Order by Field in non-alphabetical order in SQL Server 2000 - sql-server

I'm trying to order items by a list of names that are not in alphabetical order. After completing the list I am trying to continue the rest in alphabetical order without the ones I initially selected.
See example:
print 'Results:'
select * from Geniuses
order by ('Charles Babbage',
'Albert Einstein',
'Adrien-Marie Legendre',
'Niels Henrik Abel')
then finally sort the rest in alphabetical order...
Charles Babbage ... details
Albert Einstein ...
Adrien-Marie Legendre ...
Niels Henrik Abel ...
Arthur Cayley ...

select * from Geniuses
order by
-- First, order by your set order...
case FullName
when 'Charles Babbage' then 1
when 'Albert Einstein' then 2
when 'Adrien-Marie Legendre' then 3
when 'Niels Henrik Abel' then 4
else 5
-- Then do a secondary sort on FullName for everyone else.
I saw your comment that it's configurable by each user. In that case, you'd have to have a FavoriteGeniuses table that tracks which user prefers which Geniuses, and then have a sort order specified in that table:
select *
Geniuses g left join
FavoriteGeniuses fg
ON fg.GeniusID = g.GeniusID
AND fg.UserID = #UserID
order by
-- The higher the number, the first up on the list.
-- This will put the NULLs (unspecified) below the favorites.
fg.SortPriority DESC,

Try it like this:
select * from Geniuses
order by
case when columnName = 'Charles Babbage' then 0
when columnName = 'Albert Einstein' then 1
when columnName = 'Adrien-Marie Legendre' then 2
when columnName = 'Niels Henrik Abel' then 3
else 4


SQL: Need to select values based on multiple of 12

I'm sure there's a simple solution here, and I've attempted to use a CASE statement with a concatenation, but it's not quite giving me what I need. Very simply, I am trying to write a query that will select the MIN value that is >= 3, and going forward, only select values that are >= 3 + 12 and so on (3, 15, 27, etc.) Here's my query:
SELECT min(appearance_count) AC
FROM #final
GROUP BY customer
Sample result set:
I have a test row that I can use to validate that my query is working as expected, but as stated, I can't pull it in addition to the results above.
Clarification: The AC column will have numbers that start with 1 and continue to grow with each month (+1 AC for each month that passes).
Sample Data:
AC customer
I would need to pull both the 4 and the 16 and none of the values in between, for this example.
Using a modulus check should do it.
But to get the multiples of 12 of the minimum, it could need a sub-query with the window function of MIN.
SELECT appearance_count AS AC, customer
SELECT appearance_count, customer,
MIN(appearance_count) OVER (PARTITION BY customer) AS MinCustAppCnt
FROM #final
GROUP BY appearance_count, customer
) q
WHERE appearance_count%12 = MinCustAppCnt

TSQL to choose a record that meets the criteria or first one

I have a table for company phone numbers and one of the columns is IsPrimary which is a boolean type. The table looks like this:
CompanyId | AreaCode | PhoneNumber | IsPrimary
123 212 555-1212 0
234 307 555-1234 1
234 307 555-4321 0
As you can see in the first record, even though the phone number is the only one for CompanyId: 123, it's not marked as the primary.
In such cases, I want my SELECT statement to return the first available number for that company.
My current SELECT statement looks like this which does NOT return a number unless it's set as the primary number.
FROM CompanyPhoneNumbers AS t
WHERE t.IsPrimary = 1
How can I modify this SELECT statement so that it includes the phone number for CompanyId: 123?
The query might be different depending on what you are actually up to.
If you already have the CompanyId and only need the phone number for it, that's easy:
select top (1) pn.*
from dbo.CompanyPhoneNumbers pn
where pn.CompanyId = #CompanyId -- A parameter provided externally, by calling code for instance
order by pn.IsPrimary desc;
However, if you need all companies' data, including one of their phones (for example, you might be going to create a view for this), then you need a correlated subquery:
select c.*, oa.*
from dbo.Companies c
outer apply (
select top (1) pn.*
from dbo.CompanyPhoneNumbers pn
where pn.CompanyId = c.Id
order by pn.IsPrimary desc
) oa;
I have deliberately used outer instead of cross apply, otherwise it will filter out companies with no phone numbers listed.
You can achieve this using an apply statement. This looks at the exact same table and returns the record with the highest IsPrimary so, this would return the records with a 1 in that column. If there are more than one marked as primary or not as primary, then it returns the phone number, with area code, in ascending order.
select b.*
from CompanyPhoneNumbers a
cross apply (
select top 1
from CompanyPhoneNumbers b
where b.CompanyId = a.CompanyId
order by b.IsPrimary desc
) b

Sql Server Weird CASE Statement

I am attempting to do something, but I am not sure if it is possible. I don't really know how to look up something like this, so I'm asking a question here.
Say this is my table:
Name | Group
John | Alpha
Dave | Alpha
Dave | Bravo
Alex | Bravo
I want to do something like this:
WHEN Group = 'Alpha' THEN 1
WHEN Group = 'Bravo' THEN 2
WHEN Group = 'Alpha' AND
Group = 'Bravo' THEN 3
FROM table
WHERE Name = 'Dave'
I understand why this won't work, but this was the best way that I could explain what I am trying to do. Basically, I just need to know when one person is a part of both groups. Does anyone have any ideas that I could use?
You should create a column to hold the values you want to sum and sum them, probably easiest to do this via a subquery:
Select Name, SUM(Val) as Rank
FROM (SELECT Name, CASE WHEN Group = 'Alpha' THEN 1
WHEN Group = 'Bravo' THEN 2
FROM table
WHERE Name = 'Dave') T
You can add TOP 1 and ORDER BY SUM(Val) to get the top ranked row if required.
After reading your comment, it could be simplified further to:
Select Name, COUNT([GROUP]) GroupCount
FROM table
That will simply return all names where they have more than 1 group.

How can I select individual rows related to multiple Ids?

I need to select related Ids from a table based on a list of provided Ids - effectively an Adjacency List problem. I have a working query for a single Id, but it is frankly inelegant at best even though it works! I would welcome suggestions for improvements and for ways to move the single Id solution to a multiple Id solution.
I have a database table like so:
CREATE TABLE [BookingLines]
[BookingLineId] BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY (138, 1),
---- Additional Columns Redacted for brevity
[ContractNumber] INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
---- Additional Columns Redacted for brevity
There will be records in this table, and in some cases there will be 1 or more pairs of records relating to the same Booking Id. The differentiation is in the ContractSubNumber column, where one value in the pair will be n.0 and the other n.1. So if there were three consecutive pairs, the Contract SubNumbers would be:
LineId BookingId SubNumber
1 1 0.0
2 1 0.1
3 1 1.0
4 1 1.1
5 1 2.0
6 1 2.1
I may need to start from the Line Id representing either of the sub numbers, and collect the opposing one. So, if I am starting from LineId 1, I need to retrieve LineId 2 being the related row. I can do this on a single Id using multiple sub selects, like this:
SELECT BookingLineId
SELECT BookingLineId
FROM BookingLines
WHERE BookingId = 1
AND FLOOR(ContractSubNumber) =
SELECT FLOOR(ContractSubNumber)
FROM BookingLines
WHERE BookingId = 1 AND BookingLineId = (1)
WHERE BookingLineId <> 1;
This works correctly, returning the value 2 in this case.
How can I make this more elegant and efficient?
How can I rewrite this to return the opposing values of all Ids in a specified list e.g.
WHERE BookingId = 1 AND BookingLineId IN (1,3,5))
and have it return the result 2,4,6?
All suggestions gratefully received.
I have corrected the typo in the SQL provided in the original question, and using the framework proposed by #McNets this is the solution I went for:
SELECT BL.BookingLineId
FROM BookingLines BL
INNER JOIN BookingLines ABL ON ABL.BookingId = BL.BookingId
AND ABL.BookingLineId IN (22, 24, 26)
AND FLOOR(BL.ContractSubNumber) = FLOOR(ABL.ContractSubNumber)
WHERE BL.BookingId = 3 AND BL.BookingLineId NOT IN (22,24,26);
I am very grateful for the contributions and for the final answer. Thanks guys!
As far as there is no information about AgencyBookingLines and no sample data I cannot set up a fiddle example, but I think you can move the AgencyBookingLines subquery to the ON clause.
SELECT BL.BookingLineId
FROM BookingLines BL
INNER JOIN AgencyBookingLines ABL
ON ABL.BookingId = BL.BookinId
AND ABL.BookingLineId = 1
AND FLOOR(BL.ContractSubNumber) = FLOOR(ABL.ContractSubNumber
WHERE BL.BookingId = 1
AND BL.BookingLineId <> 1;
-- AND BL.BookingLineId IN (2,4,6);
Will it sub numbers always *.0 & *.1. Then you could try the below
SELECT oppo.*
FROM AgencyBookingLines AS main
INNER JOIN AgencyBookingLines AS oppo ON
oppo.BookingId = main.BookingId
AND oppo.SubNumber <> main.SubNumber
AND FLOOR(oppo.SubNumber) = FLOOR(main.SubNumber)
WHERE main.BookingId = 1
AND main.LineId IN (1,3,5)

SQL Join one-to-many tables, selecting only most recent entries

This is my first post - so I apologise if it's in the wrong seciton!
I'm joining two tables with a one-to-many relationship using their respective ID numbers: but I only want to return the most recent record for the joined table and I'm not entirely sure where to even start!
My original code for returning everything is shown below:
SELECT table_DATES.[date-ID], *
FROM table_CORE LEFT JOIN table_DATES ON [table_CORE].[core-ID] = table_DATES.[date-ID]
WHERE table_CORE.[core-ID] Like '*'
ORDER BY [table_CORE].[core-ID], [table_DATES].[iteration];
This returns a group of records: showing every matching ID between table_CORE and table_DATES:
table_CORE date-ID iteration
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 2 1
2 2 2
3 3 1
4 4 1
But I need to return only the date with the maximum value in the "iteration" field as shown below
table_CORE date-ID iteration Additional data
1 1 3 MoreInfo
2 2 2 MoreInfo
3 3 1 MoreInfo
4 4 1 MoreInfo
I really don't even know where to start - obviously it's going to be a JOIN query of some sort - but I'm not sure how to get the subquery to return only the highest iteration for each item in table 2's ID field?
Hope that makes sense - I'll reword if it comes to it!
I'm wondering how to integrate that when I'm needing all the fields from table 1 (table_CORE in this case) and all the fields from table2 (table_DATES) joined as well?
Both tables have additional fields that will need to be merged.
I'm pretty sure I can just add the fields into the "SELECT" and "GROUP BY" clauses, but there are around 40 fields altogether (and typing all of them will be tedious!)
Try using the MAX aggregate function like this with a GROUP BY clause.
ON [table_CORE].[core-ID] = table_DATES.[date-ID]
table_CORE.[core-ID] Like '*' --LIKE '%something%' ??
Your example field names don't match your sample query so I'm guessing a little bit.
Just to make sure that I have everything you’re asking for right, I am going to restate some of your question and then answer it.
Your source tables look like this:
And your outputs are like this:
In order to make that happen all you need to do is use a subquery (or a CTE) as a “cross-reference” table. (I used temp tables to recreate your data example and _ in place of the - in your column names).
--Loading the example data
create table #table_core
core_id int not null
create table #table_dates
date_id int not null
, iteration int not null
, additional_data varchar(25) null
insert into #table_core values (1), (2), (3), (4)
insert into #table_dates values (1,1, 'More Info 1'),(1,2, 'More Info 2'),(1,3, 'More Info 3'),(2,1, 'More Info 4'),(2,2, 'More Info 5'),(3,1, 'More Info 6'),(4,1, 'More Info 7')
--select query needed for desired output (using a CTE)
; with iter_max as
select td.date_id
, max(td.iteration) as iteration_max
from #table_dates as td
group by td.date_id
select tc.*
, td.*
from #table_core as tc
left join iter_max as im on tc.core_id = im.date_id
inner join #table_dates as td on im.date_id = td.date_id
and im.iteration_max = td.iteration
select *
SELECT table_DATES.[date-ID], *
, row_number() over (partition by table_CORE date-ID order by iteration desc) as rn
ON [table_CORE].[core-ID] = table_DATES.[date-ID]
WHERE table_CORE.[core-ID] Like '*'
) tt
where tt.rn = 1
ORDER BY [core-ID]
