Transfer files via ODATA - file

Is it possible to transfer files via an ODATA service?
when there is a possibility, how could i do that?
I already searched a lot on the internet but i couldnt make it to find a proper example.

There's a great walkthrough here: and then
It describes a way to expose streams based on an EF provider. There's also a way to upload the stream to the server.
Note that there's nothing "OData" about the streams as such. The sample above just uses OData as the metadata for the streams and uses simple REST to get and/or upload the stream.

Since you can save and retrieve binary data to/from a database and Edm.Binary is supported by the data model this should be possible. You could save your file in binary format in a database column and then expose it through your model and the OData API.


How to automatically save received pdf files from gmail into a database?

I would like to know if this scenario would be possible in any programming language combined with any database technology.
I would like to automatically save received pdf files that are attached in emails into a database. Is this possible? Is there any library or framework available to do so?
Yes, I would recommend using Google Apps Script for this. The approach you should follow is to use the GmailApp class (Documentation here) to get the messages you need, you can use methods like getInboxThreads() (Documentation), to retrieve the messages.
After you've found the message and retrieved the attachment (which you can do withgetAttachments() (Documentation)), you can use the JDBC Service to connect with external databases. The specifics here depend a lot on what database you want to connect with, but the documentation will lead you in the right direction.

Programmatically accessing excel files located on salesforce

I am new to the salesforce platform.The task im working on involves some excel files on salesforce. I have to write a program to analyze the data in these excel files and generate a report.I have the following questions about doing this
Do i need to programmatically download these excel files locally to my machine ?. If yes, what api should i use for this ?. An example would be really appreciated.
Is this something that can be done directly on salesforce ?
Thank You.
You have a mutltitude of choices, If you're using .NET or Java, you probably want to start with the soap API, you can run a SOQL query to access the Body field of the document object (I'm assuming you're storing these in documents). The SOAP API docs have examples for this. For other languages you'll probably want to start with the REST API, you'll be able to access the body resource of your document and get back the binary stream, again, good examples in the docs.
Although you can't open an Excel document to inspect it/modify it in Apex (to the best of my knowledge), you can create one - FYI

Obtaining Raw Data from NagiosXI and/or OPSview

I am currently working on completing my Masters Thesis project. In order to do so I need to be able to obtain the raw data accumulated in NagiosXI and/or OPSview. Because both of these are based off of the Nagios core, I assume the method to obtaining the raw data may be similar. This raw data is needed so that I can at a later time perform specific statical calculations which relate to my Masters Thesis. I have looked online and so far found some Nagios plugins which obtain raw data and then manipulate it for graphs and visuals, but I need the raw numbers in order to complete my calculations.
I am also researching to see if I can create maybe a PHP script, or some other language, that will extract the data from Nagios and save it in a word or excel document. However, this would be a bit of extra work as I am unfamiliar with either PHP or MySQL queries. Because of this I hope to be able to find a plugin, or something similar, that can get the data for me.
I can't speak for NagiosXI, but I can for Opsview :)
You could access the data that is stored in the RRD files. You can use rrdtool dump to pull the values out or use a URL like: /rrdfetch?start=1307608993&end=1307695393&hsm=opsview%3A%3ACheck%20Loadavg%3A%3Aload1&hsm=opsview%3A%3ACheck%20Loadavg%3A%3Aload5
And this returns back the JSON data points. This is undocumented, but is used to power the interactive javascript graphing.
Alternatively, if you have ODW enabled with full statistics, then the raw data is stored in the ODW database and you can then extract the raw data with SQL commands. See for more information.
You can try use mk livestatus
All this tools get you status data without need to go to DB or status file. While XI is based on Nagios it can still work with him.
Please take a look at
It's a web services API to access Nagios data. You can get all hosts, service status data, objects configuration in multiple formats JSON, XML or YAML.

Silverlight3: What to use: WebClient or database with RIA

I'm asking for the advice. I'm working at the Silverlight 3 application and now I should select the mean how to save the information and get it. I could save the necessary info in files (from 1 to 300K size) or I could save them in database. If I would use WebClient for accessing to separate file there's very low loading of the server. If I get data from database the server would load much more I think and the code on the server too.
Please correct me if I'm not right.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
there are additional considerations if you use a file that is localized to the users machine. If you wish to save data w/o any user intervention then you are limited to using Isolated Storage, which has constraints on the size of your data. Otherwise, you have to ask the user for information on where to save/load the file. This is due to the security model used by silverlight.
i am thinking that a Database and the RIA framework might be the way to go.
just my 2ยข
If you are saving and loading the entire file at a time, then it might be okay to use a WebClient. This might take a little coding to handle errors that may result in incomplete saves.
If you're serializing some objects or xml data and storing that in a file, then you should probably be using a database instead.
Edit: It can be a pain to get WebClient or HttpWebRequest working correctly with GET/POST, but WCF can also be a pain to configure if you haven't done it before. WCF is probably better style, and you'll want to use a binary binding and send the file across as a byte[].

Writing data into a database using a fully REST web service

How would one create a REST web service to write a row into a databse table. Use the follwoing scenario:
The table is called Customer - the
data to be inserted into the row would
be the name, addresss, telephone
number, email.
I think its impossible to describe the whole thing end to end in Java or C#, and I would never expect that, but here are the questions I have popping into my head as I prepare for coding:
How the URI would look (eg. if you use this URL -
What info would go into the HTTP envelope?
Would I use POST when writing to the database in this way?
Do I use a resource to store the posted data from the client? Is this even necessary if the data is being written to a database anyway?
When the data to be writeen into the db is recieved by the server - how do I physically insert it into the database - do I call some method on the server to actually write the data (in Java)? - this doesn't seem to fit with truely REST architecture - shunning RPC calls.
Should I even be bothering writing to a DB - should I be storing my data as a resource?
As you can see I need a few issues clearing in my head. Any help much appreciated.
First of all, I'm not either java nor c# expert and I don't exactly know what means do these languages have to support REST design, but in general: - customers is a collection of resources and you want to add a new resource to this collection
It depends on various things - you should probably set the content-type header (according to the data format in which you are sending the representation) and set some authentication headers if you need it.
Yes, you always use POST to create a new entry in a collection of resources.
I don't fully understand this question, to be honest. What do you mean by "inmediately writing data into the database"?
REST is primarily just a style of communication between server and a client. It doesn't say anything about how you should handle the data received by using it. The usual way how modern web approaches (MVC style frameworks) solve it, is by routing every REST action to a method of some class (usually a controller instance) where you handle the received parameters (eg. save them to the database) and generate a response to be sent back.
For a very brief and very clear introduction to REST have a look at this short video.
RESTful Web Services, published by O'Reilly and Associates, seems to fit the bill you're looking for.
As far as doing it in Java, Sun has a page on it.
