Collapsible FieldSet removes components - extjs

Can somebody help me to solve the problem, that my collapsible FieldSet won't remove components after collapse out?
Please have a look at my jsFiddle (FieldSet "Checkboxes").
I am using Ext JS 4.1 RC1.
Thanks for your help!

Try RC2:

try removing nested 'vbox' layout from window's center region & fom
check this


Angular datepicker bootstrap with responsive table

I'm using angular bootstrap with class table-responsive. The problem is on the datepicker will display inside the table such as picture below:
I could fix it with:
.table-responsive {
overflow: visible;
and it will nicely work:
Now if I add the fix above, my display in mobile will end up like this:
It will not become scroll able and it will overflow my screen. How do I fix this?
Please help me and thanks in advance.
Use datepicker-append-to-body="true" with the popup version to have it linked to the body. It will appear above your table nicely.
Here it is, in a plunker.

Scrolling with ion-scroll

I want to allow only one scroll type at a time (vertical or horizontal) with ionic scroll component. I tried "locking" attribute at ion-scroll element but no luck. When I drag diagonally it happen like the following image.
Please help me if you know a way to solve this. Thanks in advance.
Sample Code -
<ion-content class="padding" overflow-scroll='false' locking="true" direction="xy" has-bouncing="false">
use this , Don't use ion-scroll now , remove it .. It will work as you want
Hope this helps you .. thanks
You can do it by using locking ="true"
and mention height and width for that ionic

Angularstrap : How to get the popover element?

Thanks for your support in advance. I am new to Angularstrap and I am using the popover directive in my application. I need to get the popover element so that I can make it resizable. I have tried jquery traversing to get the element as well as data(popover) with no success. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Please let me know.
are you using angular-ui?
If so,
The element content can be get by angular.element('.popover-content') and you can set the width with

Extjs Tab Panel with CodeMirror

I try to use CodeMirror in a TabPanel.
I have 2 problems which block me:
It's not possible to change the tab
The CodeMirror Element does not really fit his container...
Has anyone some ideas ?
I have developed an extjs component for codemirror. Have a look here!/api/Ext.ux.form.field.CodeMirror

Fix a footer div cross mobile platforms - Jquery?

Does anybody have a simple effective solution to fix a footer menu to the bottom of a viewport window? Absolute positioning appears to work in all but Iphone.
I thought that their should be a simple jquery or jquery touch script out there to do this, but I'm yet to find one!
Any advice greatfully received!
Paul, you can achieve this by adding a footer with fixed-positioning, see
Just create a navbar within the footer for a menu, see
or alternatively
Does this work. it grafts in win/safari...
good luck!
