File in both KLM and user space - c

I remembering reading this concept somewhere. I do not remember where though.
I have a file say file.c, which along with other files I compile along with some other files as a library for use by applications.
Now suppose i compile the same file and build it with a Kernel module. Hence now the same file object is in both user space and kernel space and it allows me to access kernel data structures without invoking a system call. I mean i can have api's in the library by which applications can access kernel data structures without system calls. I am not sure if I can write anything into the kernel (which i think is impossile in this manner), but reading some data structures from kernel this way would be fine?
Can anyone give me more details about this approach. I could not find anything in google regarding this.

I believe this is a conceptually flawed approach, unless I misunderstand what you're talking about.
If I understand you correctly, you want to take the same file and compile it twice: once as a module and once as a userspace program. Then you want to run both of them, so that they can share memory.
So, the obvious problem with that is that even though the programs come from the same source code, they would still exist as separate executables. The module won't be its own process: it only would get invoked when the kernel get's going (i.e. system calls). So by itself, it doesn't let you escape the system call nonsense.
A better solution depends on what your goal is: do you simply want to access kernel data structures because you need something that you can't normally get at? Or, are you concerned about performance and want to access these structures faster than a system call?
For (1), you can create a character device or a procfs file. Both of these allow your userspace programs to reach their dirty little fingers into the kernel.
For (2), you are in a tough spot, and the problem gets a lot nastier (and more insteresting). To solve the speed issue, it depends a lot on what exact data you're trying to extract.
Does this help?

There are two ways to do this, the most common being what's called a Character Device, and the other being a Block Device (i.e. something "disk-like").
Here's a guide on how to create drivers that register chardevs.


How can I prohibit other Linux Kernel modules to get access to some regular files?

The problem is to prohibit access to some files (files from my "blacklist"). It implies that nobody besides me (my own kernel module) can either read or modify these files.
I've already asked this question here, on StackOverflow, but I haven't gotten an answer. There was only one solution offered to change file's permissions and file's owner. However, it isn't enough for my goals, since file's permissions as well as file's owner can be easily modified by someone else.
But I haven't given up, I've carried on studying this problem.
I replaced some fields of the system calls table by the pointers to my own functions. Thus I managed to prohibit any USER module to get an access to the files from my blacklist; in addition, this approach doesn't depend on file's permissions or file's owner. However, the key word is "user modules". I mean that any kernel module still can easily get an access to the files from my blacklist via calling, for instance, the filp_open() function. I looked through the Linux code sources and it turned out that all these system calls that I hooked (open, openat, ...) are simple wrappers and no more.
Could you help me? Is there a way to do something with filp_open that is similar to what I've done with system calls? Any other solutions (without hooking) are welcome.
What you are asking for is impossible. Theoretically, this could be achieved by running the kernel under a custom-made hypervisor or running on custom-made hardware, but it would be extremely complicated (if not impossible) to achieve in reality.
You cannot protect the kernel from itself. In any normal scenario (i.e. no dedicated hardware or hypervisor), the Linux kernel runs at the highest privilege level on the machine, and can therefore revert any changes you make if it wants. If your module needs to deny access to some file to the whole kernel, then there's really something conceptually wrong about what you are doing. Moreover, you seem to be assuming that other kernel modules would be somehow "interested" in messing with your module: why would that be the case?
Furthermore, even changing permissions or overriding syscalls does not solve any problem: unless you correctly configure kernel lockdown (kernel >= v5.4) and/or some other security measure like module signing (and ideally also secure boot), the root user is always able to insert modules and subvert your "security" measures.
If you need to deprive root of access to these files, then as I said there's really something logically wrong. The root user can already do whatever it wants with whichever configuration file it wants, of course destroying important configuration files is going to break the system, but that's not really something that you can avoid. Assuming that root is evil doesn't make much sense as a threat model in any normal scenario.

Memory address emulation or mocking

Ive seen few other posts in stack, but none really answered my question.
Is it possible to emulate or somehow map or have a driver that emulates specific memory addresses that otherwise dont exist on host machine?
Im looking at piece of embedded code that i need to troubleshoot, but its reading values from memory space that doesn't exist on my pc. I could change this one instance of address, but those nonexistent addressees are all over the place on the code, so changing them all just isn't practical.
It could be possible to make the code run for testing purposes, but how easy it would be depends on two things: How exactly is the code referencing the addresses and what are the memory accesses supposed to do?
Generally speaking, you could write a library to mock the other hardware. Writing such a library could be anything between easy and difficult, depending on what those accesses are supposed to do. In an easy case, the accesses wouldn't affect each other in a way that would need to be emulated. In a more difficult case, you might need some kind of a state machine to track what is going on. In a medium case, there might be a need to remember some values from earlier accesses but no need for a more complex state machine.
Writing a library may not be enough, though. You would also need to make the code that you are troubleshooting use that library. In practice, the code needs to call functions offered by the library. If the memory accesses are already done via some function calls, you could simply have your own versions of those functions in your library. Otherwise, more effort is needed.
If accesses are not via function calls but by directly referencing the addresses, one solution might be to try writing regular expressions to match the references. If you had regular expressions matching all or at least most of them, you could use them and some tool like sed to replace the references with function calls more or less automatically.

Linux Kernel - Read/Write to a File

I'm working on a LKM which needs to retrieve and write a certain set of information to files. I looked up common ways to do so, but could not find a working one for Linux 4.x. I also found out that it is possible to retrieve system calls from memory and effectively call them.
As I found currently no better way I'd be interested if it'd be feasible to find the system call table, and call open, read/write and close this way.
This is strongly discouraged in most situations. was a really good read for me the first time I thought I had to do this as well.
From within the Linux kernel, however, reading data out of a file for configuration information is considered to be forbidden. This is due to a vast array of different problems that could result if a developer tries to do this.
Indeed this is possible to do using system calls from within the kernel, but the practice of calling system calls from within the kernel is also generally discouraged. They're designed as interfaces for userspace applications to ask things of the kernel, not for the kernel to get itself to do work.
What kind of files do you want to manipulate from within the kernel? If the kind of file you'd like to manipulate is provided by the proc filesystem or the sysfs filesystem or the dev filesystem, you can modify the contents of the file from within the kernel (since the kernel provides these to userspace itself) -- this should be done NOT with file manipulation calls. If it's a normal userspace file, almost never do you want the kernel to be able to modify it.
If you provide more specifics I'd be interested to hear them, but this is usually a bad idea.

Is there a way to get battery info (status, plugged in, etc) without reading a proc/sys file on linux?

I want to get information about the battery in C on linux. I don't want to read or parse any file! Is there any low-level interface to acpi/the kernel or any other module to get the information I want to have?
I already searched the web, but every question results in the answer "parse /proc/foo/bar". I really don't want to do this because I think, low-level interfaces won't change as fast as Files do.
best regards.
The /proc filesystem does not exist on a disk. Instead, the kernel creates it in memory. They are generated on-demand by the kernel when accessed. As such, your concerns are invalid -- the /proc files will change as quickly as the kernel becomes aware of changes.
Check this for more info about /proc file system.
In any case, I don't believe there's any alternative interface.
You might be looking for UPower:
This is a common need for both desktop environments and mobile devices, so there have been many solutions over time. For example, one of the oldest ones was acpid, which is pretty much obsolete now.
While I'd recommend using a light-weight abstraction like UPower for code clarity reasons, the files in /proc and (to some extent) /sys are considered part of the Linux kernel ABI, which means that changing them is generally frowned upon.

Linux kernel code that uses procfs: what should I be aware of?

I have a very nice idea for a kernel patch, and I want to conduct some research and see code examples before I shape my idea.
I'm looking for interesting code examples that would demonstrate advanced usage of procfs (the Linux /proc file system). By interesting, I mean more than just reading a documented value.
My idea is to provide every process with an easy broadcast mechanism. For example, let's consider a process that runs multiple instances of rsync and wants to check the transfer status (how many bytes have been transfered so far) for each child. Currently, I don't know of any way that can be done.
I intend to provide the process with a minimal interface to write data to the procfs. That data would be placed under the PID directory. For example:
I can think of numerous advantage for this, mainly in the concurrency field.
By the way, if such a mechanism already exists, do tell...
Yes, I've written stuff that pokes around in /proc. I suspect you are unlikely to get linux kernel patches accepted that do anything with proc, unless they are just fixing something that is already there that was broken in some way.*
/sysfs seems to be where things are moving.
/proc was originally for process information, but a lot of misc. driver stuff ended up in there.
*well, maybe they'll take it if whatever you're doing has to do with processes, and isn't in a driver.
Go look at the source code for the procps package for code that uses /proc
Uses proc to figure out the memory address layout of a process, and dump random pages from its heap (for reasons which are explained in its documentation).
