Weird IE7 float image bug - internet-explorer-7

IE7 (or newer IE in compatibility mode) is doing this weird thing where a floated image is clearing the text that's in the same list item element. I have a jsfiddle for viewing. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Couldn't you set the background of the list item to your image and set the padding accordingly?
background: url("") no-repeat;


CSS line-height issue across browsers

I have some button controls with CSS line-height: 18px. Some are input controls type="button", and others are anchors stylized to appear as buttons like the input controls. In FF3.6.12/IE8 they are displaying the same height, but in IE7, the anchors are shorter in height. How do I get them to display correctly in IE7?
I took your demo:
and added just this CSS at the end:
/* ie7 fixes */
.Footer input[type=button],
.Footer input[type=submit]
overflow: visible;
*height: 24px;
*line-height: 15px
Some explanation of what's going on there:
There's a known bug in IE7 that overflow: visible fixes, related to the width of the button. Try looking at my demo in IE7 with and without it.
I'm using the Star property hack to provide change the height and line-height for only IE7 and lower. You can tweak the numbers I picked if you need to.
That hack is invalid CSS, but there's no problem using it. It's never going to come back and bite you - it's a "safe hack". Nevertheless, if you require 100% valid CSS, there are alternatives.
It now looks consistent between IE7 and the later versions.
Yes, this is a little kludgy, but at least it's all together in the CSS in one place, with a clear comment.
Honestly, if IE7 is the only problem, I'd just go with a hack and bump up the line-height:
*+html .button { line-height:24px }
If you use something like Modernizr, you could do away with the hack and use:
.ie7 .button { line-height:24px }
Of course, the other alternative is to actually track down why IE7 is behaving the way it is, and rewrite your CSS accordingly, but without any posted code, I can't help you with that.
EDIT: Forgot about this method of targeting just IE7:
<!--[if IE7]><style type="text/css">.button{line-height:24px}</style><![endif]-->
Buttons in IEs have additional padding/borders/whatever - they do not style well as in other browsers.

IE7 causing disappearance of background image on scroll

I'm having an IE7 issue with a website i'm working on -
Basically, the background image is not showing on behind the form on the 'Free Trial'
panel, and is disappearing when I scroll down on the others.
I've tried adding position:relative; on a bunch of elements but it doesn't seem to
make a difference.
Any ideas anyone? thanks.
Add this style to your page to see if you are experiencing an issue with hasLayout:
.panel .panel-wrapper { zoom: 1; }
If this does correct your issue than a more "standard" way of correcting the background rendering would be to set an explicit width to those same ".panel-wrapper" items.

dropdown hidden behind divs in IE7

Hi I've finally got Suckerfish working and styled but in IE7 it is hidden behind the divs below it. See the dropdown on the 'Your Video/Pics' button here.
I know usually a z-index would solve the issue but in this case it seems not. Can anyone help?
Don't worry this site is not supposed to work in IE6 ;)
Try adding:
#header {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
For IE, the entire block has to have a higher z-index than the block below it.

Ordered list rendering inconsistency in IE7

For the following sample ordered list markup and CSS, IE7 is rendering the numbers alongside the bottom of the list item, whereas FF, Safari and Chrome are behaving as desired, with the numbers aligned alongside the top of the list item.
Does anybody have any suggestions as to how to get IE7 to render with the same results? (Other versions of IE haven't been tested yet.)
vertical-align: top;
to the li
Try removing the height you're setting on DIV.list-item-contents.
If its spacing you're after, try adding margin-bottom to them.

How to fix difference in logo position within IE 7 and other browsers (IE8, FF, Chrome)

I am discovering css and I found a problem I can't fix.
My logo has a different position in IE7 than in other browsers like IE8, FF and chrome.
This is IE7:
While IE8 and others show it correct, between the black and grey borders.
The css code:
#logo {
How can I fix this?
Different browsers have different default values for page elements. You should set all the elements to a base value. the best way to do this is using a CSS reset.
"The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on."
Check this tutorial out:
All the best.
