Firefox and Silverlight - silverlight

I'm developing a silverlight site, using deepzoom.
When I call a function to ArrangeImages(), in IE, the image arranges correctly, using 100% of the screen. In Chrome it works as well.
In Firefox, though, the msi container only uses around 80% of the screen. I'm resizing it using these 2 lines of code below:
msi.Height = App.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight;
msi.Width= App.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
Any idea on how to solve this, or why the heck is this happening?
Thanks for your help.

I'm guessing that the problem is either:
The Silverlight object tag or Javascript is using a 100% height and width div, which doesn't work in Firefox unless all the parents have height and width set. You can verify this is the problem by setting a background color for the entire Silverlight object. If so, you can either specify a pixel height and width, or you can make sure height and width are set for all the parent elements for the Silverlight object.
You may be setting the height and width before they're available. It's recommended that you access them in the OnResize event (see the "Important Note" on this MSDN page). What event are you setting them from?


WPF Window HorizontalAlignent Stretch

I have a simple task that I want to accomplish: Have a WPF window launch with a Horizontal Alignment that is stretched to the total width of the current screen. I want to achieve a kind of custom Overlay MessageBox (I dont want to use third party controls such as MahApps), I am not using any third party references for this.
Please see what I have achieved so far (Not sure if the image will show, the link is
I have tried setting the width with a Controller object that I wrote which works, that basically sets the Width, Height, Left and Top to the width of the primary monitor. Downside is the window then pops up on the primary screen, not on the screen that is currently in use.
As far as I know, WPF doesn't have any multi-screen functions. You could PInvoke some native Multiple Display Monitor Functions, wrap them in a managed class and utilize them in that regard, though.
As a workaround, I have done the following:
var screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromRectangle(new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)window.Left, (int)window.Top, (int)window.Width, (int)window.Height));
window.Width = screen.WorkingArea.Width;
window.Left = screen.WorkingArea.Left;
where window is the instance of my window I want to resize.
This works with the current screen the window was opened on.

Rotate WPF control or change screen orientation

I have wpf project with one Window (MainWindow). Depending upon the config file it shows one of two UserControl's as Content. It may be a horizontal (1920x1080) control or vertical (1080x1920) control. It's fine with horizontal screen, but when vertical is loaded I would like to do:
1) rotate window/control by 270 degrees
2) change primary screen orientation
I would prefer to just rotate application and don't interact with windows API. I can't change orientation manually, because I have only remote access to this computer.
You can not rotate the Window object itself, as it is positioned by the window management system built in Windows. You can, however, transform (and thus rotate) any FrameworkElement inside the window. This includes, but is not limited to, the Grid, the Button and the TextBox elements.
All you need to do is edit the LayoutTransform property on the element you want to rotate, which is most likely the root element in your window. Set the rotation to 270/-90 degrees and WPF will automatically rotate your UI.
Because you are using the LayoutTransform property, the layout system will also scale you UI correctly. The RenderTransform property causes the control to first be rendered, then be rotated.
DEVMODE & using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
its bit late to reply but I am replaying for the new ones , if someone com across this article for change screen rotation in C# or VB .
Please use the link given below to get help Mr. Hannes Completely write an article to change screen rotation and luckily its working fine for me (Windows 11) as now of..

WP7 Managing ScrollViewer within code

Within a WP7 app I am generating a Scrollviewer within the code. This Scrollviewer has a StackPanel as its content and within the Stackpanel I have a grid.
I have not assigned any specific heights to these controls.
As far as the look and the behaviour I am after, all is fine.
I now want to position the scrollviewer to a certain point - after I have generated it and its children.
It seems that the ScrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset method is what I should be using.
But I cannot ascertain the height of the Scrollviewer... both Height and ActualHeight are returning 0. I want to use this height to determine which point I should be scrolling to.
And even when I hardcode a ScrollToVerticalOffet value then it still doesn't reposition itself.
Is there a way that I can get this to position as I want, and how can I determine the height values?
Got it working ok when I checked for values in the Page loaded event... and the ScrolltoOffset seemed to work fine there too.

ExtJS 4 desktop taskbar - how to get height programmatically

It would be helpful to get the taskbar's height programmatically when sizing windows and preventing them from covering the taskbar. I can hardcode the height in window size calculations for now, but would appreciate a better approach.
I ended up not needing the taskbar height value anymore, because there is a way to get the desktop height without the taskbar:
Before, I was using:
Which gave me the combined height.
So to get the taskbar, if I ever need it, I can do:
_myDesktopApp.desktop.getHeight() - _myDesktopApp.desktop.body.dom.clientHeight

Shell Integration Library WindowChrome with Drop Shadow

Ive been googling this alot but can't find any working solution. Im using Shell Integration Library to cerate custom Window Chrome and I also need drop shadows for this window. Some say setting GlassFrameThickness to -1 do the trick but its not working for me. And Jeremiah Morrill suggested using DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea. Ive tried that and it works, sort of. The shadows looks ok but when the window is shown it is first shown as a glass-frame and then a second later the real content is superimposed. This causes to much flickering for me. Is there any way to get rid of this flickering or is there any better way using only Shell Integration Library?
I had a similar problem where it wouldn't display any shadow when using a custom chrome. It worked fine when using the glass.
I got a shadow by setting GlassFrameThickness="0,0,0,1". The glass didn't show and I got the shadow.
Be warned, the shadow is a simple RECT to Windows, so if you have a funky chrome with transparencies it may look funny.
Also if you support the maximized state be aware the you'll need to set a margin on your top-level panel element of "8,8,8,8" when in maximized mode. All other modes should be "0,0,0,0".
To alimbada, the WindowStyle defaults to None on custom chrome.
The Shell Integration Library uses DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea, plus handling of several Window messages to get the effects. If you're using the full window rect (i.e. no rounded corners) then setting it to (0,0,0,1) as suggested will give you the drop shadows as you want. If you want to simulate the rounded corners of Aero, then setting it to (8,8,8,8) will extend the glass frame enough that the corners also stay rounded, and then you're responsible for not drawing over the corners of the rectangle. The shape of the drop shadow doesn't change regardless of the glass frame thickness.
The flashing you're seeing when setting the thickness to -1 still exists even when not fully extending the glass frame. What's happening is the window is getting shown while the content is still compositing. What you can do is simplify the default UI so it displays quicker (or you can stage it, bringing in a simnple background first and then replacing it with something usable), or you can create and show the window off-screen, and then move it to the desired start location once the content has been rendered. The easy way to detect when it's probably ready is to invoke a DispatchTimer with Priority=Loaded. That should only get invoked once the basic first layout has been completed.
