How long does it take for updated static files to start being served? - google-app-engine

I’ve just updated most of my static files but it seems that the old versions of those files are still being served. How long does it usually take for the new versions to be served? Is there any ways to speed that up?

Are you talking on production server?
In my project, usually they are affected immediately. Sometime due to the caching framework ,it keeps old static file served. I'm using Django-nonrel.
If you are using Google Chrome, you can you Inspect Element to see if it has an cache-control header or not.
Also this link will help you to change default_expiration on app engine.
Maybe it gives you some clues

I've found that it's usually immediate but sometimes takes about 15 minutes or so. For css/js many people append a build # to the filenames to break the cache.


Issue Clearing cache in Chrome

I have a Java/Spring MVC WebApp using Angular as the Front End. The ui application is deployed as part of the web app in the src>main>webapp folder. The problem is when I make any changes in the CSS or HTML files, the same are not reflected instantaneously. I have tried clearing cache and hard resetting also but to no avail.
I tried running the app in incognito mode too but it does not work.
Please help.
Specific resources can be reloaded individually if you change the date and time on your files on the server. "Clearing cache" is not as easy as it should be. Instead of clearing cache on my browsers, I realized that "touching" the server files cached will actually change the date and time of the source file cached on the server (Tested on Edge, Chrome and Firefox) and most browsers will automatically download the most current fresh copy of whats on your server (code, graphics any multimedia too). I suggest you just copy the most current scripts on the server and "do the touch thing" solution before your program runs, so it will change the date of all your problem files to a most current date and time, then it downloads a fresh copy to your browser:
then ... the rest of your program...
It took me some time to resolve this issue (as many browsers act differently to different commands, but they all check time of files and compare to your downloaded copy in your browser, if different date and time, will do the refresh), If you can't go the supposed right way, there is always another usable and better solution to it. Best Regards and happy camping. By the way touch(); or alternatives work in many programming languages inclusive in javascript bash sh php and you can include or call them in html.

Delta changes in GAE

I'm wondering, when I press "deploy" in the google app engine launcher, how does it sync my changes to the actual instance.... maybe it would be better to ask specific questions :)
1) Does it only upload the delta changes (as opposed to the entire file) for changed files?
2) Does it only upload new files and changed files (i.e. does not copy pre-existing) unchanged files?
3) Does it delete remote files that do not exist locally?
4) Does all of this happen instantaneously for the end user once the app has finished deploying? (i.e. let's say I accidentally uploaded an insecure file that sits on - if #3 is true, then once I remove it from the local directory and re-deploy it should be gone- but can I be sure it is really gone and not cached on some edge somewhere?)
If you use only the launcher or the appcfg util as opposed to manage your code by means of git, AppEngine will keep only one 'state' of that particular version of your app and will not store any past state. So,
1) Yes, it uploads only deltas, not full files.
2) Yes, only new, modified or deleted files.
3) Yes, it deletes them if you delete locally and deploy. As Ibrahim Arief suggested, it is a good idea to use appcfg so you can prove it to yourself.
4) Here there are some caveats. With your new deploy, your old instances are sent a kill signal, and until it actually gets executed, there is a time span (seconds to minutes) during wich new requests could hit your previous version.
It is also very important the point Port Pleco has made. You have to be careful with caching on static files. If you have a file with Expires or Cache-Control headers, and it is actually served, then it could be cached on various places so the existence of old copies of it, is completely out of your control.
Happy coding!
I'm not a google employee so I don't have guaranteed accurate answers, but I can speak a little about your questions from my experience:
1) From what I've seen, it does upload all files each time
2) See 1, I'm fairly sure everything is uploaded
3) I'm not entirely sure whether it "deletes" the files, but I'm 99% sure that they're inaccessible if they don't exist in your current version. If you want to ensure that a file is inaccessible, then you can deploy your project with a new version number, and switch your app version to the new version in your admin panel. That will force google to use all your most recent files in that new version.
4) From what I've seen, changes that are rendered/executed, like html hardcoded text or controller changes or similar, appear instantly. Static files might be cached, as normal with web development, which means that you might have old versions of files saved on user's machines. You can use a query string on the end of the file name with the version to force an update on that.
For example, if I had a javascript file that I knew I would want to redeploy regularly, I would reference it like this:
<script type="text/javascript src="../javascript/file.js?version=1.2" />
Then just increment the version number manually when I needed to force deployment of the javascript to my users.

Clearing session from browser cache in Angularjs?

I updated my app to initialize routes in callback after loading the model from database call.
Since doing this my browser (Chrome for dev) caches data very persistently. Any tips on how to force browser to reload with new data or can clear session?
Also concerned about ensuring deployed apps would use latest data.
"clearing cache" is not as easy as it should be. Instead of clearing cache on my browsers, I realized that "touching" the server files cached will actually change the date and time of the source file cached on the server (Tested on Edge, Chrome and Firefox) and most browsers will automatically download the most current fresh copy of whats on your server (code, graphics any multimedia too). I suggest you just copy the most current scripts on the server and "do the touch thing" solution before your program runs, so it will change the date of all your problem files to a most current date and time, then it downloads a fresh copy to your browser:
then ... the rest of your program...
It took me some time to resolve this issue (as many browsers act differently to different commands, but they all check time of files and compare to your downloaded copy in your browser, if different date and time, will do the refresh), If you can't go the supposed right way, there is always another usable and better solution to it. Best Regards and happy camping. By the way touch(); or alternatives work in many programming languages inclusive in javascript bash sh php and you can include or call them in html.

cakephp slow because of mod_rewrite?

I have a web made with CakePHP 1.3.10. This web seems to get slower every time new folders/pages are added to it (which happens pretty often).
I believe reading somewhere that the mod_rewrite found in the 3 .htaccess files may have something to do with it.
Is it true?
I'm trying to get it to work without the htaccess files, but all my links are messed up. Is there any way to avoid having to edit all the links in the website? Now it seems that I have to add /app/webroot/ before every file I'm linking (css, js, etc) and add /index.php before every link in the website.
Is this the only way?
Have you measured how much time is spent in mod_rewrite and how much in PHP? In my experience the most likely problem is the time Cake spends looking for files in the file system, which gets progressively worse when you add files and directories.
You can use Xdebug to profile the application, or just add calls to print the time in appropriate places in the framework to see how much time has passed since the beginning of the request.
This doesn't sound like a mod_rewrite issue. The time it takes to transform an URL like to something like is more or less constant, and doesn't grow with the number of files/directories as they are irrelevant for the rewriting process.

Stubborn Silverlight Caching Issue?

Bear with a bit me before jumping straight to the normal caching fix solutions. Here's what happening:
I have a project, a single project out of dozens in our solution that appears to be refusing to update its code when I build and run. It's not part of the xap, but a dll sitting along side the xap.
Things I've already determined not a solution:
I've checked the output of its dll and it has been built, and its contents updated to match my code, verified with dotPeek. But it refuses to display the updated code.
I clean, rebuild the solution, and restart the dev server but it refuses to display the updated code.
I switch to a different browser, no dice.
I clear browser cache's to no avail.
I completely delete my local code and do a fresh fetch from our repository, again, no love from silverlight.
I have not been without a little success though. The ONE bone I've been thrown was over the weekend. Not touching it for a couple days, I came back to work on Monday and, without having done anything to it, it just updated. Now, however, it's cached again, or something, because it's stuck in the last set of changes I made to it.
So my question is this: What am I missing?
Most likely your files may be read only and MS Build fails to display error message and it does not update files. In case if you have mistakenly checked in your .xap files, then this is possible, you will have to remove it from your source control and also make .xap file writable by removing readonly checkbox.
Visual Studio checks in your .xap files by mistake and silverlight build does not report any error.
Second, do you have any other file backup service installed like Shadow copy or Dropbox kind of online backup service, something is probably making xap files readonly and that is causing this problem.
Here there are couple answers: Prevent Silverlight 3 from caching while debugging
Code below helped me(add this to Page_Load of page that hosted the app ):
Prevent Silverlight xap from being cached by proxy server
"So my question is this: What am I missing?"
An internal caching mechanism that our application uses. So, none of you could really have helped me as it was an architectural feature of our software.
