Django Models "IndexError: list index out of range" Pydev - django-models

I have a Django project in Eclipse PyDev.
I have a file which has the line:
from models import ingredient2
In I have:
from django.db import models
class ingredient2(models.Model):
ingredient = models.CharField(max_length=200)
When I try to run the app I get the following error:
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line 54, in __new__
kwargs = {"app_label": model_module.__name__.split('.')[-2]}
IndexError: list index out of range
I did sync the database and started the server running.
I went into and added 2 print statements (yes, I probably should not edit Django's files):
if getattr(meta, 'app_label', None) is None:
# Figure out the app_label by looking one level up.
# For 'django.contrib.sites.models', this would be 'sites'.
model_module = sys.modules[new_class.__module__]
print model_module #ADDED
print model_module.__name__ #ADDED
kwargs = {"app_label": model_module.__name__.split('.')[-2]}
They print out:
<module 'models' from 'C:\Users\Tine\workspace\slangen\slangen2\bolig\models.pyc'>
models is contained within the bolig folder. I think the correct app label would be "bolig". The app worked several months ago and now, when I come back to it, something is not right. I have been creating other projects in PyDev.

Add a meta class with an app_label inside your model class definition:
class Foo:
id = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True)
class Meta:
app_label = 'foo'

I had something similar
instead of
from models import ingredient2
try :
from your_app_name.models import ingredient2

Well, not really an answer, but... I ended up creating a new django project and then copying in my code. That fixed the problem.

I was also getting the kwargs = {"app_label": model_module.__name__.split('.')[-2]} error when using PyDev. In my case, the project wasn't refreshed before I tried to run it. As soon as I refreshed it, all was well again.

I ran into this problem using Eclipse, Django and PyDev. I needed to have the application (instead of some .py file for example) selected in the PyDev Package Explorer (left panel) before clicking Run for everything to work properly.

in my case, contains models
when I import models to other .py, say it doesn't raise error when I run
but when I run, it raise the same error.
so I will just don't run in the


How To Programmatically Set Up Wagtail Root Page For Tests Utilizing The StaticLiveServerTestCase Suite

This question is similar to another question here on stack overflow .
I am in the process of adding tests to my wagtail site utilizing Django's StaticLiveServerTestCase. Below is an example of the code base I have at hand:
class ExampleTest(StaticLiveServerTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.browser = webdriver.Chrome()
def test_example_test(self):
self.assertContains("Contact Page", self.browser.content)
So when I run this test with python test, the test fails because I there is a 500 error. Please recall that I am using wagtail and NOT Vanilla Django alone. I am also using Django's Site framework as opposed to Wagtail's Site framework as allauth only allows for usage with Django's Site framework.
After applying the #override_settings(DEBUG=True) to the test like this:
class ExampleTest(StaticLiveServerTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.browser = webdriver.Chrome()
def test_example_test(self):
self.assertContains("Contact Page", self.browser.content)
The test still fails as the page that is being loaded is the wagtail default page.
My question is, how do I set up another page as the root/default wagtail page such that when a request to localhost:8000 [or any other port number given by the test server] is being made to the home page (i.e. http://localhost:8000/), I see that new page instead of the wagtail default page?
Since StaticLiveServerTestCase creates a new [temporary] "test" database [including running migrations and migrate], wagtail literally resets all sites and pages back to it's initial state after initial wagtail start [mysite] command.
This means that if you have any other Page that you would like to be the root page, you will have to hard code the instruction to do that.
Below is a way in which this can be achieved.
It is advisable to set these instructions within the setUpClass method of a class — usually a class Main() class where other test classes can inherit from; thereby encouraging D.R.Y.
class Main(StaticLiveServerTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(Main, cls).setUpClass()
cls.root = Page.objects.get(id=1).specific
cls.new_default_home_page = Index(
title="New Home Page Index",
cls.root.add_child(instance=cls.new_default_home_page) = Site.objects.get(id=1) = cls.new_default_home_page
cls.browser = Chrome()
Now my test classes (wherever they are) can inherit from this class and get the entire new home page setup instantly. For example:
# ExampleTest() inherits from Main() for ease of Wagtail Page setup: avoiding repetition of setUpClass().
class ExampleTest(Main):
def test_example_test(self):
self.assertContains("Contact Page", self.browser.title)
Hope this helps someone out there someday.
THIS SOLUTION IS VALID FOR: wagtail==2.7.4. anything above this version isn't guaranteed to work as wagtail's code base dictates. However, it's very unlikely that this wouldn't work.

Django Tastypie prevent file uri's being saved to a FileField

I've got a Django app with Tastypie, and mainly BackBone client side. One of my models has a few ImageFields. Here is a similar setup to help me explain the issue.
MEDIA_URL = "/media/"
class Foo(models.model):
bar = models.ImageField()
baz = models.CharField()
class FooResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
resource_name = "foo"
authorization = Authorization()
When I make a GET request to the API, it appends the MEDIA_URL to the file names to return the URI where a bar can be accessed. However, when I change the value of baz on a row, and then make a PUT request with that, it also changes the value for a bar to the URI. This means that the next time I GET the row, it appends the MEDIA_URL again, breaking the system and appending it for each successive GET and PUT. I end up with values for bar in the DB that look like.
I think I should fix this by overriding a method in my ModelResource, so that when there is a PUT request, it recognizes that it's getting either a URI or a real file, and alters its behavior in some way.
Is this the correct fix? Could you provide some implementation details of a fix?
I found the answer. Tastypie is well designed, similarly to Django. Unfortunately I was not familiar with the terminology so when I read the docs I didn't understand. You can easily modify behavior of the API at many levels. Here is my new API definition, which fixed the issue.
class FooResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
resource_name = "foo"
authorization = Authorization()
def hydrate_bar(bundle):
bundle["bar"] = bundle["bar"].strip(MEDIA_URL)
return bundle
I should add that this only works for me because I exclusively POST my image files individually with a post_detail method which doesn't call this method. If I was to POST or PUT image files as part of the entire row, I expect this might raise an error if that isn't considered.

Importing the latitude and longitude into a geofield

I am using bizreview as the theme for my Drupal 7 site. I am using the Feeds module to import thousands of records that are in CSV files into the site. I need to use a geofield to store the locations.
For this I created a field 'Coordinates' in my content type, made it a geofield and set the widget type to latitude/longitude. I can add the locations manually and they do show up in the map, but I just can't import the coordinates with Feeds.
This seems to be an ongoing issue with the geofield/feeds interface (see Drupal issue here). I had the same problem but applied the patch in comment #12 from the aforementioned link which worked.
One suggestion: If the current version of geofield is not the same as the one used in the patch, or if you are running WAMP without Cygwin, I would suggest applying the patch manually by following the directions here, making sure to save a safe backup file in the process. If you haven't worked with patches before, basically all that you (or the patch command) will do for this particular case is add the following lines of code after line 143 in the ./sites/all/modules/geofield/ file (I am working with geofield version 7.x-2.3):
foreach ($field[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $delta => $value) {
if (!empty($value['lat']) && !empty($value['lon'])) {
// Build up geom data.
$field[LANGUAGE_NONE][$delta] = geofield_compute_values($value, 'latlon');

Google App Engine logout url

I am having problems getting the logout link work in GAE (Python).
This is the page I am looking at.
In my template, I create a link
But when I click on it I get "broken link" message from Chrome. The url for the link looks like this:
My questions:
Can anybody explain how this works in general?
What is the correct url for the dev server?
What is the correct url for the app server?
What is the ("/") in the logout url?
This link works; but I don't know why:
What sort of templates are you using? It's clear from the output that you're not escaping your code correctly.
Seems to me that you want to do this instead:
self.response.out.write("This is the url: %s", users.create_logout_url("/"))
You could also pass it to your template, using GAEs implemented django templates.
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
(inside your request handler)
class Empty: pass
data = Empty()
data.logout = users.create_logout_url("/")
self.response.out.write(template.render(my_tmpl, {'data': data})
A useful approach is to add all sorts of info to a BaseRequestHandler and then use this as base class for all of your other request handler classes.
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
class BaseRequestHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def __init__(self):
webapp.RequestHandler.__init__(self) # extend the base class
class Empty: pass
data = Empty() = "bar"
Then your new classes will have access to all the data you provided in the base class.
class OtherHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.response.out.write("This is foo: %s" % # passes str "bar"
Hope it helps.
Hi following more or less what this article is showing for the user account stuff. In gwt I store server side the logout/login url and I pass them to the client

Using Google App Engine's Cron service to extract data from a URL

I need to scrape a simple webpage which has the following text:
The values change frequently.
I want to extract the Value (29 in this case) and store it in a database. I want to scrape this page every 6 hours. I am not interested in displaying the value anywhere, I just am interested in the cron. Hope I made sense.
Please advise me if I can accomplish this using Google's App Engine.
Thank you!
Please advise me if I can accomplish
this using Google's App Engine.
Sure! E.g., in Python, urlfetch (with the URL as argument) to get the contents, then a simple'Value=(\d+)').group(1) (if the contents are as simple as you're showing) to get the value, and a db.put to store it. Do you want the Python details spelled out, or do you prefer Java?
Edit: urllib / urllib2 would also be feasible (GAE does support them now).
So cron.yaml should be something like:
- description: refresh "value"
url: /refvalue
schedule: every 6 hours
and app.yaml something like:
application: valueref
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /refvalue
login: admin
You may have other entries in either or both, of course, but this is the subset needed to "refresh the value". A possible might be:
import re
import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
class Value(db.Model):
thevalue = db.IntegerProperty()
when = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
class RefValueHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
resp = urlfetch.fetch('')
mo = re.match(r'Value=(\d+)', resp.content)
if mo:
val = int(
val = None
valobj = Value(thevalue=val)
def main():
application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
[('/refvalue', RefValueHandler),], debug=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Depending on what else your web app is doing, you'll probably want to move the class Value to a separate file (e.g. with other models) which of course you'll then have to import (from this .py file and from others which do something interesting with all of your saved values). Here I've taken some possible anomalies into account (no Value= found on the target page) but not others (the target page's server does not respond or gives an error); it's hard to know exactly what anomalies you need to consider and what you want to do if they occur (what I'm doing here is very simply recording None as the value at the anomaly's time, but you may want to do more... or less -- I'll leave that up to you!-)
