ExtJS 4 desktop taskbar - how to get height programmatically - extjs

It would be helpful to get the taskbar's height programmatically when sizing windows and preventing them from covering the taskbar. I can hardcode the height in window size calculations for now, but would appreciate a better approach.

I ended up not needing the taskbar height value anymore, because there is a way to get the desktop height without the taskbar:
Before, I was using:
Which gave me the combined height.
So to get the taskbar, if I ever need it, I can do:
_myDesktopApp.desktop.getHeight() - _myDesktopApp.desktop.body.dom.clientHeight


WPF Window HorizontalAlignent Stretch

I have a simple task that I want to accomplish: Have a WPF window launch with a Horizontal Alignment that is stretched to the total width of the current screen. I want to achieve a kind of custom Overlay MessageBox (I dont want to use third party controls such as MahApps), I am not using any third party references for this.
Please see what I have achieved so far (Not sure if the image will show, the link is http://imgur.com/e27DyNJ):
I have tried setting the width with a Controller object that I wrote which works, that basically sets the Width, Height, Left and Top to the width of the primary monitor. Downside is the window then pops up on the primary screen, not on the screen that is currently in use.
As far as I know, WPF doesn't have any multi-screen functions. You could PInvoke some native Multiple Display Monitor Functions, wrap them in a managed class and utilize them in that regard, though.
As a workaround, I have done the following:
var screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromRectangle(new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)window.Left, (int)window.Top, (int)window.Width, (int)window.Height));
window.Width = screen.WorkingArea.Width;
window.Left = screen.WorkingArea.Left;
where window is the instance of my window I want to resize.
This works with the current screen the window was opened on.

How do I remove the border of a WPF window in the Design view/tab?

I am trying to remove the border of my WPF window in the design view/tab in Visual Studio. Please don't mistake this as a request to create a border less WPF window. I did that and it is working fine. What bothers me is that even if you have set WindowStyle = None, ResizeMode = NoResize, the design view/tab still shows a border around your window in the preview.
Is there a way to remove said border and have a 1:1 preview of the border less window as in Windows Forms?
Every question I have found in regards to this only asks how to remove the border of the actual application. I would like to remove it in the preview.
Any help would be very much appreciated :)
here is a screenshot of my problem:
This cannot be done as this is just how Visual Studio renders a window in design view (I think the frame is probably there so that you can distinguish when you are editing a Window rather than a UserControl).
Rather than try and find a solution to this I would ask myself if this is something I need to be spending time figuring out - after all you say that your program works correctly when being run. I think your time will be better spent writing code for your program rather than trying to play with the design time environment.
Update: In response to you comment, consider that the window frame will be different on every users machine depending on their operating system version (XP vs. Win7) or the theme the user has installed.
My computer has XP installed so the side borders are a lot thinner than those shown in design time so any content will be smaller (but only my a few pixels - 4 in my case; does your user interface design really depend on 4 pixels?).
When using a technology such as WPF you should not be designing your UI to fit to exact pixel sizes; you should be designing with min / max values or using layout containers that adjust to the size of the window as set by the user. Any regions in your UI (E.G. sidebar and main content) should be expressed as a ratio or percentage of one another; instead of saying "The side bar is 150 pixels wide and the main content area is 350 pixels wide" you should be saying "The side bar takes up a third of the window width and the main content takes two thirds".
Although the question is very old and have already been answered (kind of), I just realized: if you set WindowStyle="None", your undesired border is gone.

Sizing WPF windows automatically

When designing WPF dialog windows in the XAML designer (that are not manually resizeable by the user), the windows automatically resize to fit their content, and everything is fine. But when I run my app, the windows become huge and there's a lot of empty space.
I know this is a "feature" of WPF that can be "fixed" by setting the SizeToContent tag, but another issue arises when I do this: If the window contains a textbox, for instance, and the user enters data that overflows the visible area, the window will stretch to accommodate it. This happens with listboxes, treeviews, you name it.
All I want is for Visual Studio to figure out the ideal window size that it shows me at design time, then set the window to be that size at runtime, and don't change the size after that. It seems like this should be an easy thing to do.
Edit: Figured out part of the problem: I have controls set up in a grid, and the column's width is set to "Auto" which is why everything is resizing.
Use View Box
The ViewBox is a very useful control in WPF. If does nothing more than scale to fit the content to the available size. It does not resize the content, but it transforms it. This means that also all text sizes and line widths were scaled. Its about the same behavior as if you set the Stretch property on an Image or Path to Uniform.
Although it can be used to fit any type of control, it's often used for 2D graphics, or to fit a scalable part of a user interface into an screen area.
<Enter your code/>
Try setting the window's height and width to Auto. Also, remove the SizeToContent attribute. This should fix it.
I do not think that this is this is something which is commonly requested so it's probably not easy to do, one method i can think of would be starting with automatic SizeToContent and handling the Loaded event and setting:
Height = ActualHeight;
Width = ActualWidth;
SizeToContent = System.Windows.SizeToContent.Manual;

Silverlight 3: Techniques for adjusting to screen resolution

My developer's box has a screen resolution of 1680 x 1050. I'm developing a full-screen Silverlight 3 application that I'm considering deploying to the Internet. So, I want to make sure the application looks good on a variety of screen resolutions. I just started testing on other boxes, the first one having a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. During the test I found some of the pages on the application were partially truncated. It seems the controls on the page didn't adjust for the lower screen resolution. So, I'm looking for some tips on how to make a Silverlight application, to the extent possible, adjust for screen resolution. For example, are there things one should or should not do on XAML to make adapting to screen resolution easier? Should I just optimize for a minimum screen resolution? Your thoughts and suggestions are welcomed.
You can easily enforce a minimum acceptable resolution by setting the MinHeight and MinWidth properties of your root visual. (Of course, this should be less than the minimum screen resolution to account for browser chrome.)
Try to specify absolute Width and Height only when necessary: for example, for images or icons of fixed dimensions, or for obvious cases like TextBoxes (whose width should reflect the average length of the data entered).
Grid panels are excellent for mixing scalable and fixed layout areas. The star sizing specification takes a bit of getting used to--it's not as simple as a percentage-based proportioning--but it's much more flexible, especially in combination with row/column min/max dimensions.
You don't really need to test on multiple resolutions unless you're interested in testing a range of dots per inch--just resize the browser to approximate different screens. Since there's always a bit of give and take depending on the user's browser configuration, you'll have to account for some variance anyway.
You can make your application scale with the Silverlight Toolkit ViewBox or make it strech with layout controls like the Grid, StackPanel, and WrapPanel. Make your main UserControl have a Width and Height of Auto (or remove the width and height entirely) and the size of the app will resize to the size of the parent div (the default HTML template uses 100%x100%). Then just resize the browser accordingly. IE8 has developer tools that can help you see your app resized to specific screen resolutions.
Testing on a variety of screen resolutions is always a good idea.
I covered the resizing of elements and making it resolution independent on another thread.
You can have a look here, there are multiple ways to sizing and resizing things automatically.

Firefox and Silverlight

I'm developing a silverlight site, using deepzoom.
When I call a function to ArrangeImages(), in IE, the image arranges correctly, using 100% of the screen. In Chrome it works as well.
In Firefox, though, the msi container only uses around 80% of the screen. I'm resizing it using these 2 lines of code below:
msi.Height = App.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight;
msi.Width= App.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
Any idea on how to solve this, or why the heck is this happening?
Thanks for your help.
I'm guessing that the problem is either:
The Silverlight object tag or Javascript is using a 100% height and width div, which doesn't work in Firefox unless all the parents have height and width set. You can verify this is the problem by setting a background color for the entire Silverlight object. If so, you can either specify a pixel height and width, or you can make sure height and width are set for all the parent elements for the Silverlight object.
You may be setting the height and width before they're available. It's recommended that you access them in the OnResize event (see the "Important Note" on this MSDN page). What event are you setting them from?
