In-app billing - WP7, Android, iOS, OVI and BB - mobile

I haven't been able to get clarity on in-app billing systems for the major mobile platforms.
My understanding is that for iOS and Android you are only allowed to use the in-app billing provided by the respective platforms. However claims to provide billing options across both Android and iOS.
What are the billings options / requirements for OVI, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7?

For Windows Phone 7 see
"Unless you have a pre-existing billing relationship with the user,
your application may not require the user to provide payment
information, within the application experience, to activate, unlock,
or extend usage of the application."
No facilites are currently provided by Microsoft to aid with in-app purchases.


Block file upload from managed devices Microsoft 365

I have implemented MFA and registered personal devices to access organization data and applications. Now users can access organization apps on personal devices, i want to restrict document uploads from the managed devices.
Users should not be able to upload files from personal devices to application such Onedrive/ SharePoint etc.
here are your options:
at the bottom under advanced, there is option to limit editing from browser, this may be sufficient to what you are seeking.
According to here. personal devices as long as they are not marked compliant,
then they are considered unmanaged.

Serving ads to a specific device using mobile ad network

Is it possible to serve specific ads that will appear on a specific user's mobile phone when he is using a specific app? Is the user's IMEI required for this? (This is when you are not the owner of the APP)
Targeting a specific user
Here's a couple of quotes from DoubleClick AdExchange Buyer help page
IDFA (Identifier For Advertising) on iOS
Every iOS device comes with an identifier that allows developers and
marketers to track activity for advertising purposes. It may be used
by advertisers to run remarketing campaigns and record purchasing or
downloading conversions.
AAID (Google Advertising ID) on Android
Inventory bid requests from Android devices pass the AAID, which
provides the same type of device-specific, unique, resettable ID for
advertising as the IDFA. The ID for tablet devices with multiple users
may also be unique per user.
Targeting a specific app
Check out section 3.2.9. the OpenRTB spec, there's an App object
This object should be included if the ad supported content is a
non-browser application (typically in mobile) as opposed to a website.
A bid request must not contain both an App and a Site object. At a
minimum, it is useful to provide an App ID or bundle, but this is not
strictly required.

Is it possible to test and develop gmail contextual gadgets using regular account

I am developing gmail contextual gadgets using my personal gmail account. I am using sample "hello world" example code listed on the google documentation page. In my project I have enabled "Universal navigation extension" and "gmasil contextual gadget extension". Top navigation menu shows up properly for my app but gmail gadget is not working. Here are the few of settings I have tried
Am I missing anything that I need to enable for testing my gadget with account.
This is not supported -> you need a paid account.
You might also want to consider whether you want to go down this path - as there are now Gmail Addons set to be released later this year.
Gadgets are on the way out I would expect - no enhancement to gadgets for years.

Restrict supported devices on App Store / Google Play

Is it possible to restrict supported devices (only smartphones or tablets) on App Store / Google Play?
yes you can do it. When you go to developer console, there is an option to select the devices you want to support.
When you expand the supported devices option inside developers console, you get the list all devices which can currently run your application. You can include/exclude devices over there.
there's already an dicussion on that -
How to restrict android app to specific device make?

Deploy on Windows Phone 7 in App Hub unsupported country

I would like to debug and deploy the application on the Windows Phone 7 device in order to test and debug it. But to do that I need to register my phone( and for that I need to be registered as a developer on App Hub (, but my country is not on the list of supported countries yet.
So just to start to play with the OS and deploy on device development I need to wait? Here ( is mentioned the APPA market – would this be a way to register and get the phone being registered as a developer phone?
Thanks a lot
Yes, as you mentioned, the way to publish from (and test in) countries which are not currently supported by the App Hub or Marketplace is via the Global Publisher Program.
