How is the value of this variable being modified here - c

OK, I have this benchmark from SPLASH2 which I am using to test a tool which I have created. The benchmark has the following struct.
typedef struct _interact {
struct _interact *next ; /* Next entry of the list */
Element *destination ; /* Partner of the interaction */
float formfactor_out ; /* Form factor from this patch */
float formfactor_err ; /* Error of FF */
float area_ratio ; /* Area(this) / Area(dest) */
float visibility ; /* Visibility (0 - 1.0) */
} Interaction ;
Looking into the code, I found that area_ratio is never used. However, in the end, I see that the value of area_ratio is not 0, as it is in the beginning. So I placed a watchpoint on this variable, and surprisingly gdb pointed me to a code which modifies visibility (the variable just below the area_ratio).
Now my question is why is this happening. How come area_ratio is modified by modifing visibility. What are the possibilties? Any clue? I'm really puzzled. Note that I'm testing my program on a 64-bit machine. Maybe 64 bit has to do something with it, but I don't know!
The code is something like this:
/* Create links and finish the job */
inter = get_interaction(process_id) ;
*inter = i12 ;
inter->visibility = VISIBILITY_UNDEF ; // <---- This is what gdb is pointing to

Ah I got it! Actually what is happening is that i12 is a local variable, which is not initialized to 0 and when we perform *inter = i12;, the area_ratio of i12 is assigned to *inter and since i12's area_ratio is random and not necessarily 0, that value of area_ratio is assigned to *inter.
And by the way, now I've realized that gdb shows the line number of the one below the intended line, so its not pointing to the line inter->visibility = VISIBILITY_UNDEF, but the line *inter = i12;


Address Error ISR

I am trying to run and debug a C program on a dsPIC30f3011 microcontroller. When I run my code in MPLAB, the code always tends to stop at this ISR and I am stuck with absolutely no output for any variables, with my code not even executing. It seems to be some kind of "trap" program that I assume is for catching simple mistakes (i.e. oscillator failures, etc.) I am using MPLabIDE v8.5, with an MPLab ICD3 in debug mode. It's worth mentioning that MPLAB shows that I am connected to both the target(dsPIC) and the ICD3. Can someone please give me a reason as to why this problem is occurring?
Here is the ISR:
void _ISR __attribute__((no_auto_psv))_AddressError(void)
Here is my code with initializations first, then PID use, then the DSP functions,
then the actual DSP header file where the syntax/algorithm is derived. There is also some sort of problem where I define DutyCycle.
#include "dsp.h" //see bottom of program
tPID SPR4535_PID; // Declare a PID Data Structure named, SPR4535_PID, initialize the PID object
/* The SPR4535_PID data structure contains a pointer to derived coefficients in X-space and */
/* pointer to controller state (history) samples in Y-space. So declare variables for the */
/* derived coefficients and the controller history samples */
fractional abcCoefficient[3] __attribute__ ((space(xmemory))); // ABC Coefficients loaded from X memory
fractional controlHistory[3] __attribute__ ((space(ymemory))); // Control History loaded from Y memory
/* The abcCoefficients referenced by the SPR4535_PID data structure */
/* are derived from the gain coefficients, Kp, Ki and Kd */
/* So, declare Kp, Ki and Kd in an array */
fractional kCoeffs[] = {0,0,0};
//////////////////////////////////PID variable use///////////////////////////////
void ControlSpeed(void)
if (timer3avg > 0)
ActualSpeed = SPEEDMULT/timer3avg;
ActualSpeed = 0;
// Just make sure the speed that will be written to the PDC1 register is not greater than the PTPER register
else if (DutyCycle<0)
//////////////////////////////////PID functions//////////////////////////////////
SPR4535_PID.abcCoefficients = &abcCoefficient[0]; //Set up pointer to derived coefficients
SPR4535_PID.controlHistory = &controlHistory[0]; //Set up pointer to controller history samples
PIDInit(&SPR4535_PID); //Clear the controller history and the controller output
kCoeffs[0] = KP; // Sets the K[0] coefficient to the KP
kCoeffs[1] = KI; // Sets the K[1] coefficient to the KI
kCoeffs[2] = KD; // Sets the K[2] coefficient to the Kd
PIDCoeffCalc(&kCoeffs[0], &SPR4535_PID); //Derive the a,b, & c coefficients from the Kp, Ki & Kd
SPR4535_PID.controlReference = DESIRED_SPEED; //Set the Reference Input for your controller
SPR4535_PID.measuredOutput = MEASURED_OUTPUT; // Records the measured output
return SPR4535_PID.controlOutput; // Computes the control output
SPR4535_PID.controlReference = NEW_SPEED; // Changes the control reference to change the desired speed
typedef struct {
fractional* abcCoefficients; /* Pointer to A, B & C coefficients located in X-space */
/* These coefficients are derived from */
/* the PID gain values - Kp, Ki and Kd */
fractional* controlHistory; /* Pointer to 3 delay-line samples located in Y-space */
/* with the first sample being the most recent */
fractional controlOutput; /* PID Controller Output */
fractional measuredOutput; /* Measured Output sample */
fractional controlReference; /* Reference Input sample */
} tPID;
extern void PIDCoeffCalc( /* Derive A, B and C coefficients using PID gain values-Kp, Ki & Kd*/
fractional* kCoeffs, /* pointer to array containing Kp, Ki & Kd in sequence */
tPID* controller /* pointer to PID data structure */
extern void PIDInit ( /* Clear the PID state variables and output sample*/
tPID* controller /* pointer to PID data structure */
extern fractional* PID ( /* PID Controller Function */
tPID* controller /* Pointer to PID controller data structure */
The dsPIC traps don't offer much information free of charge, so I tend to augment the ISRs with a little assembly language pre-prologue. (Note that the Stack Error trap is a little ropey, as it uses RCALL and RETURN instructions when the stack is already out of order.)
* \file trap.s
* \brief Used to provide a little more information during development.
* The trapPreprologue function is called on entry to each of the routines
* defined in traps.c. It looks up the stack to find the value of the IP
* when the trap occurred and stores it in the _errAddress memory location.
.global __errAddress
.global __intCon1
.global _trapPreprologue
.section .bss
__errAddress: .space 4
__intCon1: .space 2
.section .text
; Disable maskable interrupts and save primary regs to shadow regs
bclr INTCON2, #15 ;global interrupt disable
push.s ;Switch to shadow registers
; Retrieve the ISR return address from the stack into w0:w1
sub w15, #4, w2 ;set W2 to the ISR.PC (SP = ToS-4)
mov [--w2], w0 ;get the ISR return address LSW (ToS-6) in w0
bclr w0, #0x0 ;mask out SFA bit (w0<0>)
mov [--w2], w1 ;get the ISR return address MSW (ToS-8) in w1
bclr w1, #0x7 ;mask out IPL<3> bit (w1<7>)
ze w1, w1 ;mask out SR<7:0> bits (w1<15..8>)
; Save it
mov #__errAddress, w2 ;Move address of __errAddress into w2
mov.d w0, [w2] ;save the ISR return address to __errAddress
; Copy the content of the INTCON1 SFR into memory
mov #__intCon1, w2 ;Move address of __intCon1 into w2
mov INTCON1, WREG ;Read the trap flags into w0 (WREG)
mov w0, [w2] ;save the trap flags to __intCon1
; Return to the 'C' handler
pop.s ;Switch back to primary registers
Then I keep all the trap ISRs in a single traps.c file that uses the pre-prologue in traps.s. Note that the actual traps may be different for your microcontroller - check the data sheet to see which are implemented.
* \file traps.c
* \brief Micro-controller exception interrupt vectors.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "traps.h" // Internal interface to the micro trap handling.
/* Access to immediate call stack. Implementation in trap.s */
extern volatile unsigned long _errAddress;
extern volatile unsigned int _intCon1;
extern void trapPreprologue(void);
/* Trap information, set by the traps that use them. */
static unsigned int _intCon2;
static unsigned int _intCon3;
static unsigned int _intCon4;
/* Protected functions exposed by traps.h */
void trapsInitialise(void)
_errAddress = 0;
_intCon1 = 0;
_intCon2 = 0;
_intCon3 = 0;
_intCon4 = 0;
/* Trap Handling */
// The trap routines call the _trapPreprologue assembly routine in traps.s
// to obtain the value of the PC when the trap occurred and store it in
// the _errAddress variable. They reset the interrupt source in the CPU's
// INTCON SFR and invoke the (#defined) vThrow macro to report the fault.
void __attribute__((interrupt(preprologue("rcall _trapPreprologue")),no_auto_psv)) _OscillatorFail(void)
INTCON1bits.OSCFAIL = 0; /* Clear the trap flag */
vThrow(_intCon1, _intCon2, _intCon3, _intCon4, _errAddress);
void __attribute__((interrupt(preprologue("rcall _trapPreprologue")),no_auto_psv)) _StackError(void)
INTCON1bits.STKERR = 0; /* Clear the trap flag */
vThrow(_intCon1, _intCon2, _intCon3, _intCon4, _errAddress);
void __attribute__((interrupt(preprologue("rcall _trapPreprologue")),no_auto_psv)) _AddressError(void)
INTCON1bits.ADDRERR = 0; /* Clear the trap flag */
vThrow(_intCon1, _intCon2, _intCon3, _intCon4, _errAddress);
void __attribute__((interrupt(preprologue("rcall _trapPreprologue")),no_auto_psv)) _MathError(void)
INTCON1bits.MATHERR = 0; /* Clear the trap flag */
vThrow(_intCon1, _intCon2, _intCon3, _intCon4, _errAddress);
void __attribute__((interrupt(preprologue("rcall _trapPreprologue")),no_auto_psv)) _DMACError(void)
INTCON1bits.DMACERR = 0; /* Clear the trap flag */
vThrow(_intCon1, _intCon2, _intCon3, _intCon4, _errAddress);
void __attribute__((interrupt(preprologue("rcall _trapPreprologue")),no_auto_psv)) _HardTrapError(void)
_intCon4 = INTCON4;
INTCON4 = 0; // Clear the hard trap register
_intCon2 = INTCON2;
INTCON2bits.SWTRAP = 0; // Make sure the software hard trap bit is clear
vThrow(_intCon1, _intCon2, _intCon3, _intCon4, _errAddress);
void __attribute__((interrupt(preprologue("rcall _trapPreprologue")),no_auto_psv)) _SoftTrapError(void)
_intCon3 = INTCON3;
INTCON3 = 0; // Clear the soft trap register
vThrow(_intCon1, _intCon2, _intCon3, _intCon4, _errAddress);
Implementation of the vThrow macro is up to you. However, it should not use the stack, as this may be unavailable (so no puts() debug calls!) During development, it would be reasonable to use a simple endless loop with a NOP statement in it that you can breakpoint on.
(In a production build, my vThrow macro logs the parameters into a reserved area of RAM that is excluded from being zeroed at start-up by the linker script, and resets the microcontroller. During start-up the program inspects the reserved area and if it is non-zero records the error event for diagnostics.)
Once you get a trap, inspecting the content of the _errAddress variable will give you the return address for the ISR, which is the address immediately following the instruction that generated the interrupt. You can then inspect your MAP files to find the routine and, if you're really keen, inspect the disassembly to find the specific instruction. After that, debugging it is up to you.
As suggested in the comments, the while(1) statement is where your code is getting hung. Note however, that your code is executing - you're just in an infinite loop. That's also why you can't view your variables or current program counter. Generally when you're attached to a ucontroller via PC host, you can't view state information while the ucontroller is executing. Everything is running too fast, even on a slow one, to constantly update your screen.
To try to identify the cause, you can set a breakpoint in the ISR and reset the controller. When the breakpoint is hit, execution will halt, and you may be able to investigate your stack frames to see the last line of code executed before the ISR was triggered. This is not guaranteed though - depending on how your particular ucontroller handles interrupts, the call stack may not be continuous between normal program execution and the interrupt context.
If that doesn't work, set a breakpoint in your code before the ISR is invoked, and step through your code until it is. The last line of code you executed before the ISR will be the cause. Keep in mind, this may take some time, especially if the offending line is in the loop and only trips the ISR after a certain number of iterations.
After posting this answer, I noticed your last comment about the linkscript warning. This is a perfect example of why you should, with very few exceptions, work just as hard to resolve warnings as you do to resolve compiler errors. Especially if you don't understand what the warning means and what caused it.
A PID algorithm involves multiplication. On a dspic, this is done via the built in hardware multiplier. This multiplier has one register which must point to xmemory space and another pointing to ymemory space. The dsp core then multiplies these two and the result can be found in the accumulator (there a two of them).
An addres error trap will be triggered if an xmemory address range is loaded into the ymemory register and viceversa. You can check this by single stepping the code in the assembly.
This is not the only instance the trap is triggered. There are also silicon bugs that can cause this, check the errata.

RAM test steps through, but fails when running

The project I'm working on has to test the data memory of a dsPIC30F chip before the program runs. Due to industry requirements, we cannot utilize any pre-defined libraries that C has to offer. That being said, here is my methodology for testing the RAM:
Step 1 - Write the word 0xAAAA to a specific location in memory (defined by a LoopIndex added to the START_OF_RAM address)
Step 2 - increment LoopIndex
Step 3 - Repeat Steps 1-2 until LoopIndex + START_OF_RAM >= END_OF_RAM
Step 4 - Reset LoopIndex = 0
Step 5 - Read memory at LoopIndex+START_OF_RAM
Step 6 - If memory = 0xAAAA, continue, else throw RAM_FAULT_HANDLER
Step 7 - increment LoopIndex
Step 8 - Repeat Step 5 - 7 until LoopIndex + START_OF_RAM >= END_OF_RAM
Now, the weird part is that I can step through the code, no problem. It will slowly loop through each memory address for as long as my little finger can press F8, but as soon as I try to set up a breakpoint at Step 4, it throws a random, generic interrupt handler for no apparent reason. I've thought that it could be due to the fact that the for() I use may exceed END_OF_RAM, but I've changed the bounds of the conditions and it still doesn't like to run.
Any insight would be helpful.
void PerformRAMTest()
// Locals
uint32_t LoopIndex = 0;
uint16_t *AddressUnderTest;
uint32_t RAMvar = 0;
uint16_t i = 0;
// Loop through RAM and write the first pattern (0xAA) - from the beginning to the first RESERVED block
for(LoopIndex = 0x0000; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex+= 2)
AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
*AddressUnderTest = 0xAAAA;
}// end for
for(LoopIndex = 0x0000; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex += 2)
AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
if(*AddressUnderTest != 0xAAAA)
// If what was read does not equal what was written, log the
// RAM fault in NVM and call the RAMFaultHandler()
}// end if
// Loop through RAM and write then verify the second pattern (0x55)
// - from the beginning to the first RESERVED block
// for(LoopIndex = C_RAM_START_ADDRESS; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex++)
// {
// AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
// *AddressUnderTest = 0x5555;
// if(*AddressUnderTest != 0x5555)
// {
// // If what was read does not equal what was written, log the
// // RAM fault in NVM and call the RAMFaultHandler()
// RAMFaultHandler();
// }
// }
}// end PerformRAMTest
You can see that the second pass of the test writes 0x55. This was the original implementation that was given to me, but it never worked (at least as far as debugging/running; the same random interrupt was encountered with this method of writing then immediately reading the same address before moving on)
UPDATE: After a few Clean&Builds, the code will now run through until it hits the stack pointer (WREG15), skip over, then errors out. Here is a new sample of the code in question:
if(AddressUnderTest >= &SPLIMIT && AddressUnderTest <= SPLIMIT)
// if true, set the Loop Index to point to the end of the stack
LoopIndex = (uint16_t)SPLIMIT;
else if(AddressUnderTest == &SPLIMIT) // checkint to see if AddressUnderTest points directly to the stack [This works while the previous >= &SPLIMIT does not. It will increment into the stack, update, THEN say "oops, I just hit the stack" and error out.]
LoopIndex = &SPLIMIT;
*AddressUnderTest = 0xAAAA;
I think you actually want (C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex) < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS as your loop condition. Currently, you are looping from C_RAM_START_ADDRESS to C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + C_RAM_END_ADDRESS which I assume is writing past the end of the RAM.
You also should really factor out the repeated code into a separate function that takes the test pattern as a parameter (DRY).
Okay, so there are a number of things that we can look at to get a better understanding of where your problem may be. There are some things that I would like to point out - and hopefully we can figure this out together. The first thing that I noticed that seems a little out of place is this comment:
" RAM goes to 0x17FFE..."
I looked up the data sheet for the dsPIC30F6012A . You can see in Figure 3-8 (pg. 33), that the SRAM space is 8K and runs from 0x0800 to 0x2800. Also, there is this little tidbit:
"All effective addresses are 16 bits wide and point to bytes within the data space"
So, you can use 16 bit values for your addresses. I am a little confused by your update as well. SPLIM is a register that you set the value for - and that value limits the size of your stack. I'm not sure what the value for your SPLIMIT is, but W15 is your actual stack pointer register, and the value that is stored there is the address to the top of your stack:
"There is a Stack Pointer Limit register (SPLIM) associated
with the Stack Pointer. SPLIM is uninitialized at
Reset. As is the case for the Stack Pointer, SPLIM<0>
is forced to ‘0’ because all stack operations must be
word aligned. Whenever an Effective Address (EA) is
generated using W15 as a source or destination
pointer, the address thus generated is compared with
the value in SPLIM. If the contents of the Stack Pointer
(W15) and the SPLIM register are equal and a push
operation is performed, a Stack Error Trap will not
Finally, the stack grows from the lowest available SRAM address value up to SPLIM. So I would propose setting the SPLIM value to something reasonable, let's say 512 bytes (although it would be best to test how much room you need for your stack).
Since this particular stack grows upwards, I would start at 0x0800 plus what we added for the stack limit and then test from there (which would be 0x1000). This way you won't have to worry about your stack region.
Given the above, here is how I would go about doing this.
void PerformRAMTest (void)
#define SRAM_START_ADDRESS 0x0800
/* Stack size = 512 bytes. Assign STACK_LIMIT
to SPLIM register during configuration. */
#define STACK_SIZE 0x0200
/* -2, see pg 35 of dsPIC30F6012A datasheet. */
#define SRAM_BEGIN_TEST_ADDRESS ((volatile uint16_t *)(STACK_LIMIT + 2))
#define SRAM_END_TEST_ADDRESS 0x2800
/* No need for 32 bit address values on this platform */
volatile uint16_t * AddressUnderTest = SRAM_BEGIN_TEST_ADDRESS
/* Write to memory */
while (AddressUnderTest < SRAM_END_TEST_ADDRESS)
*AddressUnderTest = TEST_VALUE;
/* Read from memory */
while (AddressUnderTest < SRAM_END_TEST_ADDRESS)
if (*AddressUnderTest != TEST_VALUE)
My code was a bit rushed so I am sure there are probably some errors (feel free to edit), but hopefully this will help get you on the right track!

Buffer overflow in C

I'm attempting to write a simple buffer overflow using C on Mac OS X 10.6 64-bit. Here's the concept:
void function() {
char buffer[64];
buffer[offset] += 7; // i'm not sure how large offset needs to be, or if
// 7 is correct.
int main() {
int x = 0;
x += 1;
printf("%d\n", x); // the idea is to modify the return address so that
// the x += 1 expression is not executed and 0 gets
// printed
return 0;
Here's part of main's assembler dump:
0x0000000100000ebe <main+30>: callq 0x100000e30 <function>
0x0000000100000ec3 <main+35>: movl $0x1,-0x8(%rbp)
0x0000000100000eca <main+42>: mov -0x8(%rbp),%esi
0x0000000100000ecd <main+45>: xor %al,%al
0x0000000100000ecf <main+47>: lea 0x56(%rip),%rdi # 0x100000f2c
0x0000000100000ed6 <main+54>: callq 0x100000ef4 <dyld_stub_printf>
I want to jump over the movl instruction, which would mean I'd need to increment the return address by 42 - 35 = 7 (correct?). Now I need to know where the return address is stored so I can calculate the correct offset.
I have tried searching for the correct value manually, but either 1 gets printed or I get abort trap – is there maybe some kind of buffer overflow protection going on?
Using an offset of 88 works on my machine. I used Nemo's approach of finding out the return address.
This 32-bit example illustrates how you can figure it out, see below for 64-bit:
#include <stdio.h>
void function() {
char buffer[64];
char *p;
asm("lea 4(%%ebp),%0" : "=r" (p)); // loads address of return address
printf("%d\n", p - buffer); // computes offset
buffer[p - buffer] += 9; // 9 from disassembling main
int main() {
volatile int x = 7;
printf("x = %d\n", x); // prints 7, not 8
On my system the offset is 76. That's the 64 bytes of the buffer (remember, the stack grows down, so the start of the buffer is far from the return address) plus whatever other detritus is in between.
Obviously if you are attacking an existing program you can't expect it to compute the answer for you, but I think this illustrates the principle.
(Also, we are lucky that +9 does not carry out into another byte. Otherwise the single byte increment would not set the return address how we expected. This example may break if you get unlucky with the return address within main)
I overlooked the 64-bitness of the original question somehow. The equivalent for x86-64 is 8(%rbp) because pointers are 8 bytes long. In that case my test build happens to produce an offset of 104. In the code above substitute 8(%%rbp) using the double %% to get a single % in the output assembly. This is described in this ABI document. Search for 8(%rbp).
There is a complaint in the comments that 4(%ebp) is just as magic as 76 or any other arbitrary number. In fact the meaning of the register %ebp (also called the "frame pointer") and its relationship to the location of the return address on the stack is standardized. One illustration I quickly Googled is here. That article uses the terminology "base pointer". If you wanted to exploit buffer overflows on other architectures it would require similarly detailed knowledge of the calling conventions of that CPU.
Roddy is right that you need to operate on pointer-sized values.
I would start by reading values in your exploit function (and printing them) rather than writing them. As you crawl past the end of your array, you should start to see values from the stack. Before long you should find the return address and be able to line it up with your disassembler dump.
Disassemble function() and see what it looks like.
Offset needs to be negative positive, maybe 64+8, as it's a 64-bit address. Also, you should do the '+7' on a pointer-sized object, not on a char. Otherwise if the two addresses cross a 256-byte boundary you will have exploited your exploit....
You might try running your code in a debugger, stepping each assembly line at a time, and examining the stack's memory space as well as registers.
I always like to operate on nice data types, like this one:
struct stackframe {
char *sf_bp;
char *sf_return_address;
void function() {
/* the following code is dirty. */
char *dummy;
dummy = (char *)&dummy;
struct stackframe *stackframe = dummy + 24; /* try multiples of 4 here. */
/* here starts the beautiful code. */
stackframe->sf_return_address += 7;
Using this code, you can easily check with the debugger whether the value in stackframe->sf_return_address matches your expectations.

Intermittent bugs - sometimes this code works and sometimes it doesn't!

This code intermittently works. It's running on a small microcontroller. It will work fine even after restarting the processor, but if I change some part of the code, it breaks. This makes me think that it's some kind of pointer bug or memory corruption. What's happening is the coordinate, p_res.pos.x is sometimes read as 0 (the incorrect value) and 96 (the correct value) when it is passed to write_circle_outlined. y seems to be correct most of the time. If anyone can spot anything obviously wrong please point it out!
int demo_game()
long int d;
int x, y;
struct WorldCamera p_viewer;
struct Point3D_LLA p_subj;
struct Point2D_CalcRes p_res;
p_viewer.hfov = 27;
p_viewer.vfov = 32;
p_viewer.width = 192;
p_viewer.height = 128; = 51.26f;
p_viewer.p.lon = -1.0862f;
p_viewer.p.alt = 100.0f; = 51.20f;
p_subj.lon = -1.0862f;
p_subj.alt = 100.0f;
fill_buffer(draw_buffer_mask, 0x0000);
fill_buffer(draw_buffer_level, 0xffff);
compute_3d_transform(&p_viewer, &p_subj, &p_res, 10000.0f);
x = p_res.pos.x;
y = p_res.pos.y;
write_circle_outlined(x, y, 1.0f / p_res.est_dist, 0, 0, 0, 1); -= 0.0001f;
//p_viewer.p.alt -= 0.00001f;
d = 20000;
return 1;
The code for compute_3d_transform is:
void compute_3d_transform(struct WorldCamera *p_viewer, struct Point3D_LLA *p_subj, struct Point2D_CalcRes *res, float cliph)
// Estimate the distance to the waypoint. This isn't intended to replace
// proper lat/lon distance algorithms, but provides a general indication
// of how far away our subject is from the camera. It works accurately for
// short distances of less than 1km, but doesn't give distances in any
// meaningful unit (lat/lon distance?)
res->est_dist = hypot2(p_viewer-> - p_subj->lat, p_viewer->p.lon - p_subj->lon);
// Save precious cycles if outside of visible world.
if(res->est_dist > cliph)
goto quick_exit;
// Compute the horizontal angle to the point.
// atan2(y,x) so atan2(lon,lat) and not atan2(lat,lon)!
res->h_angle = RAD2DEG(angle_dist(atan2(p_viewer->p.lon - p_subj->lon, p_viewer-> - p_subj->lat), p_viewer->yaw));
res->small_dist = res->est_dist * 0.0025f; // by trial and error this works well.
// Using the estimated distance and altitude delta we can calculate
// the vertical angle.
res->v_angle = RAD2DEG(atan2(p_viewer->p.alt - p_subj->alt, res->est_dist));
// Normalize the results to fit in the field of view of the camera if
// the point is visible. If they are outside of (0,hfov] or (0,vfov]
// then the point is not visible.
res->h_angle += p_viewer->hfov / 2;
res->v_angle += p_viewer->vfov / 2;
// Set flags.
if(res->h_angle < 0 || res->h_angle > p_viewer->hfov)
res->flags |= X_OVER;
if(res->v_angle < 0 || res->v_angle > p_viewer->vfov)
res->flags |= Y_OVER;
res->pos.x = (res->h_angle / p_viewer->hfov) * p_viewer->width;
res->pos.y = (res->v_angle / p_viewer->vfov) * p_viewer->height;
res->flags |= X_OVER | Y_OVER;
Structure for the results:
typedef struct Point2D_Pixel { unsigned int x, y; };
// Structure for storing calculated results (from camera transforms.)
typedef struct Point2D_CalcRes
struct Point2D_Pixel pos;
float h_angle, v_angle, est_dist, small_dist;
int flags;
The code is part of an open source project of mine so it's okay to post a lot of code here.
I see some of your calculation depends on p_viewer->yaw, but I do not see any intialization for p_viewer->yaw. Is this your problem?
A couple of things that seem sketchy:
You can return from compute_3d_transform without setting many of the fields in p_res/res but the caller never checks for this situation.
You consistently read from res->flags without initializing it first.
Whenever the output differs, it possibly means some value is not initialized and the outcome depends on the garbage value present in a variable. Keeping that in mind, I looked for uninitialized variables. the structure p_res is not initialized.
if(res->est_dist > cliph)
goto quick_exit;
that means if condition may turn out to be true or false depending on what garbage value is stored in res->est_dist. When if condition turns out to true, it goes straight to quick_exit label and doesn't update p_res.pos.x. If condition turned out to be false then its updated.
When I used to program C, I would use a divide and conquer debugging technique for this kind of problem to try to isolate the offending operation (paying attention to whether the symptoms change as debugging code is added, which is indicative of dangling pointer type bugs).
Essentially, start with the first line where the value is known to be good (and prove that it is consistently good at that line). Then identify where is it known to be bad. Then approx. halfway between the two points insert a test to see if it's bad. If not, then insert a test halfway between the mid-point and the known bad location, if it is bad then insert a test halfway between the mid-point and the known good location, and so on.
If the line identified is itself a function call, this process can be repeated in that called function, and so on.
When using this kind of approach, it's important to minimize the amount of added code and the artificial "noise", which can create timing changes.
Use this if you don't have (or can't use) an interactive debugger, or if the problem does not manifest when using one.

Utilizing the LDT (Local Descriptor Table)

I am trying to do some experiments using different segments besides the default code and data user and kernel segments. I hope to achieve this through use of the local descriptor table and the modify_ldt system call. Through the system call I have created a new entry in LDT which is a segment descriptor with a base address of a global variable I want to "isolate" and a limit of 4 bytes.
I try to load the data segment register with the segment selector of my custom LDT entry through inline assembly in a C program, but when I try to access the variable I receive a segmentation fault.
My suspicion is that there is an issue with the offset of my global variable, and when the address is calculated, it exceeds the limit of my custom segment therefore causing a seg fault.
Does anyone know of a work around to this situation?
Oh, by the way, this is on an x86 architecture in Linux. This is my first time asking a question like this on a forum, so if there is any other information that could prove to be useful, please let me know.
Thank you in advance.
Edit: I realized that I probably should include the source code :)
struct user_desc* table_entry_ptr = NULL;
/* Allocates memory for a user_desc struct */
table_entry_ptr = (struct user_desc*)malloc(sizeof(struct user_desc));
/* Fills the user_desc struct which represents the segment for mx */
table_entry_ptr->entry_number = 0;
table_entry_ptr->base_addr = ((unsigned long)&mx);
table_entry_ptr->limit = 0x4;
table_entry_ptr->seg_32bit = 0x1;
table_entry_ptr->contents = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->read_exec_only = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->limit_in_pages = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->seg_not_present = 0x0;
table_entry_ptr->useable = 0x1;
/* Writes a user_desc struct to the ldt */
num_bytes = syscall( __NR_modify_ldt,
sizeof(struct user_desc)
asm("pushl %eax");
asm("movl $0x7, %eax"); /* 0111: 0-Index 1-Using the LDT table 11-RPL of 3 */
asm("movl %eax, %ds");
asm("popl %eax");
mx = 0x407CAFE;
The seg fault occurs at that last instruction.
I can only guess, since I don't have the assembly available to me.
I'm guessing that the line at which you get a segfault is compiled to something like:
mov ds:[offset mx], 0x407cafe
Where offset mx is the offset to mx in the program's data segment (if it's a static variable) or in the stack (if it's an automatic variable). Either way, this offset is calculated at compile time, and that's what will be used regardless of what DS points to.
Now what you've done here is create a new segment whose base is at the address of mx and whose limit is either 0x4 or 0x4fff (depending on the G-bit which you didn't specify).
If the G-bit is 0, then the limit is 0x4, and since it's highly unlikely that mx is located between addresses 0x0 and 0x4 of the original DS, when you access the offset to mx inside the new segment you're crossing the limit.
If the G-bit is 1, then the limit is 0x4fff. Now you'll get a segfault only if the original mx was located above 0x4fff.
Considering that the new segment's base is at mx, you can access mx by doing:
mov ds:[0], 0x407cafe
I don't know how I'd go about writing that in C, though.
