Persistent signal handling - c

I'm trying to write a signal handler to catch any number of consecutive SIGINT signals and prevent the program from exiting. The program is a simple file server. The handler sets a global flag which causes the while loop accepting new connections to end, a call to pthread_exit() ensures that main lets current connections finish before exiting. It all goes like clockwork when I hit ctrl-C once but a second time exits the program immediately.
I tried first with signal():
signal(SIGINT, catch_sigint);
static void catch_sigint(int signo)
signal(SIGINT, catch_sigint);
I also tried it using sigaction:
struct sigaction sigint_handler;
sigint_handler.sa_handler = catch_sigint;
sigint_handler.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGINT, &sigint_handler, NULL);
Unsure how to "reinstall" this one I just duplicated this code in the handler similar to the handler using the signal() method.
Neither one of these works as I expected.
Additional info:
The program is a simple file server. It receives a request from the client which is simply a string consisting of the requested file name. It utilizes pthreads so that transfers can occur simultaneously. Upon receiving SIGINT I wish for the server to exit the while loop and wait for all current transfers to complete then close. As is, no matter how I code the signal handler a second SIGINT terminates the program immediately.
int serverStop = 0;
int main()
/* set up the server -- socket(), bind() etc. */
struct sigaction sigint_hadler;
sigint_handler.sa_handler = catch_sigint;
sigint_handler.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGINT, &sigint_handler, NULL);
/* signal(SIGINT, catch_sigint); */
while(serverStop == 0)
/* accept new connections and pthread_create() for each */
static void catch_sigint(int signo)
serverStop = 1;
/* signal(SIGINT, catch_sigint) */
I don't think any other code could be pertinent but feel free to ask for elaboration

On Linux, you should not have to reinstall the signal handler, using either signal (which implements BSD semantics by default) or sigaction.
when I hit ctrl-C once but a second time exits the program immediately.
That's not because your handler got reset, but likely because your signal handler is doing something it shouldn't.
Here is how I would debug this issue: run the program under GDB and
(gdb) catch syscall exit
(gdb) catch syscall exit_group
(gdb) run
Now wait a bit for the program to start working, and hit Control-C. That will give you (gdb) prompt. Now continue the program as if it has received SIGINT: signal SIGINT (this will invoke your handler). Repeat the 'Control-C/signal SIGINT' sequence again. If you get stopped in either exit or exit_group system call, see where that is coming from (using GDB where command).
Given the new code you posted, it's not clear exactly where you call pthread_exit to "ensures that main lets current connections finish before exiting". As written, your main thread will exit the loop on first Control-C, and proceed to call exit which would not wait for other threads to finish.
Either you didn't show your actual code, or the "second Control-C" is a red herring and your first Control-C takes you out already (without finishing work in other threads).

NOTE: this is largely guesswork.
I'm pretty sure that calling pthread_exit in the main thread is a bad idea. If the main thread has quit, then the OS may try to send subsequent signals to some other thread.
I recommend that instead of using pthread_exit in the main thread, you just pthread_join() all the other threads, then exit normally.
But it's also important to ensure that the other threads do not get the signals. Normally this is done with sigprocmask (or maybe more correctly pthread_sigmask, which is the same under Linux) to mask the signal out in the worker threads. This ensures that the signal is never delivered to them.
Note that to avoid race conditions, you should use pthread_sigmask in the main thread just before creating a child thread, then set the signal mask back again in the main thread afterwards. This ensures that there is no window, however small, during which a child thread can possibly get unwanted signals.

I'm not sure to understand. A signal handler should usually not re-install any signal handler (including itself), because the signal handler stays in function till another is installed. See also SA_NODEFER flag to sigaction to be able to catch the signal during its handling.
A signal handler should be short. See my answer to this question. It usually mostly sets a volatile sig_atomic_t variable.
What is not working? Don't do complex or long-lasting processing inside signal handlers.
Please show your code...


What's the earliest I can register a signal handler?

I have a program in C. I wish for it to always exit cleanly with exit code of 0 when it gets a SIGTERM. What is the earliest place I can register the signal handler? I added it at the top of my main(), but I worry it might get a sigterm just before the signal registers.
Is it possible to register a signal handler even earlier?
Yes you can. Using platform specific initializers such as gcc's __attribute((constructor)). But that's hardly a robust solution.
If you wish to "to always exit cleanly with exit code of 0 when it gets a SIGTERM", then instruct the process-spawning code to start with SIGTERM blocked.
Your main can then register a signal handler and unblock SIGTERM (with sigprocmask or pthread_sigmask, at which point the signal handler will run immediately if it had been received at any point in between process creation up to the signal-unblocking call.
Essentially, it will defer the delivery of the signal up to a point where you're ready too handle it.
(Note that if you start the process with the signal ignored rather than blocked, then any instance of the signal received up to unignoring the signal will have been lost, as if they never happened. That would seem to go against your stated requirement.)
If you can switch to C++: between start of the program and main global variables are initialized. So in theory you could have code like the following that would be run before main is called.
int f() {
return 0;
int x = f();
But you don't have a guarantee in which order global objects are initialized, so x might not be initialized first, but last.
But coming back to your original request: the time between starting the program and main is so short, why do you want to prepare against someone sending a SIGTERM in that short time? Isn't that too unlikely to happen?
If it is possible you could change the parent to ignore SIGTERM and then fork and execve. signal man page says
A child created via fork(2) inherits a copy of its parent's
signal dispositions. During an execve(2), the dispositions of
handled signals are reset to the default; the dispositions of
ignored signals are left unchanged.
So you could start your process ignoring SIGTERM until it sets a handler for SIGTERM.

Raising SIGINT, but getting stuck in thread in c

I'm doing a program that utilizes threads. I also have a SIGINT handler that closes everything correctly, for an orderly shutdown. However, since my threads are in a while(1) loop the pthread_join function in my handler gets stuck and i have to press ctrl+c a bunch of times, to close each thread singularly. How can i do this with just 1 click?
Here's my thread worker function:
void *worker(){
struct message msg;
if(wr.fnode != NULL){
msg.patient = *(wr.fnode);
It's depend how you are sending signal (SIGINT or any) to a thread. for sending a signal to thread you should use pthread_kill() instead of kill() or raise() because signal handler(signal or sigaction) handles only processes ,not threads.
int pthread_kill(pthread_t thread, int sig);
If you ever try to kill running thread using kill command/function OS will throw warning like Warning: Program '/bin/bash' crashed.
observe running thread using ps -eL | grep pts/0 before and after sending signal.
I hope you got something.
Two things you need to solve:
How to break the endless while loop
How to return from blocking system call (like for example sem_wait())
Referring 1.:
while (1)
to be
while (!exit_flag)
Define exit_flag globally
volatile sig_atomic_t exit_flag = 0;
and set it to 1 on reception of the SIGINT signal.
To catch a signal do not setup a signal handler, but create a separate thread using sigwait() to wait for and receive a SIGINT.
Make sure all other threads are created blocking SIGINT.
Referring 2.:
Keep track of all thread running by memorising their thread-ids.
After the signal-listener thread mentioned under 1. set the exit_flag, then loop over the list of running threads and one by one
enable them to receive SIGINT
signal them using pthread_kill(), in case they were stuck inside a system call, the call would return setting errno to EINTR.
join the thread calling pthread_join().

pthread_kill doesnt kill thread C linux

i am making a small project which will be incorporated into larger project. basically what it does is keeps track of threads that are created by way of adding them to a main struct which keeps track of what the thread does (its main function) and its pthread_t id. the other struct keeps track of the data to be passed to the function and the element number of where the pthread_t id is stored inside threads[]. its a bit micky mouse and it jumps around a bit but it all works besides when it is time to kill the thread. i get no segfaults and no errors and the program finishes fine, but the thread does not get killed when pthread_kill() is called (the function returns 0 meaning no error and it worked) although the thread continues to run until the main application returns.
pthread_kill() will not kill a thread. The only difference with kill() is that the signal is handled by the designated thread and not handled while that thread has the signal masked (see pthread_sigmask()). A signal like SIGTERM will by default still terminate the entire process.
If you are considering to call pthread_exit() from a signal handler, you should probably use pthread_cancel() instead.
Cancellation is safe if all code that may be cancelled cooperates (or the code that calls it disables cancellation for the time). Most libraries do not care about this, though.
A safer method is to ask the thread to exit without any force, such as by sending a special message to it (if the thread normally processes messages).
Alternatively, don't bother to kill any threads and just call _exit(), _Exit() or quick_exit().
As in kill(), if sig is zero, error checking is performed but no signal is actually sent.
so the following
pthread_kill(threads[i].tID, 0);
Wont actually kill the thread. You need to use an actual signal to kill a thread. A list of signals can be found here:

pthreads: How to handle signals in a main thread that creates other threads? (specific code shown)

I have a main thread, which stays in the main function, i.e. I do not create it specifically as in pthread_create, because it's not necessary. This thread opens a file, then creates other threads, waits for them to finish their work (i.e., does the join), cleans up everything (pointers, semaphores, conditional variables and so on...).
Now, I have to apply this code to block SIGINT:
sigset_t set;
int sig;
sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
while (1) {
sigwait(&set, &sig);
switch (sig) {
case SIGINT:
/* handle interrupts */
/* unexpected signal */
pthread_exit((void *)-1);
and it says You must use the main() function to launch the N+1 threads and wait for their completion. If a SIGINT signal arrives at the program it should be handled by the main thread in order to shutdown the program and its threads a clean way
My doubt is how should I put this code? Is it wrong to put it on a background thread created in main() ? Because I already have a cicle, with an exit flag, that creates and join all the other threads, so I don't understand if this code goes exactly to the main function where all is done/called to initiate the program. If I put it on a thread, with this code and the handler to clean, is this considerated as busy waiting?
"It says"? What says? The homework assignment?
The first thing you should understand about programming with threads and signals is that you have very little control over which thread a signal is delivered to. If your main thread wants to be the one to get the signal, it should block the signal before creating any new threads and possible unblock it after it finishes creating them, to ensure that the signal is not delivered to them.
However, if you're following best practices for signal handlers, it probably doesn't matter which thread handles the signal. All the signal handler should do is set a global flag or write a byte to a pipe (whichever works best to get the main thread to notice that the signal happened. (Note that you cannot use condition variables or any locking primitives from signal handlers!) As in the code fragment in your question, blocking the signal and using sigwait is also possible (be aware, again, that it needs to be blocked in all threads), but most programs can't afford to stop and wait just for signals; they need to wait for condition variables and/or input from files as well. One way to solve this issue is to make a dedicated thread to call sigwait, but that's rather wasteful. A better solution, if you're already using select, would be to switch to pselect that can wait for signals as well as file descriptor events (at the same time).
Rather than asking us for the answers (which would be hard to give anyway without seeing the full program you're trying to make this work with), you'd be much better off trying to really understand the intricacies of signals with threads.

How to properly handle signals when using the worker thread pattern?

I have a simple server that looks something like this:
void *run_thread(void *arg) {
// Communicate via a blocking socket
int main() {
// Initialization happens here...
// Main event loop
while (1) {
new_client = accept(socket, ...);
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &run_thread, *thread_data*);
// Do cleanup stuff:
// Wait for existing threads to finish
Thus when a SIGINT or SIGTERM is received I need to break out of the main event loop to get to the clean up code. Moreover most likely the master thread is waiting on the accept() call so it's not able to check some other variable to see if it should break;.
Most of the advice I found was along the lines of this: (creating a special signal handling thread to catch all the signals and do processing on those). However, it's the processing portion that I can't really wrap my head around: how can I possibly tell the main thread to return from the accept() call and check on an external variable to see if it should break;?
Usually I am waiting on select(listeninig-socket-here) not on accept(). accept() is usually a method where a program doesn't spend lots of time waiting. And when I wait in select() and the signal SIGTERM is sent to that thread (in your case it is the main thread) I exit from that select and select returns interrupted system call .
I second skwllsp in his opinion that you should be using select call instead of accept. But, my additional suggestion is that you follow the advice of the blog whose link you have posted and create a seperate signal handling thread and ignore signals in all other threads. Then when the signal is received in the signal handling thread, use pthread_cancel to cancel the other threads. When you use pthread_cancel, if the thread which is being cancelled is in cancellation point (select happens to be one), it will come out and enter into your handler and you can cleanup and exit the thread.
You can find more info on this here, here and here
