SSRS Gantt Chart - Change to date format - sql-server

As per attached image, i have dates running along the X axis that starts on the 1st Jan 2012 and then increases monthly.
My problem is the format is displaying the month/day/year and I want day/month/year.
I have looked at Horizontal Axis Properties and under 'Number' but Date does not seem to be there.
Does anyone have any suggestions on changing the format.

Use 'Custom' and supply a date formatting string such as dd/MM/yyyy will give 01/09/2010 for example.


How to zoom in on a google data studio line chart

so this chart represents my p/l during a day! X axis is created using a timestamp column and Y axis is created using a p/l column in google sheets. Now, how do I remove the blank space from 12am to 6pm. This chart represents my p/l during a day when Im trading stocks.! I only trade from 7pm to 10pm hence I don't want every single hour of the day!
I got the desired output by applying a timestamp filter but it could only be used for a specific date! Is there any way to zoom in on the blue part? or any filter to hide specific hours?
I'd grateful if you guys could help!
if you're using Time Series chart, you can go to Style-> find x-axis part-> under Range you can click the dropdown and select Range by Data.
Hope it helps!

Can time series settings in Google Data Studio change depending on date format?

I have a table with column "date" in YYYY-MM-DD format HH:MM:SS:MMM (2015-01-27 11:22:03:742). I'm trying to make a time series with the dimension of month/year grouping, to display the total number of records by period.
period dimension: date (type: date and time)
period: date (type: year and month)
metric: record count
My time graph doesn't display anything. Can someone help me identify what's going on?
formatDate is the column created with the expression:
PARSE_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",REGEXP_EXTRACT( create_date,"(.*):[0-9]*"))
Using the date in its standard format, as mentioned at the beginning of the question, the same happens.
When entering dates (original and formatted), both appear with null values.
The milliseconds have to be separated by a . not a :. An option is to import your date a as string/text and add a calculated field, which parse the string in Data Studio:
PARSE_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",REGEXP_EXTRACT( data_field,"(.*):[0-9]*"))
If the dates are several years in the past, please adjust the Default date range in your graph:
I leave the solution to my problem to the community.
The problem is in the date format. Failed to get Google Data Studio to receive a date with milliseconds. By removing the milliseconds it was possible to work with the dates normally, managing to apply the available functions.
Note: It may be a knowledge limitation, but none of the date formatting functions work if the datetime field contains milliseconds (FORMAT_DATETIME, PARSE_DATETIME,...)

Format a date and time in crystal report

My date is stored in a type date column in dd/mm/yyyy format. I want to print the date in yyyymmdd format.
When i used the following formula
It gave me a "the string is non numeric" error when previewing the report.
My time is stored in a string column in 12 hour format. I want to display it as hh24miss format.
How do i do that ?
First of all, you should NOT store dates/times as text in your database.
Use the apropriate datatype of your DBMS.
Otherwise you will very likely have further problems because of this.
When you've changed the datatype you could just drag&drop the database-field inside your report and use the formatting options of Crystal Reports to get the desired format.
If for any reason (I doubt there's a good one) you can't change the datatype, use the following formula.
ToText(Date({db.colname}), "yyyyMMdd")
This formula converts the string to a date and then formats the date with yyyyMMdd format.
Notice the uppercase M which is used for the month. Lowercase m is used for minutes.

SSRS Visual studio report changing dates between file types

For a report I created, this one date column keeps changing between PDF and excel.
For example, in PDF it displays as '12/31/18' (which is the correct date) when I export the same report to excel, it displays as '1/1/2019'. It is displaying all dates as the actual value + 1 day.
Anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it?
You should set your textbox properties where your date column is to a date format you like.
Textbox --> TextBox Properties --> Number
Choose category as Date and then your desired format. It should solve the problem.

How to display only few intervals in x-axis while having more data using line jfreechart

I created a linechart using jfreechart and my dataset is as follows...
Date d = s.getUpdateDate();
String date = DATE_FORMAT.format(d);
lineDataset.addValue(s.getCount(), s.getAutomationName(), date);
I got a chart with count values and wrt grouping of date and automationName.
I want to display data for 365 days(which means 365 dates) in X-axis and in that case once the chart is generated i dont want all the dates to be displayed in the X-axis. In that case i need only 12 intervals to be displayed one for each month.
I need the interval to get modified so that all dates should not be displayed in x-axis.
Looking forward for your suggestions :)
Thanks in advance
I have domain axis intervals for all 365 days. It is not possible all of them in the chart. So I wanted to display only few intervals like 1 per month resulting in 12 intervals displaying in domain axis.
I came to know about timeseries chart and it automatically does it based upon chart width.
Thanks moeTi.
