firebird database migrating from windows XP to windows 7 - database

I have changed my operating system from windows XP to windows 7. I installed firebird and driver firebird odbc on windows 7. But when I go to ODBC Data Source Administrator -> drivers I cannot see firebird driver. When I install new version of firebird driver I see it on data source administrator but I can't open old databases. Is it possible to open firebird databases created on win xp in windows 7.
Thanks and best regards

If you migrated from Windows XP 32 bit to Windows 7 64 bit you will have to backup (on Windows XP!) and restore the database (on Windows 7), as the database structure of Firebird database before 2.1 (I think, could be 2.0) are not transportable between 32 bit and 64 bit architectures without backup/restore.
Also be aware that Firebird 1.5 is not compatible with Windows 7 (it was never tested under Windows Vista and Windows 7), so you might want to upgrade to Firebird 2.5.1 as well (although you might want to test that first).


Install not working on Windows 7

I have an install that is made in Advanced Installer that works fine in Windows 8 & 10, but fails on Windows 7. Does a Windows 7-client have any requirements for connecting to a SQL Server (2012, on a different machine), that a Windows 8 or 10 machine does not have? Some drivers that does not exist on a clean Windows 7? The application in a Entity Framework-app and uses Framework 4.6.1 if that matters...
[Edit] Based on all the comments below I refrase my question to this: For a Clean, fully updated, Windows 7 to connect to a remote SQL Server (2008+), is there any other requirements/drivers that is needed to be installed other than .Net framework 4.6.1? For Windows 8 & 10 apparently there are no such requirements...
The problem was partly the firewall, partly my network and partly my code. There are no special drivers etc needed to make a EF-application work in Windows 7. Once network, firewall etc was configured correctly, my application worked.

KMDF on Windows Server

A bit new to the world of Windows device drivers. Using Visual Studio 2013 I create a new KMDF driver project. The configuration manager has build configs for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, but none for the server OSes (WS 2008, 2012).
Question: Which of these build targets, if any, are suitable for installation on Windows Server 2008/2012 since there are no specific build configs for them?
This question was answered for me by Don Burn on MSDN, but I wanted to post the answer here for SO users:
Windows Server 2008 R2 == Windows 7
Windows Server 2012 == Windows 8
Windows Server 2012 R2 = Windows 8.1
As a rule you build for the earliest version of Windows you wish to support, and the driver will run on all versions after that. There are special cases where there are new capabilities that you may want to take advantage of in the newer system, but that is the general approach.

Running Windows Installer 4.5 in 64-bit Windows XP

I am trying to install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on my 64-bit Windows XP operating system. Unfortunately, I need Windows Installer 4.5 to do this, and Windows Installer doesn't seem to run on 64-bit Windows XP. Is there a way around this?
It is actually supported on Windows XP 64-bit.
Windows XP 64-bit is Windows Server 2003 in disguise (but they often forget to mention Windows XP 64-bit - for instance, PowerShell 2.0 can actually be installed on Windows XP 64-bit). Thus locate "WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe" (direct download URL), download and install.

Oracle 10g (32 bit) on Windows 7 x64

Anybody here does have an succesful experience in installing Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) on 64 bit Windows 7? No matter which installation type i select on the first screen i get this: Is it possible to install such a configuration? My java version is 1.5.0_19 (also i have 1.4.2 and 1.6_26 but final product require 1.5). Database Hardware requirements are satisfied (4GB RAM and 65GB on the disk).
Installing a 32bit Oracle version on a 64bit Windows is not supported (See Metalink Document 1060806.1).
You will need to install the 64bit version.
I've managed to install Oracle 64 bit for Windows Vista on Windows 7 as described here, using -ignoreSysPrereqs option for the installation executable.

Old Powerbuilder app, trying to run on Windows 7 64bit with SQL2008 Connectivity

So we've an old circa 2000 Powerbuilder App that we've been maintaining all this time. Its been working great until I tried to get it going on my new Windows 7 64-bit machine.
First, the old SQL 2000 client install we always have used won't install.
Second, after installed SQL 2008 connectivity tools, the app fails to connect to our database.
The error is "DBMS is not supported in your current installation"
Im worried that the 32bit PBMSS90.dll just cannot deal with the 64bit SQL drivers. I have no idea what to do at this point.
If you can offer any help, its greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Just load the 32-bit connectivity software for SQL Server. The 32-bit and 64-bit should be able to co-exist nicely, and PowerBuilder (and any other 32-bit software that accesses SQL Server) will be able to use 32-bit.
Good luck,
Windows 7 comes with a virtual machine IIRC that can emulate all MS operating systems back to Windows 95. If this is an OS environment problem try loading your app in an XP virtual machine.
The problem I encountered is that the ancient Microsoft SQL Server driver we had been using (MSS) cannot be installed on a 64bit machine.
To make matters worse, the current SQL Native Client driver (SNC) is not at all compatible with the Powerbuilder 9.0 app we had.
The solution was to installed SNC and recompile the application in Powerbuilder 11.5 or later (in our case we used 12).
The application now runs, and connects to the database. There are a few issues to work out yet, as MSS and SNC regard char type variables differently, but the major hurdle was covered.
Thanks for your help.
