Decimal to hexadecimal conversion: issues with sprintf? - c

I have a requirement, part of which needs conversion from decimal to hex.
I prefer the following way to do that thing as below:
n here will be an integer.
But my peer says it is not a good way to do that.
Instead he says to manually convert the decimal using a function,
but I did not get a good explanation about why not to use sprintf.
Are there any problems with the above method I am using?
Should I go for a function which manually converts the decimal number into hex?

As long as you make sure that the buffer pointed to by mcc is big enough for the resulting string, I see no problem.

If you're on a machine which supports the GNU extensions then you can use asprintf as well. This will allocate heap memory, store the string in it and then give you a pointer to this. Just make sure you free the string when you're done with it.

The problem with sprintf is that it's hard to guarantee your buffer is big enough. Use snprintf instead.
In this case the maximum possible output length is small and easily calculated, but it's not always this easy, and my guess is that this is why your friend told you not to use sprintf.


Effect of Wide Characters/ Strings on a C Program

Below is an excerpt from an old edition of the book Programming Windows by Charles Petzold
There are, of course, certain disadvantages to using Unicode. First and foremost is that every string in your program will occupy twice as much space. In addition, you'll observe that the functions in the wide-character run-time library
are larger than the usual functions.
Why would every string in my program occupy twice the bytes, should not only the character arrays we've declared as storing wchar_t type do so?
Is there perhaps some condition that if a program is to be able to work with Long values, then the entire program mode it'll operate on is altered?
Usually if we declare a long int, we never fuss over or mention the fact that all ints will be occupying double the memory now. Are strings somehow a special case?
Why would every string in my program occupy twice the bytes, should not only the character arrays we've declared as storing wchar_t type do so?
As I understand it, it is meant, that if you have a program that uses char *, and now you rewrite that program to use wchar_t *, then it will use (more than) twice the bytes.
If a string could potentially contain a character outside of the ascii range, you'll have to declare it as a wide string. So most strings in the program will be bigger. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it; if you need Unicode, you need Unicode, and a few more bytes aren't going to kill you.
That seems to be what you're saying, and I agree. But the question is skating the fine line between opinionated and objective.
Unicode have some types : utf8, utf16 utf32.
You can check advantage , disadvantage of them to know what situation you should use .
reference: UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

Input/ Output alternatives for printf/scanf

It may sound strange that knowing a lot about iOS and having some experience in .net, I am a newcomer to C. Somewhere I got this target to find average of n numbers without using printf and scanf. I don't want the code for the program but I am seeking alternatives to the mentioned functions.
Is code with printf/scanf required here? Also do let me know if my query stands invalid.
No, neither printf nor scanf is really needed for this.
The obvious alternatives would be to read the input with something like getc or fgets and convert from characters to numbers with something like strtol.
On the output side, you'd more or less reverse that, converting from numbers to characters (e.g., with itoa which is quite common, though not actually standard), then printing out the resulting string (e.g., with fputs).

How can I parse text input and convert strings to integers?

I have a file input, in which i have the following data.
1 1Apple 2Orange 10Kiwi
2 30Apple 4Orange 1Kiwi
and so on. I have to read this data from file and work on it but i dont know how to retrieve the data. I want to store 1(of 1 apple) as integer and then Apple as a string.
I thought of reading the whole 1Apple as a string. and then doing something with the stoi function.
Or I could read the whole thing character by character and then if the ascii value of that character lies b/w 48 to 57 then i will combine that as an integer and save the rest as string? Which one shall I do? Also how do I check what is the ASCII value of the char. (shall I convert the char to int and then compare, or is there any inbuilt function?)
How about using the fscanf() function if and only if your input pattern is not going to change. Otherwise you should probably use fgets() and perform checks if you want to separate the number from the string such as you suggested.
There is one easy right way to do this with standard C library facilities, one rather more difficult right way, and a whole lot of wrong ways. This is the easy right way:
Read an entire line into a char[] buffer using fgets.
Extract numbers from this line using strtol or strtoul.
It is very important to understand why the easier-looking alternatives (*scanf and atoi) should never be used. You might write less code initially, but once you start thinking about how to handle even slightly malformed input, you will discover that you should have used strtol.
The "rather more difficult right way" is to use lex and yacc. They are much more complicated but also much more powerful. You shouldn't need them for this problem.

Is sscanf considered safe to use?

I have vague memories of suggestions that sscanf was bad. I know it won't overflow buffers if I use the field width specifier, so is my memory just playing tricks with me?
I think it depends on how you're using it: If you're scanning for something like int, it's fine. If you're scanning for a string, it's not (unless there was a width field I'm forgetting?).
It's not always safe for scanning strings.
If your buffer size is a constant, then you can certainly specify it as something like %20s. But if it's not a constant, you need to specify it in the format string, and you'd need to do:
char format[80]; //Make sure this is big enough... kinda painful
sprintf(format, "%%%ds", cchBuffer - 1); //Don't miss the percent signs and - 1!
sscanf(format, input); //Good luck
which is possible but very easy to get wrong, like I did in my previous edit (forgot to take care of the null-terminator). You might even overflow the format string buffer.
The reason why sscanf might be considered bad is because it doesnt require you to specify maximum string width for string arguments, which could result in overflows if the input read from the source string is longer. so the precise answer is: it is safe if you specify widths properly in the format string otherwise not.
Note that as long as your buffers are at least as long as strlen(input_string)+1, there is no way the %s or %[ specifiers can overflow. You can also use field widths in the specifiers if you want to enforce stricter limits, or you can use %*s and %*[ to suppress assignment and instead use %n before and after to get the offsets in the original string, and then use those to read the resulting sub-string in-place from the input string.
Yes it is..if you specify the string width so the are no buffer overflow related problems.
Anyway, like #Mehrdad showed us, there will be possible problems if the buffer size isn't established at compile-time. I suppose that put a limit to the length of a string that can be supplied to sscanf, could eliminate the problem.
All of the scanf functions have fundamental design flaws, only some of which could be fixed. They should not be used in production code.
Numeric conversion has full-on demons-fly-out-of-your-nose undefined behavior if a value overflows the representable range of the variable you're storing the value in. I am not making this up. The C library is allowed to crash your program just because somebody typed too many input digits. Even if it doesn't crash, it's not obliged to do anything sensible. There is no workaround.
As pointed out in several other answers, %s is just as dangerous as the infamous gets. It's possible to avoid this by using either the 'm' modifier, or a field width, but you have to remember to do that for every single text field you want to convert, and you have to wire the field widths into the format string -- you can't pass sizeof(buff) as an argument.
If the input does not exactly match the format string, sscanf doesn't tell you how many characters into the input buffer it got before it gave up. This means the only practical error-recovery policy is to discard the entire input buffer. This can be OK if you are processing a file that's a simple linear array of records of some sort (e.g. with a CSV file, "skip the malformed line and go on to the next one" is a sensible error recovery policy), but if the input has any more structure than that, you're hosed.
In C, parse jobs that aren't complicated enough to justify using lex and yacc are generally best done either with POSIX regexps (regex.h) or with hand-rolled string parsing. The strto* numeric conversion functions do have well-specified and useful behavior on overflow and do tell you how may characters of input they consumed, and string.h has lots of handy functions for hand-rolled parsers (strchr, strcspn, strsep, etc).
There is 2 point to take care.
The output buffer[s].
As mention by others if you specify a size smaller or equals to the output buffer size in the format string you are safe.
The input buffer.
Here you need to make sure that it is a null terminate string or that you will not read more than the input buffer size.
If the input string is not null terminated sscanf may read past the boundary of the buffer and crash if the memorie is not allocated.

Print a number in base 4

Lately I had a task that included printing base-4 representation of a number. Since I didn't find a function to do it for me, I implemented it (which is not so hard of course), but I wonder, is there a way to do it using format placeholders?
I'm not asking how to implement such function, but if such function / format placeholder already exists?
There is no standard C or C++ function, but you may be able to use itoa
The closest you could get to doing it with printf is using snprintf to convert it to hex, then a lookup table to convert hex digits to pairs of base-4 digits. :-)
No, not in the Standard C library.
I think that printf can handle only decimal, hexadecimal and octal values.
So i think no.
