Database performance concern - database

So, I've got a game server with an accompanying database that works just like any game database, and does it well too. The thing is I'm now thinking of adding a webpage with some stats to go with the game; for example some way to see your character from outside the game; see your stats, standing etc.
My concern is if having this webpage connect to the same database, would it noticably slow down the game server? Or, since it's a different connection, can they work efficiently at the same time? The webpage will just be for displaying information, so it will simply use SELECTs on the data created by the game server.
Is this, performance wise, an acceptable way of doing it, or should I look into stuff such as keeping a seperate database for the webpage that only on low-population hours fetches data from the game server's database, and thusly is kept slightly out of synch, but with less strain on the server latency?
P.S. I'm using MySql 5.5

You won't know until you try it. My advice would be to have your game server and stats page connect to the same database and see what happens. Databases like MySQL are designed to handle lots of connections at once (that is why it is popular with websites - many incoming requests at once), but if you then find that it is adversely affecting your game server you can consider a more optimal solution.
In general, don't over-optimize. Go with a solution that works first, then see if it is worth improving.


Is an intermediate server for communication between Cloudant server and mobile device advisable?

I am new to servers and online databases, so please bear with me.
I have a question regarding database server communication on mobile devices as follows:
I am currently developing a game application on iOS. I have set up a non-SQL database on Cloudant and I would like to access that data on my iOS device. I have to update multiple database entries each time I complete a round, and I also need to read multiple entries on my database to refresh the leaderboard. I have tried to access multiple entries on Cloudant individually via device before, but most of them returned as timeout.
Thus, right now I have written several PHP scripts on my application server so that my device only needs to access the script once, and do multiple updates on my database or filter through the data I require from Cloudant. However, this means I need an additional server, meaning higher costs. I feel there should be a better or more elegant solution out there, and thus I would like to ask for help from everybody out here. Is it better to do all the updates directly from the device, or to enlist the help of a 3rd party?
Thanks for your time!
For security reasons alone it is necessary to use a server in front of the cloudant database. I assume you don't want every user of your app to be able to access the whole database. Also, the reasons you gave seem valid to me. It's generally a good idea to reduce the number and size of requests for a mobile application. Also, this might allow you to do some caching in the PHP server, ultimately reducing your costs.

Is this the right architecture for our MMORPG mobile game?

These days I am trying to design architecture of a new MMORPG mobile game for my company. This game is similar to Mafia Wars, iMobsters, or RISK. Basic idea is to prepare an army to battle your opponents (online users).
Although I have previously worked on multiple mobile apps but this is something new to me. After a lot of struggle, I have come up with an architecture which is illustrated with the help of a high-level flow diagram:
We have decided to go with client-server model. There will be a centralized database on server. Each client will have its own local database which will remain in sync with server. This database acts as a cache for storing things that do not change frequently e.g. maps, products, inventory etc.
With this model in place, I am not sure how to tackle following issues:
What would be the best way of synchronizing server and client databases?
Should an event get saved to local DB before updating it to server? What if app terminates for some reason before saving changes to centralized DB?
Will simple HTTP requests serve the purpose of synchronization?
How to know which users are currently logged in? (One way could be to have client keep on sending a request to server after every x minutes to notify that it is active. Otherwise consider a client inactive).
Are client side validations enough? If not, how to revert an action if server does not validate something?
I am not sure if this is an efficient solution and how it will scale. I would really appreciate if people who have already worked on such apps can share their experiences which might help me to come up with something better. Thanks in advance.
Additional Info:
Client-side is implemented in C++ game engine called marmalade. This is a cross platform game engine which means you can run your app on all major mobile OS. We certainly can achieve threading and which is also illustrated in my flow diagram. I am planning to use MySQL for server and SQLite for client.
This is not a turn based game so there is not much interaction with other players. Server will provide a list of online players and you can battle them by clicking battle button and after some animation, result will be announced.
For database synchronization I have two solutions in mind:
Store timestamp for each record. Also keep track of when local DB
was last updated. When synchronizing, only select those rows that
have a greater timestamp and send to local DB. Keep a isDeleted flag
for deleted rows so every deletion simply behaves as an update. But
I have serious doubts about performance as for every sync request we
would have to scan the complete DB and look for updated rows.
Another technique might be to keep a log of each insertion or update
that takes place against a user. When the client app asks for sync,
go to this table and find out which rows of which table have been
updated or inserted. Once these rows are successfully transferred to
client remove this log. But then I think of what happens if a user
uses another device. According to logs table all updates have been
transferred for that user but actually that was done on another
device. So we might have to keep track of device also. Implementing
this technique is more time consuming but not sure if it out
performs the first one.
I've actually worked on some of the titles you mentioned.
I do not recommend using mysql, it doesn't scale up correctly, even if you shard. If you do you are loosing any benefits you might have in using a relational database.
You are probably better off using a no-sql database. Its is faster to develop, easy to scale and it is simple to change the document structure which is a given for a game.
If your game data is simple you might want to try couchDB, if you need advanced querying you are probably better of with MongoDB.
Take care of security at the start. They will try to hack the game for sure and if you have a number of clients released it is hard to make security changes backward compatible. SSL won't do much as the end user is the problem not an eavesdropper. Signing or encrypting your data will make it harder for a user to add items and gold to their accounts.
You should also define your architecture to support multiple clients without having a bunch of ifs and case statements. Read the client version and dispatch that client to the appropriate codebase.
Have a maintenance mode with flags for upgrading, maintenance, etc. It will cut you some slack if you need to re-shard your DB or any other change that might require downtime.
Client side validations are not enough, specially if using in app purchases. I agree with the above post. Server should control game logic.
As for DB sync, its best to memcache read only data. Typical examples are buyable items, maps, news, etc. User data is harder as you might not be able to afford loosing any modified data. The easiest setup is to cache user data for a couple of hours and write directly to the DB every time. If you are using no-sql it will probably withstand a high load without the need of using a persistence queue.
I see two potential problem hidden in the fact that you store all the state on the client, and then update the state on the server using a background thread.
How can the server validate the data being posted? If someone hacked your application, they could modify the code so whenever they swing their sword (or whatever they do in your game), it is always a hit. Doing that in a single player game is not that big a deal, but doing that in an MMORPG can ruin the experience for everyone else. So the server should validate every update of data - or even better, the server should be in charge of every business rule. So when you swing your sword against an opponent, that should be a server call, and the server returns whether or not it is a hit, and how many hit points the opponent lost.
What about interaction with other players (since you say it is an MMORP, there will be interaction with other players)? Since you say that you update the server, and get updates in a background thread, interaction will be sluggish. When you communicate with another character you have first wait for you background thread to sync data, but you also have to wait on the background thread of the other player to sync data.
Looks nice. But what is the client-side made of ? Web ? Can you use threading to synchronize both DB ? I should make the game in that way that it interacts immediately with the local DB, and let some background mechanism do the sync (something like a snapshot). This leads me to think about mysql replication. I think it is worth to be tried, but I never did. It also brings you answers to other questions. But what about the charge (how many customers are connected together) ?
Make your client issue commands to the server ("hit player"), and server send (relevant) events to client ("player was killed"). I wouldn't advice going with data synchronization. Server should be responsible for all important game decisions.

Which DBMS is most suitable for a MMORPG game server?

Which DBMS is most suitable for a MMORPG game server?
If you plan on having many players online, I would say you should pick one that can swallow writes as fast as possible.
If you think about it, you probably don't want to keep loading data from the database on every little action, so you probably need to keep everything you need in memory. Memory will thus always be consistent, and you just need to persist actions to ensure people don't lose their progress, etc.
Of course, you need to load data into memory when things change a lot (raid zoning into raid instance, or whatever), but after that you probably don't want to keep accessing a database.
This might be the reason why many servers have split up their game world into separate instances so that they can place all the players in one instance together on one server, but another instance is on another server.
Mind you, I don't have any experience designing MMORPG games, so it's just plain guesswork.
The MMO Eve-Online, which is one of the largest "single instance" game worlds uses MS SQL Server & some funky hardware.
If you poke about in the Dev Blogs section there are some articles relating to their architecture.
I doubt the choice of DB will itself be a deal breaker - although you'll want to pick something that has a solid pedigree (MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL perhaps).
Of greater importance will be the data architecture; how you partition the data, etc.
mySql is free software and it havs enough power to make your game run on it.

SQLite as a production database for a low-traffic site?

I'm considering using SQLite as a production database for a site that would receive perhaps 20 simultaneous users, but with the potential for a peak that could be many multiples of that (since the site would be accessible on the open internet and there's always a possibility that someone will post a link somewhere that could drive many people to the site all at once).
Is SQLite a possibility?
I know it's not an ideal production scenario. I'm only asking if this is within the realm of being a realistic possibility.
SQLite doesn't support any kind of concurrency, so you may have problems running it on a production website. If you're looking for a 'lighter' database, perhaps consider trying a contemporary object-document store like CouchDB.
By all means, continue to develop against SQLite, and you're probably fine to use it initially. If you find your application has more users down the track, you're going to want to transition to Postgres or MySQL however.
The author of SQLite addresses this on the website:
SQLite works great as the database engine for most low to medium traffic websites (which is to say, most websites). The amount of web traffic that SQLite can handle depends on how heavily the website uses its database. Generally speaking, any site that gets fewer than 100K hits/day should work fine with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure is a conservative estimate, not a hard upper bound. SQLite has been demonstrated to work with 10 times that amount of traffic.
The SQLite website ( uses SQLite itself, of course, and as of this writing (2015), it handles about 400K to 500K HTTP requests per day, about 15-20% of which are dynamic pages touching the database. Dynamic content uses about 200 SQL statements per webpage. This setup runs on a single VM that shares a physical server with 23 others and yet still keeps the load average below 0.1 most of the time.
So I think the long and short of it is, go for it, and if it's not working well for you, making the transition to an enterprise-class database is fairly trivial anyway. Do take care of your schema, however, and design your database with growth and efficiency in mind.
Here's a thread with some more independent comments around using SQLite for a production web application. It sounds like it has been used with some mixed results.
Edit (2014):
Since this answer was posted, SQLite now features a multi-threaded mode and write ahead logging mode which may influence your evaluation of its suitability for low-medium traffic sites.
Charles Leifer has written a blog post about SQLite's WAL (write ahead logging) feature and some well-considered opinions on appropriate use cases.
The small excerpt from SQLite website says it all.
Is the data separated from the application by a network? → choose
Many concurrent writers? → choose client/server
Big data? → choose client/server
Otherwise → choose SQLite!
SQLite "just works" (until it doesn't of course)
We often use SQLite for internal databases; The employee directory, our calendar of events, and other intranet services all run on lightweight databases. It would be major overkill to be running these apps at the scale we do on a "real" database like mySQL. This is especially true when you factor in that they're running along side 4 other virtual machines on a single mid-range computer.
At one point we had an outward facing site that ran on an sqlite db for months with only a single reboot required. Obviously, it was very low traffic, but it putted along nicely for what it did.
We have encountered a similar option on an environment with absolutely no writes, and we selected using SQLite.
See my blog post on the subject:
Well, the main assumption which makes this solution theoretically
possible is that our SQLite database is totally read-only. Our server
code should never change it. This would solve any locking problems, as
there are no read locks. We could find nowhere on the internet anyone
saying there is a problem in high-throughput reading of SQLite when
there are no writes - it could be possible!
I think it would depend mostly on what your read/write ratio will be. If it's mostly reading from the database, you may be okay. Multi-user writing in SQLite can be a problem because of how it locks the database.
People speak about concurrency problems, but sqlite has a way to cache incoming requests and have them wait for some time. It doesn't timeout immediately.
I've read things about the default timeout setting begin zero, meaning it times out immediately and that's nonsense. Maybe people didn't adjust this setting?
Depends on the usage of the site. If most of the time you're just reading data, you can pretty much use anything for a DB and cache the data in the application to achieve good performance.
I am using it in a very low traffic web server (it is a genomic database) and I don't have any problems. But there are only SELECT statements, no writing to the DB involved.
To add to an already brilliant answer: Since you are working with a server-less solution in this case, you can say goodbye to replication, or any sort of horizontal scaling of your db, as well as other advanced options. It also isn't the best choice if you have multiple users updating the same exact chunk of information. If you were to shard the database in the future you would have to migrate the data and move to something else. Also if you have a load balancer and multiple systems involved it would be difficult to maintain data centrality if using sqlite. These are just some of the reasons why it isn't recommended. Its great for smaller projects, and great for development.
It seems like with queuing you could also get away with avoiding a lot of the concurrency write problems with SQLite. Instead of writing directly to the sqlite db you would write to a queue that then in turn sequentially writes to the sqlite db in a first in first out mode. Not sure if your application reaches to where you would need this if it would be worth writing or just moving on to client/server DB...but a thought.

Extreme Sharding: One SQLite Database Per User

I'm working on a web app that is somewhere between an email service and a social network. I feel it has the potential to grow really big in the future, so I'm concerned about scalability.
Instead of using one centralized MySQL/InnoDB database and then partitioning it when that time comes, I've decided to create a separate SQLite database for each active user: one active user per 'shard'.
That way backing up the database would be as easy as copying each user's small database file to a remote location once a day.
Scaling up will be as easy as adding extra hard disks to store the new files.
When the app grows beyond a single server I can link the servers together at the filesystem level using GlusterFS and run the app unchanged, or rig up a simple SQLite proxy system that will allow each server to manipulate sqlite files in adjacent servers.
Concurrency issues will be minimal because each HTTP request will only touch one or two database files at a time, out of thousands, and SQLite only blocks on reads anyway.
I'm betting that this approach will allow my app to scale gracefully and support lots of cool and unique features. Am I betting wrong? Am I missing anything?
UPDATE I decided to go with a less extreme solution, which is working fine so far. I'm using a fixed number of shards - 256 sqlite databases, to be precise. Each user is assigned and bound to a random shard by a simple hash function.
Most features of my app require access to just one or two shards per request, but there is one in particular that requires the execution of a simple query on 10 to 100 different shards out of 256, depending on the user. Tests indicate it would take about 0.02 seconds, or less, if all the data is cached in RAM. I think I can live with that!
UPDATE 2.0 I ported the app to MySQL/InnoDB and was able to get about the same performance for regular requests, but for that one request that requires shard walking, innodb is 4-5 times faster. For this reason, and other reason, I'm dropping this architecture, but I hope someone somewhere finds a use for it...thanks.
The place where this will fail is if you have to do what's called "shard walking" - which is finding out all the data across a bunch of different users. That particular kind of "query" will have to be done programmatically, asking each of the SQLite databases in turn - and will very likely be the slowest aspect of your site. It's a common issue in any system where data has been "sharded" into separate databases.
If all the of the data is self-contained to the user, then this should scale pretty well - the key to making this an effective design is to know how the data is likely going to be used and if data from one person will be interacting with data from another (in your context).
You may also need to watch out for file system resources - SQLite is great, awesome, fast, etc - but you do get some caching and writing benefits when using a "standard database" (i.e. MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc) because of how they're designed. In your proposed design, you'll be missing out on some of that.
Sounds to me like a maintenance nightmare. What happens when the schema changes on all those DBs?
SPHiveDB is a server for sqlite database. It use JSON-RPC over HTTP to expose a network interface to use SQLite database. It supports combining multiple SQLite databases into one file. It also supports the use of multiple files. It is designed for the extreme sharding schema -- one SQLite database per user.
One possible problem is that having one database for each user will use disk space and RAM very inefficiently, and as the user base grows the benefit of using a light and fast database engine will be lost completely.
A possible solution to this problem is to create "minishards" consisting of maybe 1024 SQLite databases housing up to 100 users each. This will be more efficient than the DB per user approach, because data is packed more efficiently. And lighter than the Innodb database server approach, because we're using Sqlite.
Concurrency will also be pretty good, but queries will be less elegant (shard_id yuckiness). What do you think?
If you're creating a separate database for each user, it sounds like you're not setting up relationships... so why use a relational database at all?
If your data is this easy to shard, why not just use a standard database engine, and if you scale large enough that the DB becomes the bottleneck, shard the database, with different users in different instances? The effect is the same, but you're not using scores of tiny little databases.
In reality, you probably have at least some shared data that doesn't belong to any single user, and you probably frequently need to access data for more than one user. This will cause problems with either system, though.
I am considering this same architecture as I basically wanted to use the server side SQLLIte databases as backup and synching copy for clients. My idea for querying across all the data is to use Sphinx for full-text search and run Hadoop jobs from flat dumps of all the data to Scribe and then expose the results as webservies. This post gives me some pause for thought however, so I hope people will continue to respond with their opinion.
Having one database per user would make it really easy to restore individual users data of course, but as #John said, schema changes would require some work.
Not enough to make it hard, but enough to make it non-trivial.
