Custom domain app requesting permission to access Google Account - google-app-engine

I refer here to that page you are redirected after you login to GAE app with your google account, which asks your permission to access your google account.
Put this toghether with custom domain and https and you get my problem.
Sorry for the lengthiness. I searched everywhere. Didn't find anything. Not sure it is an OAuth issue (think not).
My configuration:
configured custom domain to point to myapp
myapp is making use of GAE login service
need for https posts from custom domain (!), solved as follows:
page is loaded in HTTP from
some submit HTTPS URLs are hardcoded in the page, as
same domain policy resolved server side by means of http headers
GAE login service applies both to handler AND handler
The workflow is:
user not yet authenticated
user browse (not ssl)
user is redirected to google account login page
user logins
user is redirected to the abovementioned page: myapp is requesting permission to access user's google account
user grants his permission
user is in - OK
Now comes the problem:
user makes a submit to (so that data is ssl transmitted), which is loginrequired decorated
login is ok, user is not again redirected to the login page,
I think this is because the google login is cross application (the same should appen if the user was already logged in into gmail, to say)
but now is again requesting permission to access user's google account - and this is the problem
The user is prompted TWICE to grant permission to myapp to access his account:
once when he browse to
and another one when he submits data to
My user doesn't like it and me too !!!
I suspect this is because the user answer (Allow or No Thanks) is saved server side with respect to the URL of the app
and not with respect to some other unique id of the app.
But I have no idea how to solve it or at least work it around.
Thank you for your patience in reading up to here.
Any help would be appreciated.

The cookie that is issued for the user's session is per-domain and per-protocol. As a result, the same session won't work on the appspot app and on your custom domain. This isn't an App Engine limitation - it's simply how HTTP works.
The best solution, currently, is to put the form itself on HTTPS as well (which is in general a good idea anyway).


Identity Aware Proxy Page not showing my domain

I've setup my GCP App Engine app to use the Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) to limit which users can see/use my app. I followed these docs.
However, when I navigate to my page the login screen says: "Sign in
to continue to".
How do I get it to say "Sign in to continue to"?
I've configured the "OAuth consent screen" properly w/ my domain and contact info, but it doesn't seem to be getting applied.
Any ideas?
Based on this article, verification is required when a project is configured for a user type of External and a publishing status of In production, and would want to display the App or Logo name.
Submitting for verification may not be required, based on the current configuration of your OAuth consent screen. Users may not see all of your app's information, including its name and logo, until your project has completed verification.
Additionally, see this list of OAuth verification criteria:
You want to display an icon or display name for your project on the OAuth consent screen.
Your project's OAuth clients request authorization of any sensitive or restricted scopes.
The number of authorized domains for your project exceeds the domain count limit.
There are changes to your project's OAuth consent screen configuration after a previous published, verified configuration.

SaaS Application with Azure AD authentication as MS Teams App with App Studio

My company is using this service Aha! Ideas for internal idea-sharing. Everything is set up correctly with Aha! and the page site loads and requests the email for the user. Once they put it in the Microsoft credentials from the host machine so an SSO and they are redirected to the secure page. On machines where the user has not authenticated against our domain on the workstation, they are redirected to the Microsoft login and after they login, the user is redirected to the site.
So Great!! that is all working perfectly.
Now, I go into App Studio in Microsoft Teams and set up the site to load as an App in the Sidebar. I have added the main URL as a tab, I have set up the Valid Domains and included and I have set ADD App ID to the one used in the SAML2 setup of Aha!.
When I load the app I get the page requesting my email, this is from Aha!, and when I submit it should use SSO from Teams to log me in. I am logged in to Teams using my company Microsoft Account. At a minimum, it should redirect to the and request my username and password. Instead, I get nothing but a blank page.
Anyone have any ideas as to why it's not working, or what I might have done wrong?
'SSO' in the truest sense with Teams -definitely- won't work - it requires changes to the app itself, which you don't control, but even aside from that, depending on how the app ends up doing it's authentication, this still might not work, as you're seeing. Is there maybe a chance Aha! is working on Teams integration?

Not being prompted for OAuth consent when logging into web application

I am writing a SPA web app that is registered as an app in Azure AD. Everything was working fine most of the week; however, when I went to work on it today, I wasn't getting the expected results.
I deleted and recreated the app registration, hoping it would fix the issue, but it made things worse. When I navigate to the URL, I'm redirected to log in to Azure AD. That part works fine. Since I just created the app registration, I would expect to be taken to a page to consent to the application, but instead I'm redirected back to my application.
I check the app registration in Azure, and it does not have me listed as a user of the application.
Because of all of this, I can't acquire tokens to call external APIs (which I have registered in my app registration).
I'm not sure why I am running into this all of the sudden. Any thoughts on why the OAuth consent is being by-passed? I'm starting to wonder if MSFT is having services issues or not, but more than likely, the problem is on my end.
Suggestions on how to troubleshoot are also welcomed!
There's two things you can do to give consent that will likely fix your app. From what it sounds like your app isn't consenting before ADAL.js you use acquireToken (which is a silent call and can't consent).
Go into the Azure Portal > Azure AD > the app you registered, then at the top hit Grant Permissions. This is the equivalent of admin consent and will consent for all users in your tenant.
Run your app and hit login. When you get redirected to the Azure AD sign in page, add to the url &prompt=consent, hit enter and reload the page w/ that parameter and sign in. This will force the consent screen and consent for the current user. You can also append on the prompt=admin_consent if you're signing in w/ an admin account.

Use currently logged in user in Dynamics CRM 2015 configured with IFD, to authenticate against an external MVC application

I have a Dynamics CRM 2015 on premise instance, IFD configured with claims authentication, as recommended from Microsoft, and working OK.
There is also a separate angular application, wrapped in, in ASP.NET MVC web application. The angular part i assume is not related much, but nevertheless, let it be here for complete picture.
I also have it configured to work with ADFS claims authentication, with the point being, the user to be logged in, and using the application, in the same user context in both CRM and web app. So when a user is using the application, he is using it with the user he logged in, in CRM with.
So, when i try to access the app URL, i get redirected to the adfs login, from which after logging in, i get redirected to my app index page. This is working fine as well.
In CRM i have a ribbon button which transfers selected records, to the web app, directly to the web app url, so as Selected records is mentioned here only as info, and it is not related to the problem.
Now, my problem is, when i access CRM, i login to ADFS, and then try to click the button to open web app URL, i get the ADFS login screen again. If i try to login with the same user, i am stuck in a loop without any requests being sent, and the fields are constantly clearing, without the possibility of logging in.
So the users cannot access it anymore. It is not browser related.
Requests are getting sent, and the login request appears in the audit log in event viewer, as successful, but the redirection doesn't seem to happen. Also, it seems to be browser related, not sure how I've missed it before:
IE: I get a windows login instead of ADFS login, and after inputting password, i get redirected, and then logged in OK. This login should not show though.
Chrome: Constant loop, and a console issue logged: The specified value "DOMAIN\USERNAME" is not a valid email address.
Firefox: Fields, are constantly cleared in a loop.
End Correction
If i clear the cache, or firstly login to the web app directly, then there is no problem, and opening the URL from CRM after that works normally.
This issue is turning out to be quite of a drag, as i do not know how to address it. Has anyone had similar issue, with external apps logging in with claims, to let me know what i am missing?
Claims rules for the web app are below:

Get logged in user information in SAML Single Sign On google app engine

I am trying to get the user who is logged in via. SAML Single Sign On.
I have already implemented SAML Single Sign On and it works.
The code I use for programmatic login is :
apps = gdata.apps.service.AppsService(email=username, domain=domain, password=password)
apps.ProgrammaticLogin()"current user %s", users.get_current_user())
//Redirect to a Google mail page.
But users.get_current_user() returns None always even though correct username and password is provided. I have crosschecked it by redirecting the page to Google Mail page and it successfully redirects.
I have googled this issue for hours now nothing goes the right way.
Can anyone please guide me what I am doing wrong ?
There are three different things going on here, I just want to make sure are clear for my suggested answer to make sense:
Google App Engine users service: You, as the developer, delegate authentication and authorization responsibility to Google Accounts (or the selected OpenID provider). Google will act as the Identity Provider and you'll act as the Service Provider.
SAML single sign on: Google delegates to you the authentication and authorization responsibility, you'll act as the Identity Provider and Google will act as the Service Provider. You'll be using SAML SSO every time you try to login any Google service using you Google Apps account, that includes Google App Engine applications using the users service.
ClientLogin: It is one of the methods for authenticating to use a Google API by giving username and password. It's deprecated, it's hard to maintain and insecure since you are hard coding the credentials and the app could have access to everything. I'd recommend switching to OAuth instead. In the first two lines of code You are initializing the Google Apps provisioning API with gdata.apps.service.AppsService, if you are not going to retrieve or create users/groups/alias is useless to do that. If you are I'd also recommend switching to the Directory API part of the new AdminSDK
For your particular case I'd suggest checking if there is a current user logged in, if not redirect to the login URL using the GAE users service.
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:"current user %s",
return redirect(users.create_login_url(request.url))
In case you always require that the user is logged in you better set the handler as login: required
The user will be redirected to the SAML SSO page to log in to his Google Account in order to access the GAE app.
