DataBinding error -DataGridView in Winforms - winforms

I'm new to VB.NET, Windows Application, and DataGridView.
This is a very basic error which I'm suffering now. I have a stored procedure to retrieve data from the database. I stored those data in a DataSet and tried to view it in a DataGridView. I used this code for databinding which is throwing the error:
The second line in the code is throwing an error:
Property access must assign to the property or use its value.
How can I solve this?

There is no DataGridView1.DataBindings() when dealing with Winforms, it's practical in Webforms.
Just remove the last line and leave the following:

Perhaps you meant:
You haven't provided enough code to check that everything is in place, but I suggest you work your way through this:

use DataGridView1.Databind()
hope that helped...


Me.Close() not working in VB with WPF

I'm using VB with WPF and I am trying to close an application... the code I usually use ( Me.Close() ) is not working this time. The error it gave me was BC30545.. but it didn't help me understand the issue. Thanks for any solutions you all respond with.
The error code BC30545 corresponds with this message:
Property access must assign to the property or use it's value
Make sure you don't have another method/property/control with the same name (For example, a button on your form called "Close"
In the case of this example, you'd rename to something like CloseBtn so that it doesn't interfere.

Backbone.Paginator : cannot read property 'requestPager' why?

I downloaded the Backbone.Paginator production version. I went through the example, copied and pasted everything exactly the way it appears, but I keep getting cannot read property 'requestPager'. What am I doing wrong? I already made the reference to the backbone.paginator.min.js, what else do I need to do?
If I remove paginator, my application works fine. It displays data without any issue.
The problem was that I had referenced backbone.paginator after my collections. It's small things like these that I still have to get used to and be aware of.

Dynamic in xaml Data Template selector

Ok I found this wonderful idea on code project.
The idea is great add all your data templates to collection in your list box. Tell each one what to look for (a type) and what data template to use when it runs into that type. The problem is that the included source code is different from the on page code and I can't seen to get any combination of it to work. Even adding the missing quotation marks and changing the type to a local class instead of the non-accessible string and int32 classes.
So the question is. What am I doing wrong?
Should be totally redundant when you have DataTemplate.DataType.

The tag 'XXX' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:YYY'

I have implemented a converter to convert Int32 to String to be able to binding a property to a textBox.
I implement this converter in the namespace MyApp.Converters and it is called Int32ToStringConverter.
Then, in my axml I add the reference to my converter as follow:
<Window x:Class="MusicaDB.Views.PrincipalView"
**xmlns:converter="clr-namesapce:MyApp.Converters, aseembly=MyApp**">
Later, in windows.Resources I have:
<**converter:Int32ToStringConverter** x:Key="Int32ToStringConverter" />
I get the error that the tag Int32ToString converter does not exist in the namespace MyApp.Converters,assembly=MyApp.
I have the project in the local hard drive, in the project properties, the destination .NET is framework 4.0, not framework 4.0 client profile and I try to clear the solution and recompile but the problem persists.
Mainly, this is the two solutions that I always find, but don't resolve my problem.
Three fixes to make here:
No spaces -> xmlns:converter="clr-namesapce:MyApp.Converters,aseembly=MyApp"
No misspellings -> xmlns:converter="clr-namespace:MyApp.Converters,assembly=MyApp"
Right delimiters -> xmlns:converter="clr-namespace:MyApp.Converters;assembly=MyApp"
From the the documentation:
Note that the character separating the clr-namespace token from its value is a colon (:) whereas the character separating the assembly token from its value is an equals sign (=). The character to use between these two tokens is a semicolon. Also, do not include any whitespace anywhere in the declaration.
Another possible solution to this problem is that you're not using the same version of .Net in your project and your library.
I am exploring as to why this is happening, but if your converter is in the main assembly, removing the assembly= from your xmlns:converters tag should remove that build error.
For the record ...
I've face a similar problem and if I removed the ";assembly=X" part from the XAML it worked fine
But don't really understand the reason.
As suggested in this blog:
I see two possible causes. The first is that you misspelled "assembly" as "aseembly" in the first starred line. Changing the spelling might be enough. The second possibility is that you haven't added MyApp.dll to your project references, which appear like this
in Visual Studio.
All answers are right. And after trying all of them and you cannot configure why its happening, everything seems alright, Please restart the Visual studio.
That worked for me after wasting almost 1 hour. I found everything ok, but restarted the VS with administration.
use the assemble tag only if it is in another project.
other wise use just namespace tag alone.
For me this fixed the issue
In my situation, I had the same problem with xmlns:local="clr-namespace:<mydefaultnamespace>".
I solved this changing the order of the includes. I put it first and all was solved.
A strange behaviour, but this was my workaround that I found in my situation.
In my case, the assembly which contained the namespace was not physically there.
I checked the references of the assembly that had the build error and looked at the properties of the referenced assembly in question.
I navigated to the path and discovered the assembly was indeed missing (which I realised was my own doing), giving rise to the misleading error.
There is one very obscure case when you get this error - if you're using Microsoft.mshtml.dll and you upgrade to Windows 10 anniversary edition, or as it turns out the Creator edition too.
Even if this isn't what happens to you make sure the library containing the component that cannot be found can be fully compiled. Look in the error list (not the grid but the Output console) for any clues.
In my case I was using Microsoft.mshtml.dll as part of an HTML editor and it was unregistered somehow (in the GAC).
The following article explains with screenshots:
In short I had to run a Visual Studio command prompt (as admin) run these commands:
cd C:\Windows\assembly\GAC\Microsoft.mshtml\7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a
regasm Microsoft.mshtml.dll
I did say obscure :-) The important point is to read the errors that may be buried amongst all your warnings because there might be an important clue.
This can be especially confusing if an Operating system update suddenly breaks your project.
I was temporarily replacing a NuGet dll with a local one when this happened. Turned out the assembly was not the same version as the one I was replacing. I built my assembly with the correct version and it worked.

How do you reference a field in the Embedded Code of an SSRS report

Is there a proper way to reference the fields of a ssrs report from the embedded code of an ssrs report?
When I try to use Fields!Program.Value I get the following error --
There is an error on line 3 of custom code: [BC30469]
Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
Upon googling I found you could reference the Parameters of a report by prepending Report. at the beginning. So I tried this Report.Fields.Program.Value.
That results in the following error...
There is an error on line 3 of custom code: [BC30456] 'Fields' is not a member of 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ExprHostObjectModel.IReportObjectModelProxyForCustomCode'.
So... in summary, is there a way to reference the fields from the embedded code. I figured out I could pass the field vals to the function itself but I would prefer to reference the fields directly.
You have to pass it in as a parameter.
You do have two other alternatives to passing by parameter, though neither is very pretty.
(Beware! After I wrote the following paragraph I discovered defaults from queries are not supported in local processing mode so this first solution may not be viable for you as it was not for me.)
You can create a hidden report parameter with a default value set from a dataset, then reference this with the Report.Parameters!MyParam.Value syntax. You have to be careful when testing this, as (at least in BI studio 2005) the report parameters don't seem to get reliably re-initialised from the DB in the Preview tab.
Alternatively you can create a hidden textbox on the report with its text set from a dataset, and then reference the textbox from code. In this case you have to pass the ReportItems object as a parameter, but the slight advantage is that it is only ever one extra parameter. Be sure to strongly type the parameter when declaring it:
public Sub MyCustomCode(ri as ReportItems)
The code will work in BI studio without the type declaration but for me it caused errors with the report viewer control in local processing mode if 'as ReportItems' was not present.
In either case, this is only really useful for page level data, so functions for use in a table should still take parameters.
