Ext.app.application object is erased after initialization - extjs

I am trying to organize an existing extjs code in a more standard order (extjs wise).
extjs version: extjs-4.0.2a.
I've worked through the Extjs tutorial example and every thing went well.
When I started working on the company's code I've notice there is no use of the application object there for I've added the Ext.application({...}); call.
name: 'FOO',
appFolder: 'appFolderName',
launch: function() {
console.log('application was created');
Upon loading the page I see the console.log output that is included in the "launch" function property - meaning the application object is created but when I look for it ("FOO" object) under the "window" object it is not there. Compering to the tutorial code the application object exist as a property of window.
I encounter a few loading problems but I'm guessing the source of it all is this issue.
What am I doing wrong?

You can define it yourself. Add line FOO.app = this; inside the launch function.
name: 'FOO',
appFolder: 'appFolderName',
launch: function() {
FOO.app = this;
console.log('application was created');


Is there a tool to split Protractor tests into component files?

I'm working on building an extensible automated test suite with Protractor (angularJS/Jasmine framework).
As long as all of my variables and functions and jasmine are in the same file, it runs semi-okay.
But every effort I make to break it into export/require is a nightmare.
Is there a tool that will just find the parts of my test and automatically reformat it and break it into individual files and folders, so that the thing will actually run?
I don´t know a tool for what you want. However if I were you, I would keep working with node's way of sharing files (export/require). Once you understand it, if you keep it clean and tidy, you could grow your app in a "clean" way.
As #MBielski said, Page Objects Model is also helpful when maintaining you test code.
Definition from the Selenium team:
Page Object is a Design Pattern which has become popular in test
automation for enhancing test maintenance and reducing code
duplication. A page object is an object-oriented class that serves as
an interface to a page of your AUT. The tests then use the methods of
this page object class whenever they need to interact with that page
of the UI. The benefit is that if the UI changes for the page, the
tests themselves don’t need to change, only the code within the page
object needs to change. Subsequently all changes to support that new
UI are located in one place.
And now an example without using page objects and then one using it.
describe('angularjs homepage', function() {
it('should greet the named user', function() {
var greeting = element(by.binding('yourName'));
expect(greeting.getText()).toEqual('Hello Julie!');
var AngularHomepage = function() {
var nameInput = element(by.model('yourName'));
var greeting = element(by.binding('yourName'));
this.get = function() {
this.setName = function(name) {
this.getGreeting = function() {
return greeting.getText();
describe('angularjs homepage', function() {
it('should greet the named user', function() {
var angularHomepage = new AngularHomepage();
expect(angularHomepage.getGreeting()).toEqual('Hello Julie!');
You can also define various test suites. Take a look at this config file:
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome'
// Spec patterns are relative to the location of the spec file. They may
// include glob patterns.
suites: {
homepage: 'tests/e2e/homepage/**/*Spec.js',
search: ['tests/e2e/contact_search/**/*Spec.js',
jasmineNodeOpts: {
showColors: true, // Use colors in the command line report.

Set global variables in config with navigator.globalization

I'm trying to set certain titles and strings in my app to a different language upon recognising the locale from a mobile phone.
I'm using a App.utils.Global class to set certain things like the code down here. This doesn't seem to work, my default name stays the same. When I print the config values after I change it it's actually loaded with the changed name. Is the view I'm outputting the name in painted before the globalization plugin is actually done changing things?
How can I prevent the rest of the app to execute things before setting the right global variables upon the device it's localeName? Or is there another way of doing this? I know there are probably better ways to do localisation in Sencha but because I only have a few strings this seemed the easiest solution.
Thanks in advance
Ext.define('App.utils.Global', {
singleton: true,
alias: 'widget.global',
namelabel: 'default name',
constructor: function(config) {
that = this;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile)/)) {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
function (locale) {
if(locale.value == 'en_US'){
that.setNamelabel('ENGLISH NAME');
else if(locale.value == 'nl_NL'){
that.setNamelabel('DUTCH NAME');
function () {
alert('Error getting locale\n');
Rather than having the "deviceready" event handler inside a class constructor, you ought to have that in your app.js file.
Then, inside the "deviceready" event handler, run the Ext.Application() method to start the app construction.

Uncaught NoElError: An 'el' must be specified for a region

I'm trying to use this code for view animation and calling it BaseView:
then extending view like this:
], function (
) {
'use strict';
var LoginView, errorMap;
LoginView = BaseView.extend({
compiledTemplate: Handlebars.compile(loginTemplate),
events: {
'submit #loginForm': 'login'
initialize : function(options){
this.proxyLoginSuccess = options.loginSuccess;
this.errorMap = options.errorMap;
return LoginView;
It is giving me this error: Uncaught NoElError: An 'el' must be specified for a region.
I tried to remove this.ensureEl(); but doesn't make any difference. Appreciate any help.
You seem to be unclear about some Marionette concepts. The code you linked isn't a view, it's a Marionette Region, and is therefore used to show views, not to be extended from as in your code. This is how you would use it (e.g.):
fadeRegion: FadeTransitionRegion.extend({
el: "#some-selector"
Then, you instantiate a view instance and show it:
var myView = new LoginView({
el: "#another-selector"
In any case, your view needs to have an el attribute defined, either in the view definition, or when it gets instantiated (as above).
If you're still confused about the attributes and specifying them in the view definition or at run time, I'd suggest you read the free preview to my Marionette book where it's explained in more detail.

Understanding Backbone architecture base concepts

I'm trying to working with backbone but I'm missing it's base concepts because this is the first JavaScript MVVM Framework I try.
I've taken a look to some guide but I think I still missing how it should be used.
I'll show my app to get some direction:
// Search.js
var Search = {
Models: {},
Collections: {},
Views: {},
Search.Models.Product = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: search.product.defaults || {},
toUrl:function (url) {
// an example method
return url.replace(" ", "-").toLowerCase();
initialize:function () {
console.log("initialize Search.Models.Product");
Search.Views.Product = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
console.log("initialize Search.Views.Product");
render:function (response) {
console.log("render Search.Views.Product");
// do default behavior here
Search.Models.Manufacturer = Backbone.Model.etc...
Search.Views.Manufacturer = Backbone.View.etc...
then in my web application view:
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/underscore.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/backbone/backbone.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/backbone/Search.js"></script>
var search = {};
search.product = {};
search.product.defaults = {
text:"<?php echo __('No result');?>",
image:"<?php echo $this->webroot;?>files/product/default.png"
var ProductModel = new Search.Models.Product();
var ProductView = new Search.Views.Product({
render:function (response) {
// do specific view behavior here if needed
console.log('render ProductView override Search.Views.Product');
function onServerResponse (ajax_data) {
// let's assume there is some callback set for onServerResponse method
I think I missing how Backbone new instances are intended to be used for, I thought with Backbone Search.js I should build the base app like Search.Views.Product and extend it in the view due to the situation with ProductView.
So in my example, with render method, use it with a default behavior in the Search.js and with specific behavior in my html view.
After some try, it seems ProductModel and ProductView are just instances and you have to do all the code in the Search.js without creating specific behaviors.
I understand doing it in this way make everything easiest to be kept up to date, but what if I use this app in different views and relative places?
I'm sure I'm missing the way it should be used.
In this guides there is no code used inside the html view, so should I write all the code in the app without insert specific situations?
If not, how I should write the code for specific situations of the html view?
Is it permitted to override methods of my Backbone application?
Basically, you should think of the different parts like this:
templates indicate what should be displayed and where. They are writtent in HTML
views dictate how the display should react to changes in the environment (user clicks, data changing). They are written in javascript
models and collections hold the data and make it easier to work with. For example, if a model is displayed in a view, you can tell the view to refresh when the model's data changes
then, you have javascript code that will create new instances of views with the proper model/collection and display them in the browser
I'm writing a book on Marionette.js, which is a framework to make working with Backbone easier. The first chapters are available in a free sample, and explain the above points in more detail: http://samples.leanpub.com/marionette-gentle-introduction-sample.pdf

Extjs Load panel content from ajax

I have an Ext.Panel with a listener set to 'afterrender'. The callback function is a small ajax code which checks an url, grabs it's contents and add it to the panel. Problem is, the content does not get insterted. If I use the same insert code right above the ajax call, it works. Here's my callback function:
Not working:
function afterrenderCallback () {
// This does not work
var logPanel = Ext.getCmp('aP_ServerLogs');
url: AP_ROOT_URL + '/index.php?r=server/logs',
success: function (r) {
html: 'dummy html i don\'t care about the response'
function afterrenderCallback () {
// This does work
var logPanel = Ext.getCmp('aP_ServerLogs');
html: 'dummy html i don\'t care about the response'
You might need to call doLayout() on the panel. However check out Ext.Updater:
Panels have this automatically such as:
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
I'd suspect the callback isn't getting called. You could add a failure case with a simple alert call to check it's not going down that path.
However probably better, similar to what #Lloyd said, you should look at the autoLoad config property.
The autoLoad config is what you want, as mentioned. I wanted to add that doing a logPanel.add({...}) just to insert markup is not appropriate, even though it "works". There is no reason to nest a panel within a panel for this. If you are loading HTML content like this you'd preferably do logPanel.body.update('content');.
As #bmoeskau says, the autoLoad config is what we need. It took me quite a while to find the correct syntax though. So here is an example on how to define such a panel with ajax content:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.aP_ServerLogs', {
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
id: 'aP_ServerLogs',
loader: {
url: AP_ROOT_URL + '/index.php?r=server/logs',
autoLoad: true
