CakePHP Modal Window Example - cakephp

I'm using cakephp and I'm trying to implement a modal-window for login and singup, similar to the one in "Join Digg! - Login". Does anyone knows about a library/plugin/tutorial/screencast or what ever to achieve a "login modal" in CakePHP?
By the way I already have working all the registration and authentication process, I just need the a modal example, how can I do that?

The popup on Digg is implemented in JavaScript. It looks like they might have their own code for it. One easy alternative that looks very similar is Fancybox. You can set up your login as its own page and show it in an iframe inside Fancybox's popup.
If you look through the Fancybox documentation, you'll find you can hook onto various open/close events which you might use (for example) to reload the main page for the newly authenticated user.
There are other popular "lightbox" JS implementations out there if Fancybox doesn't suit your needs.
You probably don't need a lot of CakePHP magic to make this work—or rather, you've already implemented the magic you DO need.

CakePHP doesn't have any built-in functionality to create modal windows, but jQuery UI does:
I'd recommend this because it's a standard solution and pretty simple to set up. This is what I always use on CakePHP sites for creating and dealing with modal windows.


Microsoft Teams modify Save button in Connector setup page

I am currently working on the setup page for my custom MS Teams Connector.
For inspiration, I was looking into other companies and one particular thing caught my attention.
Teams usually has at the bottom 2 buttons, like here in my setup page:
I have no Problem communicating with them using the #microsoft/teams-js client SKD and could make my page work like it is now. But I got curious how to do it with custom buttons like other Companies.
For example Trello:
Like you can see they moved the buttons up and also have a login button.
I also need to add authentication form my Connector, so I was wondering if its possible to archive a similar layout for my Connector.
For the Setup page I am using web app created with create react app
So my questions are:
Is this possible using react?
If yes how is it done?
I could not find much documentation regarding this topic.
The behavior is by design. Quite a while back we started giving developers more control in the tab configuration flow and allow them to render their own button within the iframe. Everything within that task module is now controlled by the app.

Unable to automate the Angularjs Click through Selenium driver

Is there a possible way to automate the click event of angularjs button, which navigates to a new page in turn.
Something like following is what the original browser code is.
I am able to get to the point where the click event comes into picture, but it is not getting navigated to a different screen.
Any solution to this problem ? Thanks.
Is this for end-to-end testing purposes?
If so, the angular team themselves maintain a fantastic tool called protractor
It provides smart abstractions on top of WebDriverJS/Selenium to allow you to easily find elements by their angular bindings and click through as you have described.

How to set a modules settings in Drupal 7 programmatically? (admin settings) ( not with hook_form_alter() )

I have modules coming with empty admin setup page.
I'd like to set up this module programmatically.
This page is basically a form. I know I can change this form with hook_form_alter() however for this to work I need to go to this page and press save. This is NOT what i'd like to achieve, I'd like to do it programmatically.
What are my options?
(These modules are not my custom codes. I have them from so I have them as they are, I need to write my code that makes this happen. (a module ideally))
Look at the module's code. Most likely, it is storing its configuration in variables, so you should just be able to set the variable from your own code and dodge the form altogether.
The Closest answer can be found here: here
Which says:
look at drupal_form_submit() to programmatically submit a form -- its like visiting the form in a webpage and submitting it without ever opening a browser window. Whatever logic that form does upon submission -- will still happen
Another solution can be that it is storing data as a variable, or just in the database somewhere.

DNN "Welcome to your new website" Pop Up

"Welcome to your new website" popup in DNN 7.2 and above shows some dynamic content. Its visible only to host users and doesn't reappears if "don't show this again" checkbox is checked once.
I need to develop something on similar lines where a popup should appear every-time a user of specific role(and some business logic) logs in. I think about creating a custom module and add it to all pages which could this for me but it seems welcome to your new site popup already tackles this.
Now I need to know if its somehow feasible to alter or extend this popup as per my need. I googled for some time and went through quick search in DNN code but haven't found anything convincing on this. Please suggest if what I think with this popup is feasible or I am searching in wrong path and creating custom module is my only way.
I would think the best way to handle this would be with a custom skin object, and a custom module to manage the announcements.

Salesforce: Adding items to 'Personal Setup' and 'Customize'

I am writing a simple salesforce app that requires app-level and user-level configuration. I have created custom objects for these settings, but cannot figure out how to add links to the Setup page (Personal Setup and Customize) so that the settings can be managed.
Quite a lot of research, and a question on a salesforce board, have left me none the wiser. I have seen a couple of scripts on the web that hack the setup sidebar with javascript (eg ... but this can't be the right way to do it surely?
You are unable to do this without hacking because Salesforce want it so that you don't require over-explicit setup of any app you create - they want you to make it data-independent and in fact it may fail a security review if it is data dependent. It will also likely cause you headaches in correctly unit testing the app.
My suggestion would be to have a set of custom pages which are linked to on the home page for a user which display if they have no current values (so the first thing they see on the home page when they login for the first time is a "Hey, before you use this app you need to do some configuration through this handy wizard" and then block access to other areas of the app (i.e. display warning messages on other pages) if the app has not had this data setup.
That way you are not hacking and are providing a nice user experience around the extra setup.
DO you just want to add a new TAB on the top menu that links to the Edit page for your new sObject?
If so:
Goto setup
Click on 'Create' > 'Tab'
Pick the sObject you want the tab edit, the click next until you save the new tab.
There is no supported way to augment the Setup menu.
You should probably be using Custom Settings for what you are describing - they were designed for app-level and user-level configuration, and are available from Setup.
Otherwise, if it really is custom setup that requires fancier logic / UI / etc, you may want to do what many SFDC ISV's do and ship your app with its own configuration tab that's hidden, and/or custom VF page that manages app settings.
