Composite meta types choice field - c1-cms

Is it possible to render a meta type field as a choice field?
For example, I'd like editors to choose an option from a list of available items. There is no control like this, but I seem to be able to do this with a Data Reference type, but I don't know where I need to add the values?

Use the Selector widget.
When editing your field, go to the "advanced" tab.
Click on the button to change the widget type, which currently contains "TextBox".
Delete the TextBox widget.
Add a new widget, the Composite.Widgets.Selector.
Specify a function to return the options.


Persist unique value in react-select which is not present in options array

I want to make react-select accept values which are not stored in the options array. I'm hoping to use this component to suggest values but also allow users to input their own value and persist it on blur.
In my situation the options represent suggestions which have been defined in the DB, on choosing an option it will auto-populate some other relevant fields.
However I also want to allow the user to define a unique value in the and manually define the other values.
I don't want to feed the unique value in the options array because I do not want the user to see this as a selectable option.
Is this possible with react-select?
If I understand your question correctly, you can totally control what's shown to the user as part of the selectable options, and also you have a dedicated class Select-create-option-placeholder attached to labels of new labels that need to be created (namely aren't part of the array of suggestions).

ExtJS grid-like custom control

I need to implement grid like control that utilizes some complex custom widgets for viewing and displaying rows. Just like this one:
The key point here is that controls in the right column depend on the value selected in the combobox from the left column.
Does anyone know what is the best way to implement it using ExtJS 5.0 components? Should I create my own widgets to display row data that will serve as both custom renderers and editors?
I would use a beforeedit function which changes the editor of the right column (setEditor) to the required widget type depending on what is set in the left column. If you use Editing (RowEdit) plugin instead of CellEditing, you would also have to setEditor in the left column's change or select event.
This is the easiest way, but it won't show all editors at once, of course.
To have all editors displayed at once, I would make a new field containing multiple fields. You can add multiple instances of these fields to a fieldset, container, panel or form at runtime.

Can't see custom CCK field in view

I created a content type a while ago, and a view to filter it. I just added a field to that content type. When I try to add a filter to the view, the field that I just created isn't in the list. If I create new content of that type, I can see the new field, but not from the view. I deleted and recreated the field, changing the type of field, and have cleared cache. I've also tried creating another view, and still can't see that field. I can see all other custom fields, though.
Is the field you added a taxonomy or node reference? You may need to add a relationship to the referenced entity in order to get it to show up under the view fields.
Click "Add" beside "Relationships", and see if the entity type you are referencing is in that list... add the reference, then go back to adding fields and see if it shows up in your list.

Select2 AngularJS - How do i dynamically add a tag item?

I have a select2 input box the defined like this:
<input id="searchbox" ui-select2="autoCompleteSearch" ng-model="searchedLeafs" style="width:80%;height:36px;" class="searchbox"/>
Basically, while the user can type text into the input box (and select from the suggested autocomplete list), i would also would like to enable the user to click on an angular-based button (on the same scope) which "inject" a tag into this input box (instead of the user typing it).
Does anyone can tell me how you can do it property in angularjs? i know how to do it in the old plain select2, but coulnd't find how can you manually/dynamically add items (key/value) to the list of tags.
if you want to get a simple example, lets say that instead of you typing the tags that you want to associate with stackoverflow question, you would simply click on a link/button which would add it to the list of tags yourself.
Simply push a new object into the ng-model's array and assuming it's duck-typed to the rest of the objects it should show up fine.

Change ADF Query Panel's Default Component

In my JSPX page, I created a search page by drag-n-dropping the View Criteria (VC) to the page. By default the component's are text box. What I want to do is change some of them to use other components, such as the selectOneChoice component, with binding from another Entity Object (EO), or maybe add a date picker to it.
Is this possible? Or do I have to stick with the defaults?
This is all stuff that can be done in your view object under Attributes. For date attributes, make sure that the type is set to date. I've'nt done this one but for the selectOneChoice component, I'm assuming you can define a list of values on the desired attribute that is based on another view object. Also look in the Control Type field of the Control Hints when you edit an attribute. If you are using bind variable with your search I believe you can define these properties there also.
