Export blocks with features extra [closed] - drupal-7

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I installed the Features extra module to export custom made blocks in my Drupal 7 environment. But for some reason, it doesn't work...
What I do is the following:
I create a custom block
I give it a machine name, description, title and body, just like it's required.
I go to Structure - features - Create feature
I create my feature by clicking the custom block under FE Block
The fe_block dependencies fills in automatically.
I download the feature and place it in /sites/all/modules/features
In my install profile I add this line: dependencies[] = custom_blocks
I try to reinstall the website and... nothing!
The blocks aren't showing up in my Block-page, but the feature is... What am I doing wrong in this process? Do I need to enable something or install an extra module in order to get my custom blocks exported?
Or is there any other way how to get custom made content in the install profile?

Do you have the same theme enabled? The FE_block can only store settings for a block and theme toghter as the region differs between themes.


How to add Metaplex/Candymachine function to an existing website? [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I would like to add the Metaplex/candymachine function to an existing website that was originally built to work with metamask. Just trying to save myself from having to redo the website. Thanks
There's no real easy way to do this unfortunately unless you have some prior HTML/CSS/and JS knowledge.
What some people do is take the logic from the CandymachineUI which can be found here CandyMachine.ts which is a type script file and port it over to their own website. You could also attempt to remake the UI calling to these functions and data, or failing that pulling the existing Mint area out the CandymachineUI site (built on React) and attempting to slot that into your existing site. I'd recommend if you took that approach that you swap out the MUI components for div's and your own CSS to save adding MUI to your site adding some bloat (unless your site already uses MUI then you good to go).
Bare in mind you'll also need the supporting dependecies too.
There are also other community built UI's out there but you are going to run into the same issues of porting over all the js/ts to your own site.
I always say it's generally quicker to rebuild a site around an already made mint template than it is to put the mint function into an original.

How to name Angular projects previously angular 2? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have an open source project currently based on Angular 2. It has angular2 in it's name: generator-angular2-firebase-bootstrap (it's a yeoman generator). I am porting it to Angular 4 at the moment, but, before publishing it, I wonder how I should name it now:
Keep the name and indicate in the documentation that it's actually based on Angular 4. At least, I will not loose the history associated with this project. Also, renaming is cumbersome in npm.
Change the name to generator-angular4-firebase-bootstrap but then at next iteration of Angular, I will have the same problem again.
Change the name to generator-angular-firebase-bootstrap.
In npm, changing the name means deprecating the current project and creating a new one. I would be very interested in knowing what are the options and what are the best practices from the community.
I am facing the same problem with my open source projects. I will rename them from ng2-[...]
Seems like most of the community projects do that, e.g.:
- https://github.com/swimlane/ngx-datatable
- https://github.com/scttcper/ngx-toastr
Here is a SO on how to rename an npm module:
Renaming a published NPM module
I know renaming it is not an optimal solution, as you point out you will lose the history of the project.
But I think seen on a long term basis it's still the best way to go considering the Angular release schedule (2 major version releases per year): https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/docs/RELEASE_SCHEDULE.md#tentative-schedule-after-march-2017

Which capabilities is required in the simpliest application to accept it on marketplace? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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like in topic: Which capabilities is required in the simpliest application to accept it on marketplace? I have the siply application which for example have 1 button and 1 textBlock and onClick event it display "Hello World!" in TextBox.
I have read specification of each capabilities on msdn and I this easy application doesn't need any of them. But if my application will be accept on marketplace if I submit it with empty Capabilities elements?
Thanks for all answers!
Run the capabilities detector and go with its suggestions for your settings.
From this link http://compiledexperience.com/blog/posts/windows-phone-7-capabilities:
"The latest update (October 2010) to the Windows Phone 7 tools provided a console application to detect the actual capabilities used by your application if later you want to edit your WMAppManifest.xml to that, this tool is under Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Tools\CapDetect."
Official instruction link for the Capabilities detector here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg180730(v=vs.92).aspx
Edit - I read the title and most of the question, but didn't read the part about the Capabilities section
Since the question was about the "Capabilities" section of the manifest... one thing to keep in mind is that (at least for now), it doesn't matter what you put in the capabilities section. When you submit your app for certification, the process automatically scans your app and determines what capabilities are required, and puts them in the app manifest for you.
end edit
I'm not sure this is the best place to ask this question. You might want to try http://create.msdn.com - In my experience, though, they don't fail based on functionality, unless it violates the terms of use (e.g. copyright infringement, sexual themes). Mostly, they look to see that:
The application works.
It doesn't make use of any non-approved APIs
It doesn't crash
It handles the back button correctly
They also look at a few other things like:
Startup time (less than 5 seconds), and
Memory usage.
There are a bunch of other things that you should be familiar with as well.
The certification requirements, which can be found here are very clear in what they expect, and are pretty well written.

How do Licensing enforcement mechanisms work for OEMed DLLs, browser plugins, and ActiveX controls? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I can understand how end-user licensing scenarios work - if valid license key/token is present, then the software works, otherwise, it doesn't work.
But in the case of components that are licensed to be embedded as part of a deployed product, such as a library of UI controls and browser plugins/ActiveX, the license key is not delivered to the executing computer. So how is the licensing enforced? What is the approach?
You can still create a license that the OEM will have to pass on to the end user. One issue for these kinds of embedded components is that if they throw an error it can confuse the application they are used in. LEt's say you use a UI control lib in an app; the UI lib requires a valid license. The license binds to some HW characteristics, like most software activation schemes use. The user changes something in the HW and the binding fails, the UI lib throws a license-not-found error, what does the host app do with it? This one reason why many of these components come with no runtime restrictions. At a minimum you need to be able to either suppress error messages or override the defaults in a way that works with the host app.
John Browne

custom data in drupal [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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very new to drupal. I need to create section of my website that contains a directory of 300 companies. I think it be best to create separate databasetables and not included this data in drupal's nodal architecture. Is there a typical/best practise way to manage custom data in drupal
You might want to take a look at the Drupal 7 Entity API. If you want to use your own database scheme within Drupal that would be the way to do it. I have been using it for a while and it sounds exactly like what you are looking for.
The way I did it was to get the module that allows you to use php in pages (PHP filter) and then write a simple database wrapper. Drupal provides a good theme framework that makes it pretty easy to make themed tables with support for sorting etc.
