Big Endian Vs Little Endian Padding Issue - c

In my code there is a structure which have padding issues. I fixed them and my code is running fine on a little endian machine. Can there be a chance that this stucture cause a problem for a big endian machine ??

You need to keep the following in mind:
Whenever doing data communication, the endianess of the communication protocol is what matters. All data communication protocols have (should have) a specified endianess. Big endian is probably most common, because back in the days where CRC calculations were done with digital electonic gates rather than software, the checksum itself had to be big endian.
(This can lead to quite obscure protocols, like the industry standard field bus CANopen, where all integers in the sent data must be little endian, but the identifier and checksum must be big endian.)
Struct padding will always cause issues when you are writing portable code. Code like send(&my_struct, sizeof(my_struct) is never portable! Because it will send the data and any padding bytes. And padding bytes may be anywhere inside the struct and not just in the end. If you need to write truly portable code, you cannot use structs/unions for the data protocol, everything needs to be stored in arrays of bytes or similar, where the data is guaranteed to be allocated in adjacent cells. Struct padding has nothing to do with endianess, but rather of the CPU instruction set.
(Motorola CPUs have traditionally had better support for reading and storing at unaligned addresses, while Intel derivates have alignment requirements and are therefore more prone to use padding. As it happens, Motorola were with the big endians and Intel were with the little endians. So by coincidence, little endian CPUs are more likely to have padding, but this is only because of the CPU instruction set and not because of the endianess itself.)

A structure, in C, is a way of representing data in memory. (It gives "structure" to memory.)
Any conversion from "struct" to "sequence of bytes" that just casts the "struct" bit away, and uses whatever underlying byte representation C is using is going to be affected by endianness. (And padding. Maybe other issues too, like pointers, sizeof(some-integral-type), etc.)
I suspect you're doing something like this:
// Some non-standard way to get rid of padding in Foo
struct Foo
// Some fields...
// Meanwhile, in a function somewhere...
fwrite(a_foo, sizeof(a_foo), 1, fp);
Maybe you're not calling fwrite, maybe it's send, but yes, if you're doing serialization like this, you are going to be effected by endianness.


Migrating from big to little endian: How to predetermine problematic code?

I am about to migrate a small project of C code (30+ kSLOC) from a 32-bit big to a 32-bit little endian platform. I would like to check ante festum, how much work this will be, so I would like to spot code that relies on the original endianess.
I am looking for an as comprehensive as possible collection of C code idioms, which are depending on big endian. Do not bother with the effort needed to detect the use of such idioms in real code, I have some code analysis tool support available.
Some things to look out for:
Fishy pointer casts and fishy type conversions between integer types of different sizes. These may also be latent alignment or strict aliasing bugs.
Serialization/de-serialization code, where data is read from/written to byte arrays.
Data communication interfaces without serialization/de-serialization code. That is: CPU just happened to have same endianess as the network, which is common for big endian systems in particular. Ethernet, CAN, UART and so on.
Structs with bit-fields.
Union type punning.

Should I use bit-fields for mapping incoming serial data?

We have data coming in over serial (Bluetooth), which maps to a particular structure. Some parts of the structure are sub-byte size, so the "obvious" solution is to map the incoming data to a bit-field. What I can't work out is whether the bit-endianness of the machine or compiler will affect it (which is difficult to test), and whether I should just abandon the bit-fields altogether.
For example, we have a piece of data which is 1.5 bytes, so we used the struct:
uint8_t data1; // lsb
uint8_t data2:4; // msb
uint8_t reserved:4;
} Data;
The reserved bits are always 1
So for example, if the incoming data is 0xD2,0xF4, the value is 0x04D2, or 1234.
The struct we have used is always working on the systems we have tested on, but we need it to be as portable as possible.
My questions are:
Will data1 always represent the correct value as expected regardless of endianness (I assume yes, and that the hardware/software interface should always handle that correctly for a single, whole byte - if 0xD2 is sent, 0xD2 should be received)?
Could data2 and reserved be the wrong way around, with data2 representing the upper 4 bits instead of the lower 4 bits?
If yes:
Is the bit endianness (generally) dependent on the byte endianness, or can they differ entirely?
Is the bit-endianness determined by the hardware or the compiler? It seems all linux systems on Intel are the same - is that true for ARM as well? (If we can say we can support all Intel and ARM linux builds, we should be OK)
Is there a simple way to determine in the compiler which way around it is, and reserve the bit-fields entries if needed?
Although bit-fields are the neatest way, code-wise, to map the incoming data, I suppose I am just wondering if it's a lot safer to just abandon them, and use something like:
struct {
uint8_t data1; // lsb (0xFF)
uint8_t data2; // msb (0x0F) & reserved (0xF0)
} Data;
Data d;
int value = (d.data2 & 0x0F) << 16 + d.data1
The reason we have not just done this in the first place is because a number of the data fields are less than 1 byte, rather than more than 1 - meaning that generally with a bit-field we don't have to do any masking and shifting, so the post-processing is simpler.
Should I use bit-fields for mapping incoming serial data?
No. Bit-fields have a lot of implementation specified behaviour that makes using them a nightmare.
Will data1 always represent the correct value as expected regardless of endianness.
Yes, but that is because uint8_t is smallest possible addressable unit: a byte. For larger data types you need to take care of the byte endianness.
Could data2 and reserved be the wrong way around, with data2 representing the upper 4 bits instead of the lower 4 bits?
Yes. They could also be on different bytes. Also, compiler doesn't have to support uint8_t for bitfields, even if it would support the type otherwise.
Is the bit endianness (generally) dependent on the byte endianness, or can they differ entirely?
The least signifact bit will always be in the least significant byte, but it's impossible to determine in C where in the byte the bit will be.
Bit shifting operators give reliable abstraction of the order that is good enough: For data type uint8_t the (1u << 0) is always the least significant and (1u << 7) the most significant bit, for all compilers and for all architectures.
Bit-fields on the other hand are so poorly defined that you cannot determine the order of bits by the order of your defined fields.
Is the bit-endianness determined by the hardware or the compiler?
Compiler dictates how datatypes map to actual bits, but hardware heavily influences it. For bit-fields, two different compilers for the same hardware can put fields in different order.
Is there a simple way to determine in the compiler which way around it is, and reserve the bit-fields entries if needed?
Not really. It depends on your compiler how to do it, if it's possible at all.
Although bit-fields are the neatest way, code-wise, to map the incoming data, I suppose I am just wondering if it's a lot safer to just abandon them, and use something like:
Definitely abandon bit-fields, but I would also recommend abandoning structures altogether for this purpose, because:
You need to use compiler extensions or manual work to handle byte order.
You need to use compiler extensions to disable padding to avoid gaps due to alignment restrictions. This affects member access performance on some systems.
You cannot have variable width or optional fields.
It's very easy to have strict aliasing violations if you are unaware of those issues. If you define byte array for the data frame and cast that to pointer to structure and then dereference that, you have problems in many cases.
Instead I recommend doing it manually. Define byte array and then write each field into it manually by breaking them apart using bit shifting and masking when necessary. You can write a simple reusable conversion functions for the basic data types.

standardising bit fields using unions (making them portable)

The page shown is from
"Programming Embedded Systems"
by Michael Barr, Anthony Massa,
published by O'Reilly,
ISBN: 0-596-00983-6, page 204.
I am asking you to give more details and explanations on this, like:
Does this means that the bit fields are going to be portable across all the compilers?
For (different) architectures does this work for bit fields with sizes more than one byte or (considering the endianness difference which I don't think that using this method will overcome this problem)?
For (same) architectures does this work for bit fields with sizes more than one byte?
If they are standardised across all compilers as the book says, can we specify how are they going to be aligned?
Q.1.2 if the bit fields are just one byte so the endianness problem won't affect it, right? So will the bit fields be portable across all the compilers on different architectures and endiannesses?
does this means that the bit fields are going to be portable across all the compilers
No, the cited text about unions somehow making bit-fields portable is strange. union does not add any further portability guarantees what-so-ever. There are many aspects of bit-fields that make them completely non-portable, because they are very poorly specified by the standard. Some examples here.
For example, using uint8_t or a char type for a bit-field is not covered by the standard. The book fails to mention this even though it makes such a non-standard example.
for (different) architectures does this work for bit fields with sizes more than one byte
for (same) architectures does this work for bit fields with sizes more than one byte
No, there are no guarantees at all.
if they are standardised across all compilers as the book says ,can we specify how are they going to be aligned?
They aren't, the book is misleading. My advise is to stop reading at "bitfields are not portable" then forget that you ever heard about bit-fields. It is a 100% superfluous feature anyway. Instead, use bitwise operators.
That is a very disturbing text, I think I would toss the whole book.
Please go read the spec, you dont have to pay for it there are older ones available and draft versions (which of course are not the final) versions available, but for that couple of decades they are more common that different.
If I could add more upvotes to Lundin's answer I would, not worth creating new users with email addresses just to do that...
I have/will possibly spark an argument on this, but...The spec does say that if you define some number of (non-zero sized) bitfields in a row in a struct or union they will get packed, and there is a special zero sized one that is used to break that so that you can declare a bunch of bitfields and group them without having to make some other struct.
Perhaps it says they will be aligned, but I would never assume, that. I know for a fact the same compiler will treat endians different and pack them on opposite ends (top bit down or bottom bit up). But there is no reason to assume that any compiler follows any convention other than packing, and I would assume although perhaps it is also subject to interpretation, that they are packed in the order defined once you figure out where they start. So I wouldnt assume that 6 bits worth of declaration are aligned either way, could be up to six different alignents within a byte assuming a byte is the size of the unit, if the size of the unit is 32 or 64 bits then I am not going to bother counting the combinations, it is more than one and that is all that matters. I know for a fact from gcc that when the 32 to 64 bit x86 transition happened, that caused problems with code making assumptions on where those bits landed.
I personally wouldnt even assume that the bits are in the declared order when they pack them together...Popular compilers tend to do that, but the spec does not say more than they are packed...what does that mean. If I have a 1 then an 8 then a 1 then an 8 then a 6 bit I would hope the compiler alignes the 8 bit ones on a byte boundary and then moves the two ones near the 6, if I were to ever use a bitfield which I dont...
The prime contention here, is to me the spec is very clear that the initial items in more than one declaration in a union only uses the same memory if the order and size are the same they are compatible types. A one bit unsigned it is not the same as a 32 bit unsigned int, so they are NOT compatible types IMO. The spec goes further to state that, for bitfields the types have to be the same type and size, so for a bitfield to share the same memory in a union, you need two structures with the same initial bitfield items to be the same type and size, and only those items are per spec going to share memory, what happens with the rest of the bits is a different story, per the spec. so your example from my reading of the spec does nothing to say that the 8 bit char (using a made up non-spec declaration) and 8 declared bits of bit field are in no way expected to line up with each other and share the same memory. Just because a compiler chooses to do that in some version does not mean you can assume that, the union in particular does not make that code portable or more portable in anyway, in fact perhaps worse as now you not only have a bitfield issue across compilers or versions, but you now have union issues across compilers or versions.
As a general rule NEVER use a structure across a compile domain (with or without bitfields)(this includes unions), so never read a file into a structure, you have crossed a compile domain, never point structures at hardware registers, you have crossed a compile domain, never point structures at memory, dont point a structure at a char array that contains an ethernet packet and use the struct and/or bitfields to pick apart the ip header. Yes, these rules are widely used and abused and are a ticking time bomb. The primary reason the time bomb only goes off rarely is that the code keeps using the same compiler, and or a couple of vary popular compilers that currently have the same implementation. but struct pointing in general fails very very often, bitfield failures are just a side effect of that, and perhaps because of the horrible text in your book, unions are starting to show up a lot making the time bomb now nuclear instead of conventional.
So if you want to use a struct or a union or a bitfield and have the code actually work without maintenance. Then stay within the same compile domain (one program compiled at the same time with the same compiler and settings), pass structures defined as structures across functions, do not point at memory or other arrays, etc. for unions never access across individually defined items, if a single variable only use that variable until finished completely with it assume it is now trash if you use a struct or other variable in that union. With bitfields each variable is a standalone item independent of the other variables next to it, you are just ATTEMPTING to save memory by using them but you are actually wasting a lot of code overhead, performance, code space by using them in the first place. Keep to that and your code is far more likely to work without maintenance, across compilers. Now if you want to use this as job security and have your code fail to build or function every minor or major release of a compiler, then do those things above, point structs across a compile domain, point bitfields at hardware registers, etc. Other than your boss noting that you write horrible code that breaks often when some other employees dont, you will have to keep maintaining that code on a regular basis for the life of that product.
All the compiler does with your bitfield is generate masks and shifts, if you write those masks and shifts yourself, MASSIVELY more portable, you may still have endian issues (which can actually at times be easily solved in portable endian-less code) but you wont be completely pointing at the wrong thing using masking and shifting. it simply works, it does not produce more code, does not produce slower code, if you really need make macros for everything, using a macro to isolate a field within a "unit" is far more portable than using a bitfield.
Forget you ever read about bitfields or heard about them, never ever use them again. The need for them died decades ago. Unions somewhat fall into the same category as well, they do actually save memory but you have to be careful to share that memory properly.
And I would toss that book as well, if they dont understand this simple topic what else do those authors not understand. As with most folks this may be confusing a popular compilers interpretation with reality.
There is a little 'bit' confusion with the concepts of bit-fields and endians -
Suppose you have an MCU of 32bit - it means that internal memory of device have to be multiplied with a size of 32bits.
Now as you might know, the way each MCU stores the memory is LSB or MSB which is Big Endian and Little Endian respectively,
see here for illustrations: Endians figure
As can be seen, same data: 0x12345678 (32 bit value) is stored differently internally.
When you are reading and writing memory using a 32 bit pointer (trivial) case - the MCU will convert it for you (it doesn't makes any difference between the endians) - the problem arose when you are dealing with a one by one byte manipulation or when exporting (or importing) from other MCU / memory peripheral also suing 8 bit / 1 byte manipulations.
Bit field will be aligned to the Byte, Word and to the Long Word types (as seen) so it can be miss-interpreted when porting to other target.
Hence, the answer your questions:
If it is only one byte that you dividing into bits it will be ported nicely.
if you define a multi-bytes union it will make you goes in trouble.
Answered at the introduction of this answer
See answer no. 1
See the figure I have attached for illustrations
Right in general
1, 2: Not quite: it always depends on the platform (endianess) and the types you are using.
3: Yes they will always land on the same spot in memory.
4: Which alignment do you mean — the memory alignment or the field alignment?

Endian dependent code in real application?

I know the following C code is endian-dependent:
short s_endian = 0x4142;
char c_endian = *(char *)&s_endian;
On a big-endian machine, c_endian will be 'A'(0x41); while on a little-endian machine, it will be 'B'(0x42).
But this code seems kind of ugly. So is there endian dependent code in real applications? Or have you came across any application that needs a lot of changes when porting to a different target with a different endian?
Pretty much any code that deals with saving integers with more than 8 bits in binary format, or sends such integers over the network. For one extremely common example, many of the fields in the TCP header fall into this category.
Networking code is endian dependent (it should always transfer across the network as big-endian, even on a little-endian machine), hence the need for functions like htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), and ntohl() in net/hton.h that allow easy conversions from host-to-network byte-order and network-to-host byte-order.
Hope this helps,
I once collected data using a specialized DAQ card on a PC, and tried to analyze the file on a PowerPC mac. Turns out the "file format" the thing used was a raw memory dump...
Little endian on x86, big endian on Power PC. You figure it out.
The short answer is yes. Anything that reads/writes raw binary to a file or socket needs to keep track of the endianness of the data.
For example, the IP protocol requires big-endian representation.
When manipulating the internal representation of floating-point numbers, you could access the parts (or the full value) using an integer type. For example:
union float_u
float f;
unsigned short v[2];
int get_sign(float f)
union float_u u;
u.f = f;
return (u.v[0] & 0x8000) != 0; // Endian-dependant
If your program sends data to another system (either over a serial or network link, or by saving it to a file for something else to read) or reads data from another system, then you can have endianness issues.
I don't know that static analysis would be able to detect such constructs, but having your programmers follow a coding standard, where structure elements and variables were marked up to indicate their endianness could help.
For example, if all network data structures had _be appended to the named of multi-byte members, you could look for instances where you assigned a non-suffixed (host byte order) variable or even a literal value (like 0x1234) to one of those members.
It would be great if we could capture endianness in our datatypes -- uint32_be and uint32_le to go with uint32_t. Then the compiler could disallow assignments or operations between the two. And the signature for htobe32 would be uint32_be htobe32( uint32_t n);.

Word and Double Word integers in C

I am trying to implement a simple, moderately efficient bignum library in C. I would like to store digits using the full register size of the system it's compiled on (presumably 32 or 64-bit ints). My understanding is that I can accomplish this using intptr_t. Is this correct? Is there a more semantically appropriate type, i.e. something like intword_t?
I also know that with GCC I can easily do overflow detection on a 32-bit machine by upcasting both arguments to 64-bit ints, which will occupy two registers and take advantage of instructions like IA31 ADC (add with carry). Can I do something similar on a 64-bit machine? Is there a 128-bit type I can upcast to which will compile to use these instructions if they're available? Better yet, is there a standard type that represents twice the register size (like intdoubleptr_t) so this could be done in a machine independent fashion?
Any reason not to use size_t? size_t is 4 bytes on a 32-bit system and 8 bytes on a 64-bit system, and is probably more portable than using WORD_SIZE (I think WORD_SIZE is gcc-specific, no?)
I am not aware of any 128-bit value on 64-bit systems, could be wrong here but haven't come across that type in the kernel or regular user apps.
I'd strongly recommend using the C99 <stdint.h> header. It declares int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, and uint64_t, which look like what you really want to use.
EDIT: As Alok points out, int_fast32_t, int_fast64_t, etc. are probably what you want to use. The number of bits you specify should be the minimum you need for the math to work, i.e. for the calculation to not "roll over".
The optimization comes from the fact that the CPU doesn't have to waste cycles realigning data, padding the leading bits on a read, and doing a read-modify-write on a write. Truth is, a lot of processors (such as recent x86s) have hardware in the CPU that optimizes these access pretty well (at least the padding and read-modify-write parts), since they're so common and usually only involve transfers between the processor and cache.
So the only thing left for you to do is make sure the accesses are aligned: take sizeof(int_fast32_t) or whatever and use it to make sure your buffer pointers are aligned to that.
Truth is, this may not amount to that much improvement (due to the hardware optimizing transfers at runtime anyway), so writing something and timing it may be the only way to be sure. Also, if you're really crazy about performance, you may need to look at SSE or AltiVec or whatever vectorization tech your processor has, since that will outperform anything you can write that is portable when doing vectored math.
