom scripted build system. The special header files are added automatically by the build system, selected from different libraries. So the build succeeds.
I have added the special header folder to the include paths of the project. This allows me to hit [F3] and jump to the definition of "special_type". It is just that the editor flags an error.
I do not want to silence the error because I want to catch real errors.
Any suggestions?
Go to:
Project properties → C/C++ General → Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc. → Entries → GNU C
Select CDT User Setting Entries and than click Add button. Select Include File and enter your preprocessor pre-include file here.
Apply and rebuild indexer.
I am using Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a)
Do additional define in your build system and then:
#include "special_type_defs.h" // Don't want to have to mention this header file
I ended up creating different "build configurations", for each build option of the build system. There I can add the background header files, as required.
One disadvantage is that I must maintain the different build configurations to mirror the build system: when new header files are added to the build system, the same files must also be added to the eclipse build configuration. So this solution will be unsuitable for big team projects where multiple people frequently change the included files because you could easily miss a file change or two. But it works well for small teams and infrequent changes.

Xcode change/remove comment template

Recently I've been learning how to program C. For most of the time, I have been using the C version of Eclipse. Recently, I tried out Xcode. I am using a Mac running Mac OS X Lion - Xcode version 4.1.
There is one grievance I have: at the top of every file that I create, there is this little section of comments that I wish to remove or better yet, change.
When I create a file, something like this is put at the top of the file by default:
// FILE.c
// Created by Martin Tuskevicius on DATE.
// Copyright YEAR ORGANIZATION (my school name for some reason). All rights reserved.
Obviously the things in capitals would be replaced with an actual value. For those of you have use, or have used Xcode, for programming C - do you know a way of how to change or remove these default comments?
I really appreciate any help.
According to #Michael Dautermann 's comment below, change templates in Xcode.app bundle is not a good way. Check https://stackoverflow.com/a/33743/380774 for more information.
You can remove or change the header in File Templates, I'm using Xcode 4.3, and the File Templates is in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/File Templates.
Please do not edit files inside Xcode, that will break the application signature and will cause Xcode to refuse to start up after the next restart or so.
Create an IDETemplateMacros.plist file containing a dictionary with a FILEHEADER key (string) instead.
You can put the file in
for all users on a single project by dropping it in your project's or workspace's xcshareddata folder (e.g. MyAppWorkspace.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDETemplateMacros.plist)
for yourself for a single project by copying it into e.g MyAppWorkspace.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/YOURNAMEHERE.xcuserdatad
global for all projects that you open in your account by dropping the file in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/
You can change it in Xcode project File.
This is my image for tutorial :D
Very easy!!!

How can I get Eclipse to index code inside #ifdef .... #endif

I'm using eclipse to work on some c code and it is not indexing code inside conditional compilation blocks like this:
int feature_a(...) {
some = code(here);
How can I get eclipse to index the feature_a function?
You could tell eclipse that USE_FEATURE_A is defined. Open your project properties and go to the "C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols" page, under the "Symbols" tab click the "Add" button and put USE_FEATURE_A in the name feild and click OK.
Note: this will cause it not to index any #else sides to your preprocessor stuff... so unless they are all like the one in question you can't AFAIK, but if they are they you're good. (Eclipse contains a C preprocessor that it uses to analyize your code all the stuff above does is essentially the same as adding -DUSE_FEATURE_A to your command line so Eclipse's preprocessor will behave differently from the one in your compiler)
This is an easier and in my opinion more elegant solution to the one selected as the solution:
If someone has the same problem (as I had), this can (now?) easily be solved by going to Window->Preference->C/C++/Indexer and enable "Index all header variants".
Then click Project->C/C++ Indexer->rebuild and clean and build your project. This should resolve all error originating from preprocessor commands.
For what it's worth, getting eclipse to parse conditionally compiled code is much harder to do than would appear at first glance. I found a paper on by IBM from 2007 where they said they will prioritize for the "next release".
Handling Conditional Compilation in CDT's Core
I had this same problem, but the code conditionally eliminated by preprocessing was perfectly valid c code and I wanted it formatted... This was my solution:
1) Global find/replace of #if to #JUNKif
2) Ctrl-Shift-F to reformat the source
3) Another global find/replace of #JUNKif to #if
One way to index code under flag in Eclipse(Kepler) c/c++Editor.
You can enable the compilation flags in Eclipse editor so that code under them can be indexed.
Properties > Preprocessor Include Paths > CDT User settings Entries
Click on ADD and add the Preprocessor Macro and you can specify its value.
Best way I guess is to use the Indexer option : Project Properties>C/C++ General>Indexer.
You can choose Enable project specific settings
I prefer choosing "Use active build configuration" so that all files which are actually built in the project are indexed.
Anyhow you can also choose to index all files in the project even if they are not included in the build ...

Why does Eclipse CDT say: 'syntax error', but compilation no problem

I am working in existing C code which has a couple of lines with statements similar to this one:
struct collect_conn *tc = (struct collect_conn *)
((char *)c - offsetof(struct collect_conn, runicast_conn));
The struct collect_conn goes along the following lines:
struct collect_conn {
struct runicast_conn runicast_conn;
struct announcement announcement;
const struct collect_callbacks *cb;
struct ctimer t;
uint16_t rtmetric;
uint8_t forwarding;
uint8_t seqno;
I am using Eclipse CDT, and it marks the line with an orange squiggly line as 'syntax error'. I think it is marked as such by the CDT indexer.
However, compilation (manually in a terminal) is no problem.
This is a bit inconvenient however, since the elements on the line don't get indexed (so the call hierarchy tree isn't always correct, or the highlighting of elements, etc.)
Why does Ecipse not like the line as it is?
Eclipse CDT contains its own preprocessor/parser for analyzing your code and building an index. However, when you invoke a build CDT calls out to your system compiler, like gcc for example. There may be minor differences between the syntax accepted by the CDT parser and the syntax accepted by your compiler. When this happens the CDT parser can get confused.
On my system the offsetof macro expands into an expression that uses the __offsetof__ keyword. This keyword isn't recognized by CDT so that's why there's a syntax error. To deal with this problem the CDT parser has a macro built in to deal with __offsetof__ which looks like this:
#define __offsetof__(x) (x)
This doesn't appear to be correct, at least on my system the result is the removal of the __offsetof__ keyword from the source which still leads to a syntax error.
I was able to get rid of the syntax error by going to the Paths and Symbols property page and adding a macro for __offsetof__ which maps to 'foo'. This tricks the parser into thinking its just a call to a function it hasn't seen before, but not a syntax error.
Alternatively you can turn off syntax error reporting in the editor by going to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations and unchecking all the checkboxes for C/C++ Indexer Markers.
I've fixed problem in eclipse CDT with Preferences->C/C++->Language Mappings : Add
Content Type : C-header
Language : C++
Sometimes, although the code compiles with no error, eclipse CDT's real-time code analyzer shows some errors in C/C++ files (eg. 'Function xxx could not be resolved). This is because eclipse CDT uses its own preprocessor/parser for analyzing the code and building the indexes instead of the MinGW's one (or any other GNU compiler). In order to fix this globally for all eclipse projects in the workspace, follow these steps:
(In order to fix this only for a specific project, follow steps 1, 2 and 4 in menu 'Project->Preferences')
1-In menu 'Window->Preferences->C/C++->Language Mappings', add the correct mappings as shown in below: (eg. for content types: C++ Source/Header File, use GNU C++ language and so on)
2-In menu 'Window->Preferences->C/C++->Indexer', set full indexing by checking all checkboxes (but not 'Skip' ones) as shown in below:
3-In each project's specific properties, menu 'Project->Properties->C/C++ general->Indexer', Uncheck 'Enable project specific settings' as shown in below:
4-Rebuild the indexing, menu 'Project->C/C++ Index->Rebuild'.
It seems the CDT parser doesn't like the portion offsetof(struct ...).
If you declare collect_conn using a typedef the error goes away. At least for me, the following code works:
typedef struct {
struct runicast_conn runicast_conn;
struct announcement announcement;
const struct collect_callbacks *cb;
struct ctimer t;
uint16_t rtmetric;
uint8_t forwarding;
uint8_t seqno;
} collect_conn;
struct collect_conn *tc = (struct collect_conn *)
((char *)c - offsetof(collect_conn, runicast_conn));
If you can't change the original declaration do something like this:
typedef struct collect_conn collect_conn_t;
It might be confused, check if you have a definition of offsetof in-scope, for instance. Otherwise you might try simplifying the expression, breaking it up using e.g. a #define with the offset of, or something.
I'm thinking the compiler might provide a built-in version of offsetof, while Eclipses's compiler/code-parser might not. If so, you would need to make sure you have the definition, for Eclipse to be able to properly parse your code.
try switching the indexer to "Full c/C++ indexer (complete parse)" in Preferences->c/C++ -> indexer
Iv got the same problem. There is 2 definition of offsetof (one for C and one for C++). IMO the problem come from that
For example if i type
#ifndef __cplusplus
Eclipse will grey it. It mean __cplusplus is defined, but my project is a C
Unfortunatly i dont find a fix.
I fixed similar problem after checking the tab Error Parsers in Makefile Project in New CDT Project Wizard, removing CDT Visual C Error Parser (I am using gcc)
I ended up solving the problem like this. First I opened the project properties, then the C/C++ general->Paths and Symbols category. Under the Symbols tab I added this entry:
Symbol: offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER)
Value: ((ssize_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
These symbols are used by the indexer but not passed to the compiler (at least in Makefile projects, I haven't tried it in the other kind of C project), so it doesn't override GCC's built-in offsetof
I've seen Eclipse do this some times, and I use it for Java. Usually closing and opening the file again fixes it for me (resets whatever is wrong). It usually seems to be an error that WAS there but has been fixed and the "error cache" isn't updated correctly.
