Reversing two bits at a time in an array - c

I am new to bit manipulation.
My friend recently asked me this in an interview.
Given an array of bytes
Eg: 1000100101010101 | 001010011100
We need to flip it two bits at a time horizontally inplace.
So the new array should be:
1000 | 0101 and so on.
and so on.
I think we start from the middle (marked by | here) and continue our way outwards taking two bits at a time.
I know how to reverse single bits in a number at a time like this:
unsigned int reverse(unsigned int num)
unsigned int x = sizeof(num) * 8;
unsigned int reverse_num = 0, i, temp;
for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
temp = (num & (1 << i));
reverse_num |= (1 << ((x - 1) - i));
return reverse_num;
But I wonder how can we reverse two bits efficiently inplace.
Thanks in advance.

I'd just do a whole byte (or more) at once:
output = (input & 0x55) << 1;
output |= (input & 0xAA) >> 1;

The "trick" way to do this is to precompute a table of bytes with the bits flipped. Then you can just index the table using a byte from the array, and write it back. As others have said - how many bits are in your bytes here?


Turn byte into array of bits? C

I want to read binary file byte at the time and then store bits of that byte into integer array. And similarly I want to write integer array of 1s and 0s (8 of them ) into binary file as bytes?
If you have an array of bytes:
unsigned char bytes[10];
And want to change it into an array of bits:
unsigned char bits[80];
And assuming you have 8 bits per byte, try this:
int i;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(bytes)*8; i++) {
bits[i] = ((1 << (i % 8)) & (bytes[i/8])) >> (i % 8);
In this loop, i loops through the total number of bits. The byte that a given bit lives at is i/8, which as integer division rounds down. The position of the bit within a byte is i%8.
First we create a mask for the desired bit:
1 << (i % 8)
Then the desired byte:
Then we perform a logical AND to clear all bits except the one we want.
(1 << (i % 8)) & (bytes[i/8])
Then we shift the result right by the bit position to put the desired bit at the least significant bit. This gives us a value of 1 or 0.
Note also that the arrays in question are unsigned. That is required for the bit shifting to work properly.
To switch back:
int i;
memset(bytes, 0, sizeof(bytes));
for (i=0; i<sizeof(bytes)*8; i++) {
bytes[i/8] |= bits[i] << (i % 8);
We start by clearing out the byte array, since we'll be setting each byte one bit at a time.
Then we take the bit in question:
Shift it into its position:
bits[i] << (i % 8)
Then use a logical OR to set the appropriate byte;
A simple C program to do the job on a byte array 'input' of size 'sz' would be:
int i=0,j=0;
unsigned char mask = 0x01u;
for (i=0;i<sz;i++)
for (j=0;j<8;j++)
output[8*i+j]=((unsigned char)input[i] >> j) & (unsigned char)(mask);

Bit Shifting - Finding nth byte in a number [duplicate]

I know you can get the first byte by using
int x = number & ((1<<8)-1);
int x = number & 0xFF;
But I don't know how to get the nth byte of an integer.
For example, 1234 is 00000000 00000000 00000100 11010010 as 32bit integer
How can I get all of those bytes? first one would be 210, second would be 4 and the last two would be 0.
int x = (number >> (8*n)) & 0xff;
where n is 0 for the first byte, 1 for the second byte, etc.
For the (n+1)th byte in whatever order they appear in memory (which is also least- to most- significant on little-endian machines like x86):
int x = ((unsigned char *)(&number))[n];
For the (n+1)th byte from least to most significant on big-endian machines:
int x = ((unsigned char *)(&number))[sizeof(int) - 1 - n];
For the (n+1)th byte from least to most significant (any endian):
int x = ((unsigned int)number >> (n << 3)) & 0xff;
Of course, these all assume that n < sizeof(int), and that number is an int.
int nth = (number >> (n * 8)) & 0xFF;
Carry it into the lowest byte and take it in the "familiar" manner.
If you are wanting a byte, wouldn't the better solution be:
byte x = (byte)(number >> (8 * n));
This way, you are returning and dealing with a byte instead of an int, so we are using less memory, and we don't have to do the binary and operation & 0xff just to mask the result down to a byte. I also saw that the person asking the question used an int in their example, but that doesn't make it right.
I know this question was asked a long time ago, but I just ran into this problem, and I think that this is a better solution regardless.
//was trying to do inplace, would have been better if I had swapped higher and lower bytes somehow
uint32_t reverseBytes(uint32_t value) {
uint32_t temp;
size_t size=sizeof(uint32_t);
for(int i=0; i<size/2; i++){
//get byte i
temp = (value >> (8*i)) & 0xff;
//put higher in lower byte
value = ((value & (~(0xff << (8*i)))) | (value & ((0xff << (8*(size-i-1)))))>>(8*(size-2*i-1))) ;
//move lower byte which was stored in temp to higher byte
value=((value & (~(0xff << (8*(size-i-1)))))|(temp << (8*(size-i-1))));
return value;

c get nth byte of integer

I know you can get the first byte by using
int x = number & ((1<<8)-1);
int x = number & 0xFF;
But I don't know how to get the nth byte of an integer.
For example, 1234 is 00000000 00000000 00000100 11010010 as 32bit integer
How can I get all of those bytes? first one would be 210, second would be 4 and the last two would be 0.
int x = (number >> (8*n)) & 0xff;
where n is 0 for the first byte, 1 for the second byte, etc.
For the (n+1)th byte in whatever order they appear in memory (which is also least- to most- significant on little-endian machines like x86):
int x = ((unsigned char *)(&number))[n];
For the (n+1)th byte from least to most significant on big-endian machines:
int x = ((unsigned char *)(&number))[sizeof(int) - 1 - n];
For the (n+1)th byte from least to most significant (any endian):
int x = ((unsigned int)number >> (n << 3)) & 0xff;
Of course, these all assume that n < sizeof(int), and that number is an int.
int nth = (number >> (n * 8)) & 0xFF;
Carry it into the lowest byte and take it in the "familiar" manner.
If you are wanting a byte, wouldn't the better solution be:
byte x = (byte)(number >> (8 * n));
This way, you are returning and dealing with a byte instead of an int, so we are using less memory, and we don't have to do the binary and operation & 0xff just to mask the result down to a byte. I also saw that the person asking the question used an int in their example, but that doesn't make it right.
I know this question was asked a long time ago, but I just ran into this problem, and I think that this is a better solution regardless.
//was trying to do inplace, would have been better if I had swapped higher and lower bytes somehow
uint32_t reverseBytes(uint32_t value) {
uint32_t temp;
size_t size=sizeof(uint32_t);
for(int i=0; i<size/2; i++){
//get byte i
temp = (value >> (8*i)) & 0xff;
//put higher in lower byte
value = ((value & (~(0xff << (8*i)))) | (value & ((0xff << (8*(size-i-1)))))>>(8*(size-2*i-1))) ;
//move lower byte which was stored in temp to higher byte
value=((value & (~(0xff << (8*(size-i-1)))))|(temp << (8*(size-i-1))));
return value;

How to go through each bit of a byte

I do not not know how to implement the following algorithm.
For example I have int=26, this is "11010" in binary.
Now I need to implement one operation for 1, another for 0, from left to right, till the end of byte.
But I really have no idea how to implement this.
Maybe I can convert binary to char array, but I do not know how.
btw, int equals 26 only in the example, in the application it will be random.
Since you want to move from 'left to right':
unsigned char val = 26; // or whatever
unsigned int mask;
for (mask = 0x80; mask != 0; mask >>= 1) {
if (val & mask) {
// bit is 1
else {
// bit is 0
The for loop just walks thorough each bit in a byte, from the most significant bit to the least.
I use this option:
isBitSet = ((bits & 1) == 1);
bits = bits >> 1
I find the answer also in stackoverflow:
How do I properly loop through and print bits of an Int, Long, Float, or BigInteger?
You can use modulo arithmetic or bitmasking to get what you need.
Modulo arithmetic:
int x = 0b100101;
// First bit
(x >> 0) % 2; // 1
// Second bit
(x >> 1) % 2; // 0
// Third bit
(x >> 2) % 2; // 1
int x = 0b100101;
int mask = 0x01;
// First bit
((mask << 0) & x) ? 1 : 0
// Second bit
((mask << 1) & x) ? 1 : 0
In C, C++, and similarly-syntaxed languages, you can determine if the right-most bit in an integer i is 1 or 0 by examining whether i & 1 is nonzero or zero. (Note that that's a single & signifying a bitwise AND operation, not a && signifying logical AND.) For the second-to-the-right bit, you check i & 2; for the third you check i & 4, and so on by powers of two.
More generally, to determine if the bit that's jth from the right is zero, you can check whether i & (1 << (j-1)) != 0. The << indicates a left-shift; 1 << (j-1) is essentially equivalent to 2j-1.
Thus, for a 32-bit integer, your loop would look something like this:
unsigned int i = 26; /* Replace this with however it's actually defined. */
int j;
for (j = 31; j >= 0; j--)
if ((i & (1 << (j-1))) != 0)
/* do something for jth bit is 1 */
/* do something for jth bit is 0 */
Hopefully, that's enough to get you started.
Came across a similar problem so thought I'd share my solution. This is assuming your value is always one byte (8 bits)
Iterate over all 8 bits within the byte and check if that bit is set (you can do this by shifting the bit we are checking to the LSB position and masking it with 0x01)
int value = 26;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if ((value >> i) & 0x01) {
// Bit i is 1
printf("%d is set\n", i);
else {
// Bit i is 0
printf("%d is cleared\n", i);
I'm not exactly sure what you say you want to do. You could probably use bitmasks to do any bit-manipulation in your byte, if that helps.
Look up bit shifting and bitwise and.

Bit reversal of an integer, ignoring integer size and endianness

Given an integer typedef:
typedef unsigned int TYPE;
typedef unsigned long TYPE;
I have the following code to reverse the bits of an integer:
TYPE max_bit= (TYPE)-1;
void reverse_int_setup()
TYPE bits= (TYPE)max_bit;
while (bits <<= 1)
max_bit= bits;
TYPE reverse_int(TYPE arg)
TYPE bit_setter= 1, bit_tester= max_bit, result= 0;
for (result= 0; bit_tester; bit_tester>>= 1, bit_setter<<= 1)
if (arg & bit_tester)
result|= bit_setter;
return result;
One just needs first to run reverse_int_setup(), which stores an integer with the highest bit turned on, then any call to reverse_int(arg) returns arg with its bits reversed (to be used as a key to a binary tree, taken from an increasing counter, but that's more or less irrelevant).
Is there a platform-agnostic way to have in compile-time the correct value for max_int after the call to reverse_int_setup(); Otherwise, is there an algorithm you consider better/leaner than the one I have for reverse_int()?
#define TYPE_BITS sizeof(TYPE)*CHAR_BIT
typedef unsigned long TYPE;
TYPE reverser(TYPE n)
TYPE nrev = 0, i, bit1, bit2;
int count;
for(i = 0; i < TYPE_BITS; i += 2)
/*In each iteration, we swap one bit on the 'right half'
of the number with another on the left half*/
count = TYPE_BITS - i - 1; /*this is used to find how many positions
to the left (and right) we gotta move
the bits in this iteration*/
bit1 = n & (1<<(i/2)); /*Extract 'right half' bit*/
bit1 <<= count; /*Shift it to where it belongs*/
bit2 = n & 1<<((i/2) + count); /*Find the 'left half' bit*/
bit2 >>= count; /*Place that bit in bit1's original position*/
nrev |= bit1; /*Now add the bits to the reversal result*/
nrev |= bit2;
return nrev;
int main()
TYPE n = 6;
printf("%lu", reverser(n));
return 0;
This time I've used the 'number of bits' idea from TK, but made it somewhat more portable by not assuming a byte contains 8 bits and instead using the CHAR_BIT macro. The code is more efficient now (with the inner for loop removed). I hope the code is also slightly less cryptic this time. :)
The need for using count is that the number of positions by which we have to shift a bit varies in each iteration - we have to move the rightmost bit by 31 positions (assuming 32 bit number), the second rightmost bit by 29 positions and so on. Hence count must decrease with each iteration as i increases.
Hope that bit of info proves helpful in understanding the code...
The following program serves to demonstrate a leaner algorithm for reversing bits, which can be easily extended to handle 64bit numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(int argc, char**argv)
int32_t x;
if ( argc != 2 )
printf("Usage: %s hexadecimal\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
sscanf(argv[1],"%x", &x);
/* swap every neigbouring bit */
x = (x&0xAAAAAAAA)>>1 | (x&0x55555555)<<1;
/* swap every 2 neighbouring bits */
x = (x&0xCCCCCCCC)>>2 | (x&0x33333333)<<2;
/* swap every 4 neighbouring bits */
x = (x&0xF0F0F0F0)>>4 | (x&0x0F0F0F0F)<<4;
/* swap every 8 neighbouring bits */
x = (x&0xFF00FF00)>>8 | (x&0x00FF00FF)<<8;
/* and so forth, for say, 32 bit int */
x = (x&0xFFFF0000)>>16 | (x&0x0000FFFF)<<16;
return 0;
This code should not contain errors, and was tested using 0x12345678 to produce 0x1e6a2c48 which is the correct answer.
typedef unsigned long TYPE;
TYPE reverser(TYPE n)
TYPE k = 1, nrev = 0, i, nrevbit1, nrevbit2;
int count;
for(i = 0; !i || (1 << i && (1 << i) != 1); i+=2)
/*In each iteration, we swap one bit
on the 'right half' of the number with another
on the left half*/
k = 1<<i; /*this is used to find how many positions
to the left (or right, for the other bit)
we gotta move the bits in this iteration*/
count = 0;
while(k << 1 && k << 1 != 1)
k <<= 1;
nrevbit1 = n & (1<<(i/2));
nrevbit1 <<= count;
nrevbit2 = n & 1<<((i/2) + count);
nrevbit2 >>= count;
nrev |= nrevbit1;
nrev |= nrevbit2;
return nrev;
This works fine in gcc under Windows, but I'm not sure if it's completely platform independent. A few places of concern are:
the condition in the for loop - it assumes that when you left shift 1 beyond the leftmost bit, you get either a 0 with the 1 'falling out' (what I'd expect and what good old Turbo C gives iirc), or the 1 circles around and you get a 1 (what seems to be gcc's behaviour).
the condition in the inner while loop: see above. But there's a strange thing happening here: in this case, gcc seems to let the 1 fall out and not circle around!
The code might prove cryptic: if you're interested and need an explanation please don't hesitate to ask - I'll put it up someplace.
In reply to ΤΖΩΤΖΙΟΥ 's comments, I present modified version of above which depends on a upper limit for bit width.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int32_t TYPE;
TYPE reverse(TYPE x, int bits)
TYPE m=~0;
case 64:
x = (x&0xFFFFFFFF00000000&m)>>16 | (x&0x00000000FFFFFFFF&m)<<16;
case 32:
x = (x&0xFFFF0000FFFF0000&m)>>16 | (x&0x0000FFFF0000FFFF&m)<<16;
case 16:
x = (x&0xFF00FF00FF00FF00&m)>>8 | (x&0x00FF00FF00FF00FF&m)<<8;
case 8:
x = (x&0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0&m)>>4 | (x&0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F&m)<<4;
x = (x&0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC&m)>>2 | (x&0x3333333333333333&m)<<2;
x = (x&0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&m)>>1 | (x&0x5555555555555555&m)<<1;
return x;
int main(int argc, char**argv)
TYPE b = (TYPE)-1;
int bits;
if ( argc != 2 )
printf("Usage: %s hexadecimal\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
printf("TYPE has %d bits\n", bits);
sscanf(argv[1],"%x", &x);
printf("0x%x\n",reverse(x, bits));
return 0;
gcc will warn on the 64bit constants
the printfs will generate warnings too
If you need more than 64bit, the code should be simple enough to extend
I apologise in advance for the coding crimes I committed above - mercy good sir!
There's a nice collection of "Bit Twiddling Hacks", including a variety of simple and not-so simple bit reversing algorithms coded in C at
I personally like the "Obvious" algorigthm ( because, well, it's obvious. Some of the others may require less instructions to execute. If I really need to optimize the heck out of something I may choose the not-so-obvious but faster versions. Otherwise, for readability, maintainability, and portability I would choose the Obvious one.
Here is a more generally useful variation. Its advantage is its ability to work in situations where the bit length of the value to be reversed -- the codeword -- is unknown but is guaranteed not to exceed a value we'll call maxLength. A good example of this case is Huffman code decompression.
The code below works on codewords from 1 to 24 bits in length. It has been optimized for fast execution on a Pentium D. Note that it accesses the lookup table as many as 3 times per use. I experimented with many variations that reduced that number to 2 at the expense of a larger table (4096 and 65,536 entries). This version, with the 256-byte table, was the clear winner, partly because it is so advantageous for table data to be in the caches, and perhaps also because the processor has an 8-bit table lookup/translation instruction.
const unsigned char table[] = {
const unsigned short masks[17] =
unsigned long codeword; // value to be reversed, occupying the low 1-24 bits
unsigned char maxLength; // bit length of longest possible codeword (<= 24)
unsigned char sc; // shift count in bits and index into masks array
if (maxLength <= 8)
codeword = table[codeword << (8 - maxLength)];
sc = maxLength - 8;
if (maxLength <= 16)
codeword = (table[codeword & 0X00FF] << sc)
| table[codeword >> sc];
else if (maxLength & 1) // if maxLength is 17, 19, 21, or 23
codeword = (table[codeword & 0X00FF] << sc)
| table[codeword >> sc] |
(table[(codeword & masks[sc]) >> (sc - 8)] << 8);
else // if maxlength is 18, 20, 22, or 24
codeword = (table[codeword & 0X00FF] << sc)
| table[codeword >> sc]
| (table[(codeword & masks[sc]) >> (sc >> 1)] << (sc >> 1));
How about:
long temp = 0;
int counter = 0;
int number_of_bits = sizeof(value) * 8; // get the number of bits that represent value (assuming that it is aligned to a byte boundary)
while(value > 0) // loop until value is empty
temp <<= 1; // shift whatever was in temp left to create room for the next bit
temp |= (value & 0x01); // get the lsb from value and set as lsb in temp
value >>= 1; // shift value right by one to look at next lsb
value = temp;
if (counter < number_of_bits)
value <<= counter-number_of_bits;
(I'm assuming that you know how many bits value holds and it is stored in number_of_bits)
Obviously temp needs to be the longest imaginable data type and when you copy temp back into value, all the extraneous bits in temp should magically vanish (I think!).
Or, the 'c' way would be to say :
your choice
We can store the results of reversing all possible 1 byte sequences in an array (256 distinct entries), then use a combination of lookups into this table and some oring logic to get the reverse of integer.
Here is a variation and correction to TK's solution which might be clearer than the solutions by sundar. It takes single bits from t and pushes them into return_val:
typedef unsigned long TYPE;
#define TYPE_BITS sizeof(TYPE)*8
TYPE reverser(TYPE t)
unsigned int i;
TYPE return_val = 0
for(i = 0; i < TYPE_BITS; i++)
{/*foreach bit in TYPE*/
/* shift the value of return_val to the left and add the rightmost bit from t */
return_val = (return_val << 1) + (t & 1);
/* shift off the rightmost bit of t */
t = t >> 1;
The generic approach hat would work for objects of any type of any size would be to reverse the of bytes of the object, and the reverse the order of bits in each byte. In this case the bit-level algorithm is tied to a concrete number of bits (a byte), while the "variable" logic (with regard to size) is lifted to the level of whole bytes.
Here's my generalization of freespace's solution (in case we one day get 128-bit machines). It results in jump-free code when compiled with gcc -O3, and is obviously insensitive to the definition of foo_t on sane machines. Unfortunately it does depend on shift being a power of 2!
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long foo_t;
foo_t reverse(foo_t x)
int shift = sizeof (x) * CHAR_BIT / 2;
foo_t mask = (1 << shift) - 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; shift; i++) {
x = ((x & mask) << shift) | ((x & ~mask) >> shift);
shift >>= 1;
mask ^= (mask << shift);
return x;
int main() {
printf("reverse = 0x%08lx\n", reverse(0x12345678L));
In case bit-reversal is time critical, and mainly in conjunction with FFT, the best is to store the whole bit reversed array. In any case, this array will be smaller in size than the roots of unity that have to be precomputed in FFT Cooley-Tukey algorithm. An easy way to compute the array is:
int BitReverse[Size]; // Size is power of 2
void Init()
BitReverse[0] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < Size/2; i++)
BitReverse[2*i] = BitReverse[i]/2;
BitReverse[2*i+1] = (BitReverse[i] + Size)/2;
} // end it's all
