Wordpress mobile integration? - mobile

I have an existing website that works with my custom theme. Unfortunately, it does not appear too well when I access it from my smart phone.
Can someone suggest a good plugin that will help with the user experience from a smart phone?

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What is the best option to create share button? (react)

I saw a lot of option in order to create share interaction with users:
Web share API: https://www.w3.org/TR/web-share/#sharedata-dictionary
It seems compatible with Progressive-Web-App, but it's not well supported by firefox (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/share#browser_compatibility)
Simple Sharer: https://reactjsexample.com/a-javascript-framework-to-share-url-to-social-media-sites-like-facebook-twitter-reddit-whastapp/
If I understood well, it doesn't work for mobile, am I right?
react-share: https://reactjsexample.com/social-media-share-buttons-and-share-counts-for-react/
Seems to work on every browser, but I don't know if it's PWA-friendly. Seems to be the best option, but I'm not sure... The last update was 1 year ago (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-share) so maybe it will not be maintained through times...
What do you use for your app? What do you recommand?
Do you know better alternatives?
My need for the App is to share URL through social media or mail/text or ??? etc. No file in theory. And I'd like to have adapted preview on social media when the user share something.
I have used react-share personally and it was unable to open some of the apps in mobile like whatsapp, etc.
The workaround is deep-links.
if user is using a smartphone or a tablet (we can easily get this using navigator.userAgent) then you can use the app based deep-links otherwise the traditional way in which you can redirect user to a new web page.
Some of the examples:
Whatsapp: https://faq.whatsapp.com/563219570998715/?locale=en_US
Instagram: Answer is already given here
NOTE: deep-link works if the user has installed the application on desktop as well (never tried for macOS but for windows and ubuntu it works)
After edit:
You can use emailto: in href while writing <a .../>.
Share this link
For more reference about mailto please visit this MDN doc: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#attr-href

Guides on how to make a m.domain website (adaptive)

I have been trying to find guides on how to make an adaptive (I think that's what it's called) website like m.domain.com. However, all I can find on google are design blogs showing the pros and cons of responsive vs adaptive.
I'm guessing you have to use JavaScript to detect the device or browser of the client, and redirect to a mobile site.
I'f any of you guys know the piece of code i will need to detect and redirect (if that's what you have to do) or a guide to building a mobile site like this, it would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I found the answer myself.
if(document.URL !="http://emilostervig.dk")
window.location ="http://google.dk";
You can redirect to a different site if the user in on a mobile device.

How to get website to interact with phone?

Is there any way to get my website to interact with my Phone?
I have made a website that acts as a chat room. Using AJAX, PHP, Jquery and the usual.
But I was wondering if there was anyway for the phone to react to a new message?
I have looked into maybe using Java Applets.
And the possible ways for the phone to react. I don't know what would be the easiest... Maybe open up the web app if the phone is off it?
I am more interested in this for the educational purpose. So please don't slate me.
You would need to mention more details here, like which phone do you have?
You could send an SMS text message to your phone, that would be like an alert.
Regarding options of getting the app to open, that's probably more possible on the Android platform. Your app could have a background checker, or use the push messaging to push a message to your phone.

Applying Google Analytics (GA) with Sencha Touch 2.x.x Mobile Application

I am working with sencha touch 2.2.1. i wish to implement GA in my app. But, when i tried to create an account in GA, there were 2 options Website or Mobile App . First i choosed the Mobile app. section there were only options for Android and iOS. ( they were telling to download the SDK ). So i realized that its not what i want. so i choosed the website section. But there they are asking the website name and URL. What should i do..!??? I am really trapped !!!
So kindly anyone plz help me to move on the right path.
Any useful info regarding the topic will be so much helpful !!
Thank you,
If you would like to use ga.js from an installed mobile app use this GitHub project

Facebook Connect in Silverlight

Is there a good way to get Facebook Connect onto a Silverlight page? All I really need is simple authorization/registration. I've looked into the facebook developer toolkit, but the documentation is more or less non-existent for Silverlight, and I didn't really get anywhere with it.
Is there a good tutorial or a working library for adding Facebook Connect into a Silverlight app? Or is the best way to run Silverlight in Windowwless mode with HTML overlayed on top?
Are you looking for something like that? http://apps.facebook.com/chatmotion/
Before developing this small test app i took a look at these samples: http://facebooktoolkit.codeplex.com/releases/view/39727
Make sure to download the newest source code of the Facebook Development Kit for .NET and build it yourself since the release version(January) didn't work for me correctly.
Let me know if you have any problems.
I've decided to use the WebBrowser control that was added in Silverlight 4 to accomplish this.
