How to make SHIFT work with %* in batch files - batch-file

In my batch file on Windows XP, I want to use %* to expand to all parameters except the first.Test file (foo.bat):
#echo off
echo %*
echo %*
C:\> foo a b c d e f
Actual result:
a b c d e f
a b c d e f
Desired result:
a b c d e f
b c d e f
How can I achieve the desired result? Thanks!!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if CMD.EXE worked that way! Unfortunately there is not a good syntax that will do what you want. The best you can do is parse the command line yourself and build a new argument list.
Something like this can work.
#echo off
echo %*
set "args="
if "%~1" neq "" (
set args=%args% %1
goto :parse
if defined args set args=%args:~1%
But the above has problems if an argument contains special characters like ^, &, >, <, | that were escaped instead of quoted.
Argument handling is one of many weak aspects of Windows batch programming. For just about every solution, there exists an exception that causes problems.

That´s easy:
set "_args=%*"
set "_args=!_args:*%1 =!"
Same thing with comments:
:: Enable use of ! operator for variables (! works as % after % has been processed)
set "_args=%*"
:: Remove %1 from %*
set "_args=!_args:*%1 =!"
:: The %_args% must be used here, before 'endlocal', as it is a local variable
lets say %* is "1 2 3 4":
set "_args=%*" --> _args=1 2 3 4
set "_args=!_args:*%1 =!" --> _args=2 3 4
Does not work if any argument contains the ! or & char
Any extra spaces in between arguments will NOT be removed
%_args% must be used before endlocal, because it is a local variable
If no arguments entered, %_args% returns * =
Does not shift if only 1 argument entered

Don't think there's a simple way to do so. You could try playing with the following workaround instead:
>tmp ECHO(%*
SET /P t=<tmp
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
IF DEFINED t SET "t=!t:%1 =!"
test.bat 1 2 3=4
2 3=4

Another easy way of doing this is:
set "_args=%*"
set "_args=%_args:* =%"
Does not work if first argument (%1) is 'quoted' or "double quoted"
Does not work if any argument contains the & char
Any extra spaces in between arguments will NOT be removed

I had to do this recently and came up with this:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Number of arguments to skip
set skip=1
for %%a in (%*) do (
if not !position! lss !skip! (
echo Argument: '%%a'
) else (
set /a "position=!position!+1"
It uses loop to skip over N first arguments. Can be used to execute some command per argument or build new argument list:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Number of arguments to skip
set skip=1
for %%a in (%*) do (
if not !position! lss !skip! (
set args=!args! %%a
) else (
set /a "position=!position!+1"
echo %args%
Please note that the code above will add leading space to the new arguments. It can be removed like this:
How to remove trailing and leading whitespace for user-provided input in a batch file?

Yet another obnoxious shortcoming of DOS/Windows batch programming...
Not sure if this is actually better than some of the other answers here but thought I'd share something that seems to be working for me. This solution uses FOR loops rather than goto, and is contained in a reusable batch script.
Separate batch script, "shiftn.bat":
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set SHIFTN=%1
How to use shiftn.bat in another batch script; in this example getting all arguments following the first (skipped) arg:
FOR /f "usebackq delims=" %%i IN (`call shiftn.bat 1 %*`) DO set SHIFTEDARGS=%%i
Perhaps someone else can make use of some aspects of this solution (or offer suggestions for improvement).

Resume of all and fix all problems:
set Args=%1
set First=%1
if not defined First goto :EndParse
set Args=%Args% %First%
goto :Parse
Unsupport spaces between arguments: 1 2 3 4 will be 1 2 3 4


Get substring within a string

I come to find some guidance on accomplishing the following:
I have a variable with content like this:
varname = asdfiuytgy12$gggsy22.oihbcxew
varname = oiujedc$thisisit.oiju
which $ and . are exactly my partters and I need to get what is within them so gggsy22 or thisisit.
I need to use batch to create a simple bat file. I hope someone can provide some guidance.
Edit - (from comment section)
Actually a friend of mine helped and it did work but with a quite amount of lines:
Set "sstr=$"
SET stemp=%nameVar%&SET pos=0
SET /a pos+=1
echo %stemp%|FINDSTR /b /c:"%sstr%" >NUL
SET stemp=%stemp:~1%
IF DEFINED stemp GOTO loop
SET pos=0
Set "pos1=%pos%"
Set "sstr=."
SET stemp=%nameVar%&SET pos=0
SET /a pos+=1
echo %stemp%|FINDSTR /b /c:"%sstr%" >NUL
SET stemp=%stemp:~1%
IF DEFINED stemp GOTO loop
SET pos=0
Set "pos2=%pos%"
set /a "pos2=%pos2%-%pos1%-1"
call set env=%%nameVar:~%pos1%,%pos2%%%
#echo off
set "varname=asdfiuytgy12$gggsy22.oihbcxew"
for /f "tokens=2 delims=$." %%a in ("%varname%") do set "sub=%%a"
The following works in nearly any situation. The only thing that could break the code is if the string contains a quote " followed by a poison character like &, |, etc.
#echo off
set "str=oiujedc$thisisit.oiju"
:: Verify string exists and has the proper format
echo "%str%"|findstr "\$.*\." >nul || (echo Value not found & exit /b)
:: Extract the value
:: The extra "x" is needed in case there is no character between $ and .,
:: in which case the result should be No Value (result variable not defined)
for /f "delims=." %%A in ("x%str:*$=%") do set "val=%%A"
set "val=%val:~1%"
:: Show the result
echo value = "%val%"
A bullet proof variant can be made by incorporating delayed expansion.

set /A command expands with a comma for more than one var, only set does not

(set /a "m1=1,m2=2")
for /f %%c in ("%m1%%m2%") do echo %%c
The brackets else where than due to the for command are used in cases, a space key should have been added.
The echo of the for command, is 12. I used the number characters to face the set /A command with decimal Expression.
When i try the same procedure only with a set for a Shell, may also be named m1 it is just possible without comma seperation.
With set command the m1 Expression would be 1 m2 2 and not two values like with a set /A SET.
Is there a way to use set only once and not only with the set /A?
As other answers and comments already indicated, there is no way to directly do this in one command, but via a procedure. The method below is the simplest one:
#echo off
rem Define the several values
set "vars=m1=1,m2=2"
rem Do it:
set "%vars:,=" & set "%"
echo m1=%m1%
echo m2=%m2%
You may remove the #echo off command and execute this program to see what exactly is executed...
As I understand the question you want something like:
set x=1,y=2
and as a result to have two variables (like set /a). The answer is no.
Though you can iterate trough expressions with plain for :
#echo off
for %%a in (
"x=1" "a=5"
"y=2" "b=6"
"z=3" "c=7"
) do set "%%~a"
echo %x% %y% %z% %a% %b% %c%
Mind that the quotes around the items are mandatory because = is a delimiter. You can put everything on line and to use as separators , ,; ,<space>
May be with a lot of variables this can save you from some writing...?
this can be rewritten like this:
#echo off
set "vars=x=1,y=2,z=3,a=5,b=6,c=7"
for %%a in ("%vars:,=","%") do set "%%~a"
echo %x% %y% %z% %a% %b% %c%
And thus you'll need to change only the vars value.

How to split string with "=" without for loop in batch file

I would like split a string in two part with = as delimiter.
I saw this post but I do not manage ta adapt.
I try this:
set "str=4567=abcde"
echo %str%
set "var1=%str:^=="^&REM #%
echo var1=%var1%
Why it does not work?
While not a bulletproof solution (use the for, artoon), without more info, this can do the work
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "str=4567=abcde"
rem Step 1 - remove the left part
set "str1=!str:%str%!"
rem Step 2 - Get the right part
set "right=!str:*%str1%!"
rem Step 3 - Get the left part
set "left=!str:%right%=!"
set "left=%left:~0,-1%"
echo [%left%] [%right%]
edited to adapt to comments (OP code in comments adapted to my code, or the reverse)
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('set') do (
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem Step 1 - remove the left part
set "str=%%i"
for %%x in ("!str!") do set "str1=!str:%%~x!"
rem Step 2 - Get the right part
for %%x in ("!str1!") do set "right=!str:*%%~x!"
rem Step 3 - Get the left part
for %%x in ("!right!") do set "left=!str:%%~x=!"
set "left=!left:~0,-1!"
echo [!left!] [!right!]
And no, as previously indicated this is not bulletproof and some of the variables show problems (had I said it is not bulletproof?).
What i don't understand is the requirement to not use a for loop and then use a for loop. It is a lot easier this way
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ('set') do (
echo [%%a] [%%b]
Another alternative (not as easy as the for, more stable than the previous one, non bulletproof) is
for /f %%a in ('set') do (
call :split left right %%a
echo [!left!] [!right!]
goto :eof
:split leftVar rightVar data
set "%~1=%~3"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "data=%*"
set "data=!data:*%1 %2 %3=!"
set "data=%data:~1%"
endlocal & set "%~2=%data%"
goto :eof
As npocmaka commented above, = has special meaning and cannot be replaced with traditional variable string manipulation. If you know the length of either side of the equal sign, you could strip off a number of characters. For example, if "4567" will always be 4 characters, you could set "var1=%str:~0,4%". Or if "abcde" will always be 5 characters, you could set "var1=%str:~0,-6%" (5 chars + 1 for the equal sign).
Otherwise, a for loop is your only other option without using 3rd party utilities.
for /f "delims==" %%I in ("%str%") do set "var1=%%I"
If you've got grep installed, you can do something like:
echo %str% | grep -P -o "^[^=]*"
... but you'd still need to capture its output with another for /f loop.
If you are allergic to for loops, and as an exercise in providing a solution to your question without any regard for efficiency, here's how you get the first half of your string without using a single for loop. Put grep and its dependencies in your %PATH%. Then:
echo %str% | grep -P -o "^[^=]*" >temp.txt
set /P "var1="<temp.txt
del temp.txt
echo %var1%
There, I fixed it!

Batch - Read contents of a file in an array

I've a text file with two rows (say param.txt) which is shown below:
I want to read this file in batch and store the contents of first line in a variable called cube_name. When I'm reading the second line, I want to split the comma delimited string dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4 and create an array of four elements. I am planning to use the variable and the array in later part of the script.
The code which I created is shown below. The code is not working as expected.
#echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a count_=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type param.txt') do (
set /a count_+=1
set my_arr[!count_!]=%%a
set /a count=0
for %%i in (%my_arr%) do (
set /a count+=1
if !count! EQU 1 (
set cube_name=%%i
if !count! GTR 1 (
set dim_arr=%%i:#=,%
for %%i in (%dim_arr%) do (
echo %%i
echo !cube_name!
I get to see the following when I run the code:
C:\Working folder>test2.bat
ECHO is off.
So this doesn't appear to work and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I am fairly new to the batch scripting so help is appreciated
Your first FOR loop is OK. It is not how I would do it, but it works. Everything after that is a mess. It looks like you think arrays are a formal concept in batch, when they are not. It is possible to work with variables in a way that looks reminiscent of arrays. But true arrays do not exist within batch.
You use %my_arr% as if it is an array, but my_arr is not even defined. You have defined variables my_arr[1] amd my_arr[2] - the brackets and number are part of the variable name.
It also looks like you have a misunderstanding of FOR loops. I suggest you carefully read the FOR documentation (type HELP FOR from a command line). Also look at examples on this and other sites. The FOR command is very complicated because it has many variations that look similar to the untrained eye, yet have profoundly different behaviors. One excellent resource to help your understanding is
Assuming the file always has exactly 2 lines, I would solve your problem like so
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set dimCnt=0
<param.txt (
set /p "cube_name=" >nul
set /p "dimList=" >nul
for %%D in (!dimList!) do (
set /a dimCnt+=1
set "dim[!dimCnt!]=%%D"
echo cube_name=!cube_name!
for /l %%I in (1 1 !dimCnt!) do echo dim[%%I]=!dim[%%I]!
One nice feature of the above solution is it allows for a varying number of terms in the list of dimensions in the 2nd line. It will fail if there are tabs, spaces, semicolon, equal, * or ? in the dimension names. There are relatively simple ways to get around this limitation if need be.
Tabs, spaces, semicolon and equal can be handled by using search and replace to enclose each term in quotes.
for %%D in ("!dimList:,=","!") do (
set /a dimCnt+=1
set "dim[!dimCnt!]=%%~D"
I won't post the full solution here since it is not likely to be needed. But handling * and/or ? would require replacing the commas with a new-line character and switching to a FOR /F statement.
I'm impressed of your code!
Do you try to debug or echo anything there?
You could simply add some echo's to see why your code can't work.
#echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a count_=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type param.txt') do (
set /a count_+=1
set my_arr[!count_!]=%%a
echo ### show the variable(s) beginning with my_arr...
set my_arr
echo Part 2----
set /a count=0
echo The value of my_arr is "%my_arr%"
for %%i in (%my_arr%) do (
set /a count+=1
echo ## Count=!count!, content is %%i
if !count! EQU 1 (
set cube_name=%%i
if !count! GTR 1 (
echo ## Setting dim_arr to "%%i:#=,%"
set dim_arr=%%i:#=,%
for %%i in (%dim_arr%) do (
echo the value of dim_arr is "%%i"
echo cube_name is "!cube_name!"
Output is
### show the variable(s) beginning with my_arr...
Part 2----
The value of my_arr is ""
cube_name is ""
As you can see your part2 fails completly.

Parsing of cmdline arguments containing =

After using batch files for many years I was surprised to discover that the equals sign '=' is considered an argument separator.
Given this test script:
echo arg1: %1
echo arg2: %2
echo arg3: %3
and an invocation:
test.bat a=b c
the output is:
arg1: a
arg2: b
arg3: c
Why is that and how can it be avoided? I don't want the user of the script to account for this quirk and quote "a=b", which is counter-intuitive.
This batch script was run on Windows 7.
===== EDIT =====
A little more background: I encountered this problem when writing a bat file to start a Java application. I wanted to consume some args in the bat file and then pass the rest to the java application. So my first attempt was to do shift and then rebuild the args list (since %* is not affected by shift). It looked something like this, and that's when I discovered the issue:
rem Rebuild the args, %* does not work after shift
if not "%1" == "" (
set ARGS=!ARGS! %1
goto args
The next step was to not use shift anymore, but rather implement shift by hand by removing one character at a time from %* until a space is encountered:
rem Remove the 1st arg if it was the profile
set ARGS=%*
if not "%FIRST_ARG%" == "%KNOA_PROFILE%" goto remove_first_done
if not defined ARGS goto remove_first_done
if "%ARGS:~0,1%" == " " goto remove_first_done
set ARGS=%ARGS:~1%
goto remove_first
But this is ugly and might still fail in some cases I haven't considered. So finally I decided to write a Java program to deal with the argument parsing! In my case this is fine, since I am launching a server and the penalty of an extra java invocation is minimal. It's mind-boggling what you end up doing sometimes.
You might wonder why didn't I take care of the args in the Java application itself? The answer is that I want to be able to pass JVM options like -Xmx which must be processed before invoking java.
I'm guessing it does this so that /param=data is the same as /param data
I don't know any tricks to fix that stupid (probably by design) parsing issue but I was able to come up with a super ugly workaround:
#echo off
set param=1
set p=
((echo "%~1"|find " ")>nul)||(
call :fixparam %param% "%~1" "%~2" %* 2>nul
if "%p%"=="" (set "p%param%=%1") else shift
shift&set /A param=%param% + 1
if not "%~1"=="" goto fixnextparam
set p%1=
for /F "tokens=4" %%A in ("%*") do (
if "%%~A"=="%~2=%~3" set p=!&set "p%1=%%A"
When I execute test.cmd foo=bar baz "fizz buzz" w00t I get:
3="fizz buzz"
The problem with this is of course that you cannot do %~dp1 style variable expansion.
It is not possible to do call :mylabel %* and then use %1 either because call :batchlabel has the same parameter parsing problem!
If you really need %~dp1 handling you could use the WSH/batch hybrid hack:
#if (1==1) #if(1==0) #ELSE
#echo off
if "%SPECIALPARSE%"=="*%~f0" (
) else (
set "SPECIALPARSE=*%~f0"
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*
#goto :EOF
#end #ELSE
for(i=0;i<al;++i)p+="\""+wa.Item(i)+"\" ";
function PipeStream(i,o){for(;!i.AtEndOfStream;)o.Write(i.Read(1))}
function Exec(cmd,e){
return e.ExitCode;
}catch(e){return e.number;}
w.Quit(Exec("\""+WScript.ScriptFullName+"\" "+p));
I am only answering this: >> Why is that and how can it be avoided?
My suggestion: To use a better language. No i am not joking. batch has too many quirks/nuances such as this plus a lot of other limitations, its just not worth the time coming up with ugly/inefficient workarounds. If you are running Windows 7 and higher, why not try using vbscript or even powershell. These tools/language will greatly help in your daily programming/admin tasks. As an example of how vbscript can propely take care of such an issue:
For i=0 To WScript.Arguments.Count-1
WScript.Echo WScript.Arguments(i)
C:\test>cscript //nologo myscript.vbs a=b c
Note that it properly takes care of the arguments.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if %1 neq ~ (
set "n=%*"
for %%a in ("!n: =" "!") do (
set "s=%%a"
if !s:~0^,2!==^"^" (
set "s=!s:" "= !"
set "s=!s:""="!"
set "m=!m! !s!"
%0 ~ !m!
echo arg1: %~1
echo arg1: %~2
echo arg1: %~dp3
exit /b
c:> untested.bat a=b c "%USERPROFILE%"
#jeb: here another method
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "param=%*"
set param="%param: =" "%"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('echo %param: =^&echo.%') do (
set "str=%%a"
if !str:~0^,2!==^"^" (
set "str=!str:^&echo.=!"
set "str=!str:"^"= !"
set str="!str:~1,-1!"
set "m=!m! !str!"
Call :sub %m%
endlocal & goto :eof
echo arg1: %~1
echo arg2: %~2
echo arg3: %~3
echo arg4: %~4
goto :eof
Again, I can't explain the unexpected behavior, but there is a very simple solution. Just change your argument references, then quote the argument when invoking as such:
test.bat script:
echo arg1: %~1
echo arg2: %~2
echo arg3: %~3
test.bat "a=b" c
arg1: a=b
arg2: c
Note that referencing the arguments with a tilde (~) removes the leading/trailing quotes from the argument.
