Running Windows Installer 4.5 in 64-bit Windows XP - sql-server

I am trying to install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on my 64-bit Windows XP operating system. Unfortunately, I need Windows Installer 4.5 to do this, and Windows Installer doesn't seem to run on 64-bit Windows XP. Is there a way around this?

It is actually supported on Windows XP 64-bit.
Windows XP 64-bit is Windows Server 2003 in disguise (but they often forget to mention Windows XP 64-bit - for instance, PowerShell 2.0 can actually be installed on Windows XP 64-bit). Thus locate "WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe" (direct download URL), download and install.


How To Run Windows Phone Emulator 8.1 on Windows 8.1 OS without Windows 8.1 Pro OS Version?

I have installed my PC windows 8.1 (Core) with Visual Studio Professional 2013
I am beginner to develop Windows Mobile App. When I run sample app it shows message:
Windows Phone Emulator
Unable to start the windows phone emulator Windows phone emulator
require Hyper-V Your computer is missing the following
pre-requisites required to run Hyper-V
-Windows 8 Proffesional(64-bit)
How to run Windows Phone Emulator 8.1 using Windows 8.1 OS? Any alternative solution available?
Thanks & Regards
You can run Visual Studio 2013 in your machine,no problem about the windows version.:)
Here is how to fix your error. :)
1.Goto Your BIOS settings.
2. Check for a setting called "Intel Virtualisation Technology".
I cant specify exactly where it is.But It must be there in the BIOS settings and it should have been disabled.
3.So you need to enable it.
If you can specify the model of your motherboard I can help you further. :)

Visual Studio 2013 only showing Silverlight apps when making Windows Phone App

I just installed Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition on Windows 8 and when I go to create a new project, all the apps I see are for Silverlight.
Is this how it should be or did I miss some SDK or something?
You can't target WP8.1 on Windows 8 - you need Windows 8.1.
WinRT apps (i.e. non-Silverlight) on Windows Phone are only compatible with Windows Phone 8.1.
Upgrade Windows to 8.1, and make sure you also have the latest WP8.1 SDK installed.
Basically your dev machine's Windows version must at least match the target Windows version (including Windows Phone).

firebird database migrating from windows XP to windows 7

I have changed my operating system from windows XP to windows 7. I installed firebird and driver firebird odbc on windows 7. But when I go to ODBC Data Source Administrator -> drivers I cannot see firebird driver. When I install new version of firebird driver I see it on data source administrator but I can't open old databases. Is it possible to open firebird databases created on win xp in windows 7.
Thanks and best regards
If you migrated from Windows XP 32 bit to Windows 7 64 bit you will have to backup (on Windows XP!) and restore the database (on Windows 7), as the database structure of Firebird database before 2.1 (I think, could be 2.0) are not transportable between 32 bit and 64 bit architectures without backup/restore.
Also be aware that Firebird 1.5 is not compatible with Windows 7 (it was never tested under Windows Vista and Windows 7), so you might want to upgrade to Firebird 2.5.1 as well (although you might want to test that first).

Oracle 10g (32 bit) on Windows 7 x64

Anybody here does have an succesful experience in installing Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) on 64 bit Windows 7? No matter which installation type i select on the first screen i get this: Is it possible to install such a configuration? My java version is 1.5.0_19 (also i have 1.4.2 and 1.6_26 but final product require 1.5). Database Hardware requirements are satisfied (4GB RAM and 65GB on the disk).
Installing a 32bit Oracle version on a 64bit Windows is not supported (See Metalink Document 1060806.1).
You will need to install the 64bit version.
I've managed to install Oracle 64 bit for Windows Vista on Windows 7 as described here, using -ignoreSysPrereqs option for the installation executable.

Why does my WPF application quit unexpectedly on Windows XP SP2?

I've compiled my WPF project on Windows 7 64-bit, using VS 2010 and .NET 4. I have compiled it as a 32-bit application, of course, and it works fine in both 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista/7.
But in Windows XP SP2 32-bit, I get an error:
wpfApp has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
How can I fix this so that my application will run on Windows XP?
.NET 4 requires Windows XP Service Pack 3.
Either upgrade to SP3, or downgrade your project to target .NET 3.5.
