How do I stub a mobile device in rspec tests? - mobile

I need to test a mobile device via rspec, using mobile_fu is_mobile_device?, but it keeps returning false.
And upon investigation, it is actually querying request.header['X_MOBILE_DEVICE'] value, and this is defined upon running the server and the client it is connected to, and I would like to change it.
I changed it, and it keeps keeping the old value on the fly, so anyone experienced with chaing rack request value, how do I change request.header['X_MOBILE_DEVICE']?


CN1 stop() method not working every time when issuing Rest API call

Is it sensible to use the stop() method to issue a rest api call, and send data up to the cloud (which may take 0.1s-5s based on connectivity)?
I ask, as i can consistently reproduce an issue on the simulator where no data is being sent when i close the app, but it goes if i call the same process via a button. On real devices it seems to work fine, but i am getting occasional customer feedback that it isn't always working, ie. data isn't being sent to the cloud (tho no errors). I cannot reproduce it using my own real devices.
I'm having to code blind and just force it by putting in a new async rest call when i do screen navigation, which does the same as stop() except uses this method
I have my data in a cloud database, fronted by Rest APi's. My app uses storage to store the datetime of when the last upload and download of data was. When i open my app, via start(), it issues a rest call and gets all data, with a datetime stamp > last download datetime. when i close my app i issue another call, via stop(), to send all data locally changed since the last upload datetime, to the cloud. Each record has a lastUpdateDatetime entity property.
That's problematic due to two reasons. First the simpler case:
OS's can invoke stop()/start() quickly so you're app will stop and start almost immediately and this might trigger data corruption if you don't guard against it
The worse problem is that if an operation takes a bit longer some OS's might kill it. You can use background fetch to perform downloads/uploads while your app isn't running and that would solve the technical problem here
Personally, I would just send data on change. If change it too rapid I'd add a time threshold for sending but send during the app running and not on stop(). Notice that on the device the situation is far more complex as it can suddenly decide to kill the app to make room for the phone app or another critical app. You need to program defensively and try to avoid assumptions where possible. & objectify - working ok locally but not on gae?

I am developing a backend using Android Studio and Java.
I use objectify to manipulate entities in Google's Datastore.
The question is the following: everything works ok locally. I can call any of the endpoint and add, update and delete entities. However, anything to do with the same entities do not seem to work on GAE... Is there anything specific required for this to work?
Logs are fairly limited also but it appears all endpoints register properly.
The only thing meaningful out of the GAE and logs section is for return calls being set to 200 but nothing more....
Thoughts? Thanks.
I was looking at the google public issue tracker and saw your code posted there (I am also editing your answer to add said code). I can't help but notice that in your "test.html", you load the function from "localhost:8080". This will obviously break your code whenever you're using it on a client's machine, because it will try to load the function from HIS localhost, which won't have your function in it.
When you're running your code on your production server, you would need to use something like "" to get your function.
Also, I think that you can ONLY pass around either JSON or "JavaBeans" object. And it seems the "Test" you are passing isn't a JavaBeans (it has a constructor with at least a parameter).
The fact it never loads the function properly could also explain why your Logs don't show.

Disable Session.checkAgent for one action

I have built a controller that is uses the media view to stream videos to users. When someone accesses the controller from an iOS device, the user agent being sent is not matching and the session logs out.
I am using the iPad plugin for Flow Player and I have seen other posts about flash not sending the correct user agent strings, so instead of messing with that, I'd like to disable Session.checkAgent for that specific action. I have tried adding it to beforeFilter(), but the check clearly happens before that point.
Is there some other method I can override to implement this?
I haven't tested it, but if you know (part of) the URL, you can check the $_GET['url'] inside your app/Config/core.php and modify the session configuration based upon its value, For example, $_GET['url'] starts with '/videos/view'.
You need to do this inside the configuration file, otherwise the session is already started as you already discovered.
Note that $_GET['url'] is only used in older versions of CakePHP. For newer versions of CakePHP, you may need to user $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] or another $_SERVER environment variable.

EJB 3.1 lookup returns null remote object

I am using EJB3 deployed on WAS 8.
I am accessing this EJB from my WEB server using Context.lookup.
This look up works fine and the entire application works fine for the first time after WAS is restarted.
However when I run the application for the second time, the look up does happen, but a NULL value is returned.
I dont get any exception or error or any logs on WAS.
Again if I restart the WAS, the application works well.
Can anyone please guide what the issue can be?
Remote references are connection-less proxies. If the application is redeployed/undeployed or there is network failure, the proxies are invalidated.
You can use ServiceLocator pattern for caching the references of the remote objects. You can remove & again re-create them with JNDI lookup when they become invalid.

how to handle huge volume of data transfer in gwt?

I have to transfer a huge number of data from database to client side using gwt RPC.
the data gets fetched by the service but during mapping of bean it returns error.
Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'org.springframework.context.annotation.internalScheduledAnnotationProcessor'
- on terminal
Something other than an int was returned from JSNI method '': JS value of type Java Object$DispatchObjectOOPHM, expected int - on browser
why might this happen?
It's a known bug in Chrome when using dev mode. It's been there for a while. It is tracked here. The only workaround for now is to use Firefox instead of Chrome.
