iTerm2 Color Coding on Symfony Website - color-scheme

I am looking for the color coding for iTerm they used on the screencast on Does anybody know?
I googled and found a lot different color schemes, but they only affect background color, fonts etc. but they do not differ between the type of elements within your terminal window.
Any hints?

Did you mean the solution for colorful output for terminal from symfony console tool?
The colorful output formatter is originally supported from symfony console script itself, you might add the parameter --ansi to check the result:
php app/console --ansi


Slyling codename one application using .css text files

A few of months ago I watched this vido Steve Hanna video.
It describes a good way to apply style in a "Codename One application" using .css text files.
Does current version of "Codename One Plugin (3.6)" allow me to do that?
Do I need to install some .cn1lib module to make this feature work?
I would have written this as a comment, but I don't have enough reputation.
I would be very happy if you adopted Steve's cn1-css plugin into Codename One. I use it every day, and vastly prefer it to messing with the GUI theme/resource editor.
I use a lot of "custom" rounded rectangles with background color, and I'd much rather make a quick edit to a text file (.css) than "start over" in a paint application, divide image into pieces, etc. CSS is quicker and a lot less error prone (for me, at least).
Perhaps I am missing an "obvious" solution to this problem of "I want to try out a different bg color, or a different border radius," or maybe cn1-css is this obvious solution?
I am very grateful to Steve for writing this cn1-css plugin!
This is a feature Steve worked on in his spare time and integrated via an extensions which you can install with these instructions. We are looking for feedback on this feature and we are trying to gauge the desire to roll it into Codename One proper.
We know a few people use it but we're still looking for feedback.

New Gui does not accept placement "Right" on a command

I try to add a command on the new Gui with right placement but it adds automatically overflow to the .java file.
The Preview design shows it correct
but the simulator shows as overflow
Is it a bug?
Thanks in advance
This seems to be a bug in the GUI builder, we filed a lot of issues so please file this there too. It should work although might require you to go thru the steps again.
I would also suggest looking within the .gui file and seeing that the command generation looks correct.

Google Earth API in Silverlight Application

I have been handed over a Silverlight 4 application that uses the Google Earth API. We have an issue with newer versions of Google Earth: In Internet Explorer, the map displays as a white background with the text "ATL 10.00". In other browsers, the background is just white (cannot see any text).
It works with Google Earth version but not in any version after that.
I have read this thread
- but none of the suggestions there worked. I must note, though, that the JavaScript code for initializing GE in Silverlight is rather complex, but as far as I can se, the initialization of GE is done in the google.setOnLoadCallback function.
It would be nice, if someone knows what exactly the "ATL 10.00" message means.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Please let me know if I should clarify in further detail.
The problem was caused by 2 things and probably a combination of the two:
1. The container for the map was added dynamically with JavaScript into another div
2. The container's width and height was set to 0 in order to hide the map.
So, the solution for me was to render the containing div together with the rest of the DOM. In order to "hide" the map, I positioned it absolute beyond the bounds of the screen.
Hope this can guide others to solve similar problems.
ATL in referring to the Active Template Library in Windows. ATL in Windows is a set of template-based C++ classes that let developers create COM objects (rather like MFC and ActiveX).
10.00 here simply refers to version of ATL being used. Seeing it probably means that the COM object (GEPlugin in this case) has not been created or initialised properly in the browser. The blank screen with the version number in the centre is what the plugin looks like before it loads content.
So, it is not really an error message at all - indeed one could say it is really the failure of an error message to appear that you are seeing.
Anyhow, to answer your question in simple terms it means than the version of ATL that was used to create the plugin was version 10.00.
In practical terms it means that the plugin failed to initialise properly for some reason.

Is there a tool for helping the extraction of localizable text from Xaml?

I am tasked with the localization of a Windows Phone 7 application. The first step is to replace the actual visible text with an ID and put the ID and the text in a resource file.
This is a very tedious work and I was wondering if there are tools for this to automate?
I am thinking along the lines of the gettext package and .po files used in the linux world.
Here is a codeplex project that may help you some. To use this method, each control that is to be localized must have the name property assigned.
I tried it with my existing project, and got results that were mixed, but in the long run, I decided to do it by hand. I don't remember specifically what the problems were that I had, but if you want to try it on a copy of your project, it won't take much time. If it works for you (and if your controls to be localized all have names), it could save you time.
Also, I don't know how familiar you are with localizing, but I wrote a blog on the subject that takes you from start to finish. It's at, click Blogs.
Hope this helps.
I know this will get a lot of traditional answers, but I would also like to put forward something completely original we tried (and succeeded) doing ourselves for more efficient localisation of Silverlight using Attached Properties instead of binding:
Localisation of Silverlight projects after completion
To pre-populate the database we wrote a XML parser to find our markers in all our project's XAML files (XAML is just a subset of XML after all). We could not find any existing tools to do what you suggested, but our requirements were simplified by our new method of localisation (no resource files and no horrid bindings).
(yes, this is almost the same answer as a previous one of mine today, but it seems to fit again).
Also for future reference keep an eye out for this tool: This tool will go in private beta soon and looks very promising. Judging from their preview movie this will do exactly what you asked for.

Build custom Extjs for panel

I'm using an extjs panel that shows information that the user can show or hide. Everything works smoothly. But ext-all.js's size is too big and I've been looking around and saw that there is a possibility to customize it to just use the parts you need. I tried the site's "Build your own" but says the page is not found.
Anyone knows how to reduce the size of the ext-all.js? Or build a custom one?
You can build your own extjs with jsbuilder, which is a software (exists in java and in python.
You'll have to modify the .jsb file, in order to manage dependencies. You can look at how the pkgs files are built.
This is quite difficult, though, to find your way through the dependencies.
The command line looks like (on linux) :
java -jar /path/to/JSBuilder2.jar --projectFile $BUILDDIR/ext-lsi.jsb2 --homeDir $DESTDIR
I use it often, it's working well now.
But I'm quite sure this will be another adventure for Ext4.
Sencha Forum about jsbuilder
In your download of ExtJS there is a pkgs directory which contains some prebuilt parts.
