Mobile browser support for SQL Server CE? - mobile

which browsers support SQL Server CE on mobile platforms? Does SQL Server CE come preinstalled (like SQLite) or user have to download it separately?

As far as I know, none, though I don't exactly have encyclopedic knowledge of mobile browser capabilities.
SQL CE would be embedded in your application, so in theory there would be nothing for the user to install. If you're developing a mobile web application, then SQL CE would be embedded within your web app on the server. If you're looking for a client-side solution, then SQL CE is probably not the right choice.


How can I connect to SQL Server directly from Android with an C++ Builder FMX application

I get the following error when I try to connect to SQL Server directly with a C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo application. I couldn't locate the library requested despite all my searching.
Can anyone help? I'm at a crossroad to decide to continue with C++Builder or Xamarin.
Do you have C++ Builder Enterprise or Architect edition? You need this to connect to SQL Server using FireDAC. C++ Builder Professional edition can only connect to local databases.
Looking at this page:
Embarcadero Microsoft SQL interface
suggests to me that Microsoft SQL with Android client is not supported.
FDConnection is FMX compatible, but the drivers for various OSes are not.
There's a company called Devart that develops direct access connectivity for RAD studio mobile devices; Not sure if this will work if you only have C++ builder; but worth a try;
I'm currently in the same pickle and I'm busy writing a tcpclient/server proxy fmx app that will run on a windows server[where the mssql driver will work]
The idea is to connect from mobile device with tcp client to tcp server component running on windows and have that app grab the info i need for mobile app. Not the fastest solution in long run as you have to do all your authentication and encryption yourself and not the cheapest either as it requires an online windows server or pc... but if you already have it, you might as well use it.
Will update if it succeeds or fails

Windows Ce 5.0 vs Windows Mobile 6

I'm thinking of purchasing Opticon PHL 7112 accumulator which runs on Windows CE 5.0 i was wondering will i be able to:
develop an application that connects to an open MSSQL database
is there a capability to get data from a SOAP web service?
i saw that only visual studio 2008 support development for windows ce, is there a way to enable this on visual studio 2010-2012 ?
if possible to connect to MSSQL database how to do it
if only possible to connect to a SOAP web services how to do it
I'm new to windows CE programming. Also the development environment is Windows 8.1.
I have a lot of experience in developer with WINCE.
It 'very easy to connect to a data source of type SOAP / WebServices and you can do it through VISUAL STUDIO, add ServiceReferences doing and following the instructions.
Through SAOPA / WebServices Return the data you read from your database, you can also use local versions of Database (would not recommend)
You have to use to develop WINCE exclusively VISUAL STUDIO 2008 other versions no longer support this platform.
I have a lot of work on these types of devices, and for the maintenance and development use only one pc WIN7 + VS2008.
It 'a stable and effective technology.

How do I access SQL Server from Windows 8 apps?

I realize that a local SQL Server instance is not accessible to my Windows 8 app. Instead, I have a SQL Server in Azure. In SQL Server Management Studio, I just change the querystring and interact with the Azure database like any other. How can I reference that database in my Windows 8 app?
This is what the Azure Mobile Services SDK is for. Scott Guthrie did a writeup on it a while back.
Undoubtedly you're aware that both and Entity Framework are missing from WinRT... Notice the glaring absence of support for System.Data.
You can't access directly on sql databases.. Because Windows 8 Apps different from windows forms.
But you can be used web services or azure, amazon services, storage files etc.
sounds like you want to develop a web service talking to your database, deploy it to IIS on your Azure instance and then consume it from your Windows 8 application (by adding a web reference to your web service in Visual Studio).
You can also place an OData head on the database, then use various OData client-side libraries to talk to it via REST. See for both client and server libraries. SQL Server on Azure is definitely supported, as is .NET, JavaScript, and other platforms on the client side.

Do Windows 8 Metro style application support SQL Server CE local database?

I have built a Windows Phone Application using SQL Server CE database.
We need transplant this app to Windows 8 Metro Style.
Do Windows 8 Metro-style applications support SQL Server CE local databases?
As already answered by ErikEJ, there is no native support for a local SQL Server CE database, but maybe this third party component SQLite is usefull for you?
Tim Heuer has wrote a blogpost about how to use SQLite in a metro style app:
In the blogpost there is also a video with the "How to" steps to use SQLite in your app.
No, currently Microsoft does not provide a local database for Metro applications with C# and XAML.
Not only can you not connect to a local SQL database, you can't connect to a remote one either. Everything has to go through web services... or use SQLite.

SQL Server install with Silverlight 4.0 OOB

I have a Silverlight app which needs to talk to a local SQL database, we plan on deploying this Silverlight app to Azure. Users will navigate to the app and install the app using the Out-of browser feature.
How should we plan on installing the SQL database on the local user’s machine in such cases? This app runs in offline mode for the most part except when synchronizing with the remote server, so a local SQL database is required.
You won't be able to use anything like SQL Express or similar on the machine from an OOB application (unless you are running elevated) as you will still be constrained by the sandbox and the libraries available to you in Silverlight are limited.
Instead consider using a compact database that can be stored in Isolated Storage, something like Siaqodb, vistadb, or silverdb.
One other thing to look at is the forthcoming Sync framework for Silverlight, which is designed to offer offline support for data from SQL or SQL Azure. See this webcast: Building Offline Web Apps using Microsoft Sync Framework.
If you are running elevated, then you can use COM to interact with the local system, so you would be able to access a full-fledged database that way. However, making sure the prerequisites were in place and dealing with managing the database would be a lot of work. I wouldn't recommend it for your scenario.
