Angularstrap : How to get the popover element? - angularjs

Thanks for your support in advance. I am new to Angularstrap and I am using the popover directive in my application. I need to get the popover element so that I can make it resizable. I have tried jquery traversing to get the element as well as data(popover) with no success. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Please let me know.

are you using angular-ui?
If so,
The element content can be get by angular.element('.popover-content') and you can set the width with


Why editorjs ( rich text editor) is not working with textarea tag?

I am trying to incorporate editorjs in my react app. I incorporated it with the div element with contentEditable="true". I want to implement the text editor with the textarea element also but it seems it's not working.
Is there anything extra to be done in order to implement the rich-text-editor on textarea tag.
Using the id of the element on the holder element of editorjs is not helping me with textarea tag.
I referred to the link above and unfortunately, it's not helping me.
I am pretty new to implementing this stuff, Does anyone know the issue?

Bootstrap-select render dropdown ontop

unfortunately I have the issue that once you have a bootstap-select inside a DIV with overflow hidden, the options gets hidden as well.
I guess there has to be a fix out there to render / show the dropdown on the highest layer (document or body). Is someone aware of this issue?
Did you try this? (data-container="body")

Scrolling with ion-scroll

I want to allow only one scroll type at a time (vertical or horizontal) with ionic scroll component. I tried "locking" attribute at ion-scroll element but no luck. When I drag diagonally it happen like the following image.
Please help me if you know a way to solve this. Thanks in advance.
Sample Code -
<ion-content class="padding" overflow-scroll='false' locking="true" direction="xy" has-bouncing="false">
use this , Don't use ion-scroll now , remove it .. It will work as you want
Hope this helps you .. thanks
You can do it by using locking ="true"
and mention height and width for that ionic

Angular Bootstrap Carousel Not Pause On Hover

I'm trying to prevent my carousel from stopping when the mouse is over the slides. I've tried to add pause=false in the uib-carousel directive as I have read somewhere else however that doesn't work. I'm also inspecting the element but can't really find where can I set that option (if that's possible).
I have also seen people adding to the .carousel class the pause=false and then I tried to add to add the CSS without success as well.
Any ideas?
I would first confirm ngAnimate is not interfering with the carousel in any way. To accomplish this, simply follow the instructions in this post: ngAnimate breaks existing ui.bootstrap.carousel
I've just checked and looks like there is an attribute for that directive called "no-pause". I will give that a go!

Collapsible FieldSet removes components

Can somebody help me to solve the problem, that my collapsible FieldSet won't remove components after collapse out?
Please have a look at my jsFiddle (FieldSet "Checkboxes").
I am using Ext JS 4.1 RC1.
Thanks for your help!
Try RC2:
try removing nested 'vbox' layout from window's center region & fom
check this
