Log messages disappear from GAE dev server when running a backend instance - google-app-engine

I am developing a web application on an App Engine backend using the GAE dev server. My problem is that as soon as I start serving pages from the backend, log messages stop appearing on the log console. Not all logging goes away. The start up log entries look normal. I even see that annoying "can't open zipfile" message with tags that show that the message was logged from the backend instance. It's only logging calls executed when my pages are served by the backend instance that don't appear.
I don't know if this is a bug or if I should be looking some other place for my logs. If I upload the app to the production server and look in the logs, the messages are present.
Any help would be appreciated.

Backends has separate logs just like different application versions has. Select your backend in a drop-down menu, in the blue bar at the top of the appengine admin console and you will see logs from the backend.


Make server side rendered React app work offline with service worker

I would like to know how to resolve the following failed Lighthouse audits for a server side rendered React application.
Current page does not respond with a 200 when offline
start_url does not respond with a 200 when offline
I am able to generate and register a service worker using the workbox-webpack-plugin and precache the javascript and stylesheets.
However, since the app is server side rendered, there is no index.html to cache and the app is unable to "respond with a 200 when offline". Concretely, when I go offline and refresh the web page, I am met with browsers' offline message.
I think a possible solution is to generate an app shell (an html document containing the app ready to be rendered on the client side), cache that app shell and use it when offline. However I do not know where to start. Any ideas, or alternative suggestions?

Application doesn't reflect updated contents once deployed locally through App Engine Standard

I have just started working on App Engine and during my first sample run only I faced this issue. I deployed the sample 'Hello App Engine' servlet code locally through Eclipse IDE. After hitting the localhost URL I was able to see the expected message 'Hello App Engine' as well.
Later I changed the message body to be displayed (Hi App Engine) and again deployed the code. Now, when I hit the localhost URL I don't see the updated message body. Instead it shows me the old message (Hello App Engine) only.
I tried refreshing my browser and manually setting the 'Run configuration' but nothing worked. Does anybody have any leads what could be the possible reason? Thanks.
Have you verified you are executing the redeployment correctly?.
To make sure you are not failing in this step you should delete the application completely and redeploy it again

Replacing the existing Project on Google Cloud Platform

I have deployed a Java Web application on Google Cloud platform and have purchased a domain and SSL Certificate from GoDaddy.com.
Its a simple application with a login page and a registration, where a specific(only one user) will have login credentials and post login will submit a form which will be saved in google DATASTORE in Google Cloud Platform(GCP).
I have two queries here :
My application works perfectly,on my machine and even few machines around my home (as i have verified in few cyber centres around) but not at a client place located in different city(150 miles away). I'm not sure,as the client is not running any firewall or any browser plugin, as i have not visited the client place yet.
The call is as below.
Domain purchased from godaddy.com is : "ABC.in"
App engine project linked to this domain is : "web-abc"
If we hit "ABC.in" in browser it will in-turn call "web-abc.appspot.com".
in the background.Now though the login page loads,the client complains that the next subsequent pages does not load and page becomes blank.But for me in my system it works perfectly,as i can see the updated DATASTORE in GCP.
Once i configure my DNS at GoDaddy.com, i'm unable to make any changes to the project hosted on GCP app engine.So i decided to create a new project and host it on the GCP. But GCP app engine page does not show any option to replace a project as it showed me during my first project setup.
I need to replace project "web-abc" linked to "ABC.in" with "web-pqr".
Please Please help...!
To answer your second query you can just rest your CNAME record in the GODADDY DNS configuration and add the web-pqr reqq. That should work. Rest of the question< i really don't get it. Please share some error message or the screenshot when you try make change to your exiting project.

View Request Logs on AppEngine Java Dev Server

While it is relatively simple to get the app logs on the AppEngine Java Dev server, I haven't been able to find how to get the request logs. This seems like such a basic feature that there must be an easy way to do it, but so far, I'm stumped. Any help would be appreciated.
There is no nice log viewer, logs are directly dumped to server STDOUT, if you use Idea IDE, you will see logs in Application Servers tab at the bottom. Logs are just dumped as they come in (each log.info("logged event"), it is not possible to view logs per request base.

App don't work under IE 9

I deployed my app successfully on GAE (Java), and the thing works as expected under Chrome (and others) under MacOS X. Today at work I wanted to test my app on IE 9.0.8 / Vista, and the app won't load.
My app displays a "loading" message on the page until all objects of the UI are loaded. When I load the UI I also fetch some data using RPC. When the job gets done the loading message disapears and my app shows up.
As I don't see any error or Exception / nothing special in the app engine logs, how can I start to find the bug ?
The only difference I see is that, at work, my computer goes online trough many firewall and proxys, but as i can open the page and login it should not be a problem. But anyway, just after I login (using google accounts, not openID) the app "hangs". Ideas ?
You should start by inspecting network connections in IE9 to see if everything loads as expected. See also GWT tricks for IE9.
Try running your GWT app in dev mode, this way you should be able to see the client-side errors in the GWT console. Client-side error messages are not displayed in Web mode, unless you implemented code to handle them.
