Upgrading to Silverlight 5 sdk? - silverlight

How using Silverlight 5 SDK for silverlight 5 applications would help ?
Because we have been using silverlight 4 sdk for all applications till now .
Now people are upgrading to SL5 . I want to know is moving to silverlight 5 sdk worthwhile ,
because movement is very tedious job .
Thanks for your answer :)

Best you make up your own mind on whether you need any of these features:
What's new in Silverlight 5
If you do not need any of those features, then do not upgrade.
I would suggest that you start any new development in Silverlight 5, if only for the new binding-debugging feature.


Which Silverlight Version Recommended for new development ASP.NET + GIS?

I just started a new job where I need to do a new development in Silverlight technology. The existing application is an ASP.NET and GIS application.
What version of Silverlight is recommended to use?
I don't have any experience using Silverlight, please suggest me a good place to start -- Tutorials / Blogs/ resources...
If you are using ArcGIS, then you should use Silverlight 4. The current version of the Esri Silverlight SDK is version 2.4. It is built on top of Silverlight 4. If you are using ArcGIS 10.1, then you can use version 3.0. The current version (beta) of 3.0 is also built on Silverlight 4, but they were talking about building it on Silverlight 5.
Silverlight 5 would be the best bet. You can get lots of tutorials over at http://silverlight.net.
This,this and this are very good and knowledegeable for starters.
This shows many samples of the silverlight controls with source codes.
This shows different practical uses of silverlight with source codes!
If you come across any other queries while development, you can post a question and get suggestions here, on StackOverflow very easily.! :)

Silverlight 5 player to test Silverlight 4 apps safe?

Is it safe to install the Silverlight 5 player when I'm testing Silverlight 4 apps? Could compatbility issues pop up or bugs in Silverlight 4 which won't appear in 5 or if I install Silverlight 5 it will still use the Silverlight 4 player for Silverlight 4 content?
Depends on what you're doing.
If you're working on a media player of DRM-protected videos for instance, it's not quite safe: https://blogs.msdn.com/b/playready4/archive/2011/12/08/playready-license-acquisition-fails-after-upgrading-to-silverlight-5.aspx?Redirected=true
You should have no problems with that. Just go ahead and install Silverligh 5
backward compaitablity problems may occur. Such as we use some 3rd party components they behave diffrent in silverlight 4 and silverlight 5. But minor problems we had.
On design time there are some other problems with Silverlight 5 because it uses .Net Framework 4.5 so there are some changes between 4.5 and 4.0. These changeset cause some design time problems. i.e. you can't view your XAML design if you use MVVM pattern for some Graphical components.
Have a look at http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/silverlight/chart/adding-radchart-in-visual-studio-designer.aspx#1946980
and https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/708140/silverlight-forum-mefedmvvm-design-time-feature-doesnt-work-in-silverlight-5
The error says that 'System.Delegate System.Reflection.MethodInfo.CreateDelegate(System.Type, System.Object)
this method exist on Framework 4.5 not in 4.0.
As a result you cant guarantee the compaitablity because of the frameworks diffrence.

Should I build for Silverlight 3 or Silverlight 4?

I have a zip library (DotNetZip); currently the silverlight build is "unofficial" but I'm making it official.
Should I build for SL3 or SL4 or both?
Thanks for the input.
If you are releasing to the general public, consider releasing for both 3 and 4 (and 5 in a few months).
We still have to develop for Silverlight 3, for several clients, as their servers have not been updated to .Net 4 (required for some of the cooler server-side features of SL 4). Plesk based .Net hosting services also do not yet support .Net 4.

Any issues with LightSwitch Beta 2 and Silverlight 5?

Just about ready to move to LightSwitch Beta 2 and was wondering if anyone ran into any issues with installing Silverlight 5 Beta after that? Thanks.
There seems to be a common problem with the Toolkit because Microsoft hasn't released one specifically for Silverlight 5. That's all I've heard of though, if your toying around go ahead and try it, if you are doing something professionally I'd wait until the beta is over and they release.

Where to get the older version silverlight 3?

I installed silverlight 4 recently, but we still have legacy projects need to be tested on silverlight 3. Where can I get it?
The Silverlight 4 plugin will behave like the Silverlight 3 plugin when the XAP version indicates its built with Silverlight 3. This includes any bugs that Silverlight 3 had where the fixes for these bugs would break an existing Silverlight 3 app. This is known as "quirksmode" (sounds familiar).
Whilst it is probably best for belts and braces to test Silverlight 3 apps on the actual Silverlight 3 plugin you will probably find that the same problems will be picked up even if you are using the Silverlight 4 plugin.
Use google or that link.
Isn't this it? http://www.silverlight.net/getstarted/silverlight3/
