Create Better Looking Buttons in VBA without using Image - winforms

Is there anyway to create more rounded/professional looking buttons using vba. I found a couple places that suggested using images, which is not a terrible Idea, but I was wondering if anyone had a clue if there is a downloadable software, add-in, or anything. The ones currently available make my program look like an Mid 90's application. I really appreciate the help. I mean look at it!!

Office VBA uses the Microsoft Forms Engine which is a lightweight (drawn) implementation of a GUI toolkit. Because of this the usual techniques used to customise button appearance on windows (owner-drawing/theming) don't apply and your stuck with what you've got.
If you don't want to use images you need to find an ActiveX control that does the job, something like .


Is there a free WinForms control similar to Telerik's RadDock?

I'm looking to create an interface which has drag-drop-dock functionality like Visual Studio. Telerik offers exactly what I'm looking for:
Trouble is, it will cost $1000. This is a side project and I don't have a budget for that. Does anyone know of a similar control which is free and/or open source? Google didn't turn up any results.
I ended up going more low-level and using OpenTk GameWindow and GWEN, which contains docking.
GWEN - GUI Without Extravagant Nonsense
It's absolutely great, but unfortunately the original project is abandoned. There are a ton of forks at different states. I've personally had a lot of success with it.

How are you integrating help into your WPF application. Any recommendations?

The question says it all really. If you are writing a WPF application, how are you integrating the application help? What is the state of play in mid-2013?
It seems that there is no clear answer to this from an afternoon with a search engine, but several options:
Write your own fancy tooltip based help (but where are you getting your data from?)
Use .CHM files and the Windows Forms help system (seems archaic to me).
Use Microsoft Help Viewer 1.X or Microsoft Help 2.0.
There is some confusion as to which is more recent / approved of by MS. It appear Help Viewer 1.X might be the recommended option over Microsoft Help 2.0. It doesn't help that the names are so similar...
What is the status of 2.0? Should we use it? Was it ever fully deployed?
Use a third-party product to author your help files and link to them somehow - DocToHelp/NetHelp, NetAdvantage on-line help, etc...
Furthermore, what XAML based mark-up / attributes are you using to provide the necessary context? What is the recommended method?
It seems surprising there is no clear path for supporting application based help in WPF.
My current preference is to use a third party help authorizing system to generate HTML based help.
We then use a WebBrowser to display this help as needed. The authoring system we use makes it fairly easy to extract out a single page from the main help (each "topic" is a single HTML file, and can be included with full contents or not as desired).
Granted, this definitely felt like a bit of a nasty hack at first - but once we wrote the basic plumbing (some attached properties for xaml to specify attributes for context location and add behavior to trigger help, etc), it's fairly clean.
One very nice advantage to this approach, however, is a single help system build works perfectly in all contexts - we can include the documentation online, expose it locally for use in a browser, and use it with context from within our application directly.

How to get a picture from a kinect with labview

My class and I are trying to make a robot, we need to be able to take a picture using a kinect in Labview. We know how to get a skeleton from the kinect, but we can't figure out how to take a picture/video. Is there a DLL we need to download? We can't find anything on the internet but we know it's possible to do in labview. So do we need to write any code in C? Im pretty good with C so don't restrict your answer to just labview. All relevant answers are welcome.
We can't find anything on the internet but we know it's possible to do
in labview.
Personally, I have no experience with this, but a quick "LabVIEW Kinect" search on Google turns up any number of results, including some which show video (example). Based on the videos and images I see there, it looks like they're using the IMAQ control to show the video, so I'm assuming you're going to need the vision toolkit for that. If you have an academic license, you might already have that, but even if not, you could try asking your local NI office for one, as they generally tend to support schools.
I would go on and search for LabVIEW Kinect. There are links over there like this:
Kinect LabVIEW Interface Using Microsoft Kinect API

Tools for automating SilverLight application

I want to automate the application develoepd in silverlight. Can you let me know whether there are any open source tools are available which can be used for automating SilverLight app. Thanks.
We are doing UI testing on a Silverlight application using the UIAutomation API, and it works very nicely.
Project White is a library that sits on top of UIAutomation, and many people find it helpful. I prefer to use the UIAutomation APIs directly - it's really not as hard as you might think, as my tutorial shows.
If you're looking to perform User Interface Automation (UIA) to simulate mouse clicks, keyboard presses, etc. there is no "easy" way to get this today.
I've seen some third party tools that may work, such as Telerik's. Note that I have not used and do not endorse this, just know it is out there!
I am currently trying out Project White and finding it quite easy to use.
Before using Project White I tried out WiPFlash which was also rather easy to use. It just lacked a few features that I was after (Right Click and Drag options).

Any good solutions for an integrated help system in WPF applications?

I'm just starting up a new, big project that will be using WPF for the front end. I'm looking for some kind of solution for an integrated help system. The basic use case for this is that the user needs to be able to reach context sensitive help at any time when using the system. The help content should be localized and displayed within the application (not popup an external .chm file).
I'm looking for real world experience in creating and/or using a third party system that can handle the complete flow for this, including a work flow for localizing the help content. Any input is appreciated! Thank you.
One suggestion is to compose help as FlowDocuments. They're simple to compose (and you can whip up an editor using RichTextBox. They can be stored as resources in your assembly and you just use a FlowDocumentReader to view them. That basically lets you fully integrate help into your app the way you want it without needing any external tools or controls.
How about using tooltips ? Wpf tooltips can have any kind of content... can't think of a more integrated help system ;o)
Here is an article by Pete O'Hanlon Easy help with WPF
I suppose you can customize this solution to fit your needs.
Is there a particular reason that you can't popup an external .chm file, or is it for aesthetic purposes? If you must wrap your own implementation, you might want to look at this article on Code Project. It's not WPF specific, but it should serve as a real starting point for you.
