Linux kernel code that uses procfs: what should I be aware of? - filesystems

I have a very nice idea for a kernel patch, and I want to conduct some research and see code examples before I shape my idea.
I'm looking for interesting code examples that would demonstrate advanced usage of procfs (the Linux /proc file system). By interesting, I mean more than just reading a documented value.
My idea is to provide every process with an easy broadcast mechanism. For example, let's consider a process that runs multiple instances of rsync and wants to check the transfer status (how many bytes have been transfered so far) for each child. Currently, I don't know of any way that can be done.
I intend to provide the process with a minimal interface to write data to the procfs. That data would be placed under the PID directory. For example:
I can think of numerous advantage for this, mainly in the concurrency field.
By the way, if such a mechanism already exists, do tell...

Yes, I've written stuff that pokes around in /proc. I suspect you are unlikely to get linux kernel patches accepted that do anything with proc, unless they are just fixing something that is already there that was broken in some way.*
/sysfs seems to be where things are moving.
/proc was originally for process information, but a lot of misc. driver stuff ended up in there.
*well, maybe they'll take it if whatever you're doing has to do with processes, and isn't in a driver.

Go look at the source code for the procps package for code that uses /proc
Uses proc to figure out the memory address layout of a process, and dump random pages from its heap (for reasons which are explained in its documentation).


What is the best method to detect which files are used/modified/created/deleted by a process?

I want to write software that will detect all used/created/modified/deleted files during the execution of a process (and its child processes). The process has not yet run - the user provides a command line which will later be subprocessed via bash, so we can do things before and after execution, and control the environment the command is run in.
I have thought of four methods so far that could be useful:
Parse the command line to identify files and directories mentioned. Assume all files explicitly mentioned are used. Check directories before/after for created/deleted files. MD5 existing files before/after to see any are modified. This works on all operating systems and environments, but obviously has serious limitations (doesnt work when command is "./")
Run the process via another process like strace (dtruss for OSX, and there are equivalent windows programs), which listens for system calls. Parse output file to find files used/modified/deleted/created. Pros that its more sensitive than MD5 method and can deal with Cons that its very OS specific (dtruss requires root privileges even if the process being run does not - outputs of tools all different). Could also create huge log files if there are a lot of read/write operations, and will certainly slow things down.
Integrate something similar to the above into the kernel. Obviously still OS specific, but at least now we are calling the shots, creating common output format for all OS's. Wouldn't create huge log files, and could even stop hooking syscalls to, say, read() after process has requested the first read() to the file. I think this is what the tool inotify is doing, but im not familiar with it at all, nor kernel programming!
Run the process using the LD_PRELOAD trick (called DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES on OSX, not sure if it exists in Windows) which basically overwrites any call to open() by the process with our own version of open() which logs what we're opening. Same for write, read, etc. It's very simple to do, and very performant since you're essentially teaching the process to log itself. The downside is that it only works for dynamically-linked process, and i have no idea of the prevalence of dynamic/statically linked programs. I dont even know if it is possible before execution to tell if a process is dynamically or statically linked (with the intention of using this method by default, but falling back to a less-performant method if its not possible).
I need help choosing the optimal path to go down. I have already implemented the first method because it was simple and gave me a way to work on the logging backend ( but really i need to upgrade to one of the other methods. Your advice would be invaluable :)
Take a look to the source code of "strace" (and its -f to trace children). It does basically what you are trying to do. It captures all the system calls of the process (or its childs) so you can grep for operations like "open", etc.
The following link provides some examples of implementing your own strace by using the ptrace system call:

In Windows, how can I trace in C which files a child process reads and writes?

My goal is to determine when executing a command, precisely which files it reads and writes. On Linux I can do this using ptrace (with work, akin to what strace does) and on FreeBSD and MacOS I can do this with the ktrace system command. What would you use to obtain this information on Windows?
My research so far suggests that I either use the debugger interface (similar to ptrace in many ways) or perhaps ETW. A third alternative is to interpose a DLL to intercept system calls as they are made. Unfortunately, I don't have the experience to guess as to how challenging each of these approaches will be.
Any suggestions?
Unfortunately it seems there is no easy way to intercept file level operations on Windows.
Here are some hints:
you could try to use FileMon from Sysinternals if it is enough for your needs, or try to look at the source of the tool
you could make use of commercial software like Detours - beware, I never used that myself and I'm not sure it really meets your needs
If you want a better understanding and are not frightened at doing it by hand, the Windows way of intercepting file I/O is using a File System Filter Driver. In fact, there is a FilterManager embedded in Windows system that can forward all file system calls to minifilters.
To build it, the interface with the system is provided by the FilterManager, and you have just (...) to code and install the minifilter that does the actual filtering - beware again never tested that ...
As you suggested, this is a fairly simple task to solve with API hooking with DLL injection.
This is a pretty good article about the application: API hooking revealed
I believe you can find more recent articles about the issue.
However, you probably need to use C++ to implement such a utility. By the way, programs can disable DLL injection. For example, I weren't able to use this approach on the trial version of Photoshop.
So, you may want to check if you can inject DLL files in the process you want with an existing solution before you start writing your own.
Please, take a look to the article CDirectoryChangeWatcher - ReadDirectoryChangesW all wrapped up.
It is a very old, but running, way to watch directory changes.
Microsoft owns a bunch of tools called Sysinternals. There is a program called Process Monitor that will show you all the file accesses for a particular process. This is very likely what you want.
Check this particular Stack Overflow question out for your question... This might help you:
Is there something like the Linux ptrace syscall in Windows?
Also, if you are running lower versions like Windows XP then you should check out Process Monitor.
Also, I would like you to check this out...
Monitoring certain system calls done by a process in Windows

Where to start with Linux Kernel Modules?

A little background, I'm a CMPE Student currently in an Operating Systems class. I have some basic knowledge of C coding but am more comfortable with C++ (taken about 3 semesters of that). Other than that, never had any other formal training in coding. Also, I've got a basic understanding of the linux environment.
I am working on a project that requires me and my team to code a linux kernel module that can do the following:
echoes data passed from user-level processes by printing the data received to the kernel log
is able to pass data from one user process to another.
must be possible to use the kernel module as an inter-process communication abstraction. module should provide for situations where a sender posts data to it but no receiver is waiting.module must cover the situation where a receiver asks for data but there is no data available.
module must cover the situation where a receiver asks for data but there is no data available.
must be a limit in the buffer capacity in your module.
Now I don't know how difficult this seems to those with a background in programming, but this seems like an impossibly complicated task for someone in my position.
Here's what I've done so far:
Coded, Compiled, Inserted, and Removed the basic "hello world" linux kernel module successfully
Read through about the first 4 or 5 chapters of The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
Read through a few stackoverflow posts, none of which seem to be able to direct me to where I need to go.
So finally here's my question: Can someone please point me in the direction that I need to go with this? I don't even know where to being to find commands to use for reading in user-level process data and I need somewhere to start me off. TLPD was great for insight on the topic but isn't helping me get to the point where I will have a workable project to turn in. In the past, I would learn off of reading source code and reverse engineering, is there anywhere I can find something like that? Any and all help is appreciated.
I've found that the Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide is a pretty good resource. From the sounds of it, something like a character device might work best for your purposes, but I'm not sure if you have other constraints.
Another direction I might consider (though this could be a bad path) is to look at examples in the Linux kernel for a kernel module that has similar functionality. I don't have a good example offhand, but perhaps look through /drivers/char/.
What you describe is pretty much the same as a pipe.
Read chapter three of Linux Device Drivers.
(But don't just copy the scull pipe example …)

Is there a way to get battery info (status, plugged in, etc) without reading a proc/sys file on linux?

I want to get information about the battery in C on linux. I don't want to read or parse any file! Is there any low-level interface to acpi/the kernel or any other module to get the information I want to have?
I already searched the web, but every question results in the answer "parse /proc/foo/bar". I really don't want to do this because I think, low-level interfaces won't change as fast as Files do.
best regards.
The /proc filesystem does not exist on a disk. Instead, the kernel creates it in memory. They are generated on-demand by the kernel when accessed. As such, your concerns are invalid -- the /proc files will change as quickly as the kernel becomes aware of changes.
Check this for more info about /proc file system.
In any case, I don't believe there's any alternative interface.
You might be looking for UPower:
This is a common need for both desktop environments and mobile devices, so there have been many solutions over time. For example, one of the oldest ones was acpid, which is pretty much obsolete now.
While I'd recommend using a light-weight abstraction like UPower for code clarity reasons, the files in /proc and (to some extent) /sys are considered part of the Linux kernel ABI, which means that changing them is generally frowned upon.

File in both KLM and user space

I remembering reading this concept somewhere. I do not remember where though.
I have a file say file.c, which along with other files I compile along with some other files as a library for use by applications.
Now suppose i compile the same file and build it with a Kernel module. Hence now the same file object is in both user space and kernel space and it allows me to access kernel data structures without invoking a system call. I mean i can have api's in the library by which applications can access kernel data structures without system calls. I am not sure if I can write anything into the kernel (which i think is impossile in this manner), but reading some data structures from kernel this way would be fine?
Can anyone give me more details about this approach. I could not find anything in google regarding this.
I believe this is a conceptually flawed approach, unless I misunderstand what you're talking about.
If I understand you correctly, you want to take the same file and compile it twice: once as a module and once as a userspace program. Then you want to run both of them, so that they can share memory.
So, the obvious problem with that is that even though the programs come from the same source code, they would still exist as separate executables. The module won't be its own process: it only would get invoked when the kernel get's going (i.e. system calls). So by itself, it doesn't let you escape the system call nonsense.
A better solution depends on what your goal is: do you simply want to access kernel data structures because you need something that you can't normally get at? Or, are you concerned about performance and want to access these structures faster than a system call?
For (1), you can create a character device or a procfs file. Both of these allow your userspace programs to reach their dirty little fingers into the kernel.
For (2), you are in a tough spot, and the problem gets a lot nastier (and more insteresting). To solve the speed issue, it depends a lot on what exact data you're trying to extract.
Does this help?
There are two ways to do this, the most common being what's called a Character Device, and the other being a Block Device (i.e. something "disk-like").
Here's a guide on how to create drivers that register chardevs.
