I need advice on how to design/implement this custom panel - wpf

I've written a custom panel which displays its children docked either vertically or horizontally, separated by moving splitters in between. Since the Grid panel offers much of this functionality out-of-the-box, I just inherited from it.
To create the layout, upon Loaded is fired I do the following:
1) Read how many children it has and create the appropiate number of rows/colums.
2) Position every existing children in the corresponding row/colum.
3) Create, position and add a GridSplitter for every child.
This approach looks and works fine, but it opens the door to a lot of problems:
Since it's added a GridSplitter for each child, there are twice the number of expected children. If someone added 3 elements to it, Children.Count would return 6.
User could insert/remove things at the wrong place.
It just throws an exception when this Grid is used as the ItemsPanel for an ItemsControl, since in this case WPF (not Silverlight) does not allow direct children manipulation.
These 3 cases are the ones I've already tested, but I'm pretty sure a lot more would arise depending on what the user does with it.
As it turns out, this class must be regarded as 'implementation details', so the real question is, what control should I put in front of the user?
It sounds like it should be a Panel, but I can't control the Children property since it's not virtual, and there's also the ItemsControl which I think could be a good candidate, but I really don't know.
I'd much appreciate any kind of advice or some directions to do this the right way.
Thanks in advance.

You see using just grid you leave yourself with an imperative way of adding items only. As in
myCustomGrid1.AddMyItem(***), Grids simply don't have ItemsSource property. ItemsControls do - so if you need support for declarative items sources i.e. myControl.ItemsSource = {Binding ...} you're going to derive your control from ItemsControl. This is not a two liner - making your ItemsPanel Children writable is a big challange - there's no simple way of doing that.
This is all about a small thing overlooked during the Grid's design - splitters shouldn't have been added to Children collection, as Children are visulaizations of your BOs while spliiters are just formatting elements.
Here's what I would do.
Forget about ItemsSource & items altogether - it's aint worht the hassle. The only way to add/remove items to your control will be AddResiazableItem/RemoveResizbleItem. Calls will add items and splitter (for the middle items), extend the number of rows/cols of your grid depeneding on its orientation, set Grid.Row/Grid.Column attached properties for your visual children. You can keep your actual objects internally to support Orientation change.
If at any stage you'll want to bind your control to IEnumerable source - just create an attached behavior, which will iterate through the items and call AddResiazableItem within a loop.
P.S. To moderators - the editor seems to get broken, lads. I cant see the second item.
P.S.S. Got it fixed after a few tries.


Switch WPF UI controls dynamically

I need to develop a simple WPF application. In the UI window, There are Labels and Text Blocks towards the left and Buttons towards the right.
Figure 1
Based on a config setting (whether the user is left-handed or right-handed) I need to switch the controls, Buttons towards the left and Labels and Text Blocks towards the right.
Figure 2
Can you please recommend a good way to address this requirement?
Depends what the scope of the app is likely to be.
2 alternatives:
I think it likely as an app grows that there will be more than just buttons.
I would probably build a usercontrol which encapsulates this behaviour for a label and control. The usercontrol uses a static to decide where the textblocks are positioned but would look something like the row edit control in this:
Which is a usercontrol has a contentpresenter in it so you can put any control you like ( such as a button ) "in" it and set a dependency property for the label.
Define 2 contentcontrol templates similar to the one used in this:
Put them in separate resource dictionaries and give them the same key.
Merge into application.current.resources the appropriate resource dictionary and hence style.
Seeing as this is an app setting, this is presumably a start up thing. People don't just change their "handedness" dynamically. So you could probably use these as staticresource. If they're realistically going to change at run time then I think this would be a bit more involved because you'd need to force re render of a view.
2 Templates are probably the right and stylish solution here as #RajN said.
Also you can define a grid with 2 columns and switch the property 'Grid.Column' of each controls accordingly
Maybe not the best way, but I managed to achieve this using a grid as per your suggestions. Thank you all for your valuable feedback.
I switched the columns and changed the widths accordingly.
if (AppSettings.IsLeft)
parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(400, GridUnitType.Pixel);
parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[1].Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);

How to handle removal of a related group of WPF UI Elements

I'm interested in what is the best way to implement the removal of related set of UI elements.
This is what I'm working on: I have a Grid embedded within a verticle Scrollviewer. The user can add multiple Listboxes to this Grid during runtime via a button click. Each ListBox, when added, will also result in the addition of the correct number of Grid Rowdefinitions and a Gridsplitter to allow the resizing of each Listbox. This parts works fine.
The trick is this -- the user also has the option of closing a Listbox. When they do this, I will need to remove the corresponding Rowdefinitions and Gridsplitter that "belongs" to the closing Listbox.
Via iteration through Grid.Children and Grid.Rowdefinitions, I could somewhat easily figure out which Rowdefinitions and Gridsplitters to remove. But I'm wondering if there is a better way to handle this. Perhaps by grouping these elements together in a collection and simply removing this collection in one fell swoop? No idea how to do this, though.
Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I'm not aware of an obvious or simple way to associate them within the visual/logical tree, but you could certainly use an associative array (Dictionary<T, U>) that's keyed off of the element you're removing with the contents as the other items that need to be removed.
I think this is essentially what you described.
Anything more clever wouldn't be worth the additional complexity, I think, unless you had a specific need for it. :)

WPF CustomControl design advice

I need to develope a WPF custom control to show the layout and connectivity of nodes in a wireless mesh network. The user needs to be able to drag the nodes around. The canvas should grown and Scrollbars should appear as required if elements get draged off the available space. The ability to zoom in/out might be required.
My first take on this is to use a ListBox derived CustomControl with a Canvas based ItemsPanelTemplate. To get things moving Im using Josh Smiths DragCanvas that allows UIElements children of the canvas to be dragged around. My "node" class is not currently UIElement derived (the DragCanvas is currently working with the ListBoxItems that wrap my nodes).
1. Is this a bacially sensible approach or should I be abonding the ListBox idea and going something lower level?
2. I have to overlay the inter node link lines - not currently sure how to go about this (as a UIElement class that is part of the ControlTemplate?)
3. A few people seem to be having a headache with scrolbars in Canvases - is this going to be an issue?
Any general or specific advice most appreciated.
Wow, not bad as a control!
I am doing something similar, but it is not so simple.
1) IMHO, the DragCanvas is a basic way to host+drag elements. Since you will have to host labels (nodes), arcs and labels again (arcs' weight), I think the DragCanvas would be harder than write a custom control by yourself.
Not everything comes easy with templating: sometime is much better the "old" approach winforms-like, or even a hybrid way.
2) As stated, I'd create a Canvas-derived panel, which will host several UIElements (labels, arcs, etc). All of them should be governed by a model+viewmodel. That's a bit harder at the beginning, but it will give you a lot of satisfaction and flexibility in the future.
3) I don't think the Canvas will give you any headache! A Canvas full of elements has always a size of zero. That leads "headaches" for those trying to add a scrollviewer.
Instead, the Canvas-derived class (above) should override the MeasureOverride method, so that its size will fit any of the hosted objects. However, it is a bit annoying the fact you cannot use negative coordinates (it will cause scrolling problems).
It's hard to describe in few lines all the work behind a similar "editor". The task isn't easy, and the problems are many.
Hope it helps, anyway.

Tweak WPF application performance which hosts hundreds of similar controls

We just ported our WinForms application to WPF.
However, performance decreased dramatically.
We have a User Interface which consists of about 200 UserControl.
Each UserControl is defined by a DataGrid (= 10 columns and 3-15 rows) as well as a Panel which hosts about 10 Buttons.
They are all hosted in a ScrollViewer.
(Please don't recommend to change the UI. I don't have any influence on that. The customer wants to be able to scroll to any of those UserControls.)
Since we ported the whole application to WPF the startup time increased by 100%. Using WinForms we experienced startup times of 15sec whereas now, we are struggeling with 30s.
Do you have any recommandations or ideas how to improve the loading time of a UI which consists of identical UserControl where simply each UserControl is bound to a different ViewModel? (Maybe some fast cloning of the UserControl instances or sth similar?)
I am using static Resources whereever possible.
I avoid Grids and Auto Sizing whereever possible.
Hope someone can share some thoughts on that one.
First find out what is responsible for the time.
Maybe it's the controls, and maybe not. Often it's data structure.
I use the random-pause method.
My final solution is a custom Virtual Panel which supports items of dynamic height.
See http://rhnatiuk.wordpress.com/2006/12/13/implementing-a-virtualized-panel-in-wpf/ on how to create virtual panels.
My UserControls support two states:
- Initial
- Loaded
When the application is in idle the virtual Panel asks the Controls to change to the "Loaded" state. This loads the expensive UserControl.
Like that everything is lazy loaded and as soon as the user stops scrolling the visible items are loaded.
Maybe that helps others that are in the same sitaution.
Try only to create the controls which are visible at the time, use lazy loading.
Maybe SnapsToDevicePixels=true can also help a little bit.
Guys, I thought about the following implementation. If anyone has concerns please let me know:
I will implement my own virtualizing "StackPanel" which supports smooth scrolling.
For the moment we assume that the height of my UserControls is fixed. One page could possibly hold 5 UserControls.
I will then go ahead and cache the preceding as well as the proceeding page:
In memory I will always hold 15 UserControls.
The content of the ScrollViewer is a Canvas.
Locations of my UserControls are adjusted by setting Canvas.Top.
Let's say the current situation is the following:
User has scrolled to page 2.
That means UserControl 5-9 is visible. Now the user scrolls down.
As soon as UserControl 5 becomes invisible I take the UC of the top (in this case UserControl 0), change its ViewModel and adjust its Canvas.Top so that it now is the Control which is at the End of the ControlCollection.
If the user scrolls any further I take UC 1, change its ViewModel and adjust its Canvas.Top.
And so on.
Furthermore I will set Canvas.Height manually so that the ScrollViewer represents the ScrollBars in a correct way.
I hope my explanation is understandable :)
What do you think?
I remember reading something about how each instance of a UserControl loads the resource dictionary. So if you have as many of these as you describe it can take a while to load those.
Unfortunately I can't find the link I remember, but here is one that might help:
Another thing to try is to not use UserControls and instead use a DataTemplate to build your datagrids and buttons. Or make a custom control template for the datagrid that includes the buttons. Either one might be faster.
Hope this helps.

Silverlight - how to render image from non-visible data bound user control?

I have such situation - I'd like to build timeline control. So I have UserControl and ItemsControl on it (every row represents some person). The ItemsControl contains another ItemsControl as ItemsControl.ItemTemplate - it shows e.g. events for the person arranged by event's date.
So it looks as some kind of grid with dates as a column headers and e.g. peoples as row headers.
Adam Smith....|......[some event#1].....[some event#2]......
John Dow.......|...[some event#3].....[some event#4].........
I can have a lot of persons (ItemsControl #1 - 100-200 items) and a lot of events occured by some day (1-10-30 events per person in one day)
the problem is that when user scrolls ItemsControl #1/#2 it happened toooo sloooooowwww due to a lot of elements should be rendered in one time (as I have e.g. a bit of text boxes and other elements in description of particular event)
Question #1 - how can I improve it? May be somebody knows better way to build such user control? I have to mention that I'm using custom Virtual panel, based on some custom Virtual panel implementation found somewhere in internet...
Question #2 - I'd like to make image with help of WriteableBitmap and render data bound control to image and to show image instead of a lot of elements. Problem is that I'm trying to render invisible data bound control (created in code behind) and it has actualWidth/Height equals to zero (so nothing rendered) even if I'm using Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => {...} approach. How can I solve it?
Thank you very much for you help!
About question #1: Nested ItemsControl virtualization is tricky. The problem is that even if the outermost control supports virtualization, the inner controls are measured with infinite length and thus instantiate all of their children. Instead of hosting an ItemsControl inside another, merge all data to the same list, using styling to simulate the hierarchy. Alternatively, find a commercial datagrid control that supports nested virtualization.
