Redis store (or any database?) lock mechanism (NodeJS) - database

I have the following problem: I'm using Redis with NodeJS together via mranney's driver and my NodeJS webserver is retrieving some data from Redis, doing some operations on it and saving it back to the Redis. But this operation (call it X) may take a while so multiple users can fire it at the same time on the same resources.
So if a user A fires X and user B fires X at the same time I want user A to finish the job and then user B to get the (processed) data and do X. In the meantime user B waits. The order of users is irrelevant - only that one-at-a-time. So how to achieve this in my scenario? How to lock/unlock Redis? Is it even possible?

There are a few ways to implement locking in Redis, without knowing more about scenario it sounds like SETNX would work. See Design pattern: Locking with SETNX in the Redis documentation. Also, transactions in Redis might be interesting reading, although I suspect it's not exactly what you're after in this case.


Real-time chats using Redis - how not to lose messages?

I want to implement a real-time chat. My main db is PostgreSQL, with the backend written in NodeJS. Clients will be mobile devices.
As far as I understand, to achieve real-time performance for messaging, I need to use Redis.
Therefore, my plan was to use Redis for the X most recent messages between 2 or more people(group chat) , for example 1000, and everything is synced and backed in my main Db which is PostgreSQL.
However, since Redis is essentially just RAM, the chat history can be too "vulnerable", owing to the volatile nature of storing data in RAM.
So if my redis server has some unexpected and temporary failure, the recent messages in conversations would be lost.
What are the best practices nowaydays to implement something like this?
Do I simply need to persist Redis data to disk? but in that case, wouldn't that hurt performance, since it will increase the write time for each message sent ?
Or perhaps I should just prepare a recovery method, that fetches the recent history from PostgreSQL in case my redis chat history list is empty?
P.S - while we're at it, could you please suggest a good approach for maintaining the status of users (online/offline) ? Is it done with Redis as well?
What are the best practices nowaydays to implement something like
this? Do I simply need to persist Redis data to disk? but in that
case, wouldn't that hurt performance, since it will increase the write
time for each message sent?
Yes, enabling persistence will impact performance of redis.
The best bet will be run a quick benchmark with the expected IOPS and type of operations from your application to identify impacts on IOPS with persistence enabled.
With RDB persistence enabled, the parent process does not perform disk I/O to store changes to data to RDB. Based on the values of save points, redis forks a child process to perform RDB.
However, based on the configuration of save points, you may loose data written after last save point - in case of the event of server restart or crash if data was not saved from last save point
If your use case can not tolerate to the data loss for this period, you need to look at the AOF persistence method. AOF will keep track of all write operations, that can be used to construct data upon server restart event.
AOF with fsync policy set to every second can be slower, however, it can be as good as RDB if fsync is disabled.
Read the trade-offs of using RDB or AOF:
P.S - while we're at it, could you please suggest a good approach for
maintaining the status of users (online/offline) ? Is it done with
Redis as well?

Data consistency across multiple microservices, which duplicate data

I am currently trying to get into microservices architecture, and I came across Data consistency issue. I've read, that duplicating data between several microservices considered a good idea, because it makes each service more independent.
However, I can't figure out what to do in the following case to provide consistency:
I have a Customer service which has a RegisterCustomer method.
When I register a customer, I want to send a message via RabbitMQ, so other services can pick up this information and store in its DB.
My code looks something like this:
CustomerRegistered e = Mapper.Map<CustomerRegistered>(customer);
await _messagePublisher.PublishMessageAsync(e.MessageType, e, "");
//!!app crashes
So I would like to know, how can I handle such case, when application sends the message, but is unable to save data itself? Of course, I could swap DbContextSave and PublishMessage methods, but trouble is still there. Is there something wrong with my data storing approach?
Yes. You are doing dual persistence - persistence in DB and durable queue. If one succeeds and other fails, you'd always be in trouble. There are a few ways to handle this:
Persist in DB and then do Change Data Capture (CDC) such that the data from the DB Write Ahead Log (WAL) is used to create a materialized view in the second service DB using real time streaming
Persist in a durable queue and a cache. Using real time streaming persist the data in both the services. Read data from cache if the data is available in cache, otherwise read from DB. This will allow read after write. Even if write to cache fails in worst case, within seconds the data will be in DB through streaming
NServiceBus does support durable distributed transaction in many scenarios vs. RMQ.Maybe you can look into using that feature to ensure that both the contexts are saved or rolled back together in case of failures if you can use NServiceBus instead of RMQ.
I think the solution you're looking for is outbox pattern,
there is an event related database table in the same database as your business data,
this allows them to be committed in the same database transaction,
and then a background worker loop push the event to mq

How to update redis after updating database?

I cache some data in redis, and reading data from redis if it's exists, otherwise reading data from database and write the data in redis.
I find that there are several ways to update redis after updating database.For example:
set keys in redis to expired
update redis immediately after updating datebase.
put data in MQ and use consumer to update redis.
I'm a little confused and don't know how to choose.
Could you tell me the advantage and disadvantage of each way and it's better to tell me other ways to update redis or recommend some blog about this problem.
Actual data store and cache should be synchronized using the third approach you've already described in your question.
As you add data to your definitive store (i.e. your SQL database), you need to enqueue this data to some service bus or message queue, and let some asynchronous service do the whole synchronization using some kind of background process.
You don't want get into this cases (when not using a service bus and asynchronous service):
Make your requests or processes slower because the user needs to wait until the data is both stored in your database and cache.
Have the risk of a fail during the caching process and not being able to have a retry policy (which is usually a built-in feature in a service bus or some message queues). Also, this failure can end up in a partial or complete cache corruption and you won't be able to automatically and easily schedule some task to fix this situation.
About using Redis key expiration, it's a good idea. Since Redis can expire keys using its built-in mechanism, you shouldn't implement key expiration from the whole background process. If a key exists is because it's still valid.
BTW, you won't be always on this case (if a key isn't expired it means that it shouldn't be overwritten). It might depend on your actual domain.
You can create an api to interact with your redis server, then use SQL CLR to call the call api

Persistent job queue?

Internet says using database for queues is an anti-pattern, and you should use (RabbitMQ or Beanstalked or etc)
But I want all requests stored. So I can later lookup how long they took, any failed attempts or errors or notes logged, who requested it and with what metadata, what was the end result, etc.
It looks like all the queue libraries don't have this option. You can't persist the data to allow you to query it later.
I want what those queues do, but with a "persist to database" option. Does this not exist? How do people deal with this? Do you use a queue library and copy over all request information into your database when the request finishes?
(the language/database I'm using is anything, whatever works best for this)
If you want to log requests, and meta-data about how long they took etc, then do so - log it to the database when you know the relevant results, and run your analytic queries as you would expect to.
The reason to not be using the database as a temporary store is that under high traffic, the searching for, and locking of unprocessed jobs, and then updating or deleting them when they are complete, can take a great deal of effort. That is especially true if don't remove jobs from the active table, and so have to search ever more completed jobs to find those that have yet to be done.
One can implement the task queue by themselves using a persistent backend (like database) to persist the tasks in queues. But the problem is, it may not scale well and also, it is always better to use a proven implementation instead of reinventing the wheel. These are tougher problems to solve and it is better to use the existent frameworks.
For instance, if you are implementing in Python, the typical choice is to use Celary with Redis/RabbitMQ backend.

Webservice Orchestration for database sync

I have two webservices, each service has its own database, one is master (A) and other is slave (B). If a call is made to service B, it also calls A to sync A's database.
If for some reason A is not available, B needs to bring A up to date with its data at a later time.
Any suggestion on what mechanism can be used for out of process data synchronization?
It sounds like the command pattern could be useful to you - store the "missed" transactions and apply them later. You may have to do some trickery to work out which of the last few calls you made to A happened, and which didn't.
If A is updated from another source and you loose the link (rather than A going down completely), you may have a battle on your hands to resolve any conflicts. I'd recommend a Temporal Database of some sort to help manage that.
Alternatively, have you thought of using a messaging system such as MSMQ?
You can setup a master-master replication between 2 databases. We do this with MySQL.
