Cannot seek media element in silverlight - silverlight

This is the situation.
I have a MainPage.Xaml, within this MainPage.Xaml I have embedded a UserControl (VideoWidget.Xaml) (LayouRoot.Children).
VideoWidget.Xaml has a mediaElement embedded in its LayoutRoot.
I'm trying to Pause/Play the MediaElement (mediaElement1) from MainPage.Xaml but does not respond.
public MainPage()
// Required to initialize variables
Video testVideo = new Video();
VideoWidget video = new VideoWidget(testVideo);
videoWidget.Height = 246;
videoWidget.Width = 290;
The All methods for mediaElement are not responsive.
Help please.

Try putting test control buttons inside the VideoWidget itself. Does that work? If so, there may be a problem with the way you are exposing the mediaElement in the VideoWidget as a public member.


ShowDialog() behind the parent window

I am using ShowDialog() with WindowStyle = WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow; to open a modal window in my WPF (MVVM) application, but it lets me navigate to parent window using the Windows taskbar (Windows 7).
I've found an answer here: WPF and ShowDialog() but it isn't suitable for me because I don't need an "always on top" tool window.
Thanks in advance
Try setting the Owner property of the dialog. That should work.
Window dialog = new Window();
dialog.Owner = mainWindow;
I had a similar problem using this with MVVM. You can solve this by using delegates.
public class MainWindowViewModel
public delegate void ShowDialogDelegate(string message);
public ShowDialogDelegate ShowDialogCallback;
public void Action()
// here you want to show the dialog
ShowDialogDelegate callback = ShowDialogCallback;
if(callback != null)
public class MainWindow
public MainWindow()
// initialize the ViewModel
MainWindowViewModel viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
viewModel.ShowDialogCallback += ShowDialog;
DataContext = viewModel;
private void ShowDialog(string message)
// show the dialog
I had this problem but as the Window was being opened from a view model I didn't have a reference to the current window. To get round it I used this code:
var myWindow = new MyWindowType();
myWindow.Owner = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<Window>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsActive);
You can use: myWindow.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
However, this method causes problems if you have three windows open like this:
-----> ChildWindow1
-----> ChildWindow2
Then setting ChildWindow2.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow will set the owner of the window to be its grandparent window, not parent window.
When the parent window makes (and shows) the child window, that is where you need to set the owner.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private void openChild()
ChildWindow child = new ChildWindow ();
child.Owner = this; // "this" is the parent
Aditionally, if you don't want an extra taskbar for all the children... then
<Window x:Class="ChildWindow"
ShowInTaskbar="False" >
Much of the reason for the MVVM pattern is so that your interaction logic can be unit tested. For this reason, you should never directly open a window from the ViewModel, or you'll have dialogs popping up in the middle of your unit tests.
Instead, you should raise an event that the View will handle and open a dialog for you. For example, see this article on Interaction Requests:
The problem seems to be related to Window.Owner, and indeed if you judge by previous knowledge that you might have of the Win32 API and WinForms, a missing owner would be the typical cause of such a problem, but as many have pointed out, in the case of WPF that's not it. Microsoft keeps changing things to keep things interesting.
In WPF you can have a dialog with a specific owner and you can still have the dialog appear in the taskbar. Because why not. And that's the default behavior. Because why not. Their rationale is that modal dialogs are not kosher anymore, so you should not be using them; you should be using modeless dialogs, which make sense to show as separate taskbar icons, and in any case the user can then decide whether they want to see different app windows as separate icons, or whether they want to see them grouped.
So, they are trying to enforce this policy with complete disregard to anyone who might want to go against their guidelines and create a modal dialog. So, they force you to explicitly state that you do not want a taskbar icon to appear for your dialog.
To fix this problem, do the following in the constructor of your view class:
ShowInTaskbar = false;
(This may happen right after InitializeComponent();
This is equivalent to Xcalibur37's answer, though the way I figure things, since WPF forces you to have both a .cs file and a .xaml file, you might as well put things that are unlikely to change in the .cs file.
Add "ShowInTaskbar" and set it to false.
Even if this post is a bit old, I hope it is OK that I post my solution.
All the above results are known to me and did not exactly yield the desired result.
I am doing it for the other googlers :)
Lets say f2 is your window that you want to display on top of f1 :
f2.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this);
That's it , I promise it will not disappear !

WPF custom control question

i've done this before but i cannot find my old code.
how do you embed a window inside a window.
let say i created a custom form and saved it as Window1.xaml, and want to embed it in Window2.xaml, without copy and pasting the xaml code.. TIA
EDIT: i think my question is somewhat misleading, i'll rephrase it.
i have this Window1.xaml i added custom headers and background images/colors.
then in Window2.xaml, i want Window1 to be a custom control and embed it here.
not sure if its Content Presenters, still googling for the answer :)
You can't host a WPF Window inside another WPF Window, but you could move the content from one Window to another:
var window1 = new Window1();
var window2 = new Window2();
var content = window1.Content;
window1.Content = null;
window2.Content = content;
Note that you set window1.Content to null or else you get an exception, since the content will have a visual parent otherwise.
It appears all you need to do is to copy all the XAML between the <Window></Window> tags in Window1 into a new UserControl, then host that user control in Window2.
I believe you should make use of Pages or usercontrols in such cases. This way you can navigate to other parts/pages/controls defined in application. CodeKaizen is right , you can't host a window inside another window
I'm not sure you can do that - however, you shouldn't put the user interface directly into a window, use a normal control (either custom or user) instead and reuse that in your windows.
I know you can do it in code behind
//Window you want to show
Window1 child = new Window1();
object content = child.Content;
child.Content = null;
//Where to show
Hope helps!
It sounds like you really want a UserControl. Change Window1's type from Window to UserControl and then put that UserControl in Window2.

Binding Image Control to URI in WP7

I ham developing an application for WP7 and i am having a strange problem with Image control, it does not show the image it is binded to.
I have tryed it in so many ways but event this way (the most naive one) does not work:
In the xaml I have an Image control named img and this is what I have done in the code behind
public MainPage()
img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri (#"", UriKind.Absolute));
It seems to simple not to work...
Please help!
This code works fine for me presuming you have img declared as an Image in your xaml.
If not, I'd suggest you have a connection problem from your app running in the emulator or device to the internet.
This is the code I wrote.
image1.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(#"", UriKind.Absolute));

Black background before loading a wpf controll when using ElementHost

I'm using WPF in WinForms with ElementHost. When the form loads, there is a flash of black background where the ElementHost is about to load. This looks kind of bad. Any suggestions on how to get rid of this?
Hide the element (Visibility = Hidden) until the WinForms control is fully loaded...
I know this has already been answered and the question is old but none of the presented answers worked for myself and after a long time of troubleshooting the issue. I finally found an easier answer.
If you build a class extending from Element Host and in the initial constructor. You can set a Load Event for the Host Container. The Host Container is the panel that the Element Hosts Child is being displayed on top of. From there, just set the Host Containers background color to being of the Element Hosts Parents background color.
Like this
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Media;
public class MyElementHost : ElementHost
public MyElementHost()
this.HostContainer.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(HostPanelLoad);
public void HostPanelLoad(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
System.Drawing.Color parentColor = this.Parent.BackColor;
this.HostContainer.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(parentColor.A, parentColor.R, parentColor.G, parentColor.B));
you need first show control with empty bounds first time to avoid black flickering
if (!_control.Created && _control.BackColor != Color.Transparent)
_control.Bounds = Rectangle.Empty;
// set control bounds and show it
Rectangle bounds = GetBounds(context, rect);
if (_control.Bounds != bounds)
_control.Bounds = bounds;
if (!_control.Visible)

How can one host Flash content in a WPF application and use transparency?

How can I go about hosting flash content inside a WPF form and still use transparency/alpha on my WPF window? Hosting a WinForms flash controls does not allow this.
Unless the control you use to display the Flash content is built in WPF, you will run in to these "airspace" issues. Every display technology from Win32 to WinForms used HWNDs "under the hood", but WPF uses DirectX. The Window Manager in Windows however, still only understands HWNDs, so WPF apps have one top-level HWND-based window, and everything under that is done in DirectX (actually things like context menus and tooltips also have top-level HWNDs as well). Adam Nathan has a very good description of WPF interop in this article.
Although I haven't done it, you can probably use the WebBrowser control found in WPF 3.5 sp1 to wrap your Flash content within WPF. I'm not sure how the transparency will be affected though.
Can you use Expression to convert the flash content to XAML? I believe that there are tools in there or off to the side that do this.
Just have been struggling with same problem of how to upload & Make WPF transparent with ability of displaying Flash, because if you enable on your MainWindow "Allow transparency" Flash will not show once the application will run.
1) I used WebBrowser Control to play Flash(.swf) files. They are on my PC, however it can play from internet or wherever you have hosted them. Don't forget to name your WebBrowser Control to get to it in C#.
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MyHelper.ExtendFrame(this, new Thickness(-1));
2) Now for transparency. I have set in WPF 'false' to "Allow Transparency" and set "Window Style" to 'None'. After that I have used information from HERE and HERE and created a following code that produced desired effect of allowing transparency on MainWindow and running Flash at same time, here is my code:
public class MyHelper
public static bool ExtendFrame(Window window, Thickness margin)
IntPtr hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle;
window.Background = Brushes.Transparent;
HwndSource.FromHwnd(hwnd).CompositionTarget.BackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent;
MARGINS margins = new MARGINS(margin);
DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd, ref margins);
return true;
[DllImport("dwmapi.dll", PreserveSig = false)]
static extern void DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(IntPtr hwnd, ref MARGINS margins);
struct MARGINS
public MARGINS(Thickness t)
Left = (int)t.Left;
Right = (int)t.Right;
Top = (int)t.Top;
Bottom = (int)t.Bottom;
public int Left;
public int Right;
public int Top;
public int Bottom;
And called it from Window_Loaded() + you need 'below' line for 'DllImport' to work.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Interop;
