backbone.js & underscore.js CDN recommendation? - backbone.js

Is there any CDN sources for backbone.js and also underscore.js to use in our projects? hosts a lot of less popular JavaScript frameworks, including:
backbone.js: // (HTTP | HTTPS)
underscore.js: // (HTTP | HTTPS)
For convenience, here are the script tags:
<script type="text/javascript"
src="//"></script> is also a good alternative for less popular frameworks
backbone.js: //
underscore.js: //
Also in most cases it is a good idea to omit the protocol in the URL for JavaScript source.
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WKWebView in Xamarin.iOS - How to intercept requests for resources such as CSS and JS files?

I load an HTML file into a WKWebView on Xamarin.iOS using webView.LoadHtmlString(). This HTML file references a CSS file and a JS file, for example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>
I want to intercept these requests in my code so I can inspect the details of the request, and reroute them to a local cache. I use a subclass of WKNavigationDelegate, with an overridden DecidePolicy() method to intercept requests.
The problem is that DecidePolicy() does not get called for these two requests (for the CSS and JS files). DecidePolicy() only gets called when the user triggers a navigation action.
I have also tried using webViewConfiguration.SetUrlSchemeHandler() with an implementation of IWKUrlSchemeHandler, and replacing instances of "https://" with "customscheme://" in my HTML file, but the method StartUrlSchemeTask() does not get called.
How can I intercept requests for linked resources in an HTML file?
Try the following steps
Register custom scheme with WKWebView .
Convert file scheme to the custom scheme .
Use LoadRequest instead of LoadHtmlString .
Implement 2 methods of WKURLSchemeHandler protocol and handle 3 delegate methods of WKURLSchemeTask.
Refer to
How to intercept a WKWebView request to detect which local resource files (css, js, png, ...) load together with a HTML file?.

Migrate AngularJS to Angular 8 with iframe

So, my client wants me to migrate his AngularJS page to the newest Angular 8 framework.
But he also wants to add some features to the current AngularJS application.
The workflows is like:
1. Migrate AngularJS to Angular 8
2. Sill maintain the old Angular JS app when there is new stuff coming in the old code.
The app has a static header navigation. So my idea was to build the header in Angular 8 and putt the old Angular JS app to the root of Angular 8 via iframe.
So when the user clicks on the nevigation in the Angular 8 app he gets router to the correct Angular JS app which will be renderd in the iframe of the Angular 8 app.
So the idea behind this is to migrate the pages page by page but still maintain the old AngularJS app if needed.
Is this possible?
I hope somebody can help me.
Best regards
At first for migration i suggest you to use This migration guide
At second, i have worked on an application where i used both Angular Js and angular8, the only problem that i have got was with rootes, i couldn't usr routes in angular.
How did i do ?
I called the angular js and the transposed angular 8 files in the same jsp via <script></script>
This is an example of my jsp with an angular 8 application called pointe, and angulars js application called employee
<%# include file="init.jsp" %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/angulars/pointe/styles.css"/>
<script src="/angulars/pointe/runtime-es2015.js" type="module"></script>
<script src="/angulars/pointe/runtime-es5.js" nomodule defer></script>
<script src="/angulars/pointe/polyfills-es5.js" nomodule defer></script>
<script src="/angulars/pointe/polyfills-es2015.js" type="module"></script>
<script src="/angulars/pointe/scripts.js" defer></script>
<script src="/angulars/pointe/main-es2015.js" type="module"></script>
<script src="/angulars/pointe/main-es5.js" nomodule defer></script>
<script src="/angulars/employee/js/angular.js"></script>
<script src="/angulars/employee/js/app.js"></script>
I think that it also works if you load your script into an iframe,
but any ways you have to wrap all this code in a container.
And finally i do really not recommand you to do it, because i had a lot of troubles with libraries that are loaded in angular js and angular 8

how to access angularjs in jsp in spring tool suit

I am using Spring Tool suite
Where my directory Structure is :
Now in login.jsp I have to access Angular.js but it is not Accessable
I am using
<script src="/MyApp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/js/angular.js"></script>
Once compiled, assembled in a war and deployed to your web container (which your IDE is doing it for you), the root of the application is the webapp folder. Since a Java webapp is deployed under a context path, you need to prepend this context path to the URLs you use:
<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/WEB-INF/js/angular.js" />
or, with the JSTL
<script src="<c:url value='/WEB-INF/js/angular.js'/>"></script>
But even that won't work, because everything under WEB-INF is inaccessible from the outside, by design. So you must put your JS files outside of WEB-INF.
This shows a serious lack of understanding of how Java webapps are, what's their structure, etc. You should familiarize with these basic things before going further.

How can I load a AngularJS file in index.html dynamically?

Each app has different modules, so they need to load different compiled js files in index.html as below.
Just find that it does not work. So is there a good way to do it? or need any callback to boot AngularJS app manually? Thanks.
var appId = unescape(window.location.href).split('#/')[1].split('/')[0];
loadComponent('../.tmp/client/scripts/' + appId + '.js');
You can use RequirejS for dynamic loading. You can combine Angular and RequireJS for better performing apps

Grunt cdnify creates broken AngularJS CDN link

I use Yeoman/Grunt with the Angular generator, and after running grunt build, the AngularJS reference in my dist/index.html looks like this:
<script src="//"></script>
So, http: is missing, which I manually have to change to:
<script src=""></script>
In the original index.html, the reference looks like this:
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
Is this a config error in my Gruntfile.js?
// simply represents "use the protocol of the current file"
So if your index.html uses http, the CDN will be fetched using http. Same with https.
I'm guessing you are testing locally and the browser uses the file: protocol. Should work once you use a server.
